Detective Comics 1007 Storytime

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That's all. Hope you enjoyed this book.

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Fuck yes. Proper batman. Inb4 King himself comes ITT to REE spitefully.

Detective comics has been really enjoyable lately

This was a good old-fashioned short and self-contained arc

Bump because Kyle Hotz

That was a really good short story. Thanks OP.

I like this bit, thanks for the storytime!

>Top right three panels
Batman losing his shit is surprisingly funny.

Not bad.
But why is it Jim? Isn't he in heaven now?

>possessing the fucking dinosaur

The artist is awesome

Thanks for the storytime!

nice cover

>Bitch-slapped by Spectre's hueg hand to save him from the fire
Ok that was funny

Thanks for the storytime, I liked the issue.

>all these people praising this pile of shit
This is why comics are dead. This is why the medium will never move forward. This is a generic, shallow, cliched filler issue with a team up of the week. No character or plot development. This is what people ask more of.


Loved the art a nice combo of Kelley Jones and Tom Mandrake.

>Detective Comics
>Batman and the Outsiders
Jeez, that is a lot of Batman. Why so much Batman?

>Jurassic Ghost

So is every book going to be connected to Year of the Villains?

Dude absolutely SLAYED it on these issues.

It was a silly little filler, think of it as a Brave and the Bold extra issue

What would you prefer from twice monthly comics?

Don't just spout some bullshit either provide an example of what you find better or what you would prefer.

Something that changes the status quo, that develops the character forward, that's not filler, that's not written by Tomasi.

You're one of those "Why doesn't Batman kill the Joker" faggots aren't you?

>you either accept meaningless vapid stories or you hate the medium
You're a battered wife. You've read capeshit for so long you can't see any other way.

You don't need to change the status quo though. You just need to write some good
and creative single issues. Batman adventures and LotDK contained self contained arcs and they are still some of the best Batman series. Its just that Tomasi has the creativity of a tin can.


Then go read Bendis if you want real change. Changing into shit but that’s still change right?

>you either take shallow crap or clickbait crap
Demanding quality just isn't in the table for you is it?

Stop reading B2 capeshit. These are serialized adventures that go from point A to B to C and then back to A. You want a finite overall story for an ongoing corporate character? Fuck you and go write your own.

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Fuck you. Dixon, Grant, Brubaker, Morrison were able to move the character forward.

And YOU want an entire medium to cater to only what YOU think it should be.

Watchmen, Authority, Invincible, Preacher, LXG, Mage, Y The Last Man, Cerebus, Walking Dead, Maus and a bunch of other Gary Groth wank titles I can't think of.

I ain't a 'battered wife' user...but you're a Vegan bitching that McDonald's exists when NOBODY is forcing you to eat it.

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What the fuck are you talking about? I'm saying it should be like previous, better Batman runs.

holy fucking shit



Are you people incapable of talking through anything other than hyperbole and strawmen? Read more Alan Grant.

There's a handful that aren't, the rest are all gonna have Luthor doing some kind of offer.

Holy FUCK Batman is jacked in this.

So you just went ahead and spouted bullshit.


Are you implying your reply wasn't exclusively hyperbolic strawman arguments.

How is it hyperbolic when Dixon, Grant, Brubaker, Morrison and so many others achieved it?

You aren't though. Not if you want status quo changes and character progression.

That is not AT ALL what alan grant did. He told solid Batman stories like Tomasi is here.

Morrison is the only one that "changed" him via plot. The rest "changed him" via their brand of writing.

He did that through forward movement, developing minor things, yes, realistic aspects like Gordon's relationships, but he did.
Now explain how the other writers I mentioned did not do that.

So you admit some did and it wasn't hyperbolic.

>Something that changes the status quo, that develops the character forward, that's not filler, that's not written by Tomasi
The only non-strawman there is the last one. And it's pretty clear that's the only thing you care about.

I named four writers who did what I asked. Hence, it was not hyperbolic.

It's absolutely an exaggeration of what they did and what they changed as well as how usesless these past two issues have been.

By your own metric you should love that Tomasi's run has added a new villain to proper canon. But your complaints and wants change weekly based on what backs your newest gripe.

Thanks for storytiming, Alf.

I was JUST about to shit on the art... but I will now hold my tongue.

New 52 retconned him back to Jim Corrigan.

Surprising Tomasi even stuck with it given he was Ostrander's editor on Spectre.

My favorite Batman is always when he feels the need to pretend he's in control of every situation, despite the fact that the problem he's facing could end him without a sweat. See also: anytime Bat tries to pull rank on Swamp Thing.

>How is it hyperbolic when Dixon, Grant, Brubaker, Morrison and so many others achieved it?

Because these guys were writing the main book? Tomasi's Detective is a side book.

user I'm the other one disagreeing with that user but that isn't true.

Tec and Batman are the main books. Legends of the Dark Knight where Alan grant did a lot of work is the tertiary book.

Batman with King is the main book. Detective Comics is not in that it doesn't drive the Batbook or is the originator of crossover material. The perfect example is Morrison's Batman book to Paul Dini's Detective Comic that ran together. This is basically the same thing.

Except Dini's run was good.

reading bump

Batman? The crime-fighter?

My sides!

You’re fucking retarded mate.

Woah, you convinced us Tomasi.

Didn’t develop Batman as a character at all though.

Seething retard. Surely someone of your “intellect” has better things to do then read Big 2 capeshit.

I was just thinking yesterday that bodybuilders have better bodies than Superheroes but now I read this issue.

I like Hotz art. It has a distinctive style. Very intense Batman.

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Actually I love me when Batman's writers are decent, but I guess you wouldn't have read a comic older than 2011.

The plot is practically copied from an old Brave and the Bold issue too.
