In US, graphic novels are 2-5% of total publishing sales, of which 25% is manga...

>In US, graphic novels are 2-5% of total publishing sales, of which 25% is manga. If you take kids comics out of the mix (Dog Boy, etc.), then manga = 50% of graphic novels sold in US.
>“Meanwhile, in France, 25% of all books published are graphic novels/BD/manga, of which 50% is manga. This indicates potential for growth in the overseas market. […]”
>“[Crunchyroll] now has 2 million paid subscribers & 60 million registered users. It took 10 years to get to 1 million subscribers, and only 2 years to double that number.”

How the fuck did this happen? How the fuck is comic book movies so popular but comics aren’t?

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Other urls found in this thread:ōnen_manga,73

They're overpriced. You can deny this all you want but nobody fucking buys the damn things and just pirate them when they want to stay current.

Didn't like how the last topic went, huh?

Because there’s no clear start point for any comics.
>Oh boy I’ll pick up this first issue
>To understand what’s going on you need to read like 8 different comics at a minimum
No thanks.

free manga sites leads to people finding new series and buying it

Do you also take kids manga out of the equation too?

I'll be honest I am no pirate but nigga I ain't paying $4.99 for a single digital issue when the whole volume will be on sale for 2 bucks in a month.

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manga is more popular because there's more pages per dollar spent. your average spiderman has 25-35 pages for about 4 USD + tax, and the average manga volume is 200 or so pages for about 10 USD. the manga industry is like a slave drive compared to what's expected by english consumers. I love both, but it's like comparing apples and oranges

That's pretty fucking hard to believe when all the goddamn weebs at the comic shop I used to work at treated the manga section like a goddamn library because "but manga is expensive" once the owner caught on and made the rule that any manga we ordered had to be paid for up front the weebs stopped coming and liquidated the manga section

Hello may I introduce you to the Gospel of Ya Boi Zack?

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A youtube faggot brainlets enjoy sucking off.



people are tired of seeing fags and niggers in american books

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boomer who sperged nonstop in a parking lot about comic books with a cheap phone for years and brought true fear to the western comics industry

its kinda true
t. a brown clam muncher

really, why were they scared? if its just some boomer ranting in a car.
> pic unrelated

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This. I'm currently trying to catch up on the recent Venom books. I open issue #13, and it tells me to read War of the Realms for context. Fuck off with that.

No sjws stuff. Sex stuff, more violence, stories might end.

Not created by jews etc. Hip new thang for usa.

Most people don't care about agendas and comic industry is filled to the brim with them. The only agenda Japanese mangaka have are sell their products.

just ignore it or google it
it ain't worth it

Comics had agenda since always.

>All actually good writers got sacked and they got replaced with editors friends and fuckbuddies and rainbow haired interns who get paid cents for writing their Tumblr-garbage.
>Artists get the same deal, standard Marvel comic now looks like a lower than mediocre webcomic.
>At the same time all the old problems of the superhero comic format are present like two page spreads where static characters talk a fucking novel to the pages.
>On top of that single issues cost more than they ever have.
Gee I wonder why. Mangas generally have better page-flow, more pages and even their shittiest writers aren't as bad as in nu-Marvel and DC. While Franco-Belgian comics tend to be made in large-size hardcover formats and with absolutely beautiful art.

Most of all french- and belgian comics are still rather standard fantasy- and sci-fi type of adventures, the stories might be simple but they're engaging. Marvel- and DC comics have lost this somewhat, they really should take notes from Disney's movie department, who also treat superhero genre as simple and engaging action adventure type of stories.

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How many times are we going to have this thread Satan? Did the last one yesterday already reach bump limit?

A: how many years ago
B: Online Shipping
C: There are apps that are pretty cheap

Simple reason:
Western comic readers don't want a bunch of Drama or SJW garbage stuffed into their faces.
When they read stories of fiction they prefer simple escapes from reality.
Not the clown show we have demanding we take them seriously when they can't determine which bathroom to use.

yeah but not to this extent

because while zack may be a boomer sperging about comics in a car, his criticisms about the industry were fundamentally correct, if obvious

The interconnection between comics can be fine, but they really went overboard with it.
Part of the reason Manga is so popular (besides that you can find it all for free) is that it’s one coherent story with a clear end game.
That doesn’t really exist in western works.

woah it's like capeshit movies are made for normies who never read any books or something

That's because they were moochers, not buyers. People who buy manga don't go to comic shops.

You can get volumes for like $4 a piece.

Because western comic books have shit writing and push the same old recycled cape characters.

Um yes.


