Robbie not on stage?
Avengers #21
bad omens with that thumbnail
Is Aaron still bastardising Robbie to fit his GR mythos?
I wouldn't want to spoil it for you user
Has a skrull ever pretended to be a LMD?
No homo..
>wakandan mad about someone not helping people outside their country
Blade what are you doing
You can't say that Jen that's their word
Wasn't she on the thor hook up route?
It's momma carol time
This shit doesn't have a single redeeming quality.
Avengers Robbie has me struggling to remember if I ever liked Robbie to begin with
God dick is one thing but nothing surpasses the BBC. She Hulk knows that, she's had experience with both.
Was this particular Nighhthawk always black or around at all? I don't remember him earlier in the run.
She can think normally but not speak properly. What the fuck.
Can you please shut the fuck up while posting?
No one cares for your commentary on every single page.
Hulk speech impediment
Like Krieg from Borderlands
bitch tits robbie
What’s the point of story timing new comics with no discussion? Anyone can just get the cbr version and read it. Heck you can even do it on your phone with cbr viewer apps.
dude, can't you read?
Do you hear voices when you read? Is your brain so broken that you cant not read text? Fuck off and download it yourself otherwise cunt
fuck off to readcomicsonline, mental retard.
And in a one page I questioned all of Aaron's ethics on this shulk thing
of course not user
whoa, calm down autist,
just don't look at the text?
Here I was getting worried Mephisto wouldn't show up
>dear diary
>that art
this entire page is just cringe
Nobody cares Aaron, your Avengers is shit and you ruined a perfectly good fledgling character when you clearly wanted Sam or Miles
What happened with Tony?
>tub of hotness
Stop it Aaron.
Holy shit this page is even worse
i regret reading this
>covers his private parts with his shield
Can we just cancel the Avengers as an ongoing? Replace it with a mini every now and then for when a writer has a good enough pitch like No Surrender or No Road Home?
Ah yes, just like in the days of the incursions, Black Panther is the only one doing any actual work. Glad to see nothing had changed.
>Hotspring episode in a fucking comic book
Japan's influence in our art must be stopped at all cost.
DAMN Aaron is truly an outrage junkie. This book was made for YouTube casual-gaters.
>Shulk doesn't want to be sexualized, wear skimpy outfits, or be hit on -Aaron last chapter
>this chapter Shulk gets excited that blade may have flirted with her and tries to flirt back, shulk is the only person that doesn't try to cover themselves getting in the hot spring even calls out so everyone looks at her
That was such a 180 from last time that I'm 70% sure it's a plot point.
he is a back up copy in a cloned body of his young version that came from the past.
Hey, I'd flirt with Blade too. Late 90s Wesley Snipes was a sexy motherfucker.
>wow my closest friend agreed with me how weird!
Aaron pls
Robbie changed races.
I enjoy that Robbie gets to be a part of this series and he and Carol are having moments. However since when does his jacket just appear when he transforms? I thought it was just the clothes he was wearing.
There is a black Nighhthawk, but not this version. Dude's suppose to be white. When did that happen?
Get Avengers onsen scene but the art is too trash to enjoy it
can you give me the comic of something please?
read the crossing, it's really good
>still "imprisoned" in Vegas but still does as he pleases
>yep its all one big game to oust Johnny as hells king
>ara ara robbie
Is it fucking fanfic?
Its kind of a standard rider thing, I've seen issues where Johnny starts out in his classic outfit then transforms and is all decked out in the leather jacket and spikes
But at least the 70s outfit is showing up more
I like how she is speaking in HULK but thinking just like she's a normal person.
Fuck, where does Ewing even go after the last one he did? I feel he's going to blow his pretentious load sooner than later and he's going to write himself into a brick wall
Yeah, but how do the vampires and kree fit into it?
He set up the New Greek God's but I could see them showing up in Valkyrie
Dude is secretly in bed with them and has some kind of pact where he makes shit comics and "casual-gater" people can bank on it while Aaron takes some kind of cut.
New Greek Gods? Christ, I feel like the man likes the smell of his own farts.
What's the point of being imprisoned when you can just go about as you please?
Oh so you haven't actually read it, good to know. I'm sorry your books aren't as good Aaron, at least he got to help you on War of Realms Omega and Valkyrie!
Get fucked Aaron.
Fuck him. He thinks he can change the cosmic landscape using obscure pulls from continuity and come up with more cosmic bullshit better than me? Ha I could've done a better job making up a better origin of the universe than that hack who loves Jacking himself off while he writes. I'm Jason fucking Aaron for Gods sake.
