The prince is awake
Your shit is ruined
The prince is awake
Your shit is ruined
>3 anime threads
>2 porn ones
>This one is the only one thats gonna get pruned at all
Amazing job mods.
I couldn't believe the sight. The one Andrew Hussie, famous webcomic creator of renown, was in the jaws of the Nephilim. They mashed and mashed him. He tried to pry himself out of the teeth, but the intelligent beasts of biblical fame kept consuming him.
It was then that I knew that real justice existed. And not only in God. I needed to reach my own level of true justice for when he gets crapped out like in Land of the Lost.
Did he mean the comic itself lmao
Hey so what's going on with this? I thought the epilogues were decent
You cant open shit up and then say you have no intention on closing said shit. Hussie has 0 respect for anyone that isnt ghost writers.
So basically there's no word on this? Can't say I blame Hussie. He's probably burnt out at this point
>ghost writers
Got proof? Not that I'm doubting you
>Homestuck after Cascade
Dirk Strider was the most well-written character in homestuck. Prove me wrong.
I still haven't finished Candy? Is it worth it? I really liked Meat, but couldn't power through the other right after.
>Can't say I blame Hussie. He's probably burnt out at this point
Then dont fucking make the epilogues.
The epilogues were announced by a bunch of fan fiction writers in their twitters.
Yeah it's worth reading
Is it as frivolous as Meat was edgy?
Candy is more edgy an frivolous but the whole concept of the epilogues are really frivolous.
Oh good, I like edge.
its edgier
No but it's tumblr-tier at some points. I think that's part of the theme of the epilogues though, like it was taking the two audiences of homestuck (Yea Forums and tumblr) and disproportionately catering to them in order to mock them. The epilogues seem to reflect Hussie's sickness with the audience and the comic itself.
Alright yeah that's pretty good evidence. Link to the tweets? I'm lazy.
>Is it worth it?
If you're asking which to read, it doesn't work like that. You have to read both and evaluate the two together.
Is it worth it to read this wordy disaster? Not really. Most of it is like a bad fever dream, because almost all of it is under the narrative control of whoever. The point is that it's not a story telling itself anymore. It's fucking around with the characters in the most retarded fashion possible, mainly for the sake of shitz n giggles.
There are slight clues and such about what the fuck actually happened, stuff that's actually significant for the story; but most of it is hidden underneath a ton of garbage. People read it because these goddamn Homestuck junkies will lap up anything at this point, while groaning and telling Hussie to die.
>The epilogues seem to reflect Hussie's sickness with the audience and the comic itself.
Fuck you hussie, I am a normal fan, can I get hearted sincere moments again in my comic thank you very much.
Its not the edge you think it is, its the edge that actually makes you sick.
Dirk laughing at all the woke shit and Jade being anti gender dysphoria in meat were pretty great though but I agree 100% with you.
Why can't Hussie move on from Homestuck? He was so quick to start it as soon as he finished Problem Sleuth.
That’s because he actually finished PS
He is a broken man after his father died and some douchebags stole all his money, didnt help that all his friends are toxic leeches.
>Homestuck is unfinished
This is so true especially after the shitshow that was Act 7.
Dude, conclusions are toxic masculinity lmao.
He was gay so....
From brave and bold hero (Strider badassery), to tragicomedic antihero(Dirk on a second take), to unexpected villain (epilogues).
The other horse has a similar route. He's STRONG, skilled, gets the girl (as fucked up as it was), is pretty balanced mentally thanks to moirail. Dies on his knee for his beliefs in hierarchy (which MUST exist IN him, otherwise he could not exist in the first place). Becomes part of Lord English, dooms his entire race to live and die in an oppressive and brutal social system through Doc Scratch.
I liked how the fanbase lapped up that gay shit with him and Jake but when it turned toxic they ignored that part and kept drawing them fucking. It literally took hussie revealing that he abused dave to get people to realise that dirk isn't perfect and that gays can be flawed. And then for whatever reason Jake became a punching bag and someone you can't be nice to if you want him to do something. I think hussie has repressed homophobia.
So yes, Dirk is the 2nd best character in Homestuck, John is first.
It's not repressed. He's just mostly Dead on the inside
I liked the epilogues, though I did read them while extremely high, and without any breaks or sleep, and I’d been up nearly 24 hours when I started reading. Felt sorta like a feverdream but that matched what I was reading pretty well, it was part of the fun.
Despite the cliffhanger ending it finally gave me closure on homestuck. The loose ends that needed to be tied up have been, far as I’m concerned. And it felt like a thematically appropriate finish. I was happy with it, and I hope there’s no more ‘canon’ homestuck media from this point.
Candy is pretty much the same all the way through. There’s some plot and even some degree of catharsis at the end, but if you really hate it you’re basically gonna keep getting more of the same.
>, and I hope there’s no more ‘canon’ homestuck media from this point.