Pitch a Marvel event comic in one sentence

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Kamala Khan fucks everybody and gets bred.

Go on

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“The more things change, the more they stay the same.” —Patrick Mulligan

Everybody becomes the Hulk

Everyone gets genderswapped.

Sauron develops a virus that turns all straight people into gay dinosaurs and all gay people into straight gorillas.

The universe explodes unless some sucks Thor Odinson's pengas

The universe will explode if Thor Odison's penor is sooked

We retcon the crappy retcons away.

The supervillains decide to fuck with the world by becoming a legitimate business and selling the super incredible world changing technology to the masses for a cheap price, thus making it harder for heroes to handle even every day run of the mill crimes.

i kill off all the spider men including pete the cuck and they never come back

War of the 6 Sinister Sixes

take my fucking money

Heroes dissapear, villains have to save the day

No; MORE mutants.

Reed, Sue, Ben and Johnny each lead their own Fantastic Four.

Go on...

Hard fucking reboot retconning just about everything you idiots ruined in the past twenty years.

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Marvel restarted to last known good configuration in the early 90's.


No more, mutants.

No; MORE mutants?

Things will never be the same again

Mutants, no more.

Moreno mutants?!

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The Thing will never be the same again

no, mutants = MORE

Doctor Doom steals Iron Man's suit, Thor's hammer, and Captain America's shield, and also becomes the Hulk.

The Thing Saga

The same things will never be again.

More mutants? No.

The Avengers, Fantastic Four, and X-Men all have to team up to fight their most powerful foes yet: Themselves from an alternate gender-swapped dimension

The Thing becomes the Hulk

Everyone Else is Literally Hitler.

Galactus become the devourer of people.

Hmm, can we change it so The Hulk becomes The Thing?

Stilt World.

Someone steals Tony Stark's car.

The Hulk becomes headmaster of the school for mutants, but things take a turn for the worse after being joined a new student: Hulk from another dimension!

That's retarded. Make it She-Hulk becomes Thundra and you might have something there.

Captain America: Into the America-Verse, guest starring America Ferrera

The Thing and Hulk switch powers, meanwhile She-Hulk and Thundra swap powers too.

The Thing (Marvel) becomes The Thing (horror creature)

But our market research shows that readers react positively to The Hulk and The Thing.

How about if we change She-Hulk to make her a mutant and take away her ties to the Hulk?

After misfiring with his shrink ray, Hank Pym has accidentally shrunken the Earth down to a quantum scale, and now the heroes of Earth must deal with unimaginable new threats: The Micro-Hulks

Did that happen in World War Hulks?

All the SHIELD Helicarriers become self aware and rebel against humanity

A 5-Issue mini featuring Itsy Bitsy hunting and killing 616 Spider-people

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The Thing vs The Thing vs "Godzilla vs the Thing" vs Thing Thing vs the Thong vs Kramer vs Alien versus Predator versus Terminator vs verses vs chorus vs hook vs Hook vs MvC vs MKvDC vs Freddy vs Jason vs Bambi vs Dracula (1931) vs Dracula (Hammer) vs Blacula vs Dracula (1977) vs Dracula (1979) vs Bram Stoker's Dracula vs Dracula 2000 vs Dracula 3000 vs Dracula Untold vs Dracula (1796) vs Godzilla 54 vs Godzilla 90's vs Godzilla 2000 vs Godzilla jr from Godzilla: The Series vs "Shadman" vs Ray Romano vs Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series vs Devil May Cry 3 & Knuckles vs Juwanna Mann vs pic related.

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Hey, you stole my very original idea!

Does any of them get preptime? That might affect the status quo for years.

Nothing will be the same

Galactus has bulimia

Read it and find out.

Been done.

How about this:

Everybody becomes The Thing

Take my money!

Been done. Exiles.

Been done. 'Galactus the devourer'.

