wow that's pretty based
Wow that's pretty based
Other urls found in this thread:
i dont geddit
>first post defend zombie simpson
Yea Forums is really the wor
Something about Trump probably.
the state of the Simpson.
Wow, this picture really fuckin' sucks.
Formerly inequal pay?
Second player from the right is doing the onions face.
>Welcome city slickers!
Womens football is about as skillful and entertaining as nuSimpsons so thats appropriate
Threadly reminder that the US Womens Team lost to a texan clubs mens Under 15 side 4-2
>company 1 makes 100 million dollars and pays its employees 25 millions dollars
>company 2 makes 50 million dollars and pays its employees 15 million dollars
>employees of company 2 want to paid the same amount as company 1
>this make sense
Rule 34 when?
Shadman where are you? We need you!
Yeah,agreed. I thought it would be funny to see Rapinoe as a Simpson but the artwork suck
That's that.Rapinoe stated publicly she didnt want to go to the "fucking White House" should they won the soccer cup.To that,Trump angrily tweeted back "Win the Cup first before shittalking me,looser" or something of that effect.And then they won the cup
how come female soccer players can't beat 15 year old male ones?
The two in the middle look absolutely cancerous. Why does Matt Groening still let his signature be plastered on this sort of dung?
But what about Chuck's? I don't get that.
>remembers they lost to 15 year old high schoolers
Being a woman is so embarrassing.
Because he animates it?
>and that's a good thing
You could have fooled me.I genuiley thought the picture was badly drawn to. I didnt realiez you were sneedposting,cringy boy
Why do some liberals make out trump to be some sort of new age Hitler jew killer fascist when he's the opposite?
Is it "Trump derangement syndrome" like those trump supporters say?
Ariaga Ariaga II Bariaga Aruglia and Pizozza
Meme good
Reading and context bad
Does he even?
Who even watches women's sports that aren't volleyball?
He wouldn't put his name on it if he didn't.
Nobody cares about women's soccer.
No.That's only because he created the characters.Groening just produce now,i think
Well fuck yeah, it's almost like they seperate sexes in retarded sports shit for a simple reason.
Are you two arguing trannies should play on male/female teams of trannies' choice?
If not, shut the fuck up and stop being intellectually dishonest with everyone, pretending to be tranny lovers to suck daddy Donny's cock. Of course they couldn't, that's the whole fucking point. Stop being retarded. Be consistent.
Because he's got clear authoritarian tendencies and his term in office has many similarities with the rise of fascist Nazi Germany, such as labeling the press enemy of the people (and the only time they're right is when they say something nice about him), blaming all the problems on a minority group and putting them in concentration camps while dehumanizing them, eroding public trust in everything but himself, attacking independent courts for being biased every time they rule against him, lying about everything so much is basically taken from the big lie propaganda technique mentioned in mein kampf...
sure is comics and cartoons here
>they weren't playing for real lol
you can't make this up
>the women probably didn't try and the boys probably tried extra hard because i say so
The fucking 'cope' in this is unreal.
Why yes The Simpson is a an acclaimed cartoon series
Can we just talk about how bad Simpsons are and how sexy Selma and Patty are instead of politics
I mean, Simpsons featuring real life celebrities? Unheard of!
Just grow your bones density, sister
When will people stop caring about outrage marketing?
I'm getting so tired of this shit.
>based retard uses the power of hypotheticals to DESTROY idiot women with FACTS AND LOGIC
It's the cartoon creators that are getting political. I don't even want to discuss your taste in women.
So now proudly celebrating your national team is outrage farming?
>Mrs Krabbaple
>Selma and Patty
>Mrs Hoover
Is Simpsons the reason I have a thing for tired, pent-up older woman who smoke?
It's not like /pol/ gets outraged at everything or anything. It's all those filthy SJWs and their agenda.
Where the fuck is the outrage? Are americans so numb they can't celebrate their nation's sports performance without turning it into an issue to further their own agendas? What the fuck is wrong with you? Literally everywhere else a victory like that would bring a country closer together and everyone could be happy about it, but apparently not in the states. Bunch of uncivilized fucks
I miss high tier trolling.
Nowadays it's all low quality shit like this.
>i'm gonna ignore the giant banner lol
Not everything that triggers you is designed to trigger everyone. In fact, almost nothing is, because you're a moron.
