Champions #7 Storytime

Gather around folks, the moment we've been waiting for is here: Sam Alexander's Space Stravaganza, featuring Kaldera.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just fuck already and make Kamala watch

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But first, a short heart-to-heart between Viv and Kamala.

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Kamala has cried a lot in this series...

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Viv's doppelganger is still lurking inside her. Good to see it wasn't forgotten.

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ah shit is viv 2.0 stuck in viv's concious

And now, let's go to space! And I think many will dig this issue...
Please bump if you're reading.

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Kaldera is the best.

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I'm not a fan of Champions
but please keep going
I want to see if Sam follows in Kamala's footsteps and get aliened

... And she's completely fucking nuts.

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It's all good, Nova fans are welcome here.

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>the moment we've been waiting for is here
Sam finally loses his virginity?

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>Nova fans
kek no sorry

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Check these helmets... White eyesockets instead of the transparent visors from Kuder's designs in Duggan's GOTG. I remember there being some complaints about those.
>Cosmic Awareness
Not quite but close. I don't think Sam's helmet had access to an AI.

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isnt the helmet on earth it was in the spider-man arc with the thieves guild unless that is after this and sam got it stolen again

Here we go again...

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Oh God
Give that girl a fedora

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You thought it would be that easy, didn't you?

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You guessed it right, tiger.

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Too bad Sam doesn't sell enough because I would fucking buy a comic with just him and Kaldera, I can't give a fuck about most of the other Champions.

Why are Nova Corps so useless

Thanks for the storytime!

Bravo on that continuity, Zub.

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I wonder if this was planned or if zub rolled with it being on earth in spencers comic

Curses! Foiled again by the teenage big titted, heterochromia'd alien!

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That Adsit in the last panel

user they have always been useless, theyve been destroyed what like 5 times?


A short explanation of what happened, for those who weren't aware. And whether it was part of the plan all along or not, seems like Zub's going all the way in with it.
I understand that, I like them both, but particularly I feel bad about Nova not having any book(s) anymore, given their great potential.

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im glad adsit is dead. my only regret is that this means deadpool can no longer torment him in the future

Exactly my point. What do they manage to protect when other superpowered beings or Richard are not there

I'm glad Adsit's still around from Duggan DP.
Has Wade regained his memories in Skotties run yet?

Novas have cosmic awareness? Also i wish Duggan's Nova corps would just GTFO, especially the whole "powere dby helmets" shit, blame Loeb for that i guess.

Huh. Well that's one way to use continuity to your advantage.

How old is she?
I want to make a /ss/ edit with that last part

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, and go support it if you liked it at your LCS... God knows it needs it.
Ever since Xandar's fall (both times), they've been fumbling to get their shit together. Richard remains the only fully competent Nova, with or without Worldmind.

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Son of a bitch

no and skotties run is ending soon its just been a bunch of shitty one offs. and one time he met ellie but didnt remember her

Teenager. Around the same age as Sam, give or take alien aging shenanigans. She's Proxima and Crovus' adopted daughter who they abandoned in a torture chamber drifting in space after she failed to beat Nova.

Ok this is hilarious.
Holy shit hahaha.

Kamala already claimed it

wait what?

Their whole shtick was to die so Rich could get Dey's power but writers keep trying to bring them back for some dumbass reason. They have been brought and have died so many times it's fucking annoying, Annihilation should have been the final nail on that dumbass idea coffin. They shouldn't try to make them Green Lantern copies or Space cops in any way. At the most just keep a small strike force group with Rich, Sam and two or three others but that's it.

Also they always jobbed but at the least they all used to go fighting down until the end and it would take more than just Kaldera or Deadpool to take them down. Duggan's corps are cowards and just comedy relief mall cops.

She didn't it's just that Samala shipper's persistent wish that won't happen.

Bruno was cucked entirely?

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Just fucking wait

So what happens? Zub just brings back the helmet and Sam is back to being Nova? Will he reinvent the character? Will he make him retire? The solicit for this was really ominous.

Also remember that Sam isn't as popular as Miles and Kamala and Zub has been hammering down in his tumblr how Sam isn't that popular.

I'm scared.

Just make Sam and Kamala couple and he would be popular.

meh I can not blame him but hey, he will have to accept that now they only can talk about their new Alien couple.
yesbut is funny because he """won""" in the end

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Not thanks, I won't wait for something that won't happen.
I doubt it.

How Bruno can even compete?