Battleworld Earth


Well Fuck me

All world leaders have been turned into furniture, but the only person who knows about it is Namor, who is not willing to share this knowledge. Heroes are unaware of that and think that they all have been captured by villains. After numerous meaningless attempts to find missing people they give up. Citizens are disappointed in their heroes and riot. Because of that, the hero society are having the biggest argument of their lives - whether they should let the people have all the power again or just take control of the world on their own.

Namor is a world leader though

The Sentinels return from the Sun, awaiting further orders.

Everybody has an infinity gauntlet

Everybody swap superpowers

>the collector and grandmaster were bored
>everyone's dead and they're part of a war between different gods/goddesses of death
>a.i.m. goes to space
>thanos looks for a new daughter
>octessence 2.0

>Everybody swap superpowers
Wait has that been done yet?

Captain America: MOST WANTED

The Fantastic 4 Hundred

Slow down cowboy, thats like two events.

Image did it in the 90's, so that's actually somthing DC would do now. (Thanks Jim Lee).


The New Warriors vs The Champions

Through happenstance and the malignant intervention of Mephisto, J. Jonah Jameson ends up with a cosmic cube.

Gwenpool kills the marvel universe
Art by Ghihiru

Ez money

You got my attention

The return of Hank Pym

Everyone becomes a frog.

Um, what if we um just had a civil war again?

tell us more

The Invincible Iron-MEN

Pay me first.

Kamala Khan meets the Punisher and antics insue

Ouch my partialism

Jean Grey turns everybody gay.

So basically Syndrome's plan

Marge becomes a robot.

Everybody turns black.

>Spot World
Everyone is trapped inside The Spot

Gwenpool & Loki's Excellent Adventure

Thanos goes to the feed store.

The punisher becomes the US president.


I love it.

Annihilation 2


Maybe Thanos gets cell phone


Heroes posing as villains because REASONS

I'll do one better, I'll just use an image.

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The Fantastic four go on a space mission and get powers from a being bombarded with cosmic rays

Interpret that anyway you like

You're hired.

Namor, mutants!

noobmaster69 is a vilain

gnome or mutant(s)?

Marvel Crossed...

Reed opens a portal to another dimension and everyone is along for the ride, except for Hulk he's busy finding the perfect pancake recipe.

Stiltman open sources one of his suit designs to the whole world, not really doing that much in the long run but people appreciate the gesture.

Uncle Ben comes back to life and murders Peter Parker in his sleep with an unregistered handgun because he never payed May back for the microscope they bought him.
Miles becomes 616's permanent Spider-Man.

What if good man..... bad??!?!?!?


This would be fucking dope

The Maker replaces 616 Reed and nobody notices for a week.

The Marvel universe's annual cook off goes awry when Thanos decides to cheat by assembling the infinity oven mitt.

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The Jackal makes shit tons of deepfake porn with clones of superheroines to destroy their reputations

Flashpoint but it's with uncle ben death and Spiderman.

Mysterio files a lawsuit arguing that they stole his tech.

Anal Skrulls

Everyone becomes a mutant but it’s revealed they’re all being controlled by some villain; think Spider-Island but worldwide.

Retool villian cockroach to be unkillable super being.

He's a new addition to the Hulk's rogues gallery

Heroes fight other heroes in an attempt to prove their side of a debate is morally right

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so it's just a universe full of straight gorillas?

The last member of an alien race releases a nanovirus on Earth that rapidly impregnates anyone it comes into contact with, with them carrying a new generation of the aliens. He can't just make clones because there is only one of him so he doesn't have the biodiversity for a viable population.

At first it only affects women and the unaffected male heroes get together to stop him, but the alien reveals that the first virus was 'incomplete' and releases a second version of the virus that genderswaps men to make them viable breeders.

It gets used as a whole excuse to talk about abortion rights and whether it is ethical to use a 'cure' that undoes the pregnancy if it means killing the babies and thus an indirect genocide of the alien race. Plus genderswapping and pregnancy storyline fodder. I bet a lot of villains with less physical powersets try and use the opportunity to get away with crimes, counting on the gravid state of the heroes to slow them down and prevent them from fighting crime effectively.

