>What is this thread? Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books. Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere. Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't). If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how. Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.
>Where can I find downloads for other comics? Warez forums/blogs, DDL-indexing search engines (like FilesLoop), torrent trackers (like WorldWide Torrents) and other P2P networks (like DC++). If a link has been posted on Yea Forums, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links). If all else fails, just >buy it.
>Where can I buy comics? comixology.com/ amazon.com/ On the various publishers' webstores, and at your local comics shop.
>How do I download from websites that only give me .exe files? Untick the checkbox under the download button.
>How can I find this thread every week? If you are using the inline extension go to Yea Forums.org/co/official or use the option under "Filters & Post Hiding". If you have 4chanX go to Settings > Filter > Subject and add the following line: /Official Win-O'-Thread/;highlight
>Stitched - Terror 003 (2019) (8 covers) (Digital) (Mephisto-Empire).cbr with a cover like that is this just a bad comic or is it a good comic with smut art?
Charles Russell
Henry Hill
It's a terrible PoS that I am sorry anyone paid for, but at least it isn't Boundless sad porn.
It's 'Cheerleaders vs. Zombies' or 'Hack/Slash Zombie Cheerleaders' or some dumb shit like that I skimmed through years ago. I remember the variant covers being 1000x better thany of the actual artwork or writing.
danke if you're here can i get a mega reupload on Nurse Hitomi’s Monster Infirmary 1-7 please? links in desu are in need of her assistance they're dead
>but why user, we've talked about this: BLOAT FOR THE BLOAT GOD!
Jordan Young
That is entirely the publisher and CMX's fault. CMX has zero QA hence why so many fixes and upgrades come out for books.
Hunter Morales
imagine downloading SoU rips
I mean is that clown subsidized by some HDD company??? this farce of a man who also goes by Twinkeytron should be filtered by all sensible people of /win-o'/
Jaxson Rivera
For old times' sake:
>Justice League Rebirth 01 (2016) (Webrip) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)(omegaguy edit) sendspace.com/file/px5mih
>Anyone ripping it? Personally I gave up on it a few issues back; but it was one of those titles that's always late for whatever reason. I wouldn't be worried unless it fails to show up over the weekend.
>Wilson isn't doing her best work with WW I think they're aware of that given the serious drop in art quality ( and the fill-in issue ).
>Been missing Rucka ever since he finish ed his last run. I wasn't a fan of that ( for the most part ); but that's because I was expecting something closer to his older run and instead he spent an entire arc continuity wanking.
It didn't help that he pulled the artist off of Black Magick to tag along either ( not because she's not great, but because it just pushed the next arc back that much more ).
Matthew Morales
Win'O finally cleaned of shit spammers. Feels empty.
Elijah Hughes
>Vampirella 000 (2019)
Is it the same as Vampirella FCBD (2019)?
Bentley Perry
download it and find out
Hunter King
That fill in artist from deviant art ended up being better than the original artist they hired for it. Cary Nord looks like he's had an injury since his Conan days
Jack Mitchell
>That fill in artist from deviant art ended up being better than the original artist No, I mean Steve Orlando wrote an issue, Xermanico's the only reason I didn't drop it sooner.
Oh yeah, I think Orlando did a fill-in because Wilson was sick last year, and the scripts finally caught up to when she was working on it. By sick, I mean she had an emergency hysterectomy. I also get the impression that Orlando really wanted to write WW more. That fill-in issue was full of weird silver age Wondy things
Julian Bell
any chance of Brubakers BAD WEEKEND?
Jack White
Nah, couple months back Orlando said on the world balloon podcast he'd be doing an extra issue on ww during Willows run.
Probably don't want to kick Wilson off for at least a year. It's the first work she's done for them since Ms Marvel (Kamala) became a big thing
Camden Robinson
>Why don't we wish him a good one instead? Because he needs material to keep cranking out more Criminal?
Ayden Jenkins
>Probably don't want to kick Wilson off for at least a year. Considering how long they've left Williamson on Flash and King on Batman ( and Abnett was on Aquaman ) I'd say if anything you're being conservative.
