Where Riri runs away again
Ironheart #8 Storytime
Whos the black subzero?
Leader of the 10 rings
Symbol looks good on her
Nadia is probably the nicest genius kid character when she isn't going full bipolar
The other magic users should advertise more. It seems like all everyone knows is Strange
He just can't resist flexing
This arc is structured very quest-like. New location, new clue, repeat
Still reading minds without permission, I see
Well, a nice enough excuse to ship her to wakanda
And done! If you liked it, buy it at your LCS or something
Thanks for sharing, I guess
I'm really liking how they're handling the story. It's all part of an overarching arc, but we've had these small, 1-3 issue mini-arcs that can stand on their own.
This is uncomfortable AND funny when you consider all the memes about Riri being a psycho.
Look at all these old characters that aren't getting used at all.
You're in New Yahk, they say soda not pop.
>soda is bad for your teeth
>here have some tea
this is Miles' evil uncle all over again.
WHY does Nadia have giant lips?
>I have this.....feeling.......so please tell me where this incredibly dangerous power is located
>OH ok, no prob, it's right here
Thanks for the storytime. This book is actually good.
I'm honestly hoping Marvel just lets the book flounder for a bit and hit like 15 issues at least and does a big trade push for it.
HA! I love Riri's face in this. Oh man, I love this character.
I still can't believe I like Riri now
It's amazing what can happen when Bendis isn't writing a character
Okay, these look like two specific arcs. Anyone have a guess about these references?
Thank you for this, and yeah, I really like the way the series is structured, you can read a random issue and get the gist of everything but it all belongs in an overarching arc. It's well done.
Hopefully it lasts long enough to let Eve Ewing write her story, it's pretty interesting so far.
Eve actually writes a decent dr strange
The one on the right is Civil War era Thunderbolts when Zemo shot the Grandmaster in the face. I haven't read enough New Warriors to know what theirs is.
Midnight's Fire and Silhouette both get their powers from the Wellspring of Power
Their father was part of a squadron of American soldiers during the Vietnam war who all married into a cult, the resulting kids all had superpowers
Night Thrasher's dad was offered the same deal, but he was already married to Thrash's mom
Yes. He's arrogant yet competent, acts as a good host and treats people with respect while flexing around. It's a good Strange.
Didn't she quit to write a hulu show or somthng?
Are you confusing her with Nnedi Okorafor, who was writing the Shuri series?
>this is footage from my helmet
Was that line neccessary? No.
>The red room prodigy doesnt know about the ten rings.
Thats like sayjng a mcdonalds doesnt know about burger king.
Riri has no ass.
She is Hank Hill.
>orange soda
I thought she wasnt supposed to be a stereotype?
I mean these ten rings currently have nothing to do with Mandarin and are instead a bunch of magic powered weirdos. They don't even have an army right now just a couple of ninja mooks.
Orange soda is a stereotype now?
I relaize Marvel cut back on all their editing budget, but did they also cut back on their shill budget as well?
It's fucking shit.
Next to Champions, this might unironicaly be Marvel's worst current comic.
Sperg out somewhere else nigger
Marvel has problems with quality as always but this isn't really one of them. We could do side by side comparisons between this and Sina Grace's dreck if you want but overall the bottom end of quality for marvel is way better than it was a few years ago. Plus if you want to shit on something that actually deserves it go to the Avengers thread where Aaron had everyone sit around in a hot tub naked, She Hulk hit on Blade like a caveman, and Robbie continuing to be a quirky fun kid as a spit in the face of all previous characterization.
user don’t bother
Did Riri not even notice the flex
Strange is an asshole. Its Lee who acts as the good host
Fried chicken with a side of watermelon and orange soda.
Been a stereotype thng since the sixties.
Midnight’s fire, an old New Warriors enemy.
This comic is pretty mediocre but that dialogue is entirely inorganic. Its like they are responding to questions that no one asked.
Nigga Strange has always been gracious towards visitors provided they didn’t barge in
“Organic” dialogue is how you get shit like bendis.
>Plus if you want to shit on something that actually deserves it go to the Avengers thread where Aaron had everyone sit around in a hot tub naked, She Hulk hit on Blade like a caveman, and Robbie continuing to be a quirky fun kid as a spit in the face of all previous characterization.
Already skimmed through it, and it was also shit.
When trying to establish a bare minimum level of acceptable quality, we really shouldn't be using either anything by Marvel or DC as a standard, because that just makes it a matter of comparing which fart smells the least rancid.
Grape soda is the stereotype. Orange is entirely keenan and Kel thing
It's not worth it. There's this one dude who keeps saying "giving Ironheart a book of her own doesn't solve Marvel's problems!" when a year or so ago they were complaining she was hogging the light. Their problem is that she gets a book at all (as other "diverse" characters), not that it's well written or not. They don't give a fuck, this could be written by a premier writer and they would be seething anyway.
The book is actually fun and engaging, and the art is pretty good also, which is pretty telling considering bigger books like Avengers of GOTG are in the shitter currently.
Man, team books are overall in a slump right now for marvel. There’s numerous solos I enjoy though
riri is not cute
I think this is the first series to use guest appearances well and limited enough to have character growth for both main character and cameos.
Easier for her to suck my dick.