I doubt kodomo comics make up a significant amount of the sales here

let's be real, most people don't go to comic shops, the internet basically killed them.

>While Franco-Belgian comics tend to be made in large-size hardcover formats and with absolutely beautiful art.

Fuck no, that's just the expensive version. This is what people buy usually. It's cheap but not nearly as cheap and shitty material as Murrican floppies, and the value per page is much better. Plus, a Eurocomic is usually a complete story. And I can buy the popular ones at the local supermarket even.

soon manga will decline, once the west gets hit with the isekai aftermath.

reason manga is superior is cause it is cheaper.

Forgot my image like a retard

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mangaka have an agenda, that is to stimulate hetero sex, due to japanese low birth rates, that is why it features panty shots, etc.

no, I think they're just pervs.

nope there is a reason why the young boys manga features perverted hetero things.

because they're aimed to teenage boys

They are more successful because the mangas have soul
It has beginning and end
And there's no Disney to get the leotard off, take off the cleavage, censor the scripts...

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This, also the knowledge that even if you catch up with your preferred cape title likely in two to three years some big event will happen and wipe out much of the recent history for the character and universe or the writer will change and the new writer will just ignore all the character progress the last writer did and essentially soft reset the comic.

There are good stories to be found, but its harder to get excited for them now when even the good stories have to deal with what bad writers have left behind

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Can you compare anime and manga with what are made in the US today?


and NO

Just stop being shy and remove women rights.

>Really enjoyed super sons and all the characterization it gave Jon
>Liked Jon’s relationship with other characters
>Liked how it gave Clark an actual family
>Then Bendis singlehandedly ruins all of that
And people wonder why nobody gets into comics

This is also a huge problem. One author will set something up, and the next guy either ruins it or completely ignores it.

Fuck off weeb

>One author will set something up, and the next guy either ruins it or completely ignores it.
This happens so often that it almost seems industry practice to just not try to do something with the loose threads deliberately left hanging by the last writer
I actually cant think of a writer off the top of my head who followed up on something I was excited to see another writer set up and foreshadow

Imagine if the Yea Forums mods cared as much as Yea Forums's and we didn't have to sit through this shit bait

I'd rather have Yea Forums mods than Yea Forums mods here. They'd delete all the threads for DC one day, then the next all the Marvel threads. Then they'll pick on some random non-big 2 company. All while everyone complains that there's no good reason to delete EVERY thread on that topic just cause one or two autistic fans posted a shitty thread

The only comics I read are webcomics. I have absolutely zero interest in anything capeshit related so I never bothered with comics. Are these purely physical sales?

>confusing Shonen and Seinenōnen_manga

Yea Forums's mods only care about high school moeshit, every other genre is forbidden and will get your threads removed on a whim.

Source for the first?


What are you talking about?

Have you ever even been to Yea Forums? At least a quarter of the threads are shonenshit

Yea Forums mods are as arbitrary as they are petty and autistic.

Maybe the loose threads are writers desperate attempt to keep himself hired. Unbeknownst to him Marvel and DC writers don't give a shit and will retcon whatever they want however they want at any time.

They are willing to embrace some design elements western publishers consider... unnatural.

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He thinks that Yea Forums has crazy mods when it really just has retarded idiots nuking threads for a thread that will get no responses that is just a picture of a little girl and the word cunny.

Oh, I see, you're one of the fags who likes garbage off topic threads like this

My man, loli threads always get replies and it always gets lewd

Ironically, I'd enjoy it more if manga writers would let guest writers cover a non canon arc or LN spin off. Kind of how western comics trade off writers for characters.

That does happen

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Why would you take kids comics out of the mix? Might as well take out half of shonen then

imagine is Yea Forums was not filled wit tumblr rejects, and sjw faggots, that think Yea Forums is a some sort of safe space if they hide in one of it's boards.

>They are more successful because the mangas have soul
Most manga including the one you posted are derivative crap standing on the shoulders of giants.

>not wanting low effort bait like OP means you want a safe space

That's all art

You mad that they're invading your safe space?

>They are more successful because the mangas have soul
>posts one of the most soulless shonen manga to ever come out

>derail a comment because you think a words is inappropriate and not pc.

faggot, nobody is forcing you to read back issues.

No user, it’s that the words are outright wrong

Yeah Ill concede that some of those threads get traffic but thats literally the reason peoples threads magically disappear. I watched the dragon ball super general go into an autistic fit because 4 people made a new general while somebody was posting piccolo dick and the old general fell off the bottom page because it was over 550 responses. All 4 of the generals were sperging about the mods and which general was better when their own hubris nuked their old general and 3 other random innocent threads and all 4 generals were in prime spicposting hours so they all sucked.

