Wherein MJ joins the Fantastic Four.
Amazing Spider-Man #25 storytime
>Mysterio faked his death
I totally didn't see that coming. I totally thought they would kill off Mysterio a week before his movie.
Pretty brave of them to have Doom in a musical, that actor is risking his life.
Isn't this Screwballs bit?
ok kindred is totally the burgler who shot uncle ben because rhineheart is the disguise mysterio used during the story arc where he teamed up with and betrayed the burgler before the burgler died of a heart attack thinking peter was gonna kill him in revenge
That's cheating, this only worked because of Ottley's Atom Eve sameface.
I mean if the actress replaced mj they had to have some level of similarity
I’m glad I stopped buying Amazing SpiderMan. God, this is awful.
Spencer is at his best when he is doing something like this.
Kind of had interest but OP title just made me drop this issue, again
This would have been a much better reveal if they hadn't started with it. Put all the Mysterio stuff from this issue at the beginning of the next one, leave us asking why and how the fuck he's not dead.
How did that arc end? Last issue I read, Kraven Jr said he was off to go kill Lizard Jr.
So #25 is a celebration issue nowadays?
>No Human Torch
>No Logan
>Neither of his Amazing Friends
C’mon, Spencer. I hate that spidey’s friend gallery is now just reduced to spider-knockoffs
>That Namor
Many Keks were had.
This isn't another "let's isolate the character we don't have full film/tv rights to" thing again, is it?
So they redesigned Lady Octopus to look more like her movie version.
So after Absolute Carnage I guess? Please don't tell me were gonna have a big spider people meet up in Absolute Carnage and then have to do it again like 2 months later
I thought we were over that now that Disney acquired all the rights? Spencer’s usually decent with continuity, so I’m guessing this is just Marvel wanting him to push Miles and Gwen since Spider-Verse was such a hit.
aw shit miggy is back will he get to take care of his kid
At this point, is the Spider-Man 2099 future even canon to the main 616 timeline? Pretty sure it diverged long ago.
Gwen did get moved to 616 recently. God knows how that's going to work.
I’m mad
Oh, here is the girl who sucks the fun out of every Spider-Man stories she's in.
And Carlie Cooper too.
most of the spider people have nothing to do with symbiotes
iirc, Lizard defends Lizard Jr. from Kraven Jr., Kraven tries to teach Spidey a lesson about the necessarily predatory nature of life, Spidey counters by showing Kraven life is as much about compassion as competition, Kraven realizes Spidey isn't a man holding back the true power of the spider, but the spider empowering the ideals of the man. Kraven puts on a Spidey costume and fights his son to fulfill the curse that only the Spider could kill him. Kraven Jr. inherits the mantle of Kraven.
oh neat, that new Trapster that showed up in Zdarsky's FCBD issue and never again.
Surprise Gleason
This is so dumb and 'we live in a society'-tier I fully expect something similar to happen in real life within the next year
Thanks for the storytime!
Considering Absolute Carnage's premise is "if you've touched a symbiote, you'll show up", most of them will. Miles has Ult Venom problems/aleafy showed up in Venom, we've had Gwenom, we had Superior Symbiote Spider-Man for Ock, I'm sure Jess has touched a symbiote at some point as well
Heh, Carlie's actually in the main story, but she's not pictured with the rest of the interests. Kitty's there though (bit confusing as she dated Ultimate Pete)
>Miles has Ult Venom problems/aleafy showed up in Venom, we've had Gwenom
those dont count carnage is after codexs from symbiote wearers in 616 only artificial symbiotes like ult venom or gwens wont be of use
The "bot" presumably couldn't tell the difference between normal Spider-Man and Ultimate Spider-Man.
Poor Doc
mary whore should be black why is she not black
but seriously FUCK OFF
like who the FUCK greenlit this boring smelly pile of dogshit!? MArvel better fire that retard now, better yet fire everyone working on spiderman right now, like right f u c k i n g NOW
Nah, her part of the story was fun.
Hoes mad
>mary whore
Truly the worst mistake and/or supporting char in Spiderman history from the last decade, and that's saying something.
Glad I'm not wasting money on this anymore.
Very mad
The ol switcheroo!
>blue eyes to green
Sneaky, sneaky
Im pretty sure there are at least two 2099 universes now.
>last decade
ROFL, you just proved you've only read Spider-Man for a decade and not the 50 plus years MJ spent as the best and most loyal/convincing love interest Peter's ever had, and finally is again after a decade of being done wrong. Seeth harder Gwen and felicia fags
>girlfriend of hero is out for the night
>villain appears
>girlfriend handles villain to show how badass she is
This is the most cliché thing ever and I bet it has been done again and again with MJ
I love that middle panel.
Nothing cliche about what works best.
Because he called it 25 instead of 826?
This fag is triggered in every thread, it's hilarious.
This was a cute little plot. I like Carlie and Mary Jane having fun together.
don't, it's good.
Which Kraven son took over from his father in that recent arc?
Did Vladimir come back to life? Sasha brought him back as a lion beast and Krave killed him out of mercy.
Anya supposedly killed the other bother off screen.
Fuck. Please god let this lead to Gleason on a SM2099 title set in his own fucking timeframe.
Sick of him & Spider Gwen being in 616.
the clone one
miggy hasnt been in 616 for years he "died" and got stuck in his time
That's not a cliche, it's a trope. and why wouldn't it make sense for the GF of a supe to learn a trick or tow. Not to mention, MJ had her own thing durng Slott, even if we prefer to forget about it.