Carson Sanders
>~800mb JESUS FUCKING CHRIST what is cmx doing with these
Thornn has been late here and there lately. Usually, he posts late evening or late night on Wednesday but lately its either been his usual time or on the weekend. I've been waiting on Wonder Woman myself. I just read all 16 previous issues last week and really dug it. Reads better when binged. Still waiting for Mephisto to rip the Aftershock books too. I saw them on Comicslist unless the site was wrong? Mephisto is usually spot on all the time too.
Connor Butler
Luckily Glorith ripped Supergirl.
Alexander Bell
It comes out to ~3.5MB a page (240 pages). That's slightly-over the standard bloat-levels (2.5 to 3), but nowhere near the pure asslard-levels of Ahoy Comics with Hashtag: Danger and Planet of The Nerds (both titles average 5.5 to 6+MB per page).
>Bendis' Superman is so bad that no one even storytimed the new issue
Isaac Ward
>BAD WEEKEND someone ....eddy? come on now
Parker Williams
danke will you be ripping umaru v6?
Christopher Kelly
>>Bendis' Superman is so bad YOU'RE A DAMN DIRTY LIAR! If it was really REALLY bad we'd have storytime's of pain like we did back when Gabby was doing America. This isn't a trainwreck, it's just relentlessly decompressed mediocrity so no one cares enough to make fun of it.
>Superman, Naomi, and Young Justice got crammed into this thread And it died with 155 posts ... Bendis doesn't even make people mad anymore, just tired.
No one cares about Naomi, and someone started the Superman storytime in the middle of the naomi pages, so no one was really aware that it was going on.
Dylan Fisher
And Young Justice has been fun.
Hunter Gutierrez
>And Young Justice has been fun. That's not how you spell #woke
>When's the next Crisis? When Gary Frank finishes Doomsday Clock.
Gabriel Powell
>Black Mask
Does Black Mask still exist? I don't recall reading their comics lately.
Josiah Miller
Keeping to a schedule is not exactly BM's forte.
Justin Peterson
Need to read Patrick Kindlon's work from Black Mask. There's nothing there, Survival Fetish, Nobody is in control. Great work.
Thomas Ortiz
>When Gary Frank finishes Doomsday Clock. >When Gary Frank finishes >When At the current rate that'll be next year sometime ... by then we'll have been through whatever Snyder's brewing up with YotV and then it'll be Bendis's turn to CHANGE THE DCU FOREVAH!
Unless they do some serious restructuring at the top ( by which I mean firing or demoting Didio and Lee ).
Jeremiah Russell
Waiting for JL Odyssey mirror
Carter Wood
>Keeping to a schedule is not exactly BM's forte. Implying you couldn't set your clock by BM's raping!
Do none of you listen to the Word Balloon podcast? Doomsday Clock is coming out later not because Frank works too slow, but because they want to wait for Snyder and Bendis to finish their stories.
>not because Frank works too slow, but because they want to wait for Snyder and Bendis That might track if they hadn't started pushing things back well before Bendis even moved over to DC, senpai.
Dylan Barnes
Dear Glorith,
If you read this, I'd like to ask you if you could, then please rerip the following single issue, as it is now available in HD version! Thanks in advance.
The Human Torch & The Thing - Strange Tales - The Complete Collection (2018) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr
Joseph Morgan
with the loki sale happening right now, it's like the jorney into mystery trades are BEGGING to be ripped. BEGGING (pls) (also yes this is a good place reference of sorts but really please rip those books)
Man, someone should throw Shadowcat a party for all the great shit she rips! Thank you, Shadowcat for all the Digital HD copies that you ripped so that I could replace the Digital SD copies in various collections of mine!
Nolan Morales
Check Libgen, they have everything. If it was ripped, it's there. libgen.io
Easton Bailey
I don't think you're danke.
Logan Hughes
Ugh :facepalm: get off your high horse douche nugget.
Sebastian Smith
>eleven hougs lateg
Liam Lewis
Oh wow, really? That's a bummer. They are one of my favorite publishers. Thanks for the info!
Nicholas Jenkins
I wish Didio, Lee and, Harras would all be replaced. I do really did what Snyder is doing though.
Juan Hughes
The Last Kryptonian ripped it. It's on GetComics.
