Batman #74 Storytime

"The Fall and The Fallen" Finale!

Last Call before City of Bane!

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Cool backgrounds Janin

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Bane will break the bat....AGAIN!

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Do you think Bane ever gets tired of breaking the bat? Does he have it scheduled at this point, like, years in advance?

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Come on

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As much as I don't like it, I get what this page is trying to do. All they had to do to make it work was to have the whole scene zoomed out more, with tinier Batmen deeper down the pit and more zoned out balloons so the pauses in that verbal flood are actually felt since it'd be immediately clear that it takes time to descend

What kind of asshole father reads a book like that to a little kid anyway?


Terrible. Just Terrible.

How the fuck did Bruce manage to sneak Martha out of the coffin and bury her, which would take a long time, without waking Thomas up? How did Thomas not notice that Bruce did something to the coffin?

>My wife went mad when our son died and became one of my greatest villains
>My fiance stood me up at the altar, I know your pain father
What the fuck?
Because king is inept

He knows what its like to lose martha you idiot

Getting really sick of being King's unpaid therapist.

Well, that was something.

Why did they travel across the desert to slug it out? I get the logic that if Bruce failed to kill Thomas then Thomas would be to injured to get out of the pit, but that's ridiculously impractical and stupid. Why not just whomp him and take his horse and leave him in desert?

And the story was about what? Selfishness? Why Russian animals need radical socialism or ladders?

Also that Shaddad guy is probably dead. He was stabbed and hasn't moved for like twelve hours.

The entire issue reads like a manga, with the decompression, the fake attempts at depth, the padding, and the gratuitous fighting. It's like Gantz, but without the gore and tits.

Can you blame that user for thinking that? King has portrayed Catwoman leaving Batman like it was worse than the death of any family members.

Is Shaddad the father of Shadman?

This is so retarded, I would rather believe Thomas used to read Sharia laws to little Bruce than that russian folk story. I am russian myself and I swear, nobody would ever read this to a child. Let alone an american.

I honestly think the first user is right and Tom King intended it as a reference to Catwoman.

kings dad probably used to read this to him which is why he hates his dad and is so fucked up

It couldn't be clearer that it was about Martha

You give too much credit. King's dad probably just left when he was young and King then inferred an entire psych profile on his father from that.

I suspect that more people want to write the Waynes as fucked up and morally compromised (see also: Batman: Damned, Batman Telltale game, etc)

>And the FALLEN

King has done many questionable things, but cribbing from Batfleck is just plain incomprehensible

I felt bad for Thomas

My parents read the original Hans Christian Anderson stories to me when I was a kid. Those were fucking depressing as hell, but the pretty prose disguised that.

His father did actually leave when he was young. He talks about it on the iFanboy podcast. Also apparently his dad wanted to be a great american author or some shit like that

So what, he just beat the shit out of his other dad and left him to die in the Dark Knight Rises reference?

I bit my tongue when they screwed over Morrison's Batman inc run due to the new 52.

However this is the final straw. Unlike most of you I admired Tom Kings run for trying something new. It really clicked with me.

Seeing what has happened now I can no longer abide by DC ruining his run so close to the end.

Even if you hate Tom King, I'm sure you could all agree that he deserves to finish what he started.

I've been a DIEHARD DC fan since the 80s. I have bough everything from them and supported them 100%. I have stood thick and thin at all times.

HOWEVER, today I can not stand for what they have done to Tom King.


I will never buy another DC comic again.



I hope all you hater cunts are proud of your self.

I hope Didio fucks you and Bendis ruins Batman forever.

See you next month.

King gets worse and worse. I can't imagine givin this man a job.

Should have read Bruce the version where the fox escapes with the help of a bird and is immediately betrayed to hunting dogs who annihilate her. Then he would have closure.

>this is my final post on Yea Forums

>She sat and ate them
>Is he still there
Am I missing something?

Yes, you missed the part where fox wasn't specified to be female

Those who did not want their children to be pusillanimous who complain about everything and do nothing to solve their problems

The "the fable was pointless and pretentious filler" faggots btfo.

Except where it says "She sat and ate them"

Thomas did hate reading the story though.

so batman leaves his father for dead in the desert

that is horseshit

king is a hack

By sheer technicality it isn’t HIS father.

pointless spread

>we wanted the TDKR audience

>His father did actually leave when he was young.
I knew it. Daddy issues up and out the ass.
>his dad wanted to be a great american author or some shit like that
Like father like son.

This whole fucking issue is daddy issues.

I also find lack of realism in superhero comics annoying.

His dad is already dead in that universe so Batman doesn't break his "no kill" rule.

It's obviously Thomas who's coming out as a tweest.

Not that different that the one about the cannibalistic old lady that was trying to eat Hansel and Gretel. Until the siblings found a way to kill her by burning her alive.

King's whole career is daddy issues.

Mentally ill man beats his father while he tries to cure him of his addiction.

Call me a brainlet but can the pits revive you even if you are basically just bones?

Why do I keep reading this shit?