>implying that isn't doom himself
Didn't Otto already get Peter a doctoral degree when he was in his body? Why is he back in uni again?
Revoked since he ripped off Ocks PHD, but it was Ock at the time
Because it was plagiarized from ottos own paper
Oh, right.
How come Lady octopus has 6 tentacles now?
>superior feminine foes of spider-man
make it happen
I don't like Mysterio's face being visible through the fishbowl, kind of defies the whole point.
why doesnt doc make another chip?
I KNOW! I keep wanting to re-read Invincible, but that will just put me off of meat for a week or so...
And previously, he had used Ramos's awfulness at body proportion to hide that it was actually Kraven dressed up as Spider-man.
Spencer keep using his drawers's flaw for plot convenience.
>Suddenly, Ottley to Ramos.
I know it's a 60 page issue, but it's still unsettling to see that switch happens in the middle of the story.
Oh goddammit, they really are ripping off Livewire at this point
Bitches love Spider-Man
Pay attention, please, those are all specifically spiders that are being portrayed, there.
What makes Spencer a good writer compared to Slott? I intend to someday write my own personal comics and want to see the difference from people who have read and over-analysed both.
Spider-Punisher 2099?
Oh you know he love it.
Probably get's them taped secretly.
Hope this stays. Let Curt have this
It's bugging me that this whole issue, Carly's been drawn with the exact same facial expression.
You forgot Rhino you dumbass spider. One moment for him to be good and you fucked it up
Guardian devil
I think it's a Spider thing.
Not sure if it's a creative decision or if Marvel wants to push Spider-verse.
When is Max coming back? I want “Electro” to be a Bonnie and Clyde duo. You know, positive and negative
I just realized. Isn't Gwen going to attend ESU? Would there be a chance for more Peter and Gwen moments? The final issue of Spider-Gwen's run did show some good PeterXGwen moments
miles is still dealing with dopperganger in his tie in and I won't be surprised if carnage comes for whatever ultimate venom is left on his mother since it killed her before they came to 616
I won't lie I chuckled throughout this one.
I'd say Slott was only good at presenting Peter's flaw. Spencer is good at presenting Peter's flaws and qualities.
I like that user.
Honestly if they do end up going back down to hell, I'm hoping Max might get a lift back up with them.
Doom will appreciate him if he has a good voice .Doom deserves a good singer.
Enjoyed the subplot but this actress was too gratingly a stereotypical rival figure.
Spencer can do better.
This is going to end well.
He is but no one cared
Elanie has a potential to become a villian. Either an OC or Lady Mysterio.
>my greatest enema
how did this get printed
Yeah I know he’s inside her or something, right? (Giggity)
Oh shit did we meme Mysteria into existence?
Gwen isn't on 616
wait a minute.. this is an arrested development reference. spencer did the "no touching" joke in his antman.
>PAD writes out Miguel in a way to ensure that he can never come back into the present again
>Spencer kills him off in the present anyway
First Madrox, now this, Marvel likes to destroy his happy endings.
But she will when the Ghost Spider book starts
Ohh nice one
Spencer really likes White Rabbit, doesn’t he?
Spencer's feeding the meme that Carlie is either Kindred or working with him. Someone had to be there to make sure MJ didn't actually die.
Good one MJ
Wait a minute.....
>Capable MJ
>Peter fears her death because of Kindred visions
>Sexy Sinister Six
I know what Spencer is doing, he’s going to make 616 MJ Spinneret. He just gave her a damn rogues gallery
Did we ever have backstory on her before?
Yes, Slott set all that up in the arc where some people seriously believed Electro had been raceflipped into a black guy for synergy purposes because he was colored a shade darker in one panel.
black cat and gwen fan getting hurt over here we get it nobody cares bout your fave spider-man love interest aw
I guess this means Ben's going to survive Absolute Carnage. Any idea who the guy below him and next to Otto is? I don't know if it's supposed to be Kaine or even if it's supposed to be anyone in particular.
I haven't read the whole issue yet, but I'll thank OP for the storytime now, anyway.
>new chip
well there you go, was it that hard?
peter and gwen interactions in that last issue of spider-gwen was boring as shit and an evidence why sg should just stay in her universe
>Red costume
Ima go with Kaine
ruh roh
I may be setting myself up for disappointment, but I'm not going to assume he's dead just yet.
Check your eyes
When Slott made a capable MJ it’s BAD because of muh bimbo model trope. But when Spencer does it it’s GOOD. Yikes
Weak bait but you do realize two writers can tackle the same idea, and naturally can have two different outcomes, right?
You like Spencer’s MJ because she is still a bimbo.
What are we calling this?
The Sensual Six?
The Sexual Syndicate?
I need names, people.
Nice strawman
The Seductive Six
lmao maybe it's about the fact that Slott spent 10 years recycling the "I cannot be with you Peter I'm not strong enough" with MJ and his "capable MJ" has no nuance in it and is just shit "not like other gorls" writing
Miles is already confirmed in Absolute Carnage to begin with though
>kitty's hand
So you hate it because she had actual character and a strong personality.
>this only worked because of Ottley's Atom Eve sameface.
>Spencer keep using his drawers's flaw for plot convenience.
I choose to believe this.