Brody Kelly
That doesn't make any sense, like at all. DDC was supposed to set the new status quo for the DCU but they ended up having to put Snyder's stuff from and center because of all the delay's.
Henry Russell
I don't know what that is, if it has mega links could you post the dl link?
Parker Thomas
You could fucking Google it like every other grown up does ,and then search look at this week's DC releases to get it.
Wrong post but you get my point. Anyone can say they are anyone. So I don't believe you, unless Manta or Kileko confirms.
Brandon Thomas
It's more because Johns lost his position at DC after the Justice League movie bombed. So Snyder/King/Bendis are basically to replace him. In the latter two cases they are basically there to rip out all the shit he did that DC execs didn't like (the previous status quo on Superman, Wally being back).
Robert Allen
Cool beans. It's a good thing your approval or disapproval is meaningless to me.
David Thompson
danke, more captain harlock when?
Ian Cox
Leo Peterson
>Hasbro’s Excuse me Mr. you've got things all wrong
Did Yea Forums increase the number of total threads from 150 to 200?
Adam Myers
What exactly is preventing you from opening the catalog and count for yourself?
Owen Roberts
The fact that I counted different numbers on different boards.
Christopher Harris
/vg/ has a higher limit, if memory serves. I don't think any other boards does. If what you saw was 150 +/-~5, it just happens when threads get moved/autosaged/etc.
Adrian Williams
Yea Forums currently has 200. I'm not sure what's going on with it. I recall it definitely used to have the same as Yea Forums.
Josiah Jackson
Any chance of Head Lopper 11 and 12 getting ripped?
Sorry for typo. I suffer from severe diabetic retinopathy and I'm nearly blind.
Jayden Long
No problem, you still write better than many faggots here.
Ian Rodriguez
>I'm literally full of piss and vinegar >also posting on a cartoon board while being unable to actually look at cartoons You should fit right in, senpai.
As Head Lopper isn't ripped yet, anyone read Reaver? I liked it. Some of the dialogue is a bit hit or miss and there's some dubious worldbuilding but the art was good. There's some fun ideas being to use.
Connor Adams
Achually, Lubna is 14. And fictional.
Oliver Bell
danke i love you, come back
Brayden Perez
Tell that to the judge.
Jackson Walker
Loliporn is legal in burgerland. I don't see why it would be any different for Ranx.
inb4 >no it's not Go to Yea Forums and ask in a lolithread, they have all the relevant answers in pastas so they can get the (You)farmers expedited faster.
You seem to have mistaken me for someone that cares about what you think. If you want to avoid getting laughed at when you tell the feds that someone is looking at drawings on the internet, then you ought to put in the effort. Unless getting laughed at is your thing, then you don't need to do anything. I don't judge much
Caleb Scott
>You seem to have mistaken me for someone that cares about what you think. And yet here you are, talking to me. Pedo
Andrew Hall
Well, you started the convo. It would be rude not to answer even though we both know you're only in this for the (You)s.
You really should update those pics once in a while. You out yourself as the resident (You)farmer every time.
Friendly reminder that you just put me 2 (You)s ahead, so even if you reply to this, I'll still be 1 (You) ahead and thus have won this round of shitflinging.
inb4 >i-i'm totally not the other guy you were arguing with, honest!
eh, liked it enough to give it one or two issues. If it doesn't hook me by then I'll stop. Unless issue 1 is terrible I give these things a couple more issues. Almost impossible to get up a whole new world and new characters in 1 issue.
>liked it enough to give it one or two issues. This.
It's The Dirty Dozen by way of yet another extremely generic 'inspired by GoTs' fantasy comic, but seems like it might be good enough to read-and-delete.
Besides God only knows when/if 7 to Eternity will pick back up.
>Netflix Deadly Class. SyFy Deadly Class. Cancelled after first season because it didn't immedlately become "the most watched TV show ever".
Nicholas Rivera
>Dirty Dozen by way of yet another extremely generic 'inspired by GoTs' fantasy I'd say more Suicide Squad ( which is basically Dirty Dozen + Escape From New York ), what with the 'if you don't get the antidote every day you'll die' cliche. Also: the bit where the bad guy rises up out of the pool of human blood exactly like Rasputin being resurrected in Hellboy was a bit of a groaner as far as really obvious cribbing goes.
