I've been conflicted about having JJJ be an Alex Jones copy. It works out so well, especially with, transitioning to modern media. But as they play up this version of him we lose the option to have him be a man of respect.
I've been conflicted about having JJJ be an Alex Jones copy. It works out so well, especially with...
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PS4 Jonah had a couple human moments between his ranting, hopefully we get more in the sequel
Watts has also done other "villains" right so I've got faith they won't fuck him up, even if he helps Gargan become Scorpion
In game he was right almost at everything, but nobody listened to him because of his "character".
He predicted all in this game, but snoy fags hated him.
Exactly, his adaptation for PS4 was hilarious how right he was about everything sans spiderman. And he had so many great lines. I just fear that should we transition to this new voice of JJJ newer writers will misinterpret the character. Then we'll have a Jonah that tows the line of anti-Semitism, racism, blh blah blah.
I mean this is a pretty on-target depiction of him. He's always been a pretty insufferable asshole who was literally ecstatic to publish fake news on Spider-Man and tried to get him killed on several occasions.
>the third year of our God-Emperor Trump
>not respecting Alex Jones
Go dialate your soi.
The problem with the movie is that Peter and Jameson would never have any prior relationship before the turn. It just turns him into angry podcaster as far as the MCU is concerned.
Put it this way: Could you see Alex Jones telling a person to leave his office if he's going to make racist comments towards one of his coworkers?
Has Alex Jones ever literally paid a man to create a machine with the direct intent to kill Spider-Man?
You know? I can almost see it. Someone put on a spiderman outfit around him.
>JJ hates Spider-Man
>Treats Peter almost like a second son.
How ironic.
He won't ask for pictures of spiderman again....
This is the best way to portray JJJ. Hands down.
they don't need to be more than that. in the Raimi movies the Daily Bugle basically got turned into a comedic setpiece and Jonah was almost always played for laughs. it's not a meaningful place to have a serious moment, it's where Peter gets money.
Yeah, there were segments which I thought were pretty spot-on. One of his callers extols mayor Osborn having "cleaned up the city and fixed the economy" and JJJ responds with something to the effect of "Correction: The police have cleaned up the city, not some mayor sitting in a comfy office somewhere. Entrepreneurs working hard to build up businesses from nothing have fixed the economy, not some fat-cat tycoon." Aside from finishing his speech with his characteristic self-congratulatory nonsense, it felt like he was being written as a man of insight and character in that moment.
Here's the thing that bugs me that people miss about JK Simons JJJ. He was funny cause his work environment was chaotic.
Look at these scenes. It's rapid fire with how fast he's responding to several issues at once. He doesn't even need to think about what to say back to people. Now that they have him as a reporter in front of a camera, it's just JJJ talking at his own pace. This is why I feel that the charm of MCU JJJ won't match Raimi's JJJ.
So is Alex Jones actually a legit loony or is he playing a character to con actual nutcases out of money?
PS4 version was still considered credible
That's a really good take; I agree.
Illuminati agent that feeds fake conspiracy theories to lunatics as a part to discredit anyone who finds signs about its existence.
They don’t want to give Tony any competition.
That was true for Spider-Man 3. I remember this great scene where the goblin had JJJ held by the neck threatened his life for info on who had been taking the pictures but JJ wouldn’t talk. He barely new Peter at that point but wasn’t going to sell him down the river even if he might die for it, that’s how he went from funny to great.
Mostly the latter with a touch of the former for verisimilitude.
You also won't be seeing a scene like this within the MCU's setting for JJJ
he will contract kraven and it will blow on his face
he and spidey will work together to solve it
at the same time something something may/mj are in trouble because shit
my bet is scorpion
That’s true, JJ is a high energy character that made Peters life more hectic when you’d assumed being just Peter Parker would give him some down time. I don’t think the writers of the MCU Spider-Man have thought about this and the director would over look it as well.
Yeah but the most solid stories with him having vouching for all human rights and standing up against corruption....all while having a massive ego and an irrational, seething hatred of Spider-man.
That juxtaposition is what's entertaining and adds depth to his character.
He's an asshole but he's Peter's and therefore the reader's asshole.
Holy shit I thought that was a shop, hadn't seen that scene before
I did like PS4 character interpretations in general.
I don't remember JJJ putting on the suit and playing around in it. Was this a deleted scene? I really don't remember this. He looks so goofy in it.
OP best post
Both but he's actually right sometimes
>JJJ is almost always wrong
>Jones is almost always right
I genuinely don't understand this parody, there's supposed to be truth to satire
I think it's kind of weird as, at least going by my experience, people outside the US don't know who Alex Jones is, so JJJ is now a reference to a irl person that will fly over a large part of the global audience's heads.
>Takes the kid to the fucking Everglades for business experience while pretending that it's for his own benefit over all.
Even in the Ditko issues Jonah's really damn kind to this kid.
Jonah is supposed to be a great journalist with integrity that hates masked vigilantes taking law into their own hands. Hes not a clown youtuber faggot or conspiracy crack pot. Like all modern marvel and especially spiderman related, they have no clue what the characters are anout and only take into account superficial sitcom like surface traits for big bang tier "jokes" and anti right leaning rhetoric. They are hack writers destroying comics.
Why haven't they done a weekly in universe podcast with JJ or any of the talking heads in the MCU? It's something so simple that I'm shocked it hasn't been attempted yet. It could be like those old Superman radio shows.
>we lose the option to have him be a man of respect.
He was always a tabloid-pushing scumbag.