On one hand, fuck brnging Miggy back again and again, at this point he'll end up a present 616 native as well. On the other hand, it means he's considered popular enough to keep bringing back (or at least for that Spider-verse 2 synergy), and most importantly THANK GOD, HE DITCHED THAT HORRID COSTUME FROM HIS LAST RUN.
His original costume is perfection, don't touch it ever again.
Lady Mysterio already exists, Mysterio's daughter from PAD's Scarlet Spider series.
There are better ways to bump the thread, and fish for attention, user
>the Sinister Sex
Wasn’t she a robot or something?
Spencer can actually do justice to his ideas. Slott had okayish ideas on what to do with Pete but horrible execution
Jury still out on that one.
Her blood literally worked to work with magic on the Cyttorak deal she was looking for when she died, so we don't know whether she was always a robot all along (which would make no sense with the magic angle) or if Mysterio built a LMD (or whatever close enough) of her when he escaped and it tracked Ben down.
Are these the bots, did they actually make ammends in between, or was it all Boomerang just being a lying cunt again?
neither of them are good since both of them hate spider-man and his fans.
they both only care about shoving sjw propaganda about "toxic masculinity" into comics and removing all the "problematic" parts that trigger feminist
>more spider-man stories that other spider people that focus attention away form peter parker and his private life
I feel like this is meta commentary on how bad the art in comics has become
No, I like Spencer's MJ because she actually has character and strong personality.
Peen Parker GO!
>has become
Nigga this joke used to happen a lot, it's got nothing to do with time, it's just comics in general. How many times have Bruce and Clark been mistaken for the other?
>since both of them hate spider-man and his fans.
Spencer definitely doesn't hate Spider-Man. And I do'nt think he has ever said anything to its fans.
>both of them hate spider-man and his fans.
Oh man, Spencer hates Spider-Man so much that he makes him be together with MJ, and he's retconning the fan-favorite storyline OMD, every fan is going to be so MAD.
Remember when Slott had MJ refuse to get back with Peter because his life was just too dangerous so instead she dated a firefighter whose life is in danger practically every day and then she went to work for Tony Stark putting herself in danger 24/7?
>Spencer is Wimp Lo
>and then she went to work for Tony Stark putting herself in danger 24/7?
That was out of Slott's hands, though. BENDIS willed it since he was writing Iron Man at the time
I don't have an issue with Mary Jane as a character, but I struggle to think of interesting scenarios to include her that haven't been done before. I start to lose interest during the MJ portions of the story because I feel like I've read them before countless times. They're heartwarming in a sense, but I start to question why they're necessary in every issue.
Is there a consensus theory as to who Kindred is?
>Is there a consensus theory as to who Kindred is?
Spidercide, OG Gwen and Jackal are the best candidates so far.
How sad of you. They were fun together in that, and made them more relatable when they interact more
you guys need to read more spider-man from the 70s, 80s, 90 and pre OMD
Peter there was treated with tons of respect. he was both smart and very competent.
bad things happened to him despite his effort and talent.
Spencer picks up where Slott has left off with Peter steal being a manchild who who nobody respects and everybody considers a loser.
In the past Spider-Man used to make fun at the expense of other people.
Nowadays it always goes like
>Spider-Man makes lame joke
>everybody rolls with their eyes
>some guy makes a snarky comment about how much spider-man sucks like "do we really need this loser?"
I honestly think marvel has to constantly remind their artists to no longer draw their female characters with boobs or cleavage.
most be so confusing. you got into comics drawing fan art of characters and now you are told that those depictions are "sexist" and "out dated"
> you shouldn't have said no to nudity
is spencer trolling cosplayer forums? His Electrogirl's script is great.
No god please
>Is there a consensus theory as to who Kindred is?
Also proposed: the "aborted" girl of Peter and MJ when they both sold their marriage in OMD to Mephisto.
>you guys need to read more spider-man from the 70s, 80s, 90 and pre OMD
I haver and Spencer is getting back to to that, unlike Slott.
>Peter there was treated with tons of respect. he was both smart and very competent.
So is it with Spencer.
>Spencer picks up where Slott has left off with Peter steal being a manchild who who nobody respects and everybody considers a loser.
And Spencer fix all of this. You haven't read his run, haven't you?
Just admit you haven't read Spencer's run.
>I honestly think marvel has to constantly remind their artists to no longer draw their female characters with boobs or cleavage.
Read the Venom Spiderman and you'll see this is false.
i could come up with a few fun scenarios for MJ but in the current political climate some people on twitter would probably bitch about it being "sexist" since it doesn´t involve her actually fighting super villains but more of a supportive yet still very important role.
Like one storyline would be about her trying to either support or become the next mayor of new york. but she ends up facing a lot of obstacles because people think that having a former bikini model "sets the wrong message", also mj realizes how corrupt democracy has become when she can´t get any donations without making promises. in the end the kingpin uses her relationship with peter to hurt him, pointing out that she is dating somebody who cheated on his PHD. They end up clearing Peters name somehow but MJ still ends up dropping out of the race because it is too dirty.
Oher storyline could be about Peter trying to become another scientist but this time he teams up with somebody else since parker industry is still in the minds of many.
MJ then could be like the top secretary for them, making deals and setting up interviews for their inventions
what is the venom spiderman?
you just mean the current venom run?
literally zero cleavage
A story set in the past where Spiderman was still wearing his venom suit and dating Black cat. There are some good cheesecake of her in it.