I think you missed the point, the comics themselves require that you read them

Name one comic right now that requires you to read back issues

>be on Yea Forums, get triggered by words

>>If you take kids comics out of the mix (Dog Boy, etc.), then manga = 50% of graphic novels sold in US.
Why would you take them out?

And also, wrong

I think manga are more successful in general because of two main factors. 1) The manga industry is more diverse when it comes to storytelling and 2) mangas are almost exclusively the work of one person or a single creative team for their entire lifetime. By contrast, American comic books are incredibly pidgeon-holed, and at this point are a brand rather than an art form. Obviously this is just my experience, but I think it says a lot about both industries when a Japanese bookstore near me has everything from Yotsuba&! and One Piece to Berserk and Monster Musume. Meanwhile my LCS has Marvel, DC, an Image/Dark Horse shelf mostly populated by comic adaptations of ongoing TV, and a few TPBs for some better known indie darlings.

What's more, people respond more to authorial voices than most people give them credit for. When you approach Marvel or DC, it's pretty obvious that you're approaching a brand, and that can be frustrating to readers old and new alike. Even if a comic manages to keep the same writer, it's not unusual for them to have different artists from month to month. What's more, the character can be changed pretty drastically by editorial whim at a moment's notice. Manga doesn't really have these problems, and the fact that you can always count on the latest chapter of Jojolion to be written/drawn by Araki. Yes it deprives the audience of the potential for epic crossover events, or for different creators to have different takes on the character, but IMO the sanctity of the authorial voice is more important than that stuff.

nope. you don't have to read Thanos Quest or Secret Wars 2015 to understand the Infinity Gauntlet or the 80's Secret Wars.

>Talking about the dismal state of US comic community in comparison to the two biggest comic markets and communities in the world is just baiting.

>1) The manga industry is more diverse when it comes to storytelling
Looking at the charts, diverse storytelling is definitely not the draw. It’s dominated entirely by Shonen

Also, no, manga are not more successful, going by revenue

nice thread. however, what is the Yea Forums equivalent of Chainsaw Man?
>Dishonest Paneling
>Post-Isekai inversions
>Grating indefinite amateurish line-work
>Gatcha Game Iconography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as NEET/ entertainment/Herbivore Powerplay
>Neo netouyo hangups: scene schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Structure syndrome
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic ToC fetish

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Yes, it is bait, because OP is taking an entire genre out for no reason to make a shit point that is incorrect anyways

Go with global sales and it is. Its a weird disconnect when cape movies sell like hotcakes all over the world yet their comics are only a tiny niche thing in the US and mostly unpopular everywhere else. Donald Duck comics in Europe regularly sell 4 times the amount of US superhero bestsellers, just to give some perspective on how tiny the comic book market in the US is.

>Go with global sales and it is

Even so, I’m not surprised. Comic book distribution is so shit

Comic books, even the hardcover artistic french novels tend to get sold in grocery stores. Strictly comics only-kind of comic book stores are a rarity in Europe.

Why would you take kids comics out of the mix? Is capeshit somehow the only thing that matters?

>diverse storytelling is definitely not the draw. It’s dominated entirely by Shonen
Yeah but shounen is literally just "The target audience is young boys" and that's a wide list of things. You could be talking about anything from a straight up Japanese take on American super heroes to hunting demons to fighting fires with pyrokinetic powers to ninja wizard fights. The broader point though is that it's not JUST this stuff that dominates the shelves. Battle shounen gets the most exposure but there's a robust fanbase that consumes a wide variety of Japanese manga and their adaptations. This site's existence is proof of that.

You know you’re describing capeshit also right

>1) The manga industry is more diverse when it comes to storytelling
what a lie. trend chasing is more prominent in the manga than in western comics, look at all the shitty sports and highschool mangas. the shonen genre is literally the same as the superhero of western comics.

>2) mangas are almost exclusively the work of one person or a single creative team for their entire lifetime
so what happens if the manga gets cancelled for low sales despite having a good story or fun characters, can you bring a new writer of artist to relaunch it? no, everything goes to the trash, never to be revisited.

You forgot the third main factor. It's just plain cheaper. I could buy 5 issues worth of Marvel in a trade or 500 pages of Dragon Ball for the same price. It's a no brainier

but dragon ball is shit.

>what a lie. trend chasing is more prominent in the manga than in western comics, look at all the shitty sports and highschool mangas. the shonen genre is literally the same as the superhero of western comics.