Does King realize that he's not Bruce real father?

see? this is why manga sales are skyrocketing

Here "My father is dead"


No, the sheer fact the Waynes had that story collected in Afanasyef's book of russian folk tales in their library, obsucre as it is, and considered to expose Bruce to it just doesn't sound believable.

yeah, I speedread on that one. my bad

am I the only one who wanted to see Thomas succeed


nice pasta.

Has it ever been explained how Flashpoint Batman managed to escape the destruction of his universe by Dr. Manhattan?

Probably Bane magic.

>Yea Forums chimping out about this page
Called it. It's not illegible tho. Waste of a page that could otherwise have some more art in it (beyond two tiny guys scaling a rope), but it's not like the issue is that jampacked with tons of cool images to begin with. I can't say I hate it tho.

Isn't this the damn fairy tale in the KG Beast story? Didn't know it would be important.

I'm pretty sure no one thought it would be important.

This is just incredible work. Yet immature Yea Forums will howl and complain like they always do. I mean you only have to take a look at the storytime for Detective Comics, and mindless chimps praising shallow work. This is comics at its most challenging. Tom King is not here to give you generic stories or personalised feel good comic of the month. This is actual progression and stakes. You may not like the direction but I find the general snark and "omg this is the worse thing ever" to be very low brow criticism.

Tom Kings Batman is a natural progression of what Grant Morrison tried to do with the character before the new 52 wrecked his plans. Do we really want to go back to Snyder type Batman comics? The same scripted and cliche soap opera of never ending Batwank. Come one people. This is what Alan Moore decried decades ago. Tom King is pushing Batman comics into new directions and style. Comics medium need to evolve. Having voices like King is what this industry needs. This Batman run will be looked on back as the last hurrah in a otherwise dying industry.

And you know what. I blame all of you, who are complicit in all this. Don't you worry. Tom King is on his way out. You will get your precious Batman back. Yay. Joker and Batman. AND ROBIN AND THE GANG. On and on and on never ending cycle.

Go fuck yourselfs, you don't deserve someone like King. Alan Moore was right. Grant Morrison is going to retire from DC comics after Green Lantern. After which, I will too.

You can keep this shit to yourselves.


Btw Tom King's Batman got Smashed by an Immortal Green Dude......

DC will die because Marvel stepped up the game after Booting Bendis.

Somethig weird here. In Flaspoint, Bruce Died, Thomas became Batman, and Martha... Became the Joker!! How is it possible they didn't show us Bruce seeing his mother as the Joker? That I would have payed to see.

That's what I was thinking, I'm surprised they didn't have joker Martha and Bruce interact

>Tom Kings Batman is a natural progression of what Grant Morrison tried to do with the character before the new 52 wrecked his plans
I don't know. I don't see Morrison's Batman taking anyone saying to him that Batman's an addiction seriously. Batman's a positive thing according to him.

“I like things to make sense, and for me, growing up reading Denny O’Neil and all that stuff, Batman for me was a guy who had been all around the world and he’d had all these amazing fetish girls chasing him, he was super rich, he had the best toys in the world and what he’d done is dealt with his trauma in a very unusual way, but it was a way that totally worked for this guy. …He made it work, he didn’t just get drunk, destroy his life and blow the fortune; he made it useful – and I think, okay, we have to accept that if he’s a super martial arts master and master of meditation and he can slow down his breath and survived for an hour in a coffin… people say ‘well, you’re doing Batgod’, to me I’m being real about who this guy would be at this point in his life. I have to acknowledge, this is the fucking Batman, you know, and he can do all this stuff and honestly, you don’t go through courses in Buddhist meditation and come out an asshole at the end… if you do it right, you know.

So I thought Batman was the most sorted, together, humanist icon on the planet – and that’s where I found myself kind of falling out with people who thought he was tortured, or damned, or depressed, or unable to assuage that guilt. I thought … every night he went out, he dealt with that guilt and just ‘okay, I’m making things better’. So I saw him fundamentally positive and mentally positive and able to inspire people.”

Are you sure that's what King thinks about Batman? Or is it the opposite since it's Thomas the one calling the Batman persona an addiction for Bruce?
Clearly he's wrong, Bruce is proving him wrong over and over again.
King is telling us that Batman is not the problem, but the solution.

This shit is the reason why I loved Morrison and it's been downhill ever since....

Bruce wearing his Batman cowl through the desert in a story with a supposedly serious tone like this is stupid as hell

If he's REALLY worried about one of the zealots who work for Ra's posting his identity online, just have him wear a scarf or something

So this Thomas is the same as Earth 1's up until the tragedy in crime alley, and lo and behold according to Tom King... aaaand he was a cunt

Nice one, I can see why Bruce loved and admired him so much

People who read the same story/watch the same movies over and over again are fucking brainlets

This guy is a psychopath

The solicits say that Thomas won and left Bruce for dead so he could help Bane take over Gotham, but those could be lying.

This is such a strained, overwrought mess of contrived motivation/plot

It doesn't work at fucking all