New Wormwood comic


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Why did this one e-thot stunt create so much of an issue?

Because it's hilarious?

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Why are gamers such an embarrassment to civilized society?

Why would capitalists demand free healthcare?

>Why are gamers such an embarrassment to civilized society?
Because they live in it.

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You mean big business owners? Because unlike now, they wouldn't be the ones paying for it.

Well I mean it's not the same joke that originate on /pol/ so there's that. Enjoy this thread while it lasts.

But their increased taxes would.


this "joke" will already be obsolete by the weekend.

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>People buying her bath water with no kinks involved

If she was a big booty chick and farted in the water then I'd buy it but she doesn't even have a big butt nor farts in the water

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mostly civilians would pay for healthcare actually. if not 100% of it.

A-user, what would you even do with a girl's fart water?

How much are you willing to pay..

They wouldn't. It's best if you don't question stuff though

Until someone actually discovers the bath water in a 100 years post civil war.

because they donĀ“t have to pay for it and they only benefit form having healthy workers

Isn't that guy literally just turning /pol/ memes into comics?

They don't pay for it now though.

Stonetoss > Wormwood >>> Pumpkin face

Put it in the fridge and drink it during a hot day after mowing the lawn or just save it.

it depends, if she's cute, got a big butt and makes nice braps then 50 dollars

Keeps the plebs complaint.

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It is.And channers eat it up as you can see

Same reason the Kaiserreich implemented it over a century ago: It improves the health and moral of the population and makes them less likely to go on strike or vote anti-establishment.

Also the Kaiser told Birsmarck he wasn't allowed to just shoot all people asking for it.

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they wouldn't. The artist is a hack trying to shill right-wing propaganda without having any idea how the left works

Incels are easy to enrage

Exactly what kind of person do you think buys bath water from a "gamer girl"? I'll give you a hint: not the kind that has sex.

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Didn't people catch an STD from it? Or was that just an urban rumor

But then the workers would also be happy.

The left is proposing to fund free healthcare by increasing taxes on the rich.

Who the hell are you to represent them? Who voted you?

Presumably the rich have more to tax? Unless they are hiding it in company and nation-sized shell games.

The "hurry up, find me a girlfriend " gag puts wormwood over the other two.

>Also the Kaiser told Birsmarck he wasn't allowed to just shoot all people asking for it.

The workers.

Late for a bath water joke. This comic just sucks, even when it tries to branch out and not be "alt-right".

I dunno, why did insurance prices sky rocket and Health Insurance Prices skyrocket after Obamacare? Why did the cost of college increase exponentially after the government started handing out student loans?

Corporatists get tons of kick backs from the government the moment major regulations start going in. Plus when the government is paying the bill the private companies that are contracted to provide those "free" goods and services will always bump up the price because they know the government has no choice but to pay out.

I think the audacity and inexplicable success of selling bathwater is explanation enough. Also, it gave people herpes.

HeHesilly>>>>>>>>>>>everything else

>I dunno, why did insurance prices sky rocket and Health Insurance Prices skyrocket after Obamacare? Why did the cost of college increase exponentially after the government started handing out student loans?
Socialized education and healthcare would do the opposite though.

But capitalist America already pays more and gets less results than other first world countries with free healthcare.
The US is the only Western country where life expectancy is going down.

>workers have hive mindset
Every working man has right to form his own interest and political perspective. Not every worker thinks he is entitled to be automatically happy and deserves more than anyone else.

Paid healthcare was the employers responsibility in the old days, if healthcare were paid from the taxpayers wages they don't have to pay the cost. It saves them money, get it now?

That's only in the last 2 years after they started dismantling health care so they could afford more tax breaks for the rich

That would mean workers get free health care from businesses. They don't.

It's funny because the biggest supporters of "open borders" has always been the conservative republican ag industry. They were actually advertising jobs and encouraging people to illegally migrate. Comics like these just highlight the cartoonist's lack of understanding as antifa's "tax the rich" platform doesn't suddenly go away because jews hate hate speech.

Most of them vote left, though.

If we removed the law that forces hospitals to treat people even if they can't pay the issue will solve itself pretty quickly.

And yet has the biggest uncomparable GDP. US navy has more airforce than most country's airforce. Life expectancy is vague and meaningless as "happiest country", only invented to give gold medal to their own country like olympic game.

>But capitalist America already pays more and gets less results than other first world countries with free healthcare.
By what metric? If you go by surveys that go by people's overall opinion on their healthcare than yes your right, but when you've only ever experienced one form of healthcare of course you're going to say your satisfied. The US still has more successful cancer curing cases than any other nation by far.