As someone who isnt a /pol/ user and an actual feminist, I find this fucking hilarious.
>Cant laugh at the women's football team because its sexist.
No, saying that you cant laugh at the women's football team, solely because they are women, is sexist.
You should ask why the creators put a jab at the white house in the giant blue banner.
The art of trolling has degraded because the threshold also has. People just fall for this shit now, so why bother trying any harder?
So what's supposed to be outrageous about the banner?
They should stop insisting that the womens game is better than the mens and demanding equal play when in actuality, their attacking is lethargic with only the occasional glimmer of greatness, their passing is barely successful, their defending is atrocious and the goalkeepers cant even reach the crossbar
The continuous lack of understanding that pay gaps in sport and acting is based on skill, demand from viewers and demand from clubs is tiresome.
Maybe because it's funny, given the presidents own shit talking comments about the team.
>and an actual feminist
>Maybe because it's funny
The Simpson haven't been funny in 20 years and this is no exception.
I'm not sure what you think the jab is. Do you think Trump hasn't commented directly about them?
No you're not, you're full of shit. Unless you're tumblr and really think biological sexes don't exist and their should be no sex seperated leagues or spaces ever.
This is dumb shit unless you really think we should makes every single sport co-ed you dumb cunt.
They don't even care about the sport as a whole.
Let alone the women's division.
Of course they will try to see it as part of something they care more about.
Because the whole fucking society is yapping egomaniacs fighting for attention.
Meanwhile, the women have won four world cups, more than any other women team in the world, while the men have won... zero. And they didn't even qualify last time around. And world cup viewership in the US is actually higher with women's than the men's final. And the women's team consistently generates more revenue than the men's team. But sure, if you ignore all that, it totally makes sense to pay the men better, give the men far more preferential treatment like better training facilities and travel arrangements.
They're not. Instead they're asking for more equal pay on the factual economic grounds that their team makes more money for the US organization than the men's team does.
Lisa wearing socks and looking good.
Maggie not wearing them and looking cute.
I find it funny that nobody watched the game even after it got political. proofing once again then sjws never bother to support anything
Difference in pay is based on what retarded viewers want to watch, that's it. If the chick team stripped down and played balled naked and got paid more for ig fake bouncing tiities and scissoring on the field, that'd be fair as fuck on the free market.
They're all people kicking little balls around for a stupid mostly boring game for fuck's sake, payscale is based on jack shit in terms of usefulness to society, intellect, or innovation here Jesus Christ.
Would it not be customary since it seems to tend to frat boys as well? Surely the world champions could also visit the White House lest they have wrongful thoughts?
>and those people dare to tell us that they are sequel to men and that any difference in outcome is due to "sexism"
The fuck are you talking about? The women's cup had 20% increase from last year's men's final in the US. Despite the games now being played during the day instead of the evening.
And you know what? People in general still didn't really a shit about the Woman's World Cup.
at this point a lot of talented men are being forbidden form contributing to science and art because of female quotas.
we might reach a point where men have to claim to be women to progress in space travel
the world isn´t just america retard.
the women´s cup was watched by less then 5% of the male worlds cup viewers
Unrelated,retard.The US soccer team is not made of trans (i think)
that´s from the final game. nobody watched it.
it has been a ratings disaster just like last time.
Most of the players at the last womens world cup are semi-pros, the quality is a lot lower. Comparatively, they'd struggle against National League players (5th and 6th tiers of English football, for reference they earn like £300-500 a week). The competition is a whole lot less fierce, and by extension, less interesting
Less interest means broadcasters aren't bidding millions for it
Less broadcast money means less money for FIFA
Less money for FIFA means lesser prize pot
And the women aren't suing FIFA, they're suing the US Soccer federation because they generate more interest and money to soccer in AMERICA than the men's team, yet still get treated worse, if the argument is about profitability.
>thinking there is one kind of feminism
First time?
>And they didn't even qualify last time around.
Because lots of other countries give a shit about the mens game, no one cares about the womens so of course USA succeed where no one else cares
>And world cup viewership in the US is actually higher with women's than the men's final.
