How did the public not already know he was a fake and a villain using illusions to pull everything off before he made the video framing Peter for murder/terrorism
SHIELD can't verify Spider-Man's story to the public? Or is that going to be only a minor plot factor next movie as opposed to him now being publicly known as Peter Parker
Anybody but JJJ and his following buying into Mysterio's con after what happened in London seems extremely retarded and downright forced.
The public is retarded who believes anything on the news, shield is now sword and is focusing on space shit
Joshua Barnes
What's even the status of SHIELD? Are they even a thing? Didn't they really publicly implode after Winter Soldier?
>Anybody but JJJ and his following buying into Mysterio's con after what happened in London seems extremely retarded and downright forced.
They deliberately played JJJ like Alex Jones, which is a pretty clear sign he isn't going to be widely believed outside of a core group of lunatics.
Hudson Johnson
>turns out that guy claiming to be from another dimension worked for Stark making super holograms
>nah that was just the one from OUR dimension not his
Christian Cooper
I actually was talking about how people on Twitter were mad that some guy said Mysterio was one of the best MCU villains. And one of my friends was actually mad because he didn't know. I know Mysterio isn't the Green Goblin or Dr. Octopus but I thought that would at least be somewhat known even among casual audiences.
Cooper Hall
Remnants of them might exist but for the most part it seems to be that SWORD took its place with the skrulls as the new cronies that fury gets to do menial tasks
Easton Gutierrez
SHIELD is putting Elementals in the water to turn the spiders gay!
Yeah how is any of Peters story not easily verifiable? Especially if the rest of Mysterio's gang was caught too.
I really feel like the only thing that will really be focused on will be the public knowing his identity, and he'll take care of being framed pretty quick into the sequel. Maybe his being framed was really just to set up the JJJ stuff and Spidey's conflict with either being loved or hated by the people of New York.
Ethan Johnson
It doesn't matter. People believe what they want to believe. It's like a mirror.
Austin Ortiz
yeah i think the framed stuff is just some groundwork for "Spidey is a menace" stuff and the big deal is the reveal
I didn't think that the rest of Mysterio's gang got caught. I was thinking that's how they bring Mysterio back, that team doing a hologram. i don't think he's really dead either actually
Sebastian Miller
>Or is that going to be only a minor plot factor next movie This most likely. I think Scorpion, shocker, vulture, and Prowler(donald glover)? will be on him and his friends and families collective asses. One of them might even die so he has some type of actual suffering and confliction
I think JJJ will start off as an antagonist but will realize he was duped and then help clear Parker.
Jayden Scott
Marvel citizens are the worst.
I'm really happy that point was brought up in JL/Avengers
Zachary Wilson
If that's not the angle they go with in the sequel and they don't quickly drop Peter being legitimately suspected of the accusations by anybody other than JJJ and his fans I'm going to be pretty annoyed.
Mysterio living on as just an illusion is pretty poetic in itself even if he is really gone.
Robert Russell
dailybuglenet articles
> WHY SPIDER-MAN HATES HIS OWN PEOPLE, Am Examination Of Self Racism
> SPIDER-MAN IS TOTALLY A VILLAIN ON MYSTERIO'S EARTH, And Here's How We Know, And Why He's Probably One Here Too
Dominic Clark
Imagine if, like, Mike Pence died in a car accident. Like, footage of it and everything, no foul play detected. And then, a week later, Alex Jones releases a video of Mike Pence going >PRESIDENT TRUMP IS GOING TO HAVE ME ASSASSINATED BECAUSE I WAS GOING TO GIVE THE PRESS PROOF THAT HE COLLUDED WITH THE RUSSIANS. THE DEMOCRATS WERE RIGHT, YOU HAVE TO IMPEACH- And then the video cuts off as his car blows up.
How do you think the general public would respond to that?
Robert Jenkins
Spider-Man is technically trespassing in every building he uses to traverse the city with. Nail his ass for that!
Ayden Nguyen
Unless a sign says you cannot enter, it's not trespassing until you're told to leave.
John Campbell
That's not the America my son the astronaut fought Skrulls for.
David Brooks
It's a free country, he can web where he wants.
Jayden Morris
No semi credible news media besides MAYBE Fox would acknowledge that video as anything but bullshit and people on the internet would pick apart the doctoring almost immediately.
