Here's your 2020s art style, bro

Here's your 2020s art style, bro.

Attached: 2020s.jpg (1080x1459, 397K)

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Ok but will the female characters have big titties

I'm okay with that.

Animaniacs will probably deliver, if the original show is anything to go by.

So I should be expecting a meteoric rise in "crazy-wacky" cartoons this nu-20s? Well I hope they understand what made those 40s-50s cartoons great and not try to rehash the same tropes like what a lot of those 90s cartoons did.

fuck yeah, sounds neat.

Animaniacs deserves to be sunken to the bottom of the sea on a ship by Pirates

progress bad.

Beats CalArts

with this and the constant remakes I feel like we're stuck in a time loop.

when do we get to die

>All these shows 'n shorts are reawakening
It's true then. Nostalgia always wins. That's why Nintendo makes cash.

Based and cup pilled

you gotta teach the plebe to not want to improve their life. Give them the illusion "we won" already and don't need to go anywhere else. That keep them obedient and cheap to please and exploit.

I fear that they are gonna miss the soul of the original due to the current sjw hivemind in entertainment

The last one was 100 years ago.

>Block your path

Attached: harmonypremium_logo-600x505.jpg (600x505, 14K)

If they treat Tom n Jerry like this (but with the same soul as it's prime) then I'm sold

Based on the official preview, and those couple of cam rips, I have moderate hopes for the new fleet of Looney Tunes shorts.

I'm also modestly excited for the Oswald show, because I just like the character concept and want to see what they do with him.

As for Cuphead, I hope that it was just an outside company that made the poster, because I can't believe that MDHR would suddenly make a calarts style show after they spent all that time making the game by hand. I'm hesitant to invest much anticipation into it, but it'll be the easiest for me to access, since I don't have Hulu, don't plan on getting Disney+, and have no idea where the New Looney Tunes will end up when it gets its full release.

Even though I grew up on Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain was my favorite part of the show, and I watched the spin off (pre-Elvira) more than I did the main show. While I have yet to revisit either one, I did end up getting both seasons of Freakazoid on dvd, and it might be the best out of the three, if only because P&tB's formula can be a bit tedious to marathon, and how the lesser segments from Animaniacs, the ones that you always fail to remember, outnumber the better ones. All that taken into account, I have no idea how the reboot will be:
>better in every way
>true to form, but so much so that I still don't have a taste for it
>calarts-lite, I'd let my kids watch it but wouldn't stick around
>bauhaus schwarbage, that i wouldn't let my kids see
>hafnim propaganda that should be taken off the air, and the showrunners lyched
All these buzzwords and more could very well apply to it, but in any case it's the lowest priority to me.

Only after understanding and yes even loving the suffering

>cuphead show
How the fuck? The extent of the setting is "based on old cartoons" and the characters have no personality or backstory, aside from an affinity for gambling.

>No personality.
You can see their entire dynamic from this one panel of the opening cutscene.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-10 Cuphead - Opening Cutscene (Story).png (594x404, 642K)

Man why are they so cute?

We are on here aren’t we?

How so?

retro is better than cal arts


Cup is the no thinker. Does what makes him feel good in the moment and rolls with the punches after.
Mug is the safety first. Either tags along or is dragged along with cups antics.
Devil/Dice are the baddies.
Bones is secretly the real bad guy who’s been manipulating Devil/Dice the entire time. BONUS ROUND.

How is this calarts? It'll probably looks like Mickey Mouse new shorts

Attached: cupheadnetflix.jpg (768x772, 105K)

Toon Boom Harmony was used to animate Winnie the Pooh 2011, shut up

>Hellooooooooo nurse
>being allowed in 2020

But why be a cuck when you can save oodles of time using D E F O R M E R S & P A R E N T P E G S ?
All yours for $1000 a license!

Attached: Executives.jpg (500x272, 60K)

Why is a black girl excited about a character inspired by minstrel shows?

If only.

It's better the Cal Arts, so I'm fine with it.

You want to do Dot?

>thinking the cuphead poster looks even remotely like """calarts"""
I'm not sure if you're blind, stupid, or both

Attached: 1557100675618.gif (512x512, 340K)

Good. Anthro is simply the best thing Western animation industry can do. The Japanese mastered the sexy and beautiful human character designs and we'll never reach that level so might as well stop trying.

I get the terrible feeling that this will just be like The Wacky World of Tex Avery

>hafnim propaganda that should be taken off the air, and the showrunners lyche
Oh no, we're not doing that again.

Why did we never see those skeleton guys again?

They were killed in a coalition air strike.


we're devolving.

Don't dare to say that name

Remakes have been a thing since the since the silent film era.

because #notall skeletons are bad guys. some have skeleton wives and skeletons children but yeah some skeletons are bad and will indulge vices like gambling.

Oswald's getting his own series??

Attached: 1555809911856.png (1031x593, 278K)

I know it won't happen but I'd love if they took a crack at the SJW crowd

Would you rather have more Calarts shit?

What makes you think that these will be the trendsetters and not the outliers?

What's that got to do with Toon Boom Harmony?

Probably responded to the wrong post, I think he meant to reply to

thanks, I'll gladly take it over the shit we have now

I'd do a big titty thot Dot.