Probably because their national team is there. FIFA is more than just America
>And the women's team consistently generates more revenue than the men's team
Fuck,i missed this,you're right.I thought the yanks were uber-patriotic but apparently that patriotism stop at "vagina". I understand that it's not the event of the century but i'm surprised they are less "USA!USA!USA!" and more "God Emperor Trump name was desecrated ! Fuck them" at this win
5 straight years of being fed nothing but "Feminist woman bad" discourse tend to do that to people
Why would they need more funding? They're dominating their shitter league fine enough as is
So. Why do people care about the female soccer team?
Because they're the celtic or psg of womens international; winners through virtue of everyone else being awful
>If the chick team stripped down and played balled naked and got paid more for ig fake bouncing tiities and scissoring on the field, that'd be fair as fuck on the free market.
You can smell the incel from this post
If they wanted more money, why didn't they just hold out for more money?
TERFs get the bullet too
>20% increase
you know you lost when you use percentages instead of hard data.
shaddy marketing strategy to promote that "women are literally as good as men at sport", but nobody wanted to follow foreign teams so ratings plumetted as teams got eliminated.
Because USA needs to be the best at everything but they can't win at the world wide most played sport. So they celebrate winning in the women competition nobody take seriously. But it's okay since soccermoms led them to believe it's actually a women sport. The rest of the world is looking at them in disbelief.
He's right
>Because they're the celtic or psg of womens international;
The Boston Celtics?
Burgers "right" or "left" ( though all burgers are really just far right, both their stupid fucking parties are very right) hate each other and America if it's the "wrong" Americans more than anything. They're all anti-patriotic and anti-nationalist. They just want to destroy each other and their own country more than anything.
No u
They generate more revenue in terms of in stadium tickets, which is accurate but also fallacious in the overall argument that they deserve to be paid equally as much.
As I say this, I have to admit that I know shit all about soccer but this was an interesting topic in the aftermath. Basically people do not understand the difference between the male and female league in terms of eyes actually on it. While the female team generates more revenue in terms of venue and merchandise, the men's team, even by virtue of failing spectacularly in the early going of the men's league, have access to and generate far more money than the woman's team could ever imagine in their wildest dreams. Due to, not the American audience but the world wide audience and the money involved in the male FIFA tourney the men are underpaid to a degree.
Why does this feel insincere, like with this image?
You're projecting.The "rest of the world" is dissapointed at not winning the cup,like during any sports tournament.With it's 4 wins, USA is now the Brazil of women soccer, annoying because they almost always win
I wasn't being a sarcastic. I legitimately forgot that Celtics FC is a thing. I know about Rangers FC because of the whole Catholic Protestant divide.
Let's face it. It's easy to do & find opportunities to do it
Because,let's be honest, the Simpsons are past their prime and they need to interject themselves un current event to stay relevant.The US Women Soccer Team probably dont care,any publicity is good publicity
Poor Americans, still barely out of 50s.
Yeah, even with Rangers around, Scottish Premier League is still a one horse race. I really don't see how their fans watch, there's no risk in the league and they get battered in the Champions League every year, where's the excitement?
>Because USA needs to be the best at everything but they can't win at the world wide most played sport
Dude, the United States is isolationist and self obsessed. While they will hyper focus and pretend to care when the Olympics roll around, in general unless it is Football or Basketball nobody in the country actually cares enough to try to set up a competent national training system.
It's actually becoming a problem in terms of our violent ammy sports. Wrestlers are telling the Olympics to go fuck themselves to head into MMA and boxers are just going pro.
>To that,Trump angrily tweeted back "Win the Cup first before shittalking me,looser"
That's not true, Trump said they were invited regardless of if they won or lost.
Brazil haven't been a force since 2006
And then he already backtracked from that statement.
They won five times the World Cup,that was my main point .I just compared them in terms of success
Ultimately, it comes down to what the revenue stream for the US football body is. Ticket sales generally go to the club or stadium owner
This but unironically
Maybe women should try being less shit at sports if they want to be taken as seriously as biological males.
My bad, i was just paraphrasing.He may have said "they were invited regardless of if they won or lost" but you know Trump,the subtext was "Dont shittalk me,looser"
>we've reached the point where men are identifying as women, joining women's sport teams, and fucking decimating them at their own game
>so now SJWs have to admit that trans women aren't women and that men are just inherently better at physical shit
I love it. Women need to get gud.