Note: unlike the first few volumes where he'd play up the kink but fade to black before the actual sex, this has the full monty ( presumably because he's not bothering with the floppies and it's just the tpb collection of the fanfic he publishes on his Patreon ).
glad I gave up Avengers, Aaron's so fucking stupid to read.
Ayden Johnson
>Aaron's so fucking stupid to read. I was actually only bothering with the David Marquez issues so I dropped it a while ago after he went over to DC, well before WotRs.
I just read this issue because I was bored and I figured I'd see what was going on now that The Big Event was over and ... yikes.
I mean: people throw around the term 'fanfic' for 'anything I don't like' but this is LITERALLY fanfic tier dialog.
Also apparently Jen's the next Marble Grill to get BLACKED.
>Since when did all the Avengers start being so beta? Cap dropped his shield. Tony dropped his mask. Thor dropped his hammer. And Carol dropped her twinkie Peter stand in ... because She-Hulk is now, by far, the manliest Avenger.
>And Carol dropped her twinkie Peter stand in God damn it Carol, quit raping little boys!
Jonathan Gray
Nigga didn't you watch FFH? Pete is made for /ss/
Ian Hughes
>that "art"
Zachary Roberts
>Zombillenium 02 - Human Resources (2019) (Europe Comics) (Digital-Empire) For what purpose? >Zombillenium 02 - Human Resources (2014) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire)
Jose Foster
Different publisher. (Usually) better translation.
Hunter Hall
Point, I didn't compare the actual text. Phils rip is higher res though, which is absolutely a Good Thing™ when it's glorious De Pin on art.
>The Crescent (2019) (Digital) (Zone-Empire) This is a weird warewolf science fiction book that has nudity and sex and should appeal to the furry in all of us
Ian Howard
All new, untold adventures featuring the full crew from the hit Netflix show to dive deeper into the backstories of their favorite characters: the Robinsons, the Robot, Doctor Smith, and Don West. These are the missions you didn't see on TV, as our heroes struggle to survive in an unknown world full of new creatures, unexpected visitors, and new danger; features two new stories centering around Will and Penny: “Secrets, written by Richard Dinnick, and “Penny & Judith,” written by Brian Buccellato, with all artwork by ZID (Legendary: 51 pages).
DISCLAIMER: graphic sexuality gore sadistic violence
The undead horror from the mind of Garth Ennis with his comic book continuation of the acclaimed short film, Stitched returns, this time with at Shand and Daniel (Uber) Gete make America scared again, now unleashed in America in double-sized issues. Sheriff Kat Noble keeps the peace on a quiet border town. But as young girls start to go missing, she's pulled into a supernatural slaughterhouse and stumbles into the makings of the ultimate terror plot – Stitched loose in the streets of the USA!
i did, i'm trying to get the first 6 volumes of Yozakura Quartet, i can get 7-20 from booksdl but because my isp blocked libgen and the links for 1-6 are only on libgen i can't get them
Charles Turner
It's more likely that libgen is blocking your country. Proxy yourself into a burger and it should work just fine again.
Adrian Morgan
no it's my isp, i get redirected to the isp warning page whenever i try going to libgen and the proxies i can use only let you download 100mb before they fail
Angel Cook
VPN then. I've been using proxysite.com since libgen blocked my country, and had no issues. The shoddy part is that I can't use JD2 that way, but I don't have 3rd world internet so browser downloads are usually plenty fast.
Ah, thanks for Sugar. I read the preview for it and it didn't grab me enough to buy it yet. I have bought all of Sunstone and bought Swing this is just the one that I was unsure off.
Jacob Adams
>buying swing >not buying death vigil user, at least pretend you have some taste.
Asher Campbell
I have most of Death Vigil in floppies, but for a nice collection I'm waiting for his Patreon where he's finishing up that story
Does anyone know why only the first 11 issues of the Thor Simonson rip by Shadwowcat has the dope AF Steve Oliff re-colors and not the rest? Those re-colors look so damn good I need the rest of the run to look like that. I know the whole Omni was recolored.
Christopher Adams
King and Bendis should not be allowed to touch anything at DC.