But I get your point
Cameron Ward
Look at Spider-man's outfit, and what do you see? Red and blue. But not white. Red, white and blue are America's colors. Red and blue are the color of the redcoats. If Spider-Man is not stopped, 1776 will commence again!
Sebastian Anderson
How long before an actual alternate universe Mysterio shows up?
Parker Ortiz
Oh no, the airports!
Jace Lewis
I feel like we won't get any legit Multiverse shenanigans until a Venom crossover gets greenlit it until we get the New Avengers phased in 100%
Cooper Price
Let's be honest, so many people were retarded in that film. Like the teachers going from Prague to London to take a flight back to the US instead of say, stopping by Germany's airport? Or even France's airport? That was the part that was breaking my suspension of disbelief with the film.
Sebastian Morales
Mysterio explicitly sets them up to fly back via London, though.
Tyler Cruz
You mean we’ll declare independence? Fuck yeah , Spider-Man is better than George Washington, and he’s got a black GF just like Tom Jefferson.
Nolan Morales
>movie failed to use airports in a realistic way This is an award winning level of autism.
Matthew Garcia
I'm sure the glasses have records and can disprove everything he's accused of, however if the writers are smart they'll have used that data to "clear his name" but we'll still have people believing it's a huge conspiracy and see him as "a menace" fueled by JJJ.
Wyatt Martinez
For the sake of discussion, let's assume the ending of the movie takes place no later than 36-48 hours after the London Battle. We know that SHIELD's leader is a substitute, the Tower of London (where the crown fucking jewels are kept) was breached, meaning that the Brits are going to lockdown all of that shit, including bringing out whatever Britain's national guard and such.
Sure you have to assume that Pete, MJ and the rest of the Class were fast tracked through being interrogated by the British military, but if the Bugle Exclusive came very shortly after the event, it's possible that the bigwigs haven't yet released a "full" disclosure press statement, weighing in on how Mysterio was a crook and a charlatan, let alone if the government(s plural. he fooled mexico, most of Europe and America) are willing to admit this asshole and a film crew duped them all. or were at least still trying to figure out how to spin this story.
No one's brought up that last bit. Sure, the Avengers are *not* going to let Spidey take the fall for this, and will fight this accusation tooth and nail, and there would have to be other eye witnesses who saw the hologram tech fail, and speak out, but I can't imagine at least a *few* politician big wigs spread out among different countries were going "Well, let's just say Mysterio died during some kinda bullshit happenstance with that last monster. I don't want to tell parliament/congress/the public how bamboozled we were."
Anyway, if JJJ is the first person to break such a reveal, then it's a bit more plausible, but the important thing is Mysterio's crew unmasked Peter. Even if the US/UN/Every government body refuses to comply by not labeling him a terrorist, the real issue is his reputation has been shot and people know who he is.
Jonathan Cook
>Even if the US/UN/Every government body refuses to comply by not labeling him a terrorist, the real issue is his reputation has been shot and people know who he is. I'm sure they could pull a "Peter is in the same room as Spider-man" bit that they have done 100 times before in the comics but the bigger concern will be the villains who will track him down anyway.
Easton Gomez
His motive rant when he and his crew practically toasting and saying fuck Tony Stark, honestly feels a bit awkward.
Luis Rivera
90% of the scenes were awkward, but if it wasn't a movie that is clearly doing an exposition dump it's not out of the ordinary to have a business party where there are shout outs to prominent members of the team.
Gabriel Stewart
I was hoping that Vulture knowing about Parker would've been a major plot point down the line. Now it doesn't really matter at all that he knew already.
It can still come up given that he's spared Peter twice now.
He doesn't just know Peter is Spiderman, he *knows* Peter personally. There may come a moment where he falters in killing the poor kid once and for all, or he dissents on the Sinister Six/whomever violently killing him as opposed to just shooting him in the head, or any number of things that can help Peter.
Or, alternatively, because he actually knows some shit about Peter, uses it to put Spiderman in a really bad spot, like he endangers people knowing Peter will try to save them and that gives him ammo to use against Spiderman.
Adam Rivera
I hope everyone knows Peter Spidey but nobody really fucking cares, Night Monkey is now the biggest name hero in the world.