It's a bit weird cause there he is is also up against Mysterio (among other foes) and and the Twin tower are still standing. Sliding timeline is weird like that, when it come to flashback.
Who fucking cares
Stop replying to that fuckface, he's been at it for months.
So this doesn't count?
Or this?
I know it's LAAAAAAAAAND and it looks like shit, but still.
better but still very toned down to how she used to be drawn pre the disney buy out.
I just hate that al comics have to be so censored these days
Ramos > Ottley
This is the sad truth.
i don´t get how this is supposed to be sexy since her breast are all covered up by her hair and the weird angle.
if anything it tells me the artists wanted to show something actual sexy but was told no by the editor so he just changed it to no longer show breasts
My bad, it's called Symbiote Spider-Man.
fans of black cat and overall people who don´t like feminist caused censorship of comics that has become the norm
>i don´t get how this is supposed to be sexy since her breast are all covered up by her hair and the weird angle.
I think you have brain problem.
See and get rekt.
again where are her breast?
its all covered by her her and the weird side angle.
it s the artists obviously wanted to do more but was told no
>i don´t get how this is supposed to be sexy since her breast are all covered up by her hair and the weird angle.
>if anything it tells me the artists wanted to show something actual sexy but was told no by the editor so he just changed it to no longer show breasts
^ this.
I'm loathe to side with the seething breast-obsessed autists, but yeah...
>if anything it tells me the artists wanted to show something actual sexy but was told no by the editor so he just changed it to no longer show breasts
I think you are blind.
Sorry, no new. MJ already wore the female Fantastic Four's uniform back in the "What If...? New Fantastic Four"; with Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine and Ghost Rider.
Geez! Can't Spidey serious have one week without everything going cuckoo?!!
I really don’t see how this is supposed to be sexy.
Felicia has small breasts here and you can’t even see her cleavage
It literally show breasts.
How is Symbiote Spider-Man by the way? Worth picking up?
So just her be eye candy and not an actual character?
Also: I doubt you're a fan. Just another incel with no life
>but still very toned down to how she used to be drawn pre the disney buy out.
It's actually on par with the how it used to be drawn.
The art is incredibly off-putting. I will never understand why PAD gets given absolute hacks for his books.
Okay but how’s the writing? It’s only a 6 (8?) issue mini right?
Five. And it's PAD. If you've liked his previous shit you'll like it. It just needs a giant disclaimer about it coming with Land art.
not much happens in it
I was mostly bored with it
It's actually interesting, so far.
>Felicia has small breasts here and you can’t even see her cleavage
Check your eyes.
I guarantee you
if you attempt to post every instance of Felicia being seen with cleavage in the year of our lord
compared to the caps collected by the mammary mad lad
you will lose.
Felicia's kittens have been noticeably tamed in recent years.
Your mistake is playing the autist's game rather than sticking to the moral high ground and telling all these fine readers that Felicia's tits are not an integral part of her character.
Followed by a Felicia Hardy gets a Breast Reduction mini-series.
I guess you don´t know what cleavage actually is
>It literally show breasts.
It literally shows the space between breasts.
It's not a Tracy Scoops comic, user.
Missing the point. It's the narrative that "muh feminist" prevent sexy Black cat that I am debunking, as it is clearly not the case.
Especially as to find bigger tits, it's required to look for outlier. It's also about how this is full retardation to complain about this when this current run has actually come back from the tamer costume design to come back to the more open cleavage one. And yet this is precisely that that unleash all of his fury, clearly establishing his retardation.
those are so small and again from angle which cover them up + with her zipper higher then ever before.
look how the same artists used to draw her before the buy out. it´s night and day how much she got censored
I know what it is. I simply don't need it to be bold to see it.
>It literally shows the space between breasts.
Also, it show breasts. And feminie curve and sexy posing. The ridiculous notion Disney forbid Cheesecake is shattered there.
Do yopu even get that the art of sexy pose is alos in the way od suggestion?
>those are so small
Literally the same size. you are not even trying.
Fuck, the pic you quote actually show more breast skin.
Bottom left frame literaaly show the same amount as
you got nothing.
>So just her be eye candy and not an actual character?
Your mistake is playing the autist's game rather than sticking to the moral high ground and telling all these fine readers that Felicia's tits are not an integral part of her character.
Felicia always used to use her sexualtiy as and advantage. she runs around with her cleavage showing to get to distract spider-man and other adversaries.
but modern writers and artists are so cucked that they refuse to acknowledge that aspect of her. they always draw her in away that you can´t even tell that she is suppsoed to show cleavage.
I just don´t get whay every single female character has to be censored these days.
why can´t at least 3 or 4 still be sexy?
>I know what it is. I simply don't need it to be bold to see it.
so you admit that they got censored then.
glad we could come to an understanding
>you got nothing.
look at where her zipper used to be. it used to be below her under boob.
nowadays is so high you most of the time don´t see anything of her breasts
Guys stop taking the bait
>so you admit that they got censored then.
You don't know what censoring mean.
It means higher up i tervened. this look exactly like what the drawer wanted it to be.
>glad we could come to an understanding
You do'nt understand what censorship means.
And This is literally cleavage.
>look at where her zipper used to be
same level as
You are truly becoming more sad as this keeps going
And yet you continue to choose to engage with the mentally ill.
Also, the narrative is that "Muh Mouse" is censoring dat Cat's tatts. "Muh Feminists" are the ones pushing an all-female Sinisister Society, obviously. Geez, user...