Benjamin Perez
>Keaton Patti
absolute trash
Jeremiah Wood
Who knows. I wish someone else ripped it aside form Thornn at this point.
Wyatt Barnes
>not riding the pigeons >even though they owe you favors This is why you don't have a greatest enema, user. THIS IS SCIENCE!
Levi Campbell
Bchry-DCP did all the Oliff recolors
Adrian Phillips
Not all of them though and 356 is missing from the Bchry rips. Those recolors look too damn good to not have the whole run like that.
Isaac Butler
danke this isn't your rip is it? i know it has the tags on but the last volume i can find in desu is v10 and this v11 is 4x smaller than the other rips >Masamune-kun's Revenge v11 (2019) (Digital) (danke-Empire)
Not entirely comic related, but does anyone know where I can get the 18min Stitched movie directed by Garth Ennis
Anthony Collins
Does anyone know if someone ripped all of the Steve Oliff recolored Simonson Thor? I know it was all recolored for the omnibus but there are only 19 issues of the recolored digitally ripped and then it's the regular colors.
Matthew Russell
i found a mega folder on one of the private forums i use that is i think 400gb big because i realised the other day i downloaded some stuff danke ripped but it was random number volumes and not the entire sets
Owen Morris
They just look so damn good it's hard to go from those beautifully colored issues to the crap reg ones. I figure either they only did 19 to begin with or no one finished it. Do they have a digital cop of the Omnibus?
Luke Bell
Thor by Walter Simonson v01 (2013) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr Thor by Walter Simonson v02 (2018) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire).cbz Thor by Walter Simonson v03 (2018) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr Thor by Walter Simonson v04 (2018) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr
That's all that's been ripped so far of the recolored releases.
I think the original uploads were zippyshare and losercloud and Mega/losercloud for everything above a certain size (I think this was when Zippy was just 200MB limit). So that's partially why not everything was on Mega, for the most part. And this was before losercloud deleted files above 50MB unless they were downloaded every 30 days.
Seriously, sometimes you have to dig. I tried to find some downloadable video of a streaming service on CBS All Access that apparently no one even wants to pirate and browser search was almost useless.
And sometimes things haven't been made available. I've only ever found the trailer on youtube. The DVD can be bought for a few dollars...
Oliver Jackson
Yeah, I checked the library but I think they just haven't bought it. I mean I found a site where I could VIEW the series for free, without porn and asswipe pop-ups, but I'd rather download and stream from my tablet to my flatscreen then have to watch on a laptop.
If you're that same guy asking, you might try some Ennis fan sites and also indie film boards (especially for shorts).
I found some art stuff that doesn't crawl up in browser searches at all, even when I added the fan site to the search window.
Dominic Parker
So Shadowcat only did a certain amount of the single issue rips in the recolored form.
It's a shame that they haven't put out Vol.5 digitally yet. I checked Comixology and it's nowhere to be found so I guess it hasn't been digitized. I wonder why? There was a 5 year gap between Vol 1 and 2-4, I wonder how many years till 5 is put out digitally. They looks so damn good recolored.
Jacob Howard
That panel is hilarious, what issue is it from?
Hunter Nguyen
Hey, I love DC but King and Bendis are not their greatest strength of talent. Especially King, especially especially King.
Colton Lopez
>aquire HDMI cable or chromecast >connect tv and laptop >??? >profit This isn't rocket surgery, user.
I'm poor enough that the best flat screen I could afford has only two HDMI ports. I use one for Apple TV. Bought a 12 foot HDMI cable for what you speak (although my laptop gets very warm when I stick it on my bed to do what your proposing) so I rarely do it. Last time I tried, I discovered either the extra HDMI port on my TV is kill or the cable is OR on my 2013 laptop (and I can't afford a new one at the moment).
It's not that it's beyond my mental capacity, it's beyond my current finances and my current set-up,
if you found a functioning streaming source for the Stitched film and can't rip it yourself... share the source?
