Finally, after 13 years everyone's favorite team of celebrity mutants is back, and they're never been less dead!
Giant-Size X-Statix Storytime
why do boomers pirate comics? fucking commies
>some of us have difficult postmodern novels to finish
Ah, we've all been there.
>two gay guys in bed
Fuck this SJW propaganda
Milligan is dead to me now
Bumping because X-Statix
>evil dada shock troops
So they're just ripping off ideas from Doom Patrol?
Looks like we're getting even more X-Statix come next year! Truly, this is the best timeline. If you enjoyed this storytime, please support the creators and go pick up a copy or three at your nearest LCS!
>sjw rewriting of the past
fuck this. them being ashamed of the old costume and censoring it from now on makes it a drop for me
I'm not going to follow a series that drops one issue a year, that's horrendous.
The first panel really bothers me for some reason. The fact that they're making fun of the old-timey "behold" while NOT making fun of the already tired super wacky post-Vertigo "dada shock troops" says something about the inability to adapt and move on but I can't quite put it into words at the moment
In case anyone else's Doopspeak is rusty
Do I really need to learn this? Gee whiz
Finally something worth reading from Marvel.
You sound like an idiot.
Why not, it's cheaper than following a monthly
Ah, memories...
How is his music taste inexplicable? He just likes it
She's showing her tits off in the fucking cover dude, it's just the paneling.
God man.
I kind of agree? Like Zerigeist could've at least done a smooth, "Super Villains say behold." comeback or something. The big thing about X-Force/Statiks was that it was an incredibly current book and while a lot of its ideas are super relevant now, some aren't.
Then again this is a book about an old team of wash ups fighting a guy literally called Zetigeist so maybe that's the idea.
I guess you haven´t read it
they are saying the old costume is sexist. already setting up it getting deleted
Recycling old ideas is the current Zeitgeist
oohhh, this is fun. didn't know it came out today either.
Got some Doopspeak Translations here:
>I forgot how touchy you were.
>I've designed you a new suit. No vpl (?).
>No hay problema
Fuck you Carlos.
What's his fucking problem?
You know, if you really think about it, are there *that* many mutant powers better than 'having a gun'?
Sure, explosive sweat is kind of a cool power, but that does stop a dude firing an M16 at you? Cyclops (for example) and Havok have powers that make firearms look like toys, but they aren't any more bulletproof. Acid-vomit man is still screwed if people are shooting at him, and Werewolf Man is going to have problems if he can't regenerate (Since he's basically a fast-moving wild animal).
Like, was the original Angel super-strong or something? Being a man who can fly would seem to make you an enormous target.
Angel could fly and that was enough in those days.
Sanguinius from 40K could fly, but he had a lot of additional shit. Notably, his wings were strong enough to lift him into the air when he was in full armor (And likely weighing several tons).
The Beast just had big hands and feet.
Think he's joking,
Milligan has written like this since uuuh
Considering his primary works (Enigma and Shade the Changing Man) both have gays and bis as protagonists? Yes, I'm thinking it's bait.
thank you, user
too bad that as usual, nothing Scrappy Doop says is funny or interesting enough to care
He flew really hard...
Sentinels appeared like 3 times tops before the All-New All-Different team debuted.
You guys think everything is SJW propaganda.
Yes dude, Morrison invented Dadaism, so clearly he's the only one allowed to use it or the term, for sure.
Aren't you kind of misrepresenting what people are saying in order to start an argument?
It's just teen banter
You mean good? Yeah, it's been ages
That doesn’t make sense.
Morrisonfags are all autistic
When did Guy Smith come back to life?
Morrison being trash does not make Milligan not trash. Two trashbags.
>love of Death Metal
literally me
it's DADA not dadaism, the movement went against all the conventions including categorizations including the -ism suffix, therefore 'DADA' or 'dada movement' is more appropriate and won't make you sound like a plebeian if you ever pass by /ic/ i guess.
>hates Milligan
>goes to Milligan storytime anyway
Neat, thanks user.
I've seen people in here and other places being very fond of X-Statix, and this one-shot has also been well received... I don't know anything about them though, but I'm kinda jealous that there's something people are enjoying this much and I'm not part of it!
I guess I just don't like the X-Men much beyond their cosmic side but what's the main draw to this series? Is it the art?
>Recycling old ideas is the current Zeitgeist
I know ehat you dit there.
read it
You just want to get into an argument for the sake of it, don't you?
Maybe taking influences but not outright stealing.
this was really good. bumpity bump
It's less of a typical X-Men series and more of a satire of celebrity culture. It also moves past the whole "mutant racism" themes that have gotten kind of tired at this point. But like said, you should really read it for yourself to get a feel for it. Start with X-Force 116 and go from there.
