I finally saw it, are we still talking about it or did I miss the boat
why the fuck did they have to show woody's stuffing being ripped out of him like that, jesus
Toy Story 4
>45 minutes no replies
Damn, guess I really did miss the boat
It was wholly unremarkable. Not a shit show like most here hoped for, but still nowhere near the first 3. All in all it'll become the forgotten Toy Story movie
How's the box office? 'nither billion for based Disney?
General consensus is:
>Bo Peep bossing Woody around feels OOC
>Buzz being retarded about his inner voice is OOC
>Also Buzz barely does anything
>Gabby Gabby is a great villain
>Forky kind of disappears 35 minutes into the movie
>Ducky and Bunny added nothing to the story
>"Why the fuck is Bonnie suddenly bored of Woody when Toy Story 3 and every Toy Story short suggested otherwise? He should've fucking stayed with Andy."
>Woody leaving his kid because he feels useless goes against his loyalty trait from every previous movie
Am I missing anything?
did these movie went trough rewrites?
When the girl who played Anne in Parks & Rec left, I think there was some report they rewrote like, 85% of the film.
People talk about how Buzz didn't really do anything, but one of my biggest issues was that barely any of the toys did anything.
Like why even bother bringing them on the trip if all they're going to do is look sad when they learn Woody hasn't made it back? In 3 Mr. Potatohead was really important for the escape and Mrs. Potatohead had the eye in Andy's room to see what was going on. That's the kind of stuff I wanted to see in 4: toys besides Woody/Bo Peep/new characters doing stuff.
I also feel like they could've made Bo Peep acting so differently seem more natural if they added a line or two like "holy fuck living out on the street has changed you a lot" and made her closer to her original personality in the flashback with RC. Pretty much all of is accurate.
And a lot of other stuff felt a bit rushed.
Still enjoyed it, but not as much as the others.
>goes against his loyalty trait
How do retarded fucks not understand that Woody dedicated his life to helping lost toys find their own "Andy?" It's the most logical progression for his character after going through what he went through in 2 and 3.
Why did Bo Peep's voice change in TS4? It was the same voice actress iirc
I thought the same thing but I realized that it's been 20 years since we last heard her in Toy Story 2.
>Gabby Gabby is a great villain
Then why was he willing to throw himself in the attic for who knows how long instead of feeling at that point that he's fulfilled his purpose?
>I also feel like they could've made Bo Peep acting so differently seem more natural if they added a line or two like "holy fuck living out on the street has changed you a lot" and made her closer to her original personality in the flashback with RC
I felt like the script went to heavy rewrites but they ended up being a cobbler of many different scripts, i think the way Bo Beep acted was not so much of strong independent woman but more like a bit of a arrogant cynical jerk, that it was going all over her head, it was there, but it was not taken advantage really, like it was not a bad thing, this should have done the stupid force ''break up'' trope work better becuase of more of a disagreement with ideas, even Bo Beep scoffing up woody felt liek he meant nothing to her and just seeing him as a whiny nuisance, and of course since this is modern woke disney, they had to threw the ''woody was wrong ALL ALONG and Bo Beep was the very best at the end'', dont deny it, it was there, it wasn't as much of a mean spirited slap in the face as it was with Last Jedi, but it still there, it expands like a disease.
at the very least don't have the broke trope undone 5 minutes later by saying ''that's why i love him'', THEN WHY DID YOU TURN YOUR BACK ON HIM!?, also the way woody said to her ''a lost toy like you would nevr understand loyalty, came off so damn forced just to have Woody be in the absolute wrong, in spite of what i mention of all the subtle hints of Bo Beep being the one coming off as self absorbed and prideful, hell i could accept it Bo Beep not trying to come off like the better person and act more whiny towards Woody due to her being offended at Woody telling her that she was being kinda wreckless and the whole empowerment thing was being all over her head, and then have her she the one who screws up, have her having reality smack her in the face like a ton of bricks, that no matter how capable she can become, she can still screw up...
since they got rid of Lasseter and in the normie's eyes, he is ''guilty''........i would not be surprised this movie turned out to be the inconsistent mess it become.
Planet of the Clowns ladies and gentlemen
Yes but she had a nice kind of raspy voice in TS1&2 and now her voice seems to be clear in 4
Fuck meant to quote
Annie Potts is about to turn 67. She was in her 40’s during TS1
Where is Keanu?
Is she a good writer?
that nothing, diana santos is 70s and she voiced Bo Beep here again in latin america.
All voice actors past 50 shouldn't be working, they're just to old to be able to give a good performance.
I haven’t seen the latin dub of TS in a long time
Still holds up.