>why can´t at least 3 or 4 still be sexy?
because the 90's ended and all the artists that thought as you do left Marvel and DC to their own devices.
And you should probably do the same.
Go support the artists, not the product.
minus ten for multiple uses of the same image of Felicia's "cleavage".
Have you no other evidence to prove your point, user?
gonna post
>have sex
you take Yea Forums way to serious buddy
I don’t care if it’s synergy, I’m glad Mysterio is popping up more
I have already proven it: Black Cat is drawn sexy, therefore, you are a moron using complaining about Black not being drawn sexy. Especially as you only doing that AFTER they brought her old costume back. You are a moron through and through as you put on a target the one female character who actually went against the trend of being less sexy ass your corner stone of your complain.
>you take Yea Forums way to serious buddy
And yet you are here complaining about lack of clevages
>when people change and censor the things you like just move on.
that´s a stupid argument. that´s like saying
>if you get bullied at school just change the school
sjws and liberals just need to understand that things which offended them still have a right to exist.
otherwise they will continue to censor everything until even free speech no longer exists
>minus ten for multiple uses of the same image of Felicia's "cleavage".
He's the first guy that shows up in Spencer's run.
>and censor the things
Again, you do'nt know the meaning of the word. IT wasn't censored, this is how artists chose to render her.
seriously? all it took was a bit of water?
what does this have to do with Yea Forums?
I am just point out censorship
its you who got so triggered by other opinions that you had to resort to personal attacks.
why is your life so boring to get angry about people posting on Yea Forums?
I just like certain intellectual properties and wish people would keep their own political agenda from them
>I am just point out censorship
You are not. this is still not censorship. Especially as you have been shown multiple times cleavage and cheesecake in current runs.
I like Mary Jane going back to acting.
nope Disney and marvel told her to draw it this way (even through she had always been drawn with big cleavage) because showing cleavage offenes their little minds
cenorship is also removing things that offend you from media
>I am just point out censorship
You are bad at this.
Artist wanting to draw something this way >< censorship.
>nope Disney and marvel told her to draw it this way (even through she had always been drawn with big cleavage) because showing cleavage offenes their little minds
>cenorship is also removing things that offend you from media
It's funny how you are able to give the definition of censorship, yet apply it where it's not taking place.
Remind me how many times has this argument keeps popping up? So many fucking times. We are reading a comic book here, and yet this arguments keeps poping up
And what political agenda is there for lack of clevage? This is not the fucking 90's anymore. Why are poeple still talking about it?
>see cover
wasted and hidden already
artists don´t draw what they want. they draw what disney tells them to draw
privetly many of marvels artists make money with drawing for more revealing pin ups.
I am sure if disney allowed them to they would also feature those more revealing outftis in official comics
by that definition literally nothing is censorship
>cenorship is also removing things that offend you from media
So, if you were an editor and forced an artist to draw bigger boobs because small boobs offend you, that would be censorship?
>Artist wanting to draw something this way >< censorship.
You sure do speak on the artist's behalf often.
Are you one of the artists? Would you care to shed light on the editorial mandate to cover up Felicia Hardy's breasts and if/when it was lifted?
Was negative reader feedback the cause? Low book sales? Please, give us insight!
if the character had always been depicted with small breast in the past? yes
>artists don´t draw what they want. they draw what disney tells them to draw
Not how it works.
Nope, It's censorship if an higher authority tell an artist to redo their work after he is done drawing what he wanted to draw.
Low cuts to anywhere below the breasts look dumb and unsexy. I don't get the appeal.
Only on Yea Forums can you get into an argument about a character’s breast size who’s not even in the comic being storytimed.
>You sure do speak on the artist's behalf often.
Well, off fucking course.
>Are you one of the artists?
I couldn't draw a circle to save my life.
No, that still wouldn't be censorship.
>So, if you were an editor and forced an artist to draw bigger boobs because small boobs offend you, that would be censorship?
All breasts matter!
Yeah but what about Symbiote? His appearances are coinciding with movie relevancy. Either way love the guy
Feels like Marvel's been pushing the "respectable job" angle against her, even in the marketing for the PS4.
Slott got the job based on a pitch he made that he'd come up with a bunch of new toys to sell, that was the basis of everything he did
Spencer is coming off one of the lowest points in his entire career and he's got to fight to restore goodwill, that's the basis for everything he is currently doing
>No, that still wouldn't be censorship.
What would you call it, then?
Character development?
>mcu drones
>Spencer is coming off one of the lowest points in his entire career and he's got to fight to restore goodwill, that's the basis for everything he is currently doing
And it's working. Spencer can't manage to write any of the Spider-Man cast off-character if he tried.
I don't think there was even a single internal naration of Peter dealing with responsibility in all of Slott's run.
The difference between Slott and Spencer is night and day. I'm glad he's saving Spider-Man from the literal lowest point of his career.
>female Electro
muh dick
Yeah I’d fuck her.
Always been the case. I recall all the late 90s relaunched titles had the same gimmick.
I remember that old story. Good reference
Why does Peter's social life feels so superfluous under Spencer?
This is the 1st time I am reading Spider-Man since OMD/BND.
Feels dirty watching Ottley pencil spidey. Still miss Invincibro :(
Fucking hell MJ is going back into acting again. Cue later writers ruining MJ and Peter because having a relationship with a well known actress is apparently unrealistic.
>So #25 is a celebration issue nowadays?