>couple of cam rips
I only know of the one with Daffy and Porky from the Wet Cement episode. What's the others?

who fucking cares, what happens happens. we're not even in 2020 yet there's no way of knowing what trends become popular and what don't. All four of thosse shows can get canned within a year.

katie rice works on the show and she's famous for skadi of all things, so I have hope some innuendo and adult jokes happen, withoutthe harrassment

I seriously don't understand what's appealing about Oswald. He's literally now discount Mickey. Are they going to make him grumpier like his Epic Mickey version?

Attached: a confused miles.jpg (132x119, 12K)

That would be relevant five years ago

>Who cares about upcoming cartoons on a cartoon board

Kind of a bit skeptic but since I can't have different opinions over an artstyle I'll just say great.

At least Looney Tunes is getting high quality animation.

Because it doesn't know.
"Art" niggas don't want to know/remember.

>better then
It's the same shit, look harder! First time I saw Cumhead, I thought, "what is this calarts shit, a game? they're making calrats style games know? looks like the mouse but with some copyright friendly changes here and there to avoids the mouse's legal ire"

Attached: 1558526081701.jpg (480x360, 21K)

Cope harder Rebecca.

At the very least there will be some jokes involving big female butts, she always includes them. She couldn't resist giving Bessie from Mighty B an ass in her storyboards fer pete's sake

Wow we've gone full circle. But I have a feeling that those toons (aside from the looney tunes) won't have the smooth frame by frame animation like the old days which personally i could give less a shit about. Also where's my boy Felix? Are we not celebrating his 100th anniversary?

Attached: Felix.jpg (1400x1400, 102K)

What's wrong with Toon Boom? Last time I checked, you could make fluid frame by frame animations on it if you have the skills just like the dreaded FLASH.

Attached: this triggers the 60 year old boomer.jpg (800x400, 14K)

The CN-Renaissance made people realize how much they love cartoons and animation and that the classics deserve to live on.

absolutely not these shows aren't for you

I hope the animaniacs doesn't have as many celebrity references this time
I always hated them as a kid

Why couldn't we just orbit back to this style?

Attached: joanofarc-clonehigh.jpg (650x400, 71K)


Or, you know, it makes the character more recognizable in a era that only had black and white and most people don't look at things and obsess over race

>it's just like the old cartoons!
no they're not. old LT had comedic timing and good use of punchlines. this new short with Elmer chasing Bugs with a scythe and the dynamite is more on the level of Tom and Jerry.

>muh artstyle
this is what it's actually about then, fuck off.

It's called a teaser trailer

Least it's not calarts.

remake shit by Korean sweatshop studios?


>least it's not buzzword

in 10 years people will call it cal arts, shit there's already people calling it cal arts, it's just some of us are actually aware that it's a meaningless buzzword spouted by posters like

Tom and Jerry usually was nowhere that fun.

Tom and Jerry was pure slapstick, basically discount Looney Tunes.

From what I've heard, most of the shorts are going to have dialogue and will be longer. So we will see....whenever they release it which we unfortunately don't know yet.

Remake shit isn't anything new or creative at all. It's really a sort of spin off marketing and never lasts long. Yea Forums has real low expectations of cartoons so believes even remake shit is a messiah.

The guy who made pic-related was right...

I can't wait to see silent film make a comeback.

Attached: The2020s.png (828x585, 508K)


>Least it's not slur

reminder that you can draw frame by frame animation in flash without the dreaded motion tweening or puppet rigging

Hello nurse was intelligent and didn't take shit from anyone.

>Tom and Jerry usually was nowhere that fun.
Gene Deitch's Tom and Jerry, maybe. Anything by Hanna Barbera is way better than that shit.

That's the most generic name and avatar for a twitter user.

In other words, it'll be an anime decade. We've been thoroughly beaten. This showcases that the western animation industry isn't only unoriginal and wholly dependant on cannibalizing already existing (and in this case utterly exhausted) properties, but that they gave up on crafting ANY sort of story, characters or plots. This return to talking animal garbage is Yea Forums industry throwing in the towel and putting on the diapers. With the exception of Cuphead which may or may not be good (take a guess) all three remaining properties are obsolete for anyone other than little kids. In other words, the style and substance of simple 10 minute cartoons has already been cornered by youtube and various amateur animators. Hell, flash animations from 2005 are basically the same thing. None of that can compete on the international market anymore in any capacity UNLESS you really are a guy doing it for fun and somehow end up good or popular.

You won't watch new Bugs Bunny cartoons. I won't watch them either. Maybe little kids will, on youtube. And that's about it. Meanwhile Japan is doing what they've been doing for decades now, and tards still haven't figured out that they NEED, desperately NEED to go suck their cocks and beg them to teach them how to write and animate. This despite the fact that both Korea and China are doing their best to imitate them. It's no precedent to do this, you always learn from the best.

On a potentially lighter note this return to kiddy shit may be a sign that the SJW domination of the industry has finally ended in abject failure, and this could be a desperate ploy to get people to see cartoons as harmless again.

You can all defend rabbits as much as you want due to nostalgia, but the bottom line is stuff like that just doesn't cut it anymore.