Okay, original Tony was revealed to be a bad guy working with Kang all along, Avengers go back in time and make teenage Tony that is yet to go bad a new Iron Man, original Iron Man dies, and teen-Tony is stuck as Iron Man, then the universe got destroyed and then recreated, and teen Tony got merged with regular Tony.
Years later Tony made a back-up file of his entire contience as a digital entity and I think it was used several times already when Tony got brainwashed.
>Carol trying to protect Robbie's innocence
>Hot springs episode
>Carol gets in with the guys, but she wears a shirt, not even a swimsuit
Hiro Mashima is ashamed of you, Aaron.
I don't, as I don't understand why. Is she doing it deliberately to try and meet expectations of how should talk? Is she pretending to be dumb to make life easier?
This is awful dialogue, but I guess it is supposed to be satirical I guess?
I see what the attempt is here, but it feels so ham fisted to me.
Really? Because it makes no fucking sense.
Does the shield float?
>why don't you go back to Africa?
Jesus Blur, you can't just SAY that.
I'm not sure if Aaron is a hypocrite or an asshole that's fucking with everyone at this point.
Aaron is a Incel user, worse he will remove hotness of any woman in frustration that he Never scored with one.
Thor's thought bubble almost seems like it's from a parody.
Does Tony always have his helmet on when he is taking a bath?
But he didn't remove anything though.
He can say "She-Hulk is ugly" all he want's. It's not true. She still looks somewhat attractive with even bigger breasts than before.
I didn't read much of Jane-Thor, but I don't recall him having her get naked in front of her friends.
To be honest, I'm confident that Jen, Tony, Steve, and Thor have all seen each other naked by this point over the years at least once. Maybe even Carol too.
I want Hickman back, bros. None of this oh so quirky character shit. Just good plotting and amazing art.
>those thought bubbles
I like the idea behind this: the family are all hanging out and being chill, but inside they're worried and should be sharing. But it's a little too on the nose. Also that art, Jesus.
>if they be worthy...
Stop retconning shit, Aaron.
Good plotting? Hickman's run was a plotting mess. 2 books running concurrently and only one of them is of any importance to the end goal of Secret Wars. All the important events of his run are in New Avengers. The incursions, the reveal of the Beyonders, the set up of Doom and Molecule Man's plans, the crestion of the new Cabal, Black Panther and Reed's plans. All New Avengers.
Carol trying to protect a demon-powered supernatural meta-human's innocence.
Why is Carol worried about the kree when they are a shell of a shell of their former selves and in the middle of civil war?
Because Marvel ed. isn't doing their job and keeping the writers up to date with each others' storylines.
>She-hulk likes her new form because she doesn't get hit on and she is "free to be ugly"
>half the team still wants bang her
Hell even Carol was looking when she got in onsen
They assassinated her mom, so there's that.
Guess she didn't get the news on that whole civil war thing from Medusa or hasn't visited the Kree in ages I guess.
I could sworn her mom told her that was a left over one that activated because they fucked with that beacon or whatever in that box.
Literally explained a page or so later.
It's a concave shape, it should if he rest it level.
The Tony who was put into a coma by Carol in CW2 is apparently dead (we never found out where the body went missing to) and the current Tony is just a backup of his memories. So he's currently have a identity crisis on whether or not he's a real human being and if he has a soul in Slott's run.
I know there still on the job and they don't have a change of clothes, my bad for being too hasty there.
>backup personality (AI?) that was previously was three personalities merged into one that was then essentially formatted into a digital hard drive inside of a person that was then partially wiped and recovered, only to have some years missing, then integrated into a new clone body
>retconned parents/geneology out of existence so he's now the son of some random SHIELD operative and a Hydra goon, finds his original mother, she's an awful character who obsesses over him but leaves him anyway when she finds out he's not technically the original anymore
>Tony is the ship of Theseus but a human
Slott's doing a pretty shitty job of his run, but that's the gist of it.
All the homo
Smoking hot garbage.
Thanks anyway, OP.
oh like superior ironman?
double wait what?
eh...Tony had not made some kind of biological improvement to survive?
i lost here
okey I thought that Tony had only been in a coma but then he recovered and in the process he revived Roddie
In Iron Man during Dark Reign, Tony wiped his mind to stop Osborn from getting all his tech. He uploaded a back up scan of his brain from before Civil War.
The recently, he was punched into a coma by Carol. His body was broken so he move his mind into a clone body.