>Always been the case.
not necessarily.
traditionally (since the 50's) 100th issues were cause for celebration. Gradually as the speculation bubble and direct market expanded, they added "50th" issue anniversary issues and eventually dwindled down to 25th issue specials.
Which might seem ridiculous and cash-grab gimmicky by some standards but you have to take into consideration that most new books rarely complete an entire 12 issue run, much less 25+ issues. Which is why in the 90's all the major titles relaunched with brand new numbering so that a new wave of collectors edition anniversary issues with half a dozen direct market chase covers can hit the stands on a regular basis.
Needless to say, this didn't go well and yet, here we are... "25" issues of Amazing Spider-Man later...
And everything in between should literally be ommited and retconned.
I trust Marvel to make the right call with how on point they're letting Spencer be with all this.
what do you mean, user?
Since the book is biweekly ypu can think of it as the first issue of the second year of Spencer's run, so an anniversary of sorts indeed
Because when you count up Hunted it's been more than 25 issues
>Guardian devil
Good one Nick.
I don't know, he's just dating MJ and May has cancer, but that got dropped for some issues. He's also taking classes, which didn't really amount for anything besides reintroducing the Lizard. Doesn't really feel like any of it is in the back of his head during his masked time, it's just background noise. Closest we got were the short teasers to whatshisname and that awful Kraven event.
The Roastie Six
Is love it if “Star Mary Jane Watson Dates Web Head!” went public and both kind of rolled with it
I thought he looked familiar last issue.
I thought Ramos' shitty was gone wtf??
all the stuff you have posted clearly show smaller breasts and less cleavage then used to be the norm.
it´s clearly done due to disney and marels sjw attitude.
imagine if tomorrow all of disney was bought by a neo nazi and he ordered all black characters in marvel comics to be drawn as white from now on.
Not new white characters taking up the mental of old characters. Nope just from one issue to the next all black characters are white with zero explanation.
Would you also not consider that censorship? Changing aspects of the past that you don´t like and act like nothing has changed?
Because that is more or less who marvel has treated female characters who used to be drawn sexy for decades.
Well, at least, here, you can tell it was a good use of its 60 pages.
Is this the first page that Gleason’s drawn for Marvel?
>In England crossing a black cats path is good luck
u wot? That isn't a thing, nobody I know thinks that's a thing. It's been bad luck since I was a kid.
Hm, yes.
This is reddit
This is memes
This is reddit
This is memes
Fun fact, european, here. I had basically no access to Marvel comics as a kid, except for the cartoon on the TV, then one day, I find laying down on the street a sort of compendium of several stories, not big, it had four stories, rather old, one with X-men, one with Iron-man an other with Dardevil (my first introduction to dardevil and Iron-man, actually) and one with Spiderman. It was precisely this one where Mysterio try to convince him he was crazy that was in it. It's almost eery how the only one old issue of Spiderman I have ever read just happens to be referenced, now.
you don't need large breasts to be objectified.
"America's Ass" for example...
It feels like all Spencer is doing with this run is writing stories that nudge the status quo of spider-man back to how it was when people liked him.
I'm concerned that by the time he's done another writer with an axe to grind with just undo everything and the entire run will have been wasted.
On one hand, it actually explain how Mysterio was allowed to wear his costume during sessions, but how did he manage to convince his psy he was him. since when can he do that?
>we are all slave to continuity
That almost seems like a meta-jab at long-spanning cape-comics series.
That's not objectification. Objectification requires to give sexy attribute that goes agaisnt the character's intended design. Captain America always had a great ass to begin with, so it isn't.
Stolen Puppet Master tech?
>I don't know, he's just dating MJ and May has cancer, but that got dropped for some issues.
It isn't.
> He's also taking classes
Which he still is.
>Doesn't really feel like any of it is in the back of his head during his masked time
Current issue literally had him worried about missing his date with MJ, while also helping Dr Connor who is part of his civil live.
Also, Spencer did great with his live with roomates, especially Boomerang.
Just say it's okay because you prefer to see objectified men rather than women.
>all the stuff you have posted clearly show smaller breasts
>and less cleavage
>it´s clearly done due to disney and marels sjw attitude.
Pure unproved speculation on your part
You have failed to make a point.
>Just say it's okay because you prefer to see objectified men rather than women.
Wrong. It's a fact CA always had a great ass.
She has the body of a 12-year-old boy
And he managed to smuggle that tech in as ass inside the asylum?
Okay, can you send pics of the 12 year-old boys from where you live? I am suddenly interested.
Kindred is the Pete that died in Ock's body, isn't he?
The quips, the poses, the spiders all around, the centipedes that look like Ock's arms... It all makes too much sense.
No he's Skip Wescott, Peter's first true love.
If that's the case Pete sold more than just his marriage to Mephisto...
That's also a pretty good theory, and Spencer has been dealing with the shit that Slott left so it would make sense.
>That's not a cliche, it's a trope. and why wouldn't it make sense for the GF of a supe to learn a trick or tow.
And this is MJ we are talking about, she has pulled off similar stuff to other villains as well as has aunt May. The thing with Spiderman is that every woman he knows loves him in their own way and every one of them can bring down a villain if they need to.
Slott introduced such a bumble fuck of a paradox when he did that. Look up the teletransportation paradox and then apply it to 'Peter's consciousness' and realize that:
>A) the continuation of Peter's original consciousness (Copy A) goes into Doc Ock's dying body
They've introduced The Other in some minor capacity since retconning it before. Does this mean that any consciousness of Peter's has a tie to The Other?
