Venom #16 Storytime

Venom No More?

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Isn't Brock a wanted criminal?

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I always wondered why Brock swore eternal vengeance on Spider-Man and not Emil Gregg, the guy actually responsible for ruining his life.

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Hey look sun for what I think is the first time in this book

probably, who the fuck really knows when US goverment gets overtaken every tuesday in this universe?

Thanks for storytiming

this book feels comphy for some reason.

This is always the problem with any story that involves a super-villain "getting out on parole" or "going straight." The sorts of crimes that the average super villain commits tends to result in sentences which are so long that any time they ever set foot on the sidewalk again, it's only because they've escaped custody and are now fugitives. You know that spaz that shot up that screening of The Dark Knight a few years ago? He got a sentence of 12 consecutive life sentences, PLUS an additional 3,300 years. That's for one night's worth of killing. The average super villain would be an order of magnitude worse.

>Asgardian invasion
>Oh yeah that one that had millions getting eaten, enslaved and outright killed and major metropolitan cites got burned on every other page and side book but everything was fine and rebuilt the next day.
This shit shows exactly why events, especially ones with catastrophic civilian body counts are a terrible idea. Everything should be fucked right now, society should be falling apart not back to normal. Fear Itself was also retarded in this way too

This, unless you're a rich and influential guy like the Kingpin, there's no realistic way you'd ever legally get out of prison in any timeframe compatible with comic book time.

So next month is Absoloute Carnage. Here's the reading list

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And Carnages new design. I like it, would like to see it with no Knull symbol and more black instead of glowy

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It imaginary venom blue because Eddie wears blue hood?

I want to lick that quad

Nah just different colorist/artist team. There's way more color in general in this issue

because it's gay friendly

>gay friendly
>after the bitchfit moviefags threw at the domestic abuse issue


>Venom (2018) #13-15 is not Venom vol.3
So it was officially hiatus. I'm so mad now

hiphop music video

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why the fuck a flashback mini is getting a tie-in to the event?

Which one?

symbiote spider-man is mini about first days of spider-man wearing black suit.

I knew that this issue had some printing errors, but it seems like they have also manage to be in the online version as well

lethal protector and venom?

Oh shit yeah. I guess it'll be feeding in some stuff about Knull, or maybe Cates will get somebody to try and fix the whole Julia Carpenter spider symbol thing

has been a while that I actually saw a long and good action scene in an american comic

I think that's the Iron Fist/C&D/street level tie-in

PAD is writing it, not Cates. It might be about Brock's early days during the Sym-Suit saga

Issue 6 had a better one

Any other Absoloute Carnage teasers?

>Hulk is one of the last tie-in
Wonder if originally it wasn't gonna happen but Ewing thought this was the perfect way to bring back Ross

Ewing is a great team player and loves to pick up other peoples' toys and play with them. I have no trouble at all with the idea that when he heard about the premise of the event, he pitched this idea as an organic way to expand the story he was already telling anyway.

Speaking of, War of Realms Omega and Weapon Hex today

Cates puts way more effort and thought into writing this comic than he does Guardians.

I was watching him and Stegman do a directors commentary of #1 on Stegmans podcast and yeah, I don't imagine there'll be another book by him that he'll care about as much until this is over, he has a 5+ year plan.

Imagine he makes it to 100 issues unlike King

Is this a

Thanks OP, nice issue.

Where could I find the previous chapters of this venom?

I'm starting to like this venom-without-symbiote.

I feel like he knows how to use Eddie but not the Guardians or any of their supporting cast.
I hope he'll get moved from the GotG but he'll stay on Venom, he is doing a good job there.

Win-O thread,, your local comic store


Pretty sure the only reason he took on Guardians and is being the head of Cosmic is because of Knull, CGR and Thanos. He made an arc of GotG be about Thanos, his Surfer arc is about Knull, and I bet the Church in GotG will be Knull worshippers instead of Magus. He's also doing something with CGR and Danny Blaze.

Eddie tapping into his insanity to fight like Venom is pretty great.

I feel like he doesn't really have the same passion for Guardians than he does for this.

>The Punisher saves puppies
>Sabretooth goes vegan!

If you're feeling an uber adrenaline rush you could probably tank a single bat swing and a kick to the face, but three consecutive hits from a hammer making a 'KRACK' sound?

The Daily Globe:
Donny Cates:
no one:
not a single soul in the universe:

me:Where is the Rhino?

>maybe it was Eddie himself's not-super power all along
I would like it

Thanks, OP.

Dat boy Thicc as hell

I mean Eddie is an absolute fucking unit himself who spends every book getting the shit kicked out of him

>Immortal Hulk-Carnage teaser shows that Ross is missing from his grave and it's covered in symbiote
We gonna get some Flash in Absoloute Carnage? Or will Ross coming back be a mixture of Green Door + Knull?

if flash comes back to life, he will probably get his legs back.

>removing someone's disability
I dont think so Chief.
We might get some more moments like the Flash-Symbiote imprint, maybe the Knull possessed Symbiote attatching itself to Flash's corpse

Look at all this shit I'm never going to read.
Still, thanks for the storytime.

I always wondered, in the real world, would a reporter really be fired if it turned out that a compulsive confessor he interviewed was lying about being the killer? Keep in mind, Emil actually dressed up as the Sin-Eater and was arrested by the police, he turned out to be the real Sin-Eater's neighbor.

Whoa, Gedeon's Venom is super nice.

From what I've seen and what I've heard directly from him, he's emotionally attached to Eddie. Right down to the marriage problems.

Oh shit! I just realized that he's going to have Carnage is going to go after Anne's corpse, and have it be a major plot point.

He's also Todd McFarlanes kids step-dad

bump for Papa Eddie

oh cool he comes with a wade face

>Venom beating the shit out of Alan Moore
what did cates mean by this

>They pull some asspull with the codex's and Flash becomes a sybiote puppeting his own corpse
Wouldn't that be some grim Venom fun.

Here's Stegman and Cates doing a directors commentary on #1. Beware, Cates really likes using the word dope

They're doing #2 tonight on Stegmans podcast