Why is it so unironically good?
Tails Gets Trolled
Other urls found in this thread:
the guy is actually a really good storyteller
under all the autism is an engaging and well crafted story with multiple protagonists and questionable morality
also despite his meh art he's really good at fight scenes
for some reason the dialogue clicks really well, every crack and seem in this frankensteined mess just adds to the humour to it too
Pretty sure he's only pretending to be retarded
I think it was language barrier and then he learned some of his best lines came from it so he kept it up
It's got just the right amount of irony and sincerity to make it endearing.
also post more panels
It started out so dumb and got fucking complex
honestly its beatiful
Because Lazerbot is actually fucking funny.
Why was Silver "The Money Guy"?
Goddamn it this fucking panel is wonderful
Do you have the one where the neutrals are about to go into battle and they’re discussing whether or not they’d date a pornstar?
Is it still going on? I gotta admit, I dropped out once the unironic shonen battle between Coyote and the edgy OC happened. Everything before that was solid gold though.
>the Underbite Troll filler arc
it was better than I expected it would be, and I thought it was going to be pretty good
I really liked the part where he and his homo butt buddy are visibly shaken from watching the troll tournament rules dude jump out of a window and die because he was trolled too much
The tragedy of our time is writing vs. graphics.
I still can't tell whether or not Tails Gets Trolled is supposed to be ironic.
video from the creators real YouTube channel
He has to be at least a little majorly autistic
Watch micah rat
Can anyone post the scene where knuckles suggests they shoot teemo into the troll kings castle and shadow is like thats the stupidest idea I've ever heard you're just gonna kill teeko? It's the most ive laughed at anything
Language barrier? Is English not his first language?
I just started reading this shit because of this thread. This panel is the EXACT moment I knew I was reading kino.
Underbite troll is way too based.
There was an amazing lineread of this somewhere on youtube
from a Vocaroo thread
based Buggs
obligatory thread theme
Pretty good, but not the one I was thinking of
got you covered senpai
It's the Watchmen of funny animals. It seems so stupid at first because, well, you expect something like that to be stupid, and combined with his autism and a few bad jokes, it seems at first like it will be just another crappy fancomic, but as you go further, you start to ''get'' his humor, some of the crossover ideas are really well done, and what starts as ironic appreciation becomes genuine appreciation. A lot like Ratboy Genius, or Golden Age Captain Marvel.
can't be bothered cropping out the other stuff
I'm sad that it's dead.
Has he said anything about releasing the script?
The question mark makes it ten times funnier
wasn't "Trails Get Trolled" ironically-autistic ?
There is a way to write a story without pictures.
Though, I guess you've probably never heard of them.
books without pictures is the Sith way, we do not allow it