>B) Peter's original consciousness still existed as a 'spirit' of sorts until Doc Ock found it and erased it.
The original Peter Parker is fucking DEAD - but Doc Ock stored a copy of it 'just in case'.
>C) The current Peter Parker is a copy of his consciousness with the knowledge of Doc Ock's exploits (including using his body to rail a midget), making it as much Peter Parker as Ben Reilly and Kaine.
This part unsettles me just because of the 'duhh what is consciousness?' question.
I see they got a bot to respond to that bot-written story, too
He's the doc ock that died in the clone saga
Considering that all ended with the revelation that the "swap" was just Ock's personality and memories poorly slapped over Pete's I wonder if he'd be a freaky gestalt of the two with all of Ock's mental illness induced whackjobbery.
What's Sue doing there?
Sageaing this turd on the spot
She was under the table.
lmao no
this entire run is ass
Actually it reminds me of Crabsticks dialogue, where vintage anime would be machine translated into Chinese and then from that into English
I want to see billy conners join the X-men
Why do you want Billy to die?
Because he already died before, it's not like that's gonna stop him
It's good, though. What's the hate for?
They'd just bully him for not being a mutant.
Hope he goes into Lizard form more often.
t. Slott
Is that a new Scorpia and Lady Octopus?
Yeah but if he dies in the X-books he wont come back.
For some reason there's a couple of dedicated shitposters for Spencer's run.
I'm pretty sure they're the same. Scorpia doesn't look any different to me and Lady Octopus probably just got redesigned to look more like Liv.
>Your mistake is playing the autist's game rather than sticking to the moral high ground and telling all these fine readers that Felicia's tits are not an integral part of her character.
Are you actually implying that user is delusional or lying when he tells us Marvel used to publish Black Cat nudes all the time, you could see everything, and now they refuse to do it?
Just go on hentai-foundry and have a go at your favorite comic book slut. The rest of us want to read comic books.
>when he tells us Marvel used to publish Black Cat nudes
Not nudes
>Are you actually implying that user is delusional
Not the user, but he is specifically moronic to make one of the character they have switched to make her wear more revealing costume again as his cornerstone to prove Disney hate sexy women.
He is also clearly delusional thinking this is somehow Disney or feminists forcing artists to do this when it's much more likely that it is simply how the artists want to depict her. Furthermore, as already shown They do get on par with her oldest representation from time to time.
Do we have to explain the concept of sarcasm to you?
It really isn't 'we live in a society tier' at all because it's not making overly broad sweeping reductionist statements about society in order to appear superior, it's just acknowledging current technology
This is straight up "Spider-Man GO!"
I don't think kids young enough for this to appeal to buy $4 comic books
That's usually how one handles Electro
Not him, but honest, it escaped me up until I saw your reply.
Or as a backup feature of sort at the end of the issue.
How much longer are they going to drag this out before we learn who it is?
I like Electra.
>60 pages
I feel like I've seen this cover a million times now.
But don't worry, it's all good content.
>good content
Now I know why Stan always appealed towards "true believers"
Start reading Amazing Spider-Man from issue #802, it's refreshingly good.
So did you come into this thread just to complain like a little bitch?
Gleason's art is shit
>he doesn't like what I like
>he can only be a little bitch
spencerfags everyone
You didn't answer the question, did you just come into this thread to bitch and get (You)'s?
yeah because I'm not the fag you're replying to
it's just pretty tiring week after week anytime someone doesn't want to have spencer's babies that's the goto kneejerk reaction
This counterpoint is only valid when someone actually say why he doesn't like something and it get ignored.
This has nothing to do with Spencer you retard.
yeah this response almost unique with how often it gets thrown in threads pertaining to books written by spencer definitely has nothing to do with him
it's probably related to bendis (the writer)
>>good content
>Now I know why Stan always appealed towards "true believers"
No, it doesn't have anything to do with Spencer you baiting bitch.
seeAlso, aame complain will warrant same answer, nothing to take out of that.
I recently started up Ultimate and haven't read Amazing. Why does this shit go so quick? I'm on the 8th chapter and everything is just so jumbled.
Don't read Ultimate
I was going to since the series is fairly short with only 200 chapters, but it just seems so jumbled.
Just read until 160.
Ultimate is roughly 160 issues than peter gets killed off so bendis could use Miles. If you’re new to the character and want to complete read you can just start from the beginning of this run since Spencer’s does a good job of keeping people apprised of the plot, the marvel adventure series is also solid to get a quick run down on who peter is and what he’s like, if you like that enough just start at amazing fantasy and enjoy the ride
>Scorpia doesn't look any different to me
Scorpia wasn't brown before
>and Lady Octopus probably just got redesigned to look more like Liv.
Hope that doesn't stick, but it probably will.
>Scorpia wasn't brown before
That's the shadows.
I would say I'm a fairly big Spidey fan, mainly watching the cartoons (though not accurate adaptations). The new movies are shit and don't give what Spidey actually is any credit. Should I read Ultimate since it's short or just go with the original and it's 600some chapters or just go with the 2018 version?
That's a different guy lol, I was making a joke and then I went for a jog and a swim and came back.