I mean it probably would have brought everyone together if members of the team didn't disrespect the nation they were playing for and make it into a big political thing where they were ashamed of their home nation instead of competing for national glory
You're also overestimating the response. People were much more upset at England losing the semi of the 2018 WC or Nations league than the Womens World Cup
>you know Trump,the subtext was "Dont shittalk me,looser"
Yeah, but you can ascribe any subtext you want to anyone.
For example; a narcissist like Trump would want to still have the offer open in case any of the other teammates want to come so he doesn't alienate those who do like him and also endear himself to those neutral to him.
Same guy, same character, opposite subtexts. That's why I only go with what's written/said with surrounding context.
Yeah that is infinity more complicated. Everything I try to look at is either biased one way or the other and never actually delves into how that difference in ears is give.
The best I can discern is that they should be paid more, but the onus of that is entirely on the United States and it still wouldn't be equal pay. It would just be better overall pay that doesn't necessitate the player to have to be a wunderkind. Them winning the cup does not change the prize pool of the cup.
I mean for fucks sake. Yes the men's team fucking suck. But they're going for the FIFA cup. The revenue generated by male FIFA compared to Female FIFA is actually retarded.
>Simpsons didn't die at the turn of the century.
>black tranny goes full boomer
what fucking timeline is this? did they reset our contuity?
Soccer is the gayest most sȯy sport ever created. It should be played exclusively by women. Men that are into it should be ashamed
Holy fuck this article is fucking retarded. They don't even know two things:
1. Dallas FC is one of the BEST academies for teenage soccer.
2. EVERY SINGLE WOMEN'S TEAM CAN BE BEAT BY U-15 TEAMS. That does not only happen with the USWNT, it happens everywhere. It involves skill but the defining factor is the raw strenght. Those guys simply have way more power as they are, well, male. They also may have same or better skill, as men's soccer is more competitive than women's. But the defining factor is always strength (if skill was the factor then the U-10 Real Madrid team would rape everyone).
Also, despite the pay gap, it is far easier to survive in the woman's league than the man's league. Not only in terms of, the other teams suck, but that American Soccer is more cut throat than its football and basketball equivalents. The women's team has an established roster that does not change that often, steady paychecks and while they have more games overall, they don't have the nightmare grind house the men's team does.
I don't give a shit about soccer, my things are freestyle wrestling, boxing and MMA but more than anything I am learning about how utterly shit the Men's soccer team is being handled. I don't believe in American exceptionalism in the space of this sport, because we just don't care about it, but the fact that the United States Team sucks this much is fucking baffling.
Apparently they crumbled to Mexico because their manager had no control of them? I'm trying to find the match but I fucking have no idea what I am looking at so I'm going by what I'm reading and it seems they had been steadily getting better at their coaches meta before hitting a lower end world tier team and crumbled.
Its important to note the massive difference between clubs and international
Payment for this clubs, like tv/film is managed by agents. It's up to them to get the best deal, but the managers decide based on talent, potential ad value and also to get players to ignore rival teams
International is a set appearance fee, much lower than clubs have (in england at least), but even then, its based on importance to the team. Comparing international wages and club wages is stupid, as most internationals are playing for the badge, not money. See Mbappe donating his wc earnings to charity
But, this difference is moot. The amount of investment required to remain competitive in Mens is much higher than womens. By that logic as well, as US women are dominating, they clearly are managing well on current budgets, nothing needs to change
The men’s team’s problem is an interesting scenario in terms of the game; their physical fitness is among the absolute best in the world, but their ability to play the game, or outplay their opponents, is completely lacking.
The women’s team takes the same approach as the men’s, but is far more successful due to repetitive drilling and execution of a plan. If you watched this year’s world cup you’ll see that almost every team is terrible at improvisation or adjusting to their opponent. They also get tired and their accuracy and kicking power drops off a cliff (see England’s last penalty). The American women, being the fittest team, will just win every game until other teams learn to improvise on the pitch or improve their fitness.
Poor manager control happens everywhere. See the Carabao Cup final last season, Chelsea (one of the biggest clubs in the world) lost because a player refused to be substituted off and the manager couldnt get him under control
Because they were told it was okay to hate him.
So would I be correct in saying that them using their success at an international level is odd considering that they have a bigger issue to deal with in terms of what their respective clubs bring in?