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In all seriousness, if Kamala is the one to welcome Sam back from his space adventures to recover his helmet, it might be enough to get her out of her current funk.

Too bad solo and crossover series are fucking each others continuity.

>theyve been destroyed what like 5 times?
>Ever since Xandar's fall (both times)

Lets see.
>First time: They got wrecked by Zorr, so badly the planet was destroyed and they ended up living in domes.
>Second time: Skrulls saw that they were weak so they attacked. Skrull/Xandar war fucked them over but they managed to rebuild.
>Third Time: Nebula fucked them over and they lost one dome (hinted in New Warriors to be a lost Xandarian colony and that they possible survived, no one ever bothered to pick up that dangling thread though).
>Fourth time: Something happens in Nova vol. 3 but Larson's run sucked and I can't remember what it was. Only that Adora was dying and everything was wrecked.
>Fifth time: Annihilation.

So yeah five or four times, depending if you count Nova vol. 3 since everyone else but, Donny Cates in Venom (Eddie's sister was introduced by Larson in vol. 3), ignored it.

They should seriously just let them stay dead. Marvel should stop trying to force the Green Lantern thing since they were never meant to be GLs and just let Rich and Sam be the only ones. If they want their Space cops they should just bully Hasbro for ROM and make the Space Knights their space cops.

I do not think so
Kamala is a freak
She only need a few hours of play in that wow rip-off

dont forget thanos imperative where nova takes the force into the cancerverse and the recruits are stranded powerless in space

I see you didn't count nuXandar aka Ego from DnA's Nova.
>If they want their Space cops they should just bully Hasbro for ROM and make the Space Knights their space cops.
I'm surprised they haven't already, they're doing fuck all with the Spaceknights. They probably don't care.

Sam should be the main character of this series from now forward

That was a dumb retcon since there were only few of them and Robbie made it back. Also Quasar would have totally saved them. But yeah this and I guess it's like what 7 times? They should really just go for the eight and end it there.

>They probably don't care.
Oh no, they want ROM. Even Gunn said that there's enough people in both Marvel Studios and Disney interested in the property but Hasbro wants to make something with ROM so they aren't letting him go but I bet Hasbro won't make that movie anytime soon. They have tried getting it out for quite awhile but nothing has come out of it. They even tried trademarking Dire Wraiths and Space Knights but Marvel challenged them but then abandoned the challenge. Last I heard there were rumors Disney was going to do something but I don't know if that's true or if it already happened.

Won't happene under Zub, from his tumblr.
>Question: Is there any plans for a new Sam Alexander series down the pipeline?

>Zub: Not as far as I know. Over the past six years Marvel had three different Nova solo series prominently featuring Sam Alexander. Each one had less issues than the one before:

>Nova (2013) 31 issues
>Nova (2016) 11 issues
>Nova (2017) 7 issues

>Not many characters get that kind of three-peat chance, let alone in such a short period. I’m not in charge, so I don’t know with 100% certainty, but it looks like there isn’t a large enough buying audience to sustain a Sam Alexander solo series right now. Will that change? Probably not unless the character gets a major visibility boost from outside the comics (movies, TV, video game, etc.)


Zub is so mediocre and "reasonable"
I hate him oh so much

Is that how young people say "you better not cum inside"?

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Abnett is done with DC isn't he? Bring him to Marvel and give him a book with Sam in it, while Ewing does a Rich and Wendell one.

Abnett already said he would write Sam if given the chance, plusbit would trigger rhe cosmicbookfag

Yeah Sam is a goner.

Is Kamala still popular?

So random members of the Thieves Guild have access to intergalactic space travel? Why the fuck do they even bother stealing stuff on Earth then?

Speak for yourself.

I don't even think Rich had cosmic awareness when he was Nova Prime so no. Also Zub is trying to define what Nova force is but again he's ignoring preestablished stuff and just making it more confusing. I don't lnow if it was him or Waid whi said Nova Force was kinetic but it just raised more question and added more shit with it other than being gravimetric and allowing the force fields and shit.

Also Sam would have gone all Garthan Saal and Genis-Vell had he had Cosmic Awareness, that shit requires strong mental focus. Sam is a spaz.

Why won't Sam just rape this crazy bitch senseless?

I mean, the thieves guild arc was really weird how they seemingly stole things off of people at that exact moment.

Just impregnate Kamala, please someone. Is it really hard to do?
Let her be teenage single mother.

Just fuck already.

