"Lesser Gods" Part Three.
Batman & The Outsiders #3 Storytime
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There is going to be a lot of Batman today
Thanks for storytiming, Norrin.
great art wasted on shit writing, get this artist on an X-book
So is Batman going to be absent from this book when the villain event happens? I mean, Batman is suppose to be dealing with Bane in Gotham in Batman. Or are the Outsiders going to help?
YotV is really weird when it comes to the Batman and Soupman books because they all take place at completely different times
Hey look it's Not-Red Hood
Nope. Batman will still be here.
>Cass is still hiding melons
Based Dexter
Writes itself
Ok fag
Dammit not this cocksucker again
Who the fuck is gun dude?
I think that's why they call it a comic BOOK you dumb knuckle-dragger
Shit I always forget to say thanks for the story time
But I always appreciate it
>good writing
>An X book
Funny joke
this is too many words for you? Maybe go try toddler books then
don't you know? Batman's power is to show up in every book DC publishes.
Gun dude AKA Karma was a villain in Hill's Tec arc. Duke got fucking blown up by the dude when they first met so he has no good memories of him
If you want to read it, you can check out a storytime here:
She's learning from Steph.
O don’t mind this team but they need better villains to fight
Cass has big boobs
They really do.
Thanks buddy
I really hope Duke sticks around. I'm sick of getting a new blackie to replace the current blackie every few years/months
Before duke we had batwing? And before that their was the kid who build the robo-batman ... maybe he doesnt count tho
Who would you suggest?
I meant the other gun dude but thanks all the same
Wait is he actually not the red hood this time?
>the other gun dude
Oh you mean Kaliber. He was introduced from the beginning of the run. No clue otherwise on who he really is.
>Wait is he actually not the red hood this time?
Nope, Not-Red Hood here is a completely different person.
No, she's clearly envious of Katana
This is a shockingly fun read. One of the better books I've read in years
Friggen awesome. After the fucking Gotham Knight I just expect all of them to be Red Hood
Is she? Or is she learning from Tatsu?
Oof bottom middle panel is supposed to be Black Lightning's dialogue isn’t it?
DC has editors?
This was cute.
IIRC Marvel were the ones lacking editors
No. Duke still see's BL as an outsider who's in over his head, doesn't think he can run with the Bat Senpai
It was very much a insult posed as a question from Duke to Jefferson
Until the dark times. UNTIL the Bendis arrived. Now they've scattered. Lost amongst the wind.
Marvel editors don't seem to do shit. Likely it's probably budget cuts forcing editors to oversee more and more books.
DC editors have Didio and Harras breathing down on their necks so they are not really in a position to edit someone who has gotten a seal of approval from their bosses lest they get fired.
Comics are fucked