The only way you'd say something like this is if you don't read manga.
The fact you think shonen is a "genre" confirms it to another degree.

It's just an example

Is there a reason my post saying people don’t want to read propaganda anymore was deleted, mods?
Given the verifiable fact that sales have dropped while manga rises, what exactly did you disagree with?

>Maybe the loose threads are writers desperate attempt to keep himself hired. Unbeknownst to him Marvel and DC writers don't give a shit and will retcon whatever they want however they want at any time.
The problem is that readers like continuity, it's one of the reasons bendis should be kicked to the curb entirely. Not just because he doesn't respect but that he doesn't respect it because hes a lazy shit.

>so what happens if the manga gets cancelled for low sales despite having a good story or fun characters, can you bring a new writer of artist to relaunch it? no, everything goes to the trash, never to be revisited.

how many times does that happen in the west?

Spinoff manga are pretty common.

You are a shit businessman if you are trying to understand why something isnt selling and your defense is that its better than its competition so you can charge more. Dc and marvel are shittier than dragonball and the sales prove it.

Shit taste mate

many times. She-Hulk is never going away.

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name 10

>paying 4 dollars for 28 comic pages/20 advert pages

I don't read japanese comics so I don't know how many adverts are in there but LOL. Fuck your American capeshit comics

Animal Man
Doom Patrol
Swamp Thing
The Hulk
Teen Titans
Hell, Batman came dangerously close to cancellation several times in the seventies and was only brought back from the bring by last minute changes in creative teams, as with Engelhart's run.
Random list of 10 I got as my first google result.

I mean shonen manga is often geared towards young kids, it's just funny because if you did the same then you'd also lose a huge chunk of manga too.

it's the same shit, user. comics aimed at a young male audience. superheroes and shonen all feature the same themes of action, adventure, comedy, horror, ect.
true, shonen might not be a true "genre" but it's already used like one.

And christ, how could I forget; the fucking X-Men.

The story is cancelled, and rightfully so. I can’t think of many manga that got cancelled that were actually good.

if you think every manga sales millions you are a retard

Adapt a western comic into proper manga, Yea Forums. I'll start.

>Harem manga starring teenage Clark Kent
>Clark lives alone on his Smallville farm after his okasan and otosan pass away
>Kara's space capsule crash lands in his back yard
>eventually the full harem includes many of Superman's past loves and lovers
>Clark is too much of a gentleman to take advantage of the lewd situations that occur
>Situations arise where Clark has to fight invading aliens and villains using his developing superpowers and his harem at his side

>so what happens if the manga gets cancelled for low sales despite having a good story or fun characters, can you bring a new writer of artist to relaunch it? no, everything goes to the trash, never to be revisited.

>so what happens if the manga gets cancelled for low sales despite having a good story or fun characters, can you bring a new writer of artist to relaunch it? no, everything goes to the trash, never to be revisited.
Why would you want to have a new writer or artist do it? If a manga I liked got cancelled I'd want the original creator who made it what it was to be working on it again

>trend chasing is more prominent in the manga than in western comics
But this is every creative industry. I'd argue it's the sign of a healthy industry because a trend usually forms after a watershed moment in which an artist takes a risk that massively pays off. No trends means no watershed moments, which means there isn't significant enough experimentation. And for every shitty Isekai light novel there's a lot of genuinely good stuff. The point is the Isekai trend can co-exist with battle shounen, romance, comedy SoLs, and more serious dramas.

>so what happens if the manga gets cancelled for low sales despite having a good story or fun characters, can you bring a new writer of artist to relaunch it?
Yeah but that can happen in any industry. There are plenty of promising capeshit runs that die after a handful of issues because they weren't doing enough numbers. But here's the flip side to that, after a series ends, it's over. Stuff like Inuyasha or Fullmetal Alchemist have definite endings. They're never going to have embarrassing Silver Age/90s phases, they're never going to suffer from stupid retcons, they're never going to have some untalented asshole *cough* Bendis *cough* come in and ruin everything. The people who read and loved those stories can rest easy knowing that they have closure. Not this endless soap opera of "How can we shock the readers this month?" or musical chair creative teams. That's more important than you give it credit for. Yeah it sucks that cool ideas like Gal Cleaning get thrown in the dumpster because they get cancelled/the magazine goes under/the author goes nuts, but IMO it's worth the sacrifice.

fuck off, siths

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I'd love a superman harem comic

As a boomer who grew up on weeb culture boom in the late 90s and early y2k. It is no surprise because most comics suck, and have no clear vision.