Kayden Carter
Cult cartoonist Dave Cooper returns to comics with this suite of stories about brain-damaged Amazons, black shiny eels, and much more. This is the first new graphic novel by fan favorite Dave Cooper in more than 15 years. Eddy Table, the star of Mudbite, first appeared in Cooper's award-winning underground comics series, Weasel. Mudbite compiles two all-new Eddy Table stories, "Mud River" and "Bug Bite," in which Eddy acts as Dave's alter ego. In "Mud River," Eddy makes a foolish mistake, causing a sweet, innocent Amazon to bonk her head, turning her into a very impressionable automaton. In "Bug Bite," Eddy has brought his family on a vacation to Europe, but he's soon distracted by a series of manifestations of his own obsessions ? voluptuous women, mysterious and collectible "microdevices," and a strange, impromptu jam session (Fantagraphics: 71 pages).
It's called a Cooling Pad, so you can put your laptop on your bed without overheating it. They're only like 30 bucks.
Nolan White
Himmler’s dangerous gambit takes a new turn, when the Führer reveals his own pact with the mysterious Visitor... Meanwhile, Truman gives the go-ahead for use of the "Little Girl" tactical atomic bomb, but he'll have to find a way to get the deadly payload to the intended target. The odds are stacked against the Allies latest endeavor, especially as a defense squadron of "wunderventilator" defend the city with Murnau at its head, assisted by Rudel and Hanna Reitsch, the three "trompela-mort" (Delcourt - Soleil in English: 48 pages).
Did Shadowcat not rip Batman Family #10 a couple of week ago?
Christian Torres
I found a streaming site for that CBS All Access cult sex series that no one gives a fuck about.
Ryan Garcia
it's been hit or miss - and late a bit lately but like ripping Riverdale Season 2 two issues at a time recently, she's mostly caught what she missed. If you reply to a DoZer post or something like that, one of them will tell her to get right on those....
Xavier Turner
>got a flight on thursday night for 2 weeks for work >remember hotel i got booked at has really shit internet i hope lucaz and/or danke drop their load so i can load them on my work tablet
Ian Watson
She's ripped all the classic DC issues that've been released for months now though except Batman Family #10 by my count.
Apple TV is two generations ago (I can't even watch You Tube on it) and it was a hand me down from a doctor friend.
And it's friendly enough for me to watch the Netflix self-same doctor pays for, which is all I care about.
If I can't buy a new HDMI cable, I can't buy that cooling pag.
If I can't spend money on something I could use regularly like an HDMI cable, why would I spend it on something that mostly duplicates something I have and that I don't really have the extra cash to spend to buy?
Benjamin Kelly
There's always going to Starbucks to do some of your work, expensing some delicious coffee to your work, using their chargers and using their free wifi.
Cool if you got it for free. Sucks that you had to see how awful of a streaming box it is (compared to any cheap-ass Android set-top box or Chromecast/Firestick). Give it a few weeks; someone will leak the short movie.
Joshua Rogers
>Marvel Action Spider-Man 01 (2018) Dang.
Zachary Jones
Memes in my coffee? No thanks.
Nathaniel Perez
Just because it's a meme doesn't mean it's not true. Especially King, especially especially King.
Jaxon Morales
Memes are only true in your head, casual.
Cooper Phillips
King's Batman is shit. King's event comic is somehow even worse. There is literally only one good issue of his Mr. Miracle. And his Fury thing series was so bad, nobody can legally sell it.
Blake Murphy
>Fury you can't even keep that straight, that's not him. Since being hired exclusive at DC he has done Batman, HiC, Mister Miracle and a couple shorts like Swamp Thing and stuff for 1000s. And there is still a lot of people that like his Batman, just not on Yea Forums, I don't care either way cause fuck Batman. His Mister Miracle is pretty great, but not as good as Vision. But it seems like most people prefer his first stint at DC where he did Grayson and Omega Men
Jayden Allen
The only good capeshit written by Tom King is Omega Men, his Green Lantern oneshot during Darkseid War and his Swamp Thing annual. Haven't read his indie shit like Sheriff of Babylon so can't comment on that.
Owen Gray
>actually implying that any version of Batwank besides Frank Miller was ever good There were what, twenty different comics released last month with Batwank either being the main character or a support feature? And how many of them were actually good reads?
No one, I just picked a shitpost topic to bump the thread with.
Levi Williams
Or user could just put the laptop somewhere ventilated and get a wireless mouse/keyboard instead. It doesn't have to be topnotch if he's only using it for netflix and shitposting.