Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

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Out of the 0.04% of the Population that is trans only 0.0000...0001% of that 0.04% can actually pass. 99.999999....99% of Trannies are fucking ugly, even objectively.

I wonder what does the artist look like

Got a source on that or is it a personal opinion?

I wonder how long this thread will last.

it's hard to disagree or disprove something that's been misinterpreted so hard.

It's like the whole "no politics in games" bullshit, before you can have an honest discussion about it you need to get through a lot of semantics and figure out what you think it means, vs. what others think it means.

Same with this. Completely ignore that a good deal of trans people don't pass that well, and the few that do a lot of people might not even want to fuck because the business end is not to their preference. Doesn't mean trans people can't look nice, or hot, or attractive, but there will be those who find out someone's trans and just be completely turned off.

Shit like this comic then serves no other point than to be lazy point-scoring, only fit to advance the author's social position among their peers who share their views and prejudices, and will ultimately hurt the perception of trans people more than it helps them. Good comic.

What if the only trans i find attractive are all pornstars and without any shame i furiously fap to them everyday.

What would he/she/xer think about that?

>Well Yea Forums?
It becomes spam at a certain point.

That thing is still alive?

>can't tell if someone's trans
this is the biggest lie of the year.

that's fetishization of trans people and it's just as wrong as not wanting to fuck trans people.

>there's no way to tell without them telling you

You ever seen a tranny vagina
It's far grosser than a real vagina. Real vaginas have like, natural irrigation and shit.
a trans vagina is just a hard to clean skin hole

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Yeah, don't care. There are several biological issues that don't jive.

>>there's no way to tell without them telling you
Loving E V E R Y laff

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I am trans myself and all you have to do is a browse a trans subreddit for a few minutes to realize that. Hell on /lgbt/ there are regular threads dedicated to posting unpassing and unattractive trans people.

what did u say to me u lil bitch

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I'm not attracted to mutilated genitals.

Saying you're gay and you're not attracted to women is misogynistic, you may meet women who you won't know they're women until they tell you

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I will stop saying I'm not atttacted to trans people when the majority I see will stop looking like men with wig.

.04% is accurate; currently

The irony


>I say my argument on roller skate, I'm so cool
Am I back in the early 2000's when skateboarding and other associated sport were the coolest thing ever?

IE they don't commit suicide or look horribly maimed; only somewhat maimed.

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