American editions of manga usually only have a few pages at the end advertising other series. I opened up my copy of Neverland and there's two pages at the end with ads for Hunter x Hunter and One Punch Man out of 200.

>They're never going to have embarrassing Silver Age/90s phases
oh ho ho pic related

>they're never going to suffer from stupid retcons
"o my rubber nen" might not be a retcon but damn, it looks like one.

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>pic related
I thought that was regarded as one of the best-remembered parts of the series

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you dumb faggot. manga chapters are first published in anthology books full of ads and other stupid shit.

The issue released this week has a double-splash page dedicated to explaining what happened in WoTR (see pic), but the entire issue is just preparing for Absolute Carnage next month, which you are forced to read since the entire event spins-off from the actual main run itself

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There's a key difference between embarrassing Rob Liefeild Ow the Edge bloodpouches and actual horrific story elements that arouse genuine anger. The Chimera is designed to show the audience the darker side of alchemy even in the so-far-presented clean cut State Alchemy, and foreshadow all of the fucked up shit that the government actually was doing with alchemy. It serves an important story point as well as being an effective gut punch.

As for HunterxHunter, yeah. It sucks. Again, anything in any medium can be bad. Even sole authors can make horrible decisions. Niel Breen exists and writes/directs/publishes his own movies. That's not the point. The point is HunterxHunter sucks because the author sucks. Not because of some external factor.

the author sent Tucker to hell after the reception to the Nina chimera, clearly she thinks it was stupid and regrets it.

I hate that HxH got an anime
It got too popular so now everyone has to claim its shit

I've been catching up on One Piece with the 3-in-1 omnibus editions and I literally get 600 pages of manga for like 10-15 bucks.

The value differential between manga and American comics is fucking obscene.

>clearly she thinks it was stupid and regrets it.

No she doesn't, you're just projecting.

As a mangaonly i’ll just say it’s impossible to jump into the big comics. No singular author/story/voice and no clear starting point.

I also despise the SJW shit in modern American entertainment and comics are pretty far down that rabbit hole. Still like shit like The Sandman.

I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're just trolling at this point. There's no way a serious person would correlate "Author confirms in universe that horrible character suffers equally horrible fate" to "Author regrets the character's existence".

>Yea Forums says this shit when there's a Saint Seiya thread up now

Why are you fags so pathetic?

Shonen is the tip of the iceberg that gets sold for westerners. The main reason why Japan is considered THE most comic-crazy country in the world and french only 2nd, is because they have comics about literally everything. I wouldnt be surprised if they had a comic about laundering aimed at older women. Comic books are so basic consumer media in there that every age group reads comics aimed at them and the success of the comic determines whether they make movies out of them, not the other way around.

French and belgians come good 2nd, with comic industry being part of the mainstream but not every single age group in there consumes there and theres not a comic directed at every single age group either.

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Every book starts with off topic rambling.

>sperged nonstop in a parking lot
Dont forget his closet!
his oldest vids where in his closet or an empty room staring at a radiator.

Let me repeat what I once said in a similar thread to this, OP.

There is NO American comic, literally none, that focuses on food the way Food Wars does. A real Western equivalent of Food Wars would be a cartoon or comic where a character like Ramsay or Jamie Oliver shows actual cooking recipes and combats other people based on cooking technique alone.

Literally no US animation or comic is on that level. And until that day happens, I maintain my opinion that western Yea Forums, specifically US Yea Forums, is inferior to Yea Forums

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>I wouldnt be surprised if they had a comic about laundering aimed at older women.
ok? how many of those "diverse" mangas are best sellers in the US? none, it's all mainstream shit. just like Marvel and DC.

How do these threads keep being made over and over

>Adapt a western comic into proper manga


>Clark Kent

That already exists. Its called One Punch Man

Attached: All Star One Punch Man by Epictones.jpg (1000x1200, 499K)

Honestly there wouldnt be any competitors in Europe either. Theres probably comics about a historical chef or a cooking ladies but as genre they would not be concentrating on cooking per se but either historical drama about daily lives of peasants or a life biography story.

>combats other people based on cooking technique alone
that's so fucking stupid.

ew, shit taste

One Punch Man is the closest thing Yea Forums has to Yea Forums that does not fall in /m/. Kamen Rider and Super Sentai count as /m/

Why the hell would anyone want to read a comic about food? If I want to learn about cooking food I'll watch a cooking show where I can see real people cook real food, not drawings of them done by some japanese guy who had probably never cooked half the stuff he draws in his life.

