Immortal Hulk thread

Only one more week until #21 comes out. Leader's obviously coming back for whatever the final arc may be, but what about some other stuff?
>Who else is Metatron talking about besides the Leader and Fortean becoming the Cobalt Man?
>What does Bruce do in #24 that's such a terrible mistake?
>What will Ewing do to make Cobalt Man Fortean horrifying?
>Will Hulks not named Devil Hulk, Savage, Joe, Professor or Worldbreaker come back further down the line?

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Ross is coming back in October

>Final arc
No it can't end now!

Yea Forums really broke you huh. Guess that's what happens when you consume trash daily

We got two more arcs mate.

I’m waiting for Zzax

>the beast of myth
>Guilt Hulk's been called "The Beast" before
>Story seems to be going towards on what Hulk Bruce wants to be and how many are in him at this point

Attached: guilt hulk.jpg (1000x1541, 331K)

So remeber when last week everyone went nuts for Grant putting gamma rays on GL?
Here is another funny coincidence, Ewing always teases some stuff on his tumblr by putting old panels/covers from Hulk (he teased the return of Rick by posting Bi-Beast, same goes for the Harpy and he even teasd the explosion in the last chapter), now: what did he posted last week?
Pic related.

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All you can say?

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Post the next page

Oh fuck I'm calling Trump

Is anyone planning on picking up the Directors Cuts of #1-#6? I don't have them as floppies so I might.

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Sorry, Marvel doesn't want the fans to have nice things.

No we don’t. We have two more “acts” after Shadowbase is done that could have any number of arcs in them. And OP’s claim of when the Leader will show up being “obvious” is pretty retarded tbqh.

Bennett already confirmed he's working on a new Leader design and Leader's brought up last out of everyone Metatron brings up.
He's more than likely gonna be the final boss of the series alongside either Del Frye or Blonsky.

Attached: bruce.jpg (1988x3056, 1.59M)

What if the “thoughtful man” isn’t the Leader? People in these threads act way too much like their theories are a given, even though this book has been difficult to predict. The OP’s already going to look really silly if Fortean doesn’t become the Cobalt Man, which it’s treating like fact.

It will not end soon. Bennet said Ewing has planned the story to last at least 50 issues.

Seems Pertinent.

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>Transparent shill thread is transparent as fuck
>deletes the fpbp cause it called them out
I hate what hiroshigook did to this place

Truly Magical, how butthurt batFags are.

Maybe it'll take a new form of guilt this time around since it was different and more a mindless beast bent on destruction when it formed out of Betty dying.

I'm excited to see what High Evolutionary has been up to since Ewing's last use of him in the Ultimates.

Man-Beast possessing Rex Carpenter/Trump hybrid?

Anyone got any additional reading I should do?