The Downfall of Animated Movies
Why are animated movies so bad these days?

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The problem is that you're watching only English Language shit

Can we take a moment to talk about those awful spliced ads that we seem to have now?
>Ad: This summer...
>clip from movie: Yeah?
>Ad: The movie all the critics are raving about.
>Another clip from another part of the movie: Of course!
And on and on it goes.

Those have got to have been around for at least a decade. I hate them too, but it’s kinda hard to construct a trailer that’s both satisfying and will put butts in seats.

Theres no reason for them to be good if people still keep watching them.
I cant fucking stand that, it makes me hate the movie instantly even if it might be something I enjoy.


You're fucking high, I watch trailers for games all the time and the good ones aren't just good enough to make me buy the game, but good enough to make me rewatch them as their own thing. Music based trailers are great, trailers that may as well be a short film on their own divorced from the thing they're advertising are good, for whatever reason movie trailers are just way behind.

>these days

I'm guessing the uploader just hit adolescence recently.

they're only bad in the nations ran by clown governments: Usa, Britain, China, Australia and Russia.
Everywhere else the industry is booming with creativity

I know something about Youtube ad adgoritm.
Usually, based on the topic the video is about. They choose ads topic related.
For example, if you make a Nintendo video, Nintendo ads will be show up in your video, even if your video its about talking shit about Nintendo.
Its kinda hillarious, honestly

>Theres no reason for them to be good if people still keep watching them.
But they don't watch them, not as many people as it could. And there aren't as many movies/cartoons as there should be.

The remaining minority of animation is only made because executives and investors are self-absorbed faggots who want to see their tasteless garbage come alive because they're fanfiction writers at heart.
Plus we have an influx of millennial-zoomers who cannot write worth a shit. If people like Chris Savino and shit canadian cartoons were in the minority then now they're the majority

and unfortunately despite there being far less willing people to fund movies and cartoons, there's absolutely no quality controls, because the people left willing to fund cartoons are tasteless idiots. Only the tasteless would still be willing to fund a dying medium.

How many times has this thread been made? I have definitely seen it more than once

How many times has this thread been made? I have definitely seen it more than once
Only three unless there are more that slipped by

while not as bad as the 2000s (my oponion) this decade wasn't very good either, illumination made huge success with mediocre to bad movies, DreamWorks realeased more bad movies then good ones, minions success spawned a lot of horrible animated movies (not as bad as it was with shrek but still) and finally Pixar realeased not one but four bad to mediocre movies, and pixar us the one with the most consistency in quality, so no, the state is bad and it should be addressed.

jews made the good ones

Jews can't even manage to be funny anymore

who even is funny anymore

Uploader compares shit like ratatouille which was like the only good animated film in that year. Nothings changed, and theres actually more big budget animated films, just people don't like them cuz they're kiddie shit, and people don't watch the more adult or interesting ones because normal adults don't want to watch an animated film.

Nobody knows how to do anything anymore. Gen X resented their parents so they exercised a hands off approach to parenting and now Millennials are all sitting in the corner smelling their fingers.

Also the industry is completely dominated by a cliques now.


Meet The Robinsons
Surfs Up
The Simpsons Movie


ah fuck yeah some else who like Belarusian/spanish anime kino as well

>Why are animated movies so bad these days?

I thought we were over this. It's just been a weak (and largely unoriginal) year at worst.
And that guy's opinions suck.

Is next year going to be any better?

Sorry to break it to you, but marketers are targeting more people than just you specifically as an individual. They need to make money by selling to people whose tastes might be different from yours.

What’s the name of the sad BGM? I’ve heard it many times before.

>Why are animated movies so bad these days?
Becuase cookie-cutter-ass garbage like this is made in hopes that kids and their oblivious parents will watch it.

>Trolls 2
>Shrek reboot (maybe)
>Minions 2
>Wish Dragon
Hard to say at first glance. I'd give it a few months.

There's actual lot of great indie animation movies but of course they don't get the shilling Disney/Dreamworks titles get