>ok? how many of those "diverse" mangas are best sellers in the US? none, it's all mainstream shit. just like Marvel and DC.
Those comics dont get brought in the US in the first place because the market is too small and too focused on superhero comics. You're lucky to get 10% of the european comics released in your market in english.

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The point stands.I have not seen a single animated US cartoon or comic that focus primarily not just on food, but the cooking of food, and the comparing of cooking techniques

The closest I can think of was the comic Chew (which is pretty damn good), but Chew is about EATING, and more specifically, super powers centered around the consumption of food. It doesn't really focus on real world cooking techniques though.

Attached: 250px-Chew_1.jpg (250x384, 29K)

And thats why comics are a big thing in Japan and not in the US. In Japan comics as a format rivals tv, so people are more willing to read comics about cooking. Whereas burgers want reality tv shows or heavily edited "documentaries" with 4 ad breaks about them. Movie projects in Japan might get an ultimatum from financial backers that the comic version of the same thing has to be popular first before they invest money on the actual movie.

>things that never happened

>(besides that you can find it all for free)
ho boy I don't think that's part of Crunchyroll's plan for success.
>is that it’s one coherent story with a clear end game.
and what do you do when the author brainfarts or stays in the same level of mediocrity for the entire run? mangas have editors, too. it's never the sole vision of the author because that would be stupid.

>That doesn’t really exist in western works.
they're called one-shots.

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IIRC Food Wars has an actually culinary consultant, so they know what they're talking about. And this is Japan. This is the same country where Kemono Friends got otaku to visit zoos. If you can tell a decent to good story, and have cute/cuddly anime designs to go with it, the otaku will develop an interest in literally anything.

I'm just surprised there is no western Chess anime yet, but thats because there's a huge series about the Japanese game of Shogi.

Nah. Manga has its own agendas and politics Americans are just too stupid and insular to notice because burgers think they're the only people on earth. And comics have always had agendas. Basically American comics are too fucking expensive and have no obvious entry point, unlike manga, which is usually more bang for your buck and more self-contained. Not 80 fucking years of backstory across dozens of titles. Meanwhile for capeshit people would rather just watch the movies instead. Nothing to do with SJWs etc etc. It's money and barrier to entry.

One-shots don't have the kind of significance in western comics that Japanese manga do.

I liked Toriko because the hype was real, and it’s like DBZ but with food.

>the otaku will develop an interest in literally anything.
which they will drop in favor of the next fad.

mfw this guy complained about the art in Berserk but endlessly praises Liefeld

Most of the manga I’ve read have two different agendas.
1. Please for the love of god have kids
2. If you don’t want to have kids, opening up the border is a good idea.

A. 3-4 years ago, worked there as a second job for extra cash
B.Online shipping? Nah Diamond's shit shipping and anything diamond couldn't get was ordered using an Amazon Prime account
We had maybe two people that actually paid for manga after we made it a special order item, seems like 99.9% of people who came looking for manga were even more broke than the yugioh players we had to deal with, anime collectables did well especially the figurearts and gundam models, but manga was such money pit for the shop
Not everyone can afford to undercut msrp on books that the average price range is $8.99-$12.99, at least with comics we could mark them down and still supplement sales with back issues that could be bought in bulk for little to nothing

>Why the hell would anyone want to read a comic about food?

hell why would anyone read a comic at all? this is Yea Forums, we only talk about marvel-related celebrities and debate which genitalia Steven has for most of the time. reading comics is for losers such as Yea Forums

Comics were never as political as they are now. The focus was the story followed by the agenda not the other way around like we have today.

Gotta keep things varied - you can't be too obsessed about one thing.

That said, I have a strong feeling the Japanese mecha tradition is a lot more diverse and richer than the US. Even if its changing fads, Japan has more mecha series and characters to fall back on than America does.

Bit of an irrelevant observation when his point was that US comics can't really do the same and have an educational influence on the readers. In fact its the complete opposite, especially modern Marvel with its America Chavez-tier comics kill more reader braincells than they educate.

mfw he read Sandman for the first time and reviewed it four weeks ago

the lesson beiing if western capeshit has lost an autist like zack who just wants retarded 90s x-treme comics, they're hopelessly fucked

I too remember all the agendas in shonen #12456 with the heroes rising against the ancient evil screaming at each other for 10 chapters, or the high school mangas where the lolis make funny faces at the reader. That taught me a lot about the politics in Japan.