Why should I pay women at a rate they cannot perform at?
We've done that for the last twenty years.
Useful idiot
>their physical fitness is among the absolute best in the world, but their ability to play the game, or outplay their opponents, is completely lacking.
I can only compare it to the sports I know but that sounds incredibly out of character for an American sport's team. The women's team sounds more like an American. Lots of rote actions and a single plan but physical fitness out the ass and sheer stupidity.
Is there a significant difference in coaching?
It's straight up TDS
Pretty much. It takes decades for a club to build the kind of supporters that make it sustainable. Plus you need big sponsors, who will only invest if the team brings in a lot of fans, or if they want to build it up as a personal project. But they want to condense about 40 or 50 years of success into happening right now.
So rather than going, equal pay now, they should have marketed and put their clubs out there with the attention they are getting.
I mean for fucks sake I didn't even know they were in clubs until right now. The pink haired woman is a captain in a state next to mine.
Coaching and the level of opponents they play in the 4 years between each world cup. That said, the club approach has its own problems, as teams formed for the world cup are made of players who may not have played together before the tournament. Or the rely on one or two superstars and the fall apart if those players are absent, like Brazil in 2012.
Equal pay for soccer is quite impractical because men’s soccer is extremely popular in the world outside US and the viewership and commercial revenue is absolutely not the same level as women’s. It’s about market selection. It’s like female models generally get paid much more then male but I don’t hear male models complain about it.
The left has lost it's mind to the point that they think Trump is worse than Bush. Around 2 million Iraqi civilians would disagree, if they could. It's completely absurd.
Yes, but by the time their clubs might build a following these players will be retired. The best examples for equal pay in a sport that is somewhat set apart from physical ability is when you can build up an athletic superstar. Tennis and MMA are the only sports to do this. WNBA tries EXTREMELY hard to do this and keeps failing. Breaking into the general public consciousness requires a talented athlete who is also charismatic enough to draw. And soccer players are among the least charismatic people on the planet.
Yeah. International football is paid more in glory. As far as training and development goes, they spend massively more time training with clubs, international training will be more practicing setpieces, formations and gameplans than technique and the like. But for them to truly get paid, they need their clubs to fork out and they wont until the womens game becomes more marketable.
So no killers to grind against and the team structure doesn't lead to good things because American players are american players.
So that is a major problem. You said the coach is part of the problem but I want to focus on him. Is he shit or not? Or something in between. He seems like a very accomplished guy but the way things went to shit makes me think he's not all there in terms of leadership ability.
So to sum up everything, this entire conversation about equal pay is stupid, probably won't change anything in a positive way regardless of outcome and the actual path to better pay probably won't happen because as a nation, the United States doesn't actually like soccer all that much.
This could jump start something, but I genuinely wonder how many of the people who are clamoring for equal pay are going to dedicate themselves to their state's FC.
I thought libtards were the snowflakes. You retards have been crying about nigger mermaids and women "disrespecting the nation" by kneeling and not wanting to help puff up Trump. Holy shit conservitards are a joke.
We've been extremely lucky there's been no war yet. Trump literally was 10 minutes away from bombing Iran. Directly thanks to circumstances that he himself created by pulling out of the nuclear deal, antagonizing Iran, sending troops to the area, and giving warhawks like John Bolton and Mike Pom-Pom so much power in his cabinet. And before that he was talking about invading Venezuela, only he lost interest when nobody in Latin America was for it and the low energy coup attempt failed.
Coaches are a tricky thing in general, most are hired based on previous success, but sometimes players and coaches just hate each other and there’s no amount of money that can change that. Other times, coaches get complacent because of how much guaranteed money they earn and the realization that certain players will not listen to them and are too talented or liked to be cut.
Practically none to absolutely none. There probably will come a time when the women are getting paid as much as the men are now, but the men will still be making more than the women in the future.
Or Obama, who did every single thing they accuse Trump of doing and many more. The US was legitimately a force of evil on the world with Obama at the reins.
>Next: jobs with high mortality rates
I just find it fucking hilarious. It's amazing how the United States manages to fucking fail at the international level despite having the infrastructure and talent because as a country it can't rally to gather the troops.
>Practically none to absolutely none.