Now he has a "replace axe parts" complex
Make Jenny great again
Now, the big question is what about their dick sizes? Why is Cap covering himself with a shield? Does Thor have Godly Private parts? Why is Stark so relaxed?
>He set up the New Greek God's
Oeming did the exact same thing 13 years ago!!!
All embarrassed by Carol's gigantic Kreedick.
>Why is Stark so relaxed?
Tony just doesn't give a fuck. He's been stripped by his own villains and been naked in front of the Avengers dozens of times.
>Ha I could've done a better job making up a better origin of the universe than that hack who loves Jacking himself off while he writes.
Sure you can, Jason "We Are God's Vomit" Aaron.
It's being broadcast to China. Skeletons = Big No No.
I'm a bit out of the loop: Why is Blade carrying (not so giant sized) Man-Thing around?
>Does Thor have Godly Private parts?
of course he does.
It's Boy-Thing. A vampire villain in a previous arc used him as a weapon to continously reload his stake gun to kill other vampires, Blade stole him.
Tony Stark and Hulk once lost a bet and had to walk naked across Manhattan. Tony tried to use a gizmo to prevent any digital devices from taking pictures of him, but Peter Parker used an analogue camera and it was on the front page of the Daily Bugle the next day.
I think Aaron's just a hack.
kek based spiderman
also source please
For some reason, the team were all weirdly super invested in the whole seeing their teammates dicks and exposing them to children and random civilians thing.
Why is Stark so goddamn happy while the Hulk is bowing in shame? God, are there no averagedicklet characters for me to self-insert as? Why's everyone hung like a donkey...
I feel like Spidey may be average.
Stark seems like he's pretty well hung and used to swinging it around, at least. Hulk is just being a gent.
>Stark seems like he's pretty well hung and used to swinging it around, at least.
N-No. Yea Forums told me he was a dicklet!
>heroes have big dicks because they're heroic and good and kind and have everything going for them
>anti-heroes have big dicks because they're cool and edgy and have to be able to fuck the woman's brains out
>villains have big dicks because they're rough and hard and have t be able to dominate a woman and make her feel like Hell and Heaven at once
GodDAMMIT! I mean, shit!
>Superman has a big dick because he's Superman
>Batman has a big dick because he's BATMAN
>Hawkeye has a confirmed big dick
>Thor and Hercules and shit have big dicks ebcause they're Gods
>Daredevil and Nightwing have big dicks because they're in-universe sex gods
>Spider-Man probably has a big Spider-Dick with all the women he fucks
>Moon Knight and Punisher and Red Hood have big dicks because they're Bad Boys who can take the pain
>Nick Fury most probably has a gigantic cock
And the list goes on and on and on...
Robbie is so wholesome
>Carol wears a shirt in the hot tub
That's....that's alot of hard dick you're thinking about.
Tony literally recreated his body when he went through Extremis, so he could have given himself a big dick I suppose
Lolnope. Not even gonna go to "Tiny Stank" territory. He's just not that type. He's a pretty boy with insecurities. He's got a firm 6 incher with a bit more than average meat and damn nice curve, who kills himself over not having a big swinging hammer. Look at Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Allain Delon. All of them have that type of cock that fit Tony to a T. He's the guy with the nice eyelashes and full lips that makes love to a woman, not the GigaChad CroMagnon who thursts his 9" in a pussy and stretches it out until she wails.
And I wouldn't consider Red Hood a big dicker either; that goes to Nightwing and probably grown-up Damian. Agreed on Fury and Moon Knight, probably on Punisher Italian Sausage too. Gods and Batman & Superman are just "constants".
At what point did comic writes just legit start outright hating the USA? I feel like stuff like this is more the norm than ever these days, what with the AMERICA BAD EVIL SUPERTEAMS left and fight.
>3-5 incher tier
>6-8 incher tier
>Fury and Fury jr
>god tier
>Beta Ray Bill
>Jane Foster (side effect of becoming Thor)
>please no tier
>days gone by without Yea Forums talking about Tony's dick: 0
But she's not not "speaking in HULK but thinking just like she's a normal person." She's "speaking in HULK but thinking like she's WOKE."
They made a fucking "you can't use that word" about fucking vampires, for fuck's sake.
I don't like to accuse the Big Two or stealing each other's idea, but this just feels like a 1:1 ripoff of "Jarro" over in Justice League.
Hahah. Of COURSE they're going to BLACK She-Hulk. I can't believe I thought for a second they wouldn't. OH, MARVEL!
Seems about right, except I think Stark is pretty body confident and doesn't care that he isn't THOR in the cock department. His insecurities are always all pretty mental, except when he's literally crippled and can't fuck.