More like "not many characters not named Carol"

that seems like a fun potential story with a good writer

It was already done by PAD and crazy Nova already happened in New Warriors and in DnA's run with Worldmind. It wouldn't be anything new.

She would probably like it and reverse rape him.

one day, the nova corps won't be a joke. one day...

It's vomit.

>Is that how young people say "you better not cum inside"?
it is now.

>the teenage big titted, heterochromia'd alien!
let's not oversell it, user. she's only fairly adequately-titted.

This is a better reason to make her take time off than what Willow came up with

>waaah people don't appreciate me, better abandon all of my friends, transfer schools, ignore all my responsibilities and not tell anyone where I am for no reason


>vivs the leader now

Does anyone unironically read this shit?

>It's not like I want physical relations with you

Sweet, Iowa is gonna get wrecked. Fuck Iowa!

t. Nebraskan

Nova Corps are sad, just knockoff GLs that don’t last five minutes staying alive

Oh God that's fucking hilarious

I hope Kamala stays gone. Being the head of a team already didn't mesh well with how she is in her solo and being the leader of a globally operating team on made it look worse. Plus even with Zub she was kinda just a bland and didn't have as much going on as the rest of the team. Probably because she couldn't do any big arcs that would compromise where she is in the solo. So just ends up sucking up screen time from the others with no benefit.

>barefoot Viv in booty shorts

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>Puts Sam through the ringer so Nova fans are forced to read the story in a team series which will eventually lead to him getting the helmet back anyway
>Fans still WON'T buy and sustain the book
I'd say he's right. Few of us have been buying it but it definitely looks like those who like Nova are still neglecting to buy things with them to support the books.
And, granted, I don't blame anyone for not supporting Cates GOTG just because Rich is in it due to the way he used him (the Annual was good though), but in here, Sam got plenty of focus, positive and negative... And people won't show up.

Is he really a good guy if he is stealing somthing that isn't his to take?

Thank fuck. I read the first issue and found it so unbearably shit that I haven't touched it since.
Do we know who is taking over?

Kamala was pretty plainly only made team leader because everyone else is either too caught up in their own shit or completely uninterested in it.

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>You ever see a man die in space? You could tell the ones that held their breath, their lungs ruptured from all that gas expanded. Blood from their mouths like A torn pillow full of red BB's. Stab girl she was a little thing, carried around switch blades, she knew to exhale. I watched her for a full minute, puffed up like she had a peanut allergy. Floating by me with her mouth open screaming, making no sound. Spit on her young boiling.

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thanks for the story time.

kek put the full picture user
let's make it clear how alpha is Kamala
also she put kang and rick in her harem now

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She WILL be back. This is just so they can switch her to her new armored suit after a small timeskip.

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>Viv wearing shorts
Holy fucking shit that is good stuiff

Sam a cute

nobody can control her
and she does not care

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She is a fucking qt

She needs to breed. All genders, all species, all of time and space is going to be her harem.

That fucking sun design on yellow metallic parts just reminds me of Wargreymon.

>go from being remembered only for her religion to become itself a religion

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Sorry your helmet is in another castle.

She's already got one planet worshiping her. It's a slow-but-steady progress.


Good issue. Was starved for Nova content.

>My feet hurt.
>She smells like curry.
>I wish I was hugging Riri.
>Hurry up and let me go already so I can leave New Jersey.

>Kaldera be like

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This is a bit disingenuous. The 2016 relaunch was because of Secret Wars where EVERY book was relaunched, and the relaunch had a really terrible creative team which resulted in a lot of lost readers.

Nova 2017 also wasn't a solo series, it was more about Rich Rider than Sam, and would have done a lot better with improved marketing. Most people didn't even know Rich was back until after the book was cancelled.

So the Nova guns were probably set on stun, right?

I honestly wish the third series was just an oversized mini that sold itself on the return of Ryder and cancerverse shenanigans.

I remember Viv had the hots for Riri for a while.
I wonder if she and her twin engage into not-incest...

she want brown girls

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Isn't Viv just an Android with a fetish for being worn like Power Armour.

>I have no desire for physical relations with you

He thought they were a weird kink thing didn't he?

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So she's basically Fatality?

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>turning a continuity error into a plot point

The book was already selling poorly before 2015 SW, so the Sean Ryan issues bleeding even more readers was natural. I do agree that Sean Ryan is a bad wrote, though.
And, I feel like vol 7 was more like a story about Rich, just with Sam as the main character. I don't think marketing could have done much to save it. Might have been able to reach 10 issues with better advertising, but I guess we'll never know

He had it coming after what he did.