In hindsight, they probably shouldn't have alienated then people who actually might be interested in sporting events.
>We've been extremely lucky there's been no war yet. Trump literally was 10 minutes away from bombing Iran. Directly thanks to circumstances that he himself created by pulling out of the nuclear deal, antagonizing Iran, sending troops to the area, and giving warhawks like John Bolton and Mike Pom-Pom so much power in his cabinet.
The rest of the Republicans would shit and scream about betraying Israel if he went soft on Iran, but he antagonized NK and it began to work because, as it turns out, these countries talk shit and poke constantly and engaging them in the same terms gets their attention. He also figured out you can, in fact, attack a country without invading it, like the bullshit over the gas attacks where they shot off all the old Tomahawks at random targets in Syria. I think that's gonna be the modus operandi from now on, bully countries with force without entirely tearing them to shit because, what are they gonna do about it, shoot back?
>And before that he was talking about invading Venezuela, only he lost interest when nobody in Latin America was for it and the low energy coup attempt failed.
If there had been any will to kick up a war there would have been one in 2017. The generality of the whole American continent is just annoyed at the migrant crisis and diseases spewing out of that festering corpse of a country and want it plugged. I can see Brazil and Colombia invading first and the US just sitting back and sending a few airstrikes.
>what are they gonna do about it, shoot back?
Famous Last Words.
The joke is that if Iran, Syria, NK, etc actually had the ability to even scratch the US it'd be justified due to the sheer amount of saber rattling and threats they do.
Basically, yeah. Stuck in a cycle of no investment because low interest and no ability to catch interest because no investment in developing the game
People do underestimate the power fan support has. I can't stand the scousers but Anfield is a terrifying place for away teams to visit and having real interest from the viewers pushes players on to try their hardest. And players that dont are soon ousted
I want to feel sorry for the sport, but they are genuinely not handling this in a good way. While ammy wrestling is annoyed by how MMA is stealing all their wrestlers, they are still embracing the sport in order to get more people wrestling. They stumbled and fell so many times trying to get eyes and the public caring about it. They are still struggling but American wrestling is the fuck people up wrestling.
The women's soccer team lucks out due to some shit talk from the President, and completely fumble all the opportunities it had for a shitty attempt at more pay and the courting of a fan base that don't care about sports.
trumptards are delusional and this thread is pathetic
A real problem is that their players simply don’t play international level players often enough compared to Europe or South America. You can’t improve unless you play against serious competition regularly. Even if you lose it does better for you than walking over every team.
Women general think they’re tough shit and not much weaker than males physically.
The shock when they get defeated by a child is hilarious.
But the women's team generates more money and ratings.
That seems like an issue that could be solved by money though.
Reminder that the annual SALARY of male soccer players is higher than the total amount grossed by all of women’s soccer per year. Female sports is a fucking joke and only the Simpsons could find a way to make themselves look even more out of touch than they already were.
You're right, so far US is lucky that Trump is a bumbling retard that didnt find its way to the big red nuclear button yet.That doesnt make him a good president and he still dog whistle at the alt right
>he antagonized NK and it began to work
No it hasn't. Trump was demanding complete denuclearization of NK. He even bragged on Twitter after the first meeting that that was now achieved. Yet now that's literally changed to "w-well you can just keep the nukes you already have if you pinky swear to not make more." because he gets love letters from Kim. It's been nothing but glorified photo ops and NK getting concessions like halting the war games with South Korea that NK hates. He's achieved jackshit in terms of resolving the nuclear threat that the country poses.
Iran on the other hand has no nuclear weapons, and they were completely complying with the nuclear deal that guaranteed that they would not develop one. But Trump had to destroy that deal, and now Iran is back enriching Uranium and the US is left with their dick in their hand, having achieved nothing but bring us to the edge of a new war in the middle east.
The right provided Bush *and* Trump though.
There was an attempt this year, the bbc gave it heavy coverage. But to a degree, its backfired. All the reporting of how its better than the mens drew people in, who saw a game of a low quality. This high coverage for a poor sport eventually pissed people off, not even beginning with the shambolic officiating or USA celebrating like it was the final after every goal against a group of amatuers only invited to fill the groups
Would be the clubs problem, not the us football bodies
But in the US the women's team generates more revenue than the men's.