It's called a retcon, user.
It's also a meta commentary on the X-Men itself and its fandom who is unable to move from ''muh iconic team'' or ''muh ship''.
Well yes that is interesting enough for me, I will give it a read. Thanks for the summary.
>How can something so grossly misshapen look so feminine?
We get it, Myles, you're gay.
I wouldn't say it moves past mutant racism as much as says that the public accepts mutants as long as they're entertaining them. The public still thinks most mutants are scum.
Milligan and Morrison have been ripping off each other's stuff since the 80s desu
Morrison downright describes shit he took from Milligan in Supergods (besides, they're buddies so it's ok)
Honestly, the dada group themselves (or just Tzara, I think) claimed dada was dead and turned into dadaism to show how dead it was in one of the last manifesto
If anything, Angel was actually weaker than a normal human being because at some point I'm fairly sure his ossature was claimed to be hollow like a bird's.
That was great, thanks OP.
Remember how Darwin power was ''to adapt to everything to survive'' and that allowed him to adapt into a norse deity to survive? Or how Doug Ramsey power was to speak any language and that allowed him ''to speak the language of the reality''? Powercreep is what really ruined the concept of mutants.
>The X-Cellent
I-I can't believe this team name hasn't been done before. It just seems so obvious now.
God damn it! Not my X-Statix omnibus is even more worthless than it originally was by virtue of being a comic book omnibus!
This was something that was kind of going on back when the first series dropped (which I guess was also around the New X-Men?), in which both Morrison and Milligan tried to portray mutant culture in the same way contemporary society (at least back then) deals with gay culture, where yeah, it's the gheys who are on the cultural (at least mainstream) avant-garde and are accepted by society as a role in that circle, but are shunned once they're not so fashionable and glamorous anymore.
Of course Marvel then kinda ignored that and went back to literal state-funded witch hunts.
Ramsey's problem was lack of creativity to make him useful on the writers' part, Darwin's was just dumb because in one of his earliest appearances it's established he'll just play possum (his actual frist one) or teleport away (when the Hulk gets to him, very early on some event) when he can't deal with the threat.
Though to be honest in his case I like his power being absurd and over the top.
Dead cunt.
Characters like Ramsey or Karma are difficult to write because their powers rewuire the writer to be extremely creative with them, and since most writers are hacks they tend to powercreep their powers to make them easier to write.
Yeah, while mutant powercreep is very real, a good writer can make almost anything work because there is very little need (or demand) for verossimilitude in cape books (as long as you know how to do it).
Even the stupid "language of reality" thing could work in the certain hands, I'm sure Morrison has done something similar at some point.
Right* hands I am a bit ESL and very high.
I wish I were high.
You know, I would love to read a book about a team of mutants with hard to use or useless/almost useless to combat mutant powers like Angel, Doug Ramsey, Darwin, Karma, Skin, Maggot and others. The whole thing would be them fighting a larger than life threat only to defeat at the end with a the help of powercreep.
That bald fuck is ugly as a sin. Then again, Verlaine used to be lovers with Rimbaud so he most complete him in some way.
That bald fuck is ugly as a sin. Then again, Verlaine used to be lovers with Rimbaud so he must complete him in some way.
Poor Venus.
He's kind of a cliche middle age gay intellectual. I've had professors like him in art school, and I have a friend who's into older guys who's going out with them all the time. They're kind of like the equivalent of the beta orbiter? They're these tired guys who'll take any broken guy willing to throw them some sex because they know they're becoming disform blobs with no real drive to live anymore.
>They're these tired guys who'll take any broken guy willing to throw them some sex because they know they're becoming disform blobs with no real drive to live anymore
Aren't we all becoming that although?
I am having a why boner right now.
I do not come to these threads to feel like this.
Lucky professors. Be sure to look out for your bimbo friend though. Some bad geese might be hiding amidst those mild ducks.
thanks op
Karma can possess people. How is that a useless power?
As far as I remember, she could possess people but her body couldn't move or do anything while possessing someone.
Thanks OP. Though this book was pretty disappointing. Felt like the kind of soulless sequel old-school X-Statix would have made fun of. Although the new series focusing on the "evil team" of X-Cellents gives me hope for something fresh.
mfing doop
oh shit
>that jennifer lopez callback
For $5, this is a hard pass.
I mean the character literally has his arm destroyed in this comic. Being hungry for fame or at least family is more important to x-statix than actual good powers
VPL = Visible Panty/Penis Line I presume
Imagine shilling for this flop
Imagine being so needed for attention that you have to play retarded on the internet.