I think Sam's best hope is a Nova Bros tie-in mini for a future event.

Is he dead? Or is he just gonna come back later and be fine?

Also I hope Ewing remembers Garthan Saal is on the lose, him and Rich need to have a round 3 and the Nova lore needs a clean up.

I think he should get a new name.

Can I get a list number of Sam meeting Kaldera again? This stuff is great.

>tfw when Muscatine is like less than 2 hours away from where you live

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I think the only other interaction outside of this was issue 11 or 12 of Vol 5

I wouldn't be surprised

I'm buying it but hate all of his OCs
Zub isn't a good writer

You hate Pinpoint? You're no friend of mine.

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And this issue.

>Grove Street
Awww we go again

In my opinion it's likely to do with the fact that it's not Sam as Nova, but Sam as Sam (Formerly Nova). It's not Sam doing Nova things, it's Sam wishing he were doing Nova things and getting blueballed because he can't do Nova things.

Not only that, but it's all happening in the "Champions" book, where he has historically not been one of the lead characters. As far as I can recall, it's primarily been about Kamala, Miles, or Viv. Pretty sure Sam's only had as much screentime as Chulk.

There are DEGREES of Cosmic Awareness.
Most likely the Nova Force gave the user just enough to better orient themselves in space and whatnot.
Like, up to a 5 in a 1-100 scale.

Y'know this is probably gonna end with Nova getting his helmet back and Kaldera fighting him to the death, but as he's pinned down and Kaldera readies for the kill, she finds herself unable to do so, and instead she drops all guard and pretense and begins ravaging Nova on live television, hips moving on their own.

You mean "forget to hermetically seal the room".
She will find a way in.

Pretty sure this ends with Sam giving up on being Nova and Kaldera joining a bloated roster

If this ends with Sam no longer being Nova then we're going to have a serious problem here.

I'm pretty sure the reason this plot has taken over a year to resolve is because Marvel was trying to come up with a new identity for him

good upload, thx

Nah, I think Zub is just being a hack. He couldn't write a story with Nova as Nova, so he depowered him and wrote more stories with him as Sam, and now he's going to drag Sam around as the straight guy to Kaldera's morally questionable antics until either the end of the whole ongoing series or the end of the next trade collection.

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I know I'm repeating myself, but again I'm pretty sure Champions will be cancelled soon. Shit has bleeding readers for a long time, and I doubt it can hold out much longer.
And at the same time, there wont be any Nova title unless a movie is actually announced

It's at around 19K, which is not good by most measures, but they did cut the first Waid arc into those smaller sized (physically) trades aimed at kids, so they might keep it going to generate more content in that format

Isn't that the "Champions by Waid" trade? I was tempted to buy that one, but I'm holding out in case they release a "Champions by Zub" so I can grab both at once.

I mean its not like morality is universal here on earth, nevermind in the totality of the universe. Maybe strengh is a decisive trait to her culture?

I think it's
>Champions We Still Need Heroes
which only sold 976 copies to LCS's, but that isn't the main audience for that.
First 12 Waid issues, but in a smaller format

I wouldn't be surprised if Champions is cancelled again. The real question is if it gets renumbered for the usual boost.


There's always the backdoor virginity.

Ewing really rubbed off on Zub, eh? This thieves bit is one right from his book, and I love it.

sad bait, user.
Have a (you).


Sam is dumb. He probably just doesn't realize that cosmic awareness is a specific term instead of his increased senses while the helmet is on.

I don't think that would help him from a sales standpoint. And as a character, his entire arc in his original solo is about trying to live up to the legacy of the Nova Corps. I feel like renaming him/changing his powers would just be an attempt to pander to CBNfags.

Yeah, I think Champions - like Moon Girl and Squirrel Girl I know you hate them, not relevant - is one of the titles where physicals are irrelevant compared to the TPB market. Hopefully.

His entire character arc is about his dad. He didn't know anyone on Xandar and has no stakes in carrying on their legacy.
There's nothing to lose with at least trying something different with him and just chucking his helmet back to him if it doesn't work. It's not like his readership can shrink much more anyways. it's a low risk high reward kind of deal.

No, see, she actually walks the walk.
She needs a straighjacket, not a fedora.

when did this shit get good?

When Waid left and Zub took over