Are there any comic books where the US gets one Kryptonian and another country gets another Kryptonian and they duke it out for supremacy?
Are there any comic books where the US gets one Kryptonian and another country gets another Kryptonian and they duke it...
Yes, but its an anime, and its called G Gundam.
Who kicks the shoulder? Go for the face or the balls next time.
Do you really think puny Tibetan child could damage the iron testicles of warrior from glorious space Motherland?
> Are there any comic books where the US gets one Kryptonian and another country gets another Kryptonian and they duke it out for supremacy?
If you dont mind extreme edge and gore, look up "Uber". Its an alternate WWII history where a crazy super soldier formula is discovered and the arms race between the axis & allies is done with crazy ass super soldiers.
Uber is fucking terrible, and super blatantly dragged out the comic as long as possible with the germans constantly getting victories contrived in their favor with some shallow handwave on top about how that it was "at great cost" each time.
Do people have zero idea what dexterity means?
Now you know how every american super hero comic look like for non americans.
I'm not American ya twit.
Read this one comic and you've basically read the entirety of Uber.
>something of this quality was a patreon tier
There's a Justice League Action episode where Mr Mzyptickx(?) sent baby Superman to a made up dictatorship country where he became a one man army & Supergirl was sent to LA where she basically became Kim Kardashian.
God i want to see Kara get BLACKED
No we're not doing THAT again.
Do what?
America's butt
Not a comic book, nor even a full story, but: There is an episode of Justice League Action where Superman landed in Kasnia, while Supergirl ended up in California
You know you've got me thinking, what would happen if a Kryptonian Women crash landed in a Muslim Majority nation?
kara is so hot in this
her voice is so annoying in this
Pretty much this, Somebody should include a panel where they show Maria been the author's favorite.
Power Girl was hooked up with Mr. Terrific for a while.
Wasn't good for either
do they end up getting it on?
They fight.
Why would her heat rays knock him back?
Why would his arctic breath knock her back?
That's a face that says rape is imminent.
No. No she is not. I mean she's been hotter but everything about her voice sucks
Voice is irrelevant to hotness. Otherwise Dr Girlfriend wouldn't have so many fans.