I miss him bros

I miss him bros

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>no love for my boy 1610
Classic Parker!

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I never got into Bagley's anorexic Peter.

Why she's looking like a tranny?

Way better than muscle man spider man


I will never get over Bendis just REPLACING him with that bland fuck Miles.

Is there anyone who has suffered more than him? He lost so much in just nine months, I'm surprised he didn't kill himself or quit for good.

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>I'm late for class
Oh no, Dr. Connors' class, I got so caught up in what I was doing I forgot all about it! He's gonna kill me...

Don't worry, his cancerous taint still lives on somewhat in the MCU

I miss female character been drawn hot and with revealing outfits.
everbody in ultimate was a total hottie

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Will they ever return to the ultimate universe and explain how and why he was revived

I still wait for marvel to re-release ultimate spider-man and censor about 80% of all its female artwork

When does he get revived?

is the ultimate universe still technically destroyed?

I really got cucked by marvel, I droped USM when pete died and picked it back up when they revived him but then they destroyed the ultimate universe for no real reason

god forbid he actually looks like a teenager huh

I always kind of dug it.

I think the Maker has it

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I was confused by the revived bit. Wasn't it not actually him or something? And if it was him, how was he alive?

Iirc they said it was because he got his power from the same stuff that made Norman the goblin so he has a simile healing factor
I was honestly hoping that after they revived him that they would have made him the new captain America

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #1

They are bringing back Hank Pym and Green Goblin to Miles Morales's solo soon.

He is technically alive again. Bendis brought back the Ultimate universe in Spider-Men 2.

Hoping this ship can happen in e Ultimate Universe

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Ultishit Spiderman is fucking shit, i wonder why you shit taste faggots keep bringing it up. Bendis literally took all the good "classic" parts and then rubbed his penis all over it, then replaced Petee with a nigger for brownie point when he got bored

Ultimate Osborn's Goblin formulas make people immortal now for some reason

Since Spiderman's spider is a sub branch of it, Spiderman is now also immortal. And by associating, so is Mile

I miss her bros

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>Character whose sole personality revolves around "i had a dick but now i dont"

A shit

If he fucks Ultimate Jessica Drew will it be selffucking or what

Well it's selfcest, and he is fucking a clone of himself. So yeah

And honestly Peter should consider it. Will make it fun and cute to see

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Fuck off summerchild

Still mad that they never followed up on Liz being a mutant. She finally became friends with Peter, then fucks off and never returns



Imagine being this gay.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Looking back on it, Ultimate Pete had it rough. Cringe-inducing rough.
>Has movie made about him
>gets no money from it, director goes as far as using footage of Peter to make the move better
>Is mocked in commercials showing him as a home invader getting beaten up by Flash
>Has his identity found out many, MANY times
>Black Cat vomited on his penis and never spoke to him again until like a couple of weeks before he died
>Kingpin found out his identity, tortured him, and pretty much owned the Spider-Man likeness to which he made tons of money off of, Peter got nothing
>Gets his ass kicked all the time
>Gets abducted and tortured by Shocker
>Gets abducted by Silver Sable
>Gets his shit stolen by Black Widow
>Gets blamed for the death of Michael Stacy (for some reason George is Michael in 1610, get it?)
>gets abducted and tortured by Doc Ock
>Gets broken up with Gwen before he dies because 'oh you and MJ, yeah' and then she starts showing an until then unheard of interest in Johnny Storm
>has a female clone that's a government agent and does a bunch of cool shit while he's working at a fast food joint
>He doesn't get to fuck her whenever
>has a hot mutant ex-gf that his dumbass broke up with that still pines for him

>Dies just after finding out he'll be trained by Iron Man and Cap, and have his college paid by Jonah, and Jonah will do his best to let the world know he's a hero
Ultimate Pete had a fucked up life. I can't even enjoy Ultimate Spider-Man in hindsight.

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I am sorry that you have shit taste

But he's back, in the end of Spider-Men II the last few pages showed that the Ultimate Universe was revived and Peter was there

I really like that, tortured heroes are the best. At least I did until he was replaced, then it became pathetic.

Eh... It would have been better if it showed in his character growth, but he didn't grow as a character at all. Unsurprising, but again looking back on it, I just can't enjoy Ultimate Spidey. I like it for what it was but... oh boy.Ohhh boy.

Best thing about it was Carnage Gwen and clonecest-bait Lady Ben- I mean Jessica.

True, his development was lacking, I kept thinking he'd get there eventually but then he just died

that's the only way to make a tranny character relateable to irl trannies though. like any sufficiently gay faggot, their sexual degenercy replaces all other aspects of their identity and personality

Riri being there made no sense

>9 months
The most unbelievable part

Bendis just couldn't help himself there

How did Bagley's art get so much worse from when he started? In less than a decade he went from one of Marvel's best talents to samefaced, beak-nosed shit like this

And more thing
Since she is literally Peter with no dick and tits does she have feelings for MJ? Like getting her pussy wet thinking of redhead bimbo

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Who is that with them saying "Great:? I forgot who were in the New Ultimates

It's Kitty Pryde, the other girl is bombshell I think

marvels sjw policy killed his desire to try

Oh right, Jess hits on Kitty on the very next page

Are there any panels of Ultimate Peter in the suit but unmasked, and smiling? I feel like I remember one that is iconic to me but don't know if it actually ever happened.

Who got it worse, Ultimate Spiderman Peter or 616 Peter?

This makes no sense
If Male Peter is straight than a female clone should also be straight
Unless they're implying that homosexuality isn't genetic

She has Peter's memories that's why

He is having fun in the ultimate universe, like in pic related

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Patrican taste.

I don't quite get what you're thinking.The brain isn't saying "You're attracted to people of the same sex" It's saying "You're attracted to people of THAT sex" Changing the sex of the person doesn't change anything about that. A male peter is attracted to women and a female peter is still attracted to women.

Also, do you really think it's genetic? If that was the case it would have been the shortest fad ever once it became legal, gay people fuck their own sex, have no children and gays die out. You could explain away it lasting through being illegal by saying that gay people were just marrying women and having kids but in the modern age that just sounds fucking insane.

>that Jim Halpert face in the last panel

My dudes
>that story where Peter's smashing Jessica's ass in Houston as the Scarlet Spiders

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Do you think Jessica misses her penis? Is she still attracted to girls? Would it be gay if she hooked up with a guy?

>genderbent clone that remembers being a heterosexual male should be into guys

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I really don't want another PeterXMJ romance. Let this end for this so Peter can score some Selfcest romance

Thank you

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It's fucking confusing man. They say 'born this way', but Jessica was born as girl and then had her mind rearranged by a telepath or something to help her with Peter's memories. Or something?
But she was also firstly shown to be attracted to Johnny Storm. Peter isn't into dudes, so that attraction to men is unique to her. Which would mean she's 'naturally' straight, and it's only her memories of being Peter that make her into girls.
Which means she's not a legit lesbian, she just remembers liking girls and rides on that trend, and it's likely that remembering being a guy makes her disinclined from liking guys at all.

Clonecest is the best.

>9 months
You mean to tell me the entire USM happens in just 9 months?

(not that guy) I think I remember Bendis saying every 100 issues are equivalent to a year passing in-story

Jesus Christ.
Poor Peter.

Though I seem to remember that he'd recently turned 15 at the start and dies only a couple days after being 16.