Seems like the kind of dude who has a weighty enough cock, but not an intimidating monster and would probably be into a lot of foreplay regardless, since he tends to leave a trail of satisfied lovers. Gamora was the only unsatisfied lay we've seen, but that may have been down to her pegging him brutally.
Wasn't the whole fucking point of Robbie that he WASN'T a traditional Ghost Rider who could turn elephants into fire demon monsters and shit? I thought he was just a normal kid who made a pact with a demon car.
Christ, this is why I don't read this garbage anymore.
That's literally just a green dude with long hair. There's literally not one single feminine element of that Hulk. Jesus fucking Christ.
He can make it as big as he wants. Kinda cheating. And even pre-Accident he gave me the vibe of the "lanklet nerd with a long cock" type.
Dunno, I think he should be dead-on average.
Eh, he should be in the second bracket.
He needs a ~7"er, which was statistically the perfect dick IIRC.
>Fury Jr
Nah, put that fucker in the 4" category.
He's a 9"er.
More or less my type of thinking, but I think he'd have gone through some period of "goshdarn, look at this guy's evian bottle; fuck you Liam Neeson" before moving past it. He's a proportional guy, I'd say.
But yeah, he is the type to just go all out with sex, not just pump and dump and that's it. The foreplay, the different positions, the hair touching, the kissing, all that. And I think the secret weapon would be an upwards curve, hitting the G-Spot all the time.
Word of God from BENIS' (or the artist's, I can't exactly remember) Tumblr was that he couldn't get it up. And come on, that's cheating. Gamora can chew diamonds. Dick Rider fucked her with the Nova Force. What can an ex-alcoholic do?
Not his style. Considering everyone from Ty Stone to probably Stane wants to fuck him, I think he looks at an ass and gets a mini heart attack.
The whole scene looked just like he'd been assfucked or viciously snusnu'd, down to him looking winded/physically injured and saying "ouch". Somebody also pointed out some floor gubbins in their discarded clothes that looked like a strap on. I mean, I don't expect a lot from BENIS but if he wasn't getting hard, the man would have at least eaten her green pussy.
I'm confused, is the speech center of her brain now impeded when she's a Hulk or is she just putting on an act and talking like that because she wants to, even though she is pretty much mocking her cousin whose severe childhood trauma causes him to occasionally revert to a stunted and childlike state?
He had he expression of embarassment user. He was uncomfortable. And Gamora was wearing Mass Effect armor at the time. That was armor bits and her sword down there. As for eating her, maybe after sucking him off for 5 minutes and him not getting hard, the mood was gone.
how much longer till Shulkie goes back to normal?
Why is he even having these issues in the first place? He's gone through Extremis and so many different bodies I have a hard time believing why any ED or related issues would still be around.
all this talk about cocks is fucking gay, no wonder why Yea Forums is full of trannies now.
>muh trannies
Are you this uncomfortable over men discussing dicks as if they didn't own one of their own? Somebody's insecure.
Because Bendis.
That honestly looks like pain to me. Butt pain, like she jarred him when she got off the bed after rearranging his guts.
Cap is covering himself so he doesn't make his fellow avengers jealous.
>Hahah. Of COURSE they're going to BLACK She-Hulk
I've got bad news for you sunshine: she has been already bee BLACKED, APACHED, MUTIED and even been KNOTTED.
Maybe he got returned to the universe with a smooth Ken doll front.
Is his spider men hate boner tied into this or does mephisto just fuck with them for fun
Juggs isn’t a mutant.
The fuck,I had no idea that a dead Celestial is now in use as the Avengers new headquarters,so I am reading #6 till #20 of volume 8 as of this moment.
How many dead Celestials are still on the planet??
>The fuck,I had no idea that a dead Celestial is now in use as the Avengers new headquarters
I like to think Thor's the one who come up with the idea to use the Celestial's body for a base.
When do they *ever* fit in to it?
They're just sprinkling a big mixture of villains over everything, like a messy coating.
How long till this dude is back and teaming up with random Thor/Iron Man villains anyway? Gotta admit, I like Cap having an evil twin.
Not any time soon. Selene killed him in Captain America a few months back.
>dying in comics meaning anything
I give it a year.
What?! I should catch up with Captain America, haven't read a couple of issues yet. What gives, man.
>Hydra Cap/Superior Tony/Pymtron team up book never
>Hydra Cap/Jantron/Pymtron
Oh no, no no, this is not a lewd thread.
Not yet