t. Seething comickek who thinks everything is political

Because comics have become secondary material to the movies. People don't want to read comics, they want to buy comics to pretend to be bigger fans, just look at any nerdsync YouTube video about any given comic and i guarantee you more people have watched some cuck talk about comics instead of actually reading them. Then once they buy enough to fill up a space on their shelf between the funkopops and videogames they forget about the medium entirely.
The writers aren't any better, they're all failed screenwriters, every line and every panel on every page just begging to be made into the next summer blockbuster. Half the hacks working now have no appreciation for the medium in the slightest. Any comic that's not a household name already is the equivalent to a deadend job for them that they'll only put the minimum amount of effort into to avoid being fired until their real break comes through. Every new change just a virtue signal in a vain hope enough blog posts calling it woke will bring in the movie deal.
3rd party comics are sometimes immune from this but marvel/DC have made superheroes almost synonymous with comics so there's no surprise that as they flounder so do everyone else.
Mangas don't have that shit. No back issues upon back issues or extended universes to secure attention, they just come on with a story and something to prove. If your manga isn't good, it's dead. You're not going to use it as a stepping stone into Hollywood because the best you get is a low budget tv adaptation, you aren't going to become a beacon for social change because Japan hates human rights, you make something that people will read because it's worth reading. Comics have forgotten that.

>I have not seen a single animated US cartoon or comic that focus primarily not just on food, but the cooking of food, and the comparing of cooking techniques
no shit you've never seen that. it's an incredibly retarded idea that can only work in a vacuum where nobody calls attention to its absurdity to it, like a comic book.

and of all the things you can make a cartoon about, fantasy worlds, superheroes, space travel, cooking?

What is the agenda of this one?

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Don't forget sports, that's another theme manga likes to market

You just didn't recognize the burger propangda back then for what it always was and don't recognize anime and manga propaganda now based on your own biases. That's all. Tons of propaganda from both countries for 70+ years now.

They Suck. They devote issues to explaining how superhero armpit hair could be used in the technological and biomedical centers and how superhero suits don't get stunk up after prolonged periods battling an enemy in space without deodorant

To take up shelf space and not draw any income for retailers

This overall applies to marvel and dc only though, other domestic publishers don’t have that problem

Whats wrong with cooking? We have a goddamn cooking board Cooking can be interesting, and you can tell a lot of stories with cooking. Or is you mind only on superheroes and fantasy worlds? You can tell an interesting story in any subject, such as music, nerd culture, and so on. I'm highlighting cooking because I know of comics that talk about music history, and comics that point at the hypocrisy and human drama amongst nerds, but I have not seen one published American comic that talks about cooking.

>no shit you've never seen that. it's an incredibly retarded idea that can only work in a vacuum where nobody calls attention to its absurdity to it, like a comic book.

Absurdity and catering to different hobby groups is kinda the point of those kind of comics. A comic about fucking Ping Pong championships got so popular that it got an anime over there.

>Cooking anime and sports anime do great in ratings
Oh no no no it was supposed to be a stupid idea oh no no no

The power of friendship isn’t propaganda, comickek

Here's the thing. There ARE Sports Yea Forums. A lot of it.

But there's very little food Yea Forums

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>he clearly ignores the systematic reasons why western comics are failing while clinging to muh politics

Not murican but at the bookstore I saw a bunch of SW trades, good fucking god they were expensive for how thin they were. Meanwhile the manga section had those vizbig omnibus editions of Vagabond and a bunch of other shonen titles. Less than half of the SW trades price.

Name some examples of propaganda in manga.

because the west prefers continuity and stablished names, japan on the other hand, is extremely fickle.

Extreme sports also counts as sports, right? And I haven't even mentioned the amount of WWE crap there is out there

Attached: 250px-Rocket_Power.jpg (250x225, 23K)

It actually is. Look at Japan's fucked up corporate culture with its forced frivolity and "friendship" like mandatory drinking together with bosses after work.

your ignorance of the meaning of the word "otaku" is really embarassing.

Look at this dude, he doesn't know history and how comic sales failed until today after they tried to make money off of a million variants through speculators

Early on it was "nuclear shit is bad" after Hiroshima, today it's "you should have kids and have sex" a lot for "reasons."

meanwhile in murica

Satan, you should know better than anyone how awful the comic-book reading and buying experience is. You invented it.

This is something most of Yea Forums cannot understand because Yea Forums is looking at this problem from within. It's like smell blindness, when someone doesn't know his house smells like cat piss because he lives in it.

This obsession with interconnected comic universes and 70-year-old characters? It's abnormal. It's weird. Normal people read new books and follow authors instead of characters. The pseudo-realistic artstyle of most superhero comics? It's ugly. It's not appealing. It's dumb when paired with power fantasy stories. Paying 4 bucks for inconveniently sized, stapled magazines that must be ordered in advance at a store that's located at the edge of town? No thanks, this is more frustration than I'm willing to put up with for diversion.