Actually to clarify it sounds like a problem that can be solved by more money. While the American team wouldn't play the caliber of opponent that would truly test them, as a nation they excel in sports science in ways that few countries do and have a pool of talent that should allow them to make a dynamate team regardless of that one handicap.
The issue I guess is just nationalizing that skill level across so many clubs in a way they could afford.
That’s because we don’t give a shit about soccer. All the talented athletes go into the NBA or NFL.
>against a group of amatuers only invited to fill the groups
>men's team don't make world cup because >tripadvisor and trivago, nobody cares because the men's team doesn't dominate
>women's team makes world cup and wins because americans only care about the women's team because they're the ones that dominate
Welp. I'm pretty sure Yea Forums conservatives will immediately change their minds in the presence of facts and logic.
So maybe the women deserve to get paid more, maybe even on an equal level, because they actually produce results while the men repeatedly fail to do so. Why are we subsidizing so much a joke of a team just because they have a dick instead of a vagina? The PR and profits inside US are clearly on the women's team. Especially now that they have the prestige of winning the cup and even
normal people actually knowing who the players are.
Why is there no /ss/ porn of this?
The reason FIFA makes the group stages of the WCs larger is to invite more teams (which means more viewers and more broadcasting and sponsorship deals). But to do so, there needs a certain amount of teams to fill the tournament structure, so weaker teams progress through the qualifiers on virtue of being the least shit.
This is a problem the mens game faces too, but the gulf in quality isnt as drastic there. The problem people had which turned them off the US womens team was how they had ott celebrations even when they were beyond thrashing the Thai players (who are all semi-pro at best) during a meaningless group game. Compare this to Germany beating Brazil in Rio 7-1 in a semifinal, where the players celebrated with just a high five and got on with the game after going like 4-0 up
Be the change you want to see. The plot writes itself.
Its not hard dominating when your opponents are all part timers
I've never seen a country so angry that their team won a global tournament.
Im tired of people not understanding how wages for sports/tv work and screech about wage gaps.
It really shows just how misogynistic you have to be to be that angry at women winning.
Yep, the reason they do group stages is to get as many viewers as possible from different countries before they’re eliminated. If this was a proper tournament approach teams would be seeded and the top and bottom seeds would play each other throughout. But you draw more viewers with a points system. And occasionally you get real outsiders like Costa Rica and Croatia advancing extremely far, which is entertaining in its own right.
They generate more revenue therefore they should be paid less?
aye, stickkit te'em lads
Fuck off Tumblr.
There’s a little more to it than that, male athletes will leverage the relative pay of other sports at a professional level and demand comparable pay. Women’s pay in everything but tennis and professional wrestling is low.
Read the thread, also why would you invest more money into a farmers game where you dominate already and not the game which needs drastic improvement
>in the US
Yes, only in the US. For the rest of the world the men team generate way more revenue than their women team. The men Fifa world cup is the most viewed sporting event in the world.
So women should be paid less *because* they're the best and generate more revenue?
Why should the US care about the rest of the world?
>replying to a troll.
Lunch break innit
Read the thread
If they're actually talented, they will find a place somewhere else. It's not like they're permanently excluded because they failed to get in one spot.
Because the sponsor care
>The problem people had which turned them off the US womens team was how they had ott celebrations even when they were beyond thrashing the Thai players (who are all semi-pro at best) during a meaningless group game.
I really find myself disliking the people the women's team is pushing to the forefront. I'm semi glad this isn't just my trash talkers bias.
This whole situation could have and should have been handled far better than it actually was. Holy fucking shit the way they fucking dropped the flag and fucking danced on it.
The report says they generated $1.9 million more over 2 years for a total of €50.9 million. That’s not all that significant.
So how much more do they have to generate than men in order to get the same pay? It's typical that women have to outperform men astronomically just to get equal treatment at the table
>American men suck at football and lose at all championships as usual
>treat it like it’s not an important sport anyway and go back to playing fantasy rugby
>American women are among the best football players in the world and have most victories in world championships
>men either treat it as if it’s their own victory, get outraged at anyone for taking pride over this, or think there’s some sort of anti-male agenda in the media
Even as someone very familiar with American culture due to living there for years, I still don’t understand their mentality. It’s like they stay juvenile even up to their 60’s.
