Here's your Phase 4 bros
Here's your Phase 4 bros
We need MCU Spider-Man 3 in Phase 4 after that cliffhanger OP
Looks good to me
There is no universe where the Wasp is getting top billing in a movie.
Raimi Spiderman 4
No. Very very fake
The reason why I can tell this is fake is simply because there's no "Vol.3" in the logo, which it will have
>Wasp movie
fake as shit
That's some really nice work on logo design for fan-made stuff. The Namor and Warlock titles in particular are really nicely-designed. Kudos to whoever produced this.
Illuminati looks like a subtitle for Doctor Strange
Warlock looks fantastic. Just based on the logo it looks like the best movie there.
no Shang-Chi or Eternals? It's fake.
>Warlock not in vol 3
>Illuminati shit
>GotG having Roman numerals instead of vol. 3
>Solo Wasp
>Secret Empire Panther
>Thunderbolts so soon
That gave you away.
>Thunderbolts so soon
We have more than enough villains still alive in MCU who were actually in some iteration of Thunderbolts. Also Vulture.
It's literally just Stranger Things
>Black Widow
How, she's dead?
Needs more diversity
They ain't doing Thunderbolts anytime soon though.
I'd go see most of these, honestly.
Sorcerer Supreme
Black Widow
Asgardians of the Galaxy
Fantastic Four
I am pretty sure GoTG 3, BW and Nova are real things.
The others, dunno.
What deviantart account did you swipe these from?
>Strange : Illuminati
>The Thunderbolts
That sounds great
are there enough villains to make a thunderbolts?
what is it zemo, vulture, and batroc?
cap marvel 2?
you just know they will make it center fold of that
I only wish for some fantastic four next
is it too much to ask?
thay could say fuck it and made the kree command guy the boss
and use it ass a pre event for the skrull kree war
anyway I don't think this will fly of
unless joker does good in the box office and they go with a villains focused movies
and maybe, who knows, a doctor doom movie
that would be neat
where is mi Kamala?
as stand alone movie kamala wouldn't work now
maybe if it was a kind of spin off
who know they show her in the cap marvel 2
maybe them
but I think it is wishfull thinking at this point
>warlock is going to be another fucking quipy fantasy sci-fi 80s soundtrack movie
Why can't these movies just fucking end? I'm so tired of cape shit you guys. So very, very tired
No, it's already a huge disaster.
super fake
That's gonna be rough
Basically only interested in Guardians III
comic con next week
Here's your Avengers 5 bros
hannah john-kamen still under marvel contract thunderbolts movie coming soon
isn’t thor now part of the guardians??
Attractive she hulk? Nice try sexist, give me the banal copy of Bruce with tits any day rather than the bombastic character she used to be
>GOTG III instead of vol 3
>Not Volume 3
Fake AND gay
>He doesn't know
I'm sorry user.
You forgot the best movie, OP
Sorry mate, No Inhumans are allowed in the movies, that stuff is for TV shows only.
>Black Widow
In all honest I wouldn't mind an A-Force Movie
looks like kino's back on the menu
>No Captain Marvil
Get fucked Dick riders
Neverending superheroes movie
The Unstoppable Wasp
>Antman: hello
>Everything and everyone in the movie: You absolute retard, you disgusting waste of space. You fucking mouth breathing bag of shit. Fuck you.
>End Credits
>Post Credits is Thor having his belly poked at
let's get a pool going on how many MCs will be POCs and gays
>Ant-Man in the same movie
>Saves the day again
>Nobody cares
It keeps happening
Lol no
omg i love twilight
This fag will never give up.
A-Force movie might happen later down the line, but the first big team-up movie after Endgame will definitely be the Ultimates
>still no Gambit solo movie
the fuck marvel
>No eternals
>No Shang chi
Fake and gay
They need to get the x men in their first. No x-men, no gambit. Simple as that.
i know. i just wish they hurry up
based Scott
Being muslim is something intrinsic for her character, and China doesn't like muslims. Anc Marvel can't just remove that aspect from her character because it would cause massive outrage here in the west. She most likely to get a Disney+ series.
>mS marvel
based and Kamalapilled
just give her time user
just give her time
>implying that Asians do not like cute girls
>China doesn't like muslims
No. It doesn't like Uighurs. They have no problem with Hui and other assorted non-uighur muslims.
>They have no problem with Hui and other assorted non-uighur muslims
Abomination too
japan is not china you braindead buffoon
>Captain Marvel 2
>Black Widow
>Spider-Man 3
>Black Panther 2
>The Eternals
>Guardians 3
>Doctor Strange 3
This is the line-up. They're not doing Phases any more, but they're still referring to "Arcs" internally for scheduling purposes. An Ant-Man and the Wasp sequel featuring Hulk, as well as a Nova movie and a Moon Knight movie, are being discussed but are a long way off. Fantastic Four and X-Men are also planned to be slowly built up, but won't show up until after Ultimates. Sam Wilson as Cap will be in Ultimates, and the response will determine whether he gets a solo film or if he is given a supporting role in future Ultimates flicks.
Captain Marvel 3 will be an adaption of A-Force, with Carol reaching out to all the women she met during Endgame.
>no fantastic 4
Disney is the last company on the planet that would release a movie with "Illuminati" in the title.