>The US is the only Western country where life expectancy is going down
Because the US has a health epidemic not a lack of healthcare. Have you seen the obesity rates in the US? The country suffers from lower life expectancies because of their terrible lifestyle choices, not because they lack medical care

Won't life expectancy go down further if that were the case?

Temporarily, will get better after a generation.

>If they don't restrict vote
>If they don't gerrymandering
>If they don't compete we will win automatically
It's just same kind of the assumption as life expectancy. "In this way this is truth" is already a supposition, not a factual statement. You can't count eggs only exist in your assumption.

It's an easily verified fact that the working class prefers the left, though. There's no assumption in it.

Wow. Americans actually feel patriotic about the fact that their fellow citizens are dying.

How so? This just seems like an excuse to get rid of the poor.

>It's an easily verified fact that the working class prefers the left, though
Unless you look at an election map.

>It's an easily verified fact that the working class prefers the left, though.
So then why did the rust belt go red this last election? Oh that's right because the working class hates socialist bullshit.

What does this post even mean?
Businesses pay hefty amounts to provide insurance to their employees, as is required by law.
If its "free", they no longer have to pay to insure their employees.
And of course, "free" means that the employee is now taking up the cost through their own taxes.

Small businesses can't afford it. When Obamacare was implemented the number of full time employees dropped while the number of temps went up mostly due to temp workers not requiring insurance by law

Land doesn't vote, user.

It's getting ridof leeches, why should my bills go up for their treatment?

The rust belt is not representative of the working class as a whole.

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You cannot pay free healthcare for an entire country by taxing only the rich don't be fucking dumb. The vast majority would be paid by the middle class, which would make it not "free" anymore.

Why frame it as raising life expectancy when that isn't really your concern?

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They used to stupid. That was the point of unions before minimum wage. Unions got businesses to pay for healthcare.

The people in the comic do not look middle class. It makes no sense for them to be angry that they're getting free health care.


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This would work better as a sex ed joke. Wormwood fucking sucks because he focuses on creating scenarios that reinforce his opinions rather than telling jokes.

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Do you even know what the middle class even is? Do you think we're still in the 1800s?

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Finally done dancing around the whole "I think all blacks are subhuman criminals" thing. Nice.

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Do you think workers with torn clothes were meant to represent the middle class?

I don't get it. Did he kill him for being gay?

13 do 50

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Not that guy, but that fancy looking chef doesn't look lower class. I thought the joke was that antifa had been beating them up, not that they had poor working conditions under capitalism.

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If anyone lives in any country thinks decrease their GDP would benefit their fellow citizen is dumb.

Why is there an "n-word" pass joke if he's already said "nigger" multiple times already?

That makes sense though. America has done the most for gay rights and has a rich history in that.

I meant to quote when I posted

It solves the issue, most people not paying are the same ones against social healthcare, this removes that issue.

Greek here. We had elections on Sunday. The conservative right party came to power (which honestly changes nothing but the name of the government) on it's own while the progressive left party before it had to co-op with another right party to gather enough senators to form a government. The literal communist party got less than 6%. Of the votes, not 6% of the population.
The working class "votes" either vacay or voting. And when they vote, they vote left-right-left-right because they want to take down each previous government by voting it's opposition.

Plus if the majority of the biggest group in a country voted strictly one thing then it's opposing thing wouldn't come to power.

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I still don't get this one, are they catfishing each other?


But it's not.
I have no stake in this shit and it just feels forced.

This. Someone keeps posting about her again and again in various places even though nobody responds.

>Actively promoting bad art and garbage writing just because it aligns with your politics.
I hate you all.

>what is cronyism

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This one doesn't make sense though. They were called Paddy-Wagons because the majority of the police were Irish, not the criminals.

It was both, actually. Irish policemen arresting drunk and disorderly Irish immigrants.

Finally something funny

It seems more liiely that the prisoners died from insufficent food and water supplies in a war-torn germany rather then enough delousing chemicals to kill 6 million people.

Not only is that the case, it actually happened. Two FBI guys wound up fomenting a KKK sect by talking to each other.


I love his little references.

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if the krauts really were the superior race they claimed to be they could of easily outpaced the russians

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Russians never gassed or burnt body's user they just shot burred or left them

And we could tax them more.

and if the Krauts were as great as they claimed, they wouldn't of been outdone by the slavs. I don't understand what implications you're try to get out of my post

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