>I know Trump said this thing but really he meant the opposite thing
I know, right? It’s bizarre as fuck.
International football does not work like club football. Players are paid per appearance. Even in countries like England, this pay is very low compared to their club wages (iirc england player fees are like 4K per appearance. Most of those players earn 100K a week or more with their clubs)
Therefore, national club playing is not about the money for players, its all for the glory of being on the world stage
>oh, you beat us so soundly~
>could you teach us how you got so good~
>no argument
But of course.
Learn to read subtext and see how it's consistent with how he's always acting
Why should sponsors pay more for a male team that's irrelevant in the world stage?
>>men either treat it as if it’s their own victory
What does this mean?
They get paid hundreds of thousands to millions of year to kick a fucking ball around, go fuck yourself
Potential exposure if they can get a lot of Americans to watch and on the off-chance that they might get further than expected. You pay a premium to get exclusive rights to a great team that’s guaranteed to get to the quarter finals, but if you pay far less for a dark horse tram and they make it just as far you’ve saved millions of dollars on your exposure investment.
The conservative excuses are amazing. If this was any other system where the people who are more talented and generate more revenue were treated worse, conservatives would immediately call for it to be abolished.
But since it's about women...
>American women are among the best football players in the world
Best *women* football players. They wouldn't make it into a conference north team.
More people will watch the men than the women. Even though the men’s record is worse overall, they’re more entertaining to watch than the women.
The team intentionally shames and alienates half of its citizens on a national scale.
The US women's team had higher ratings overall. The US male team has almost no matches because it gets sent home so fast.
Yet somehow more people watched the games this year than last year's men's final.
MAGA boycotts never work, user.
We're discussing representative athletes and their behavior abroad.
Only good post in the whole thread, well done user.
Yeah, Hope Solo did them zero favours in that regard. And that's not even factoring in her nudes, she's a genuinely unlikable person.
Nothing wrong with shitting on MAGAs at home or abroad, though.
>Why won't anyone take my self-imposed segregated sport seriously? :(
The men unarguably have tougher competition.
You can't spell subtext without buttsex because you're a faggot.
Keep boycotting, conservative user. I'm sure that if you boycott Nike again for the fourth time in two years, they will definitely start caring.
>Keep boycotting, liberal user. I'm sure that if you boycott Chik Fil A again for the fourth time in two years, they will definitely start caring.
I've been "Boycotting" women's soccer my entire life, you fag.
I didn't care about it then and I'm not going to care about it now. The only thing that changed is that now that suddenly offends you in 2019.
Wow, the people who celebrated Trump shitting on Democrats on the Normandy WW2 graveyard on D-Day sure seem to be concerned about representation abroad.
Why do we always choke?
How brave
The government giving less funding to people who are more talented and generate more money should offend any conservative.
Conservatives still have values, do they?
The government giving money to anyone would offend a conservative.
They brag about it as if it’s their own achievement, user. That is what it means.
shut the fuck up, bitter inceI.
>who are more talented
You are welcome to put the teams head to head and see who wins.
Enjoy your segregated participation trophy.
>Yeah but trump
Honestly I haven't heard anyone talking about who won the tournament. I watched because I like watching international sport, but I asked my group of friends and people at work. Only 2 other people knew the world cup was on and only one of them was watching.
Why are American conservatives so upset that their women are the best in the world?
>bitter inceI
>Have an actual international football team that people care about, like nearly every major country that isn't the US
What do I have to be bitter about user?
God, the Simpsons style makes real-life people look so terrible. Also, Lisa looks off for some reason.
Because they care about who's best at the sport, not the best at the sport except the better half of the population.
The trophy is meaningless.
It's certainly amusing that conservatives hold a female football player to a higher moral standard than their own president.
How is this Yea Forums?
They are so ungrateful for the opportunity they have to live in America, can't they just hold in their politics while they play on the American team with the American flag?
Aren't these the same women who were defeated by 15 year olds?
>Yeah but Trump
But half of the thread is about Trump.
Idiots like you and this pathetic team find it "amusing" and that's why nothing changes.
>people who celebrated Trump shitting on Democrats on the Normandy WW2 graveyard on D-Day
When did he do this?
And yes representation abroad is important you ever wonder why people hate american tourists? wonder no more.