Should Esmeralda be black in the upcoming Hunchback live action? It’s way more politically relevant than being a gypsy

Should Esmeralda be black in the upcoming Hunchback live action? It’s way more politically relevant than being a gypsy.

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>Ever getting a live-action remake
Ha, good one

Where have you been?

They aren't going to make a remake of the Hunchback, but Gypsy are more darker skinned but not full on black
t. someone whose fav Dizzy movie is Hunchback
also wasn't your last bait thread about Ariel just deleted?

Black gypsy Esmeralda would be cool.

Phoebus will also be black.
Frollo will be a Trump proxy trying to keep immigrants out.

> same fagging

No, she is already a minority. They only race bend white people.

They race bend white people into ethnicities they can make money off. Can't make money off gyppos.

>That sexy body
>That slutty gaze
Goddamn.... no wonder Frollo went full genocidal on Paris to get her pussy.

Let's be honest in the real world she'd jump anyone with money. She'd be marrying Frollo within a week.

They race bent the Ancient One into a white person.

She was with a knight, she wasn't going to get it on with a priest who swore vows of celibacy. If they were found out she would still burn.

You can't say gypsy anymore, it's racist

>she wasn't going to get it on with a priest who swore vows of celibacy
>Paid like a hooker without any of the work

Esmeralda is actually a french girl either given away or kidnapped as a baby by gypsies, she's not actually Roma in any way.
Isn't she blonde in the book too?

Chinese money is a powerful, persuasive force user

Meagan Tandy should play her.Frollo should be played by Capaldi.

Pure and utter racism that they didn't make Mulan Black. We all know that Chinese people back then were about 40% of the population Black so it makes no sense to have Asians in the movie.

Tell that to romanians,that country is racist to gypsies,they hate them a lot.

Frollo in this version is a judge not a priest. He doesn’t have to be celibate but he chooses or because sex before marriage is a sin. Also apparently Frollo was only suppose to be 40 but looked much older because of all the stress and never smiling.

Sure. Nobody care about actual representation or gypsy, especially not americans, so you'll be good as long as she is non-caucasian.

Pretty racist, desu.

>Esmeralda is actually a french girl
In the book? Yes. In Disney's movie? No.

For good reason, I'm just saying retards in america will get pissy if you call someone a gypsy nowadays

There were no blacks in medieval france

I hope they keep her a gypsy, wether or not she's a black gypsy isn't that important to me

>politically relevant

In 14th century Paris?

Black people were all over the world and made up half the population in europe you racist shitlord

Blunch black of blotre blame will be a good movie