Ariel can be any color because it's a Fish!

>Ariel can be any color because it's a Fish!

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Dragon_(2016_film)

>Garnet can be white because she is a rock!

>I'm white

>Ignoring the fact that Didny theatrical remakes are aimed at nostalgic fucks and not the new generation unlike things such as Reboots like Ducktales 2017

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I mean we’re all constantly talking about it. I’d say the mouse won

Am I wrong here? Is this racist?

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Why is she so much prettier now

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so are blonde white people the only people seething
there's never a brunette or ginger recolor of these counterpoints
not even black hair

Dont watch the shitty remake,maybe they'll stop shitty remake
Also dont worry the shitty remake wont make the original disappear
Maybe it's too early to say that but i dont think that new black mermaid will eclipse OG Ariel

>literally posting comments you made on YouTube
What has this board become?


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What is wrong with that? I want more commentary besides what Perez Hilton demographics provide.

No, awareness of this is being raised and ppl are not liking it.

>American education

I'm not really one for representation, I can relate to a character that doesn't look like me just fine and I don't really get why people need to see themselves on screen ti enjoy something. So I've never really understood why blacks and others complain about not seeing themselves represented in shows/movies, it just seemed like if I could relate to Pepperanna despite not being a teenage girl, they should be able to relate to a white person just fine. All that said, complaining about a change in skin tone, same thing to me as complaining about lack of representation. What does it matter what color her skin is, it's a character and you should be able to relate regardless of how they look.


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I guess we’ll see when the box office numbers come out.

>look mom I'm making a fool of myself on the internet

I remember that character, wasn't she mute?

Black and mute yes. Gabrielle knew sign language somehow

When this got posted, the color palette and the fish references made me think it was a screenshot for a inbetween frame in Nagi no Asukara, but only now I realize it's from that Yu-gi-oh ripoff with QUALITY mermaids anime that aired earlier this year instead. Keep debating now, I just needed to write that down.

mainstream media pretty much dictates whats considered normal. the less black people in leading roles in mainstream media the more abnormal they are perceived by the kids growing up consuming that media. not just the white kids seeing black kids as abnormal but the black kids themselves seeing themselves as abnormal. this applies to all ethnicities, genders, body-states, and every other way humans can differ.

Sometimes its good to see someone who looks like you or has lived a similar life to you depicted in media. It gives normalcy to your life. I don't particularly like changing characters for representation, I rather new characters be made, good new characters but some swaps are nice. Manchester Black was recent turned black in CW's supergirl and its a welcome change.

>Giving a damn about Live Action Disney movies and getting worked up over them, just to give Gisnep more advertising that they don't have to pay for.
No, just ignore them and don't watch their garbage movies. It's that fucking simple.

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Classic Yea Forums, too far up it’s own ass to realize maybe there ARE worthwhile things to read on Reddit and YouTube.

Is there actually any reason to change Ariel's race besides the fact that it's easier to find a decent young black actress than a decent young ginger one? Also, diversity for the sake of diversity I guess.

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Adding salt to the wounds of the 2 sides, Siren has like 5 Black people that are Merfolk, and it's produced by Freeform, which is owned by Disney. Proving that they can make a new property that has Black Mermaids with no problem.

I just think it's funny it's always the redheads that get that kind of treatment.

>you and your Friends discovering that Ginger is an anagram

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Aw fuck, I can’t believe you’ve done this.

Same, it was pretty funny when I saw an image compiling a lot of them.

How does the book describe her?

>Ariel can be any colour her IP holder mandates for whatever frivolous reason they desire
you people are retards

This. There a fuck ton of African/Caribbean mythos for Disney to adapt, but they ignore it and would rather pull some publicity stunt.

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Disney is finally going full megacorp. Who needs artistic integrity when you have piles of money?! Animation? Who builds their legacy on animation? No true American, that’s who!

>Make Ariel Black
>When her entire story is rejecting her original culture and wanting to join landlubber's Prince Eric's world
>Gives up her voice for him just to be part of the upper world
>Excluding the sequels, she becomes submissive to him like a stereotypical trophy wife at the end.
>mfw the woke left realizes they were just sold a story about a black girl rejecting her underwater Wakanda paradise/culture to "act white" to blend in and becomes silent/submissive arm candy for some rich white guy she just met.

Even when they go woke this shit's already broke!

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No, it's what White American's think white people look like. Like, I never see any white person ever look pure pale white + golden hair, ever. It's actually foreigners like the Polish that ever looked like that.

>there ARE worthwhile things to read on Reddit and YouTube.

>black father lol destroys daughter's secret white people shrine in fit of rage
>the entire merfolk culture criticizes the evillness of white people and how dangerous they are. they are proven wrong and irrational in the end

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to piss white people off, which will in turn send black people racing to the theaters to see it simply out of spite for dem whities
there's no such thing as bad publicity

he didn't create the useage of the word
really it's on whichever british retard who thought ginger was even remotely red in its appearance

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This.All tose remakes are shitty and pointless,all they make me do is searching the originals on Ololo dot to

those stories are crap though

Silly question:
What anime is that cap from?
Normally not interested in moe but I have a soft spot for mermaids.

Bermuda Triangle:Colorful Pastrale

ok cool. Thanks.

boy, do i have a song for you

nobody believed me. I kept saying it but noone did anything and now you will suffer

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>retards not realizing most of this is just continuing copyright

Live actions is cheaper than animation, come the fuck on. They change everything around so it isn't blatantly a total retread of the animated movies so retards who whinge about their pristine classics can fucking keep their classics while newer audiences can MAYBE enjoy the live action retellings or not.

I'm willing to bet if Disney decided to make a """live action""" Pete's Dragon, you would all shit yourselves in impotent anger all the same.

Oh right, you all fucking did and claimed Disney was killing animation without having ever seen the fucking original to begin with. The movie being shit was by merit of the original property being shit, but MUH ANIMATION boogeyman will always plague this shithole, won't it?

Bad publicity does exist, but only in specific cases. For example, ProJared being outed as a cheating creep is bad publicity because nobody wants to watch his shit after learning that.

You are asking a bunch of manchildren to not act like kids about inane shit, but I get why it makes you upset. After seeing threads full of retards, like this one, made more often than it's healthy for the board for years now, anybody would be fed up.

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I cant wait for Whites to finally follow their neanderthal roots and get themselves eliminated from the human gene pool desu.

>Thinking white genocide is going to happen
You're a funny guy user, but it's not happening. The only race that's going to get wiped out is the human race.

You're not terribly wrong, except about this being a ploy to renew or extend copyright.

This won't affect the copyright lifespan of the original animated series. The live action one will be copyrighted for however fucking long but the animated one is still headed towards public domain at the same pace as the rest of their original animated films.