I'd say to read the first 200-300 issues of Amazing and the related issues of Web and Spectacular before reading Ultimate, and if you're going to do that you might want to stop at 160. Then if you want you can read the rest of Amazing and other Spidey related magazines, and I'd suggest that when you reach Slott's run you just read BND and Superior.
I'd also recommend Marvel Adventures, it's short and really good.
Boy they don't realize nobody gives a fuck about this yet
God damn retards
muh dik
This was a really good issue
just as stupid as regular electro
>dinosaur dabs on your icecaps
reddit trying to meme sounds exactly like a robot trying to meme, yeah
So, who IS this?
The sister six. (I know they aren't related, don't (you) me)
Centipede ghoul
Oops, I meant to reply to
I'm an idiot. When did Mysterio tell him his name? How was it involved with the brainwashing?
Given that training set is tainted by 200-something issues of Dan Sloth, yes, this is exactly the shit a neural network would generate.
Maybe Spencer will do for her what he did for Beetle.
As a Batfag with designs on being a closeted Spiderfag, I love how Spider-Man issues have a fucking STORY and character moments and generate hundreds of comments of discussion as opposed to the Batman storytime from earlier today which isn't even in the catalog anymore.
Might fucc around and buy some Spider-Man Epics.
Pick up the first three Omni & the epic collection that has Gwen's death, that's the first 125 issues and the classic era that's pretty much perfect
Honestly, I hope Mysterio plays this one straight and it's actually the greatest 616 movie of all time.
What Im finding about Spencers run is that I love and hate it for the same reason. He's spending all of this time playing clean up, I wish he would've had more fun with it but I do understand his head long rush to deal with OMD and all of Slotts mess. I do hope he finds the time to just write a few good single issues, that Rhino story he did just before hunted was good and the JJJ arc was nice. I'm liking he intrigue of this centipede character, though I wonder why Jess was in this rather than Kaine. But I hope he keeps up the good work, it's nice to see a small corner of the spider office still fighting for pete
I like the scorpion lady
You must pick up 15 and 17, they're from my favorite era.
Speaking of the epic-collections
1) when does the Clone Saga/Spetecaular Spider-Man #200 start? So I know when to leave Spider-Man off on a high note
2) Why has nobody ever scanned or digitally ripped the first The Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection?
>Spidey-Sense says my Spider-Back is Spider-Breaking
There's no way a robot wrote this
The Clone Saga stuff has already been collected into Complete Collections, the Epics probably won't do it.
>Spetecaular Spider-Man #200
At the moment it'll probably be in 24 since #201 will be in 25 MAXIMUM CARNAGE.
"Kindred"? Is that the names of the ghoul-looking guy with the giant centipedes?
Well, sort of. She mentions that they look alike here.
wait so are the epic collections going in chronological order? Is it only doing that for specific story lines or is it doing that for every book post marvel team up starting?
Epic Collections are numbered in chronological order, implying they will end up collecting everything up to a certain point, but they are published seemingly at random. Ultimate and Complete Collections also exist and collect different material.
For example I have the Man-Thing and Howard the Duck Complete Collections that don't differ in size or format from the Epic Collections line in any way except they have white spines instead of black.
Just buy whatever you want, man.
I've been looking for a way to read through spider-man chronologically, I have ever single essential thats been released for it but I've found that once toy get to the mid 80s is when everything starts to be crossovers between books so it gets hard to read. Is there a list that organizes the reading order?
I don't know I never gave a flying fuck about crossovers.
not crossovers in the event sense just story arcs that are told between whatever spider-man title going on at the time. Like Kravens last hunt was told in two months across amazing spectacular and web of
This feels like a jab at TTG, but imma chalk it up to coincidence.
Kraven's Last Hunt is collected in the correct reading order in the Epic Collection itself.
I've got a trade from the 90s of it shit is so fucking good
I do give a fuck, though.
Brainwashing happened off-screen, and we know he told him his name because the psy dressed as Mysterio in the therapy session actually tell Kindred's name in the previous issue.
Yes, revealed last issue as well as in a comment online from the artist who did an alt-cover.
Shoo. There's poorrrrn on the intertubes. go find some, you kissless virgin.
>I couldn't draw a circle to save my life.
That's not drawing, that's tracing.
You don't know what tracing is, do you?
Yeah it's when you trace a line, duh
And compasses don't do that.
With a compass, you trace a circle, you do not draw it. you follow a guide instead of drawing it yourself. Similarly, with a ruler, you trace a line, you do not draw it.
see It's tracing because you use a guide.
Ah. You're mentally-ill. Got it.
Tracing means using a guide, I don't see why you have dificulties understanding that concept.
When a teacher told you to trace a circle with a circle, they used the verb "tracing".
Thanks user!
pretty lame that peter hardly gets to interact with mj.
he can´t save her due to feminism nor can he just talk to her and have fun.
To be fair, a good chunk of this thread is one crazy user complaining and baiting everyone.
Nope. Using a compass or other drawing tool is not tracing; laying paper over an image and outlining that image with a drawing utensil (pencil, pen, crayon, your mother's bloody tampon) is tracing.
Tracing means using a guide. laying a photo to lay a paper over is tracing, but so is using a compass.
When you use a compass or a ruler, you trace. I don't know where you get the idea that tracing is exclusive to laying over an other picture, but it isn't. there exist other wayof tracing.
and the correct verb when using a compass or a ruler is "tracing".
"Tracing a line with a ruler"
"Tracing a circle with a compass"
Learn to be non-illiterate.