At the end of the event a couple of heroes/villains are not properly swapped back for various reasons, but they probably get restored after a year or so unless the new version of them is way more popular. Maybe some of the aliens that do get born stick around as new characters until they get forgotten about by the writers.

Old Man Summers.
Scott Summers, also known as Cyclops, survived that fateful night when the villains rose up and has been planning his revenge ever sense; and now, with Logan back on the scene, tackling the Red Skull and The Hulk gang, Scott begins to set his plans into motion.

Mysterio is revealed to be the judge and the jury

>in one sentence

You want to replace those periods with commas so its one giant run on sentence?

Quite the elaborate story to please your fetish.

villains go to Africa, they start to help the continent using their technology, turning the entire Africa into a utopia fucking up the world economy.

All the best fetishes are built with context.

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interesting, tells more please

Venom is in the water supply !

Sorta was done. Ironically, it was decent.

Somehow, every one can wield Mjolner.

Hydra sprays the universe with a spray that makes them need super serum to survive so they strap Cap down and milk him and fuck him to survive all while he screams in horror.

Spiderverse, but with spidey's villains.

all the male heroes are exiled to another dimension where their powers don't work and it's up to the female heroines to show that earth doesn't need men to defend it. Also all the female heroes get along and like each other.

Basically "marvel: rise of the imperfects", bit cannonized into the 616 universe.

Sounds like a lame plot from the 90s. You’re hired.

That's a great idea.

All the female superheroes get brainwashed into being misandrist lesbian sluts who kill all the men and turn the universe into a utopia.

Me and the Bois beating the shit out some underage child with Superpowers.

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There was already a similar story in Spencer's Captain America, with The Slug using LMDs of heroines and female villains to make porn. It ended with Misty Knight visiting everyone who ever viewed it and punching them.

The Blob eats America

Hulk goes back in time to save Bruce Banner from the gamma explosion (just like Bruce saved Rick), but in doing so, becomes extra gamma radiated; Can the heroes of Earth handle a time-travelling Giga-Hulk???

Kang sents each hero to a different point in time.

Kang sends a different point in time to each hero


Charles Xavier turns everyone in the Marvel universe bald

potato, potato

Your Marvel waifu becomes real, and she loves you.

Bullet Ants!

>It ended with Misty Knight visiting everyone who ever viewed it and punching them.

That's a pretty shit thing to do.
Dude just trying to bust a nut, and you're gonna smack him for it?
On top of that...I fail to see how anything wrong was done. It's sleazy, probably, but, like, aren't LMDs just non-sentient robots in the likeness of someone? How is that different from a real doll or a photo edit or something like that?

(never read it, so if someone can give me context as to how any of this was "wrong", feel free to)

Everything turns medieval/fantasy

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"Its the biggest Even ever made, each character is involved, any serie keep going as usual but 1 character will wear a red shirt in each"
It wont sell extra but you can put another retarded banner in it, and actual fan will love it.

Julia looks pretty cool.

ant farm

Continue from Iron Man Hypervelocity.

Norman Osborn: Herald of Galactus

Colossus joins the Winter Guard.

"This is a Mickey Mouse club" - Wayne Gretzky

Ultron and Sentinels

Seven Samurai but with superheros, taking place in the world of Old Man Logan.

Ahem...... Potato Man

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That was the idea behind war of the realms, execution was poor tho

Only the people making it knew it was LMDs, so it was wrong because it was creating sex-tape scandals for the real women, and ruined Lady Stilt-Man's life, she ended up in hospital and was considered a suicide risk.

Punching the viewers wasn't solving anything though.

You just want an excuse for Loki/Thor gay porn


The Punisher starts assassinating politicians and international bankers and Captain America tries to stop him but ends up joining him.

Infinite House of Civil, Yet Secret, Crisis War Invasion

Mysterio kills himself, then resurrects, then kills himself again, all to make a point to Spidey that he's doomed to repeat this cycle with his villains until he decides to do the right thing and wipe them out.

>It was all an illusion to hide the fact Mysterio was robbing banks