Comic book movies do well because they are absolutely nothing like the experience of reading comics.

>mandatory drinking togethe
Dude just stop, you live in a fantasy world at this point, get help, you are way too deep in your lunatic shit to be able to function there or anywhere.

>A lot of it.
a few French studios tried it, that's about it.

manga shits all over comics

>muh Japan is perfect because muh weebshit
Go be a salaryman in Tokyo for a few years dumbass.

comics are full of men hating sjw crap
mangas meanwhile still have fun stories, cool male heroes and a lot of fanservice

that's more like western propaganda on japan

Wagie wagie get back in the cagie

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>Hinata was an eyehax princess who fought in a war against a fucking rabbit moon god and now she's a stay-at-home mom
muh japanese traditions and status quo.

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i have no idea how you can enjoy a story were the writer is always changing
The stories have to be crap if theres no ending planned aswell

Dude they're just preachy about slightly different things always with an eye to towards a homogeneous society that produces and benefits large corporations. Even in US it's just "get along with everyone no matter how different and make us lots of money conflict is bad for business. " Japan productivity is just based on more collectivist conformity.

Lmao. The byakugan was never relevant, and hinata contributed fuck all to the war effort.

manga is definitely more diverse than comics

the fact that this guy´s youtube channel has 10k views on average and still managed to have such a big impact on the comic industry really tells me how small and pathetic it has become.
I mean I have read 3 different comic where he played the part of the villain and he got interviewed for a comedy central show.
I mean who petty can you be that you direct so much attention to somebody that unimportant.
And best thing is it missfired horrible for sjws.
His kickstarts to this day still eaily break 40k in under 2 days.
In a time where batman or spider-man fail sale 100k this is pretty good for a nobody who has to work with his own original characters.
Worst thing is you could make fun of him for a lot of stuff. his videos are really shitty where he just rambels about for 10 minutes with horrible loud noises in the background.
But no sjws still have to go for the lowest from of attack and just repeat "racist", "sexist" over and over again.
the modern comics writer/artist/editor really have to be the worlds biggest losers to continuously be outsmarted by a person like zack

Not just French - there are some American sports Yea Forums. A lot of it is wrestling though.

you know if comics just stopped pushing the same sjw and feminist propaganda over and over again and actually brought back fun stories and cheesecake then their sales wouldn´t be so bad

>"get along with everyone no matter how different "

again, I think you're just repeating what 15yo would say about other country
extremely simplified stereotype

NO ONE associates superhero movies with comic books.


>Yea Forumsmblr will deny this

I'm glad I'm not a passive-aggressive cunt like you. Why bother telling a story about food in comic format when you can deliver a much better experience through pretty much any other visual medium? I can't watch food being cooked in real-time in a comic, I can't the precise movements of the culinary techniques they use, I can't see the steam or moisture coming off the food etc.

Actually procreation propaganda exists in Japan but panty shots and fan service definitely don't fit that criteria. Shits existed since the dawn of man.

the way you try to make it seem like having the same writer throughout is a bad thing disgusts me
such fucking cope

but hinata sure did contribute to the PORN effort

>I can't watch food being cooked in real-time in a comic

But you can

>the precise movements of the culinary techniques they use

Which has been done in Food Wars

>steam or moisture coming off the food

Which has been animated in the anime version of Food Wars

The only Yea Forums I can think off that comes even close to this is Ratatouille. But that is just one movie. An exception.

>No actual examples, just broad generalizations

>helped ino to mind control Obito long enough to deflect a bomb from the ten tails killing everyone
>fuck all
Its been a while though i admit.

If my comic gets cancelled I don't want anyone else to touch it. It's MY idea, MY creation, I can accept it not being popular I do not accept it being distorted into something it's not.

I'm starting to think that most people in these threads have no idea what they're talking about

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>No sjws stuff.
You mean nothing like My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness which was a ne of the best selling mangas for Seven Seas in 2017 which prompted them to release a sequel and titles like The Bride Was a Boy or Our Dreams at Dusk?

Or you mean nothing like My Brother's Husband?

>implying Frieza's conquest and genocide of the saiyans can't be interpreted as an analogy for world war II and the holocaust
>implying Frieza telling everyone that planet vegeta collided with a meteor isn't a great example of revisionism
>the nameks aren't refugees, their land was only ravaged by war, half their population massacred and they had to find a new place to live

even stupid shit like Dragon Ball can have unintended deeper themes, brainlet.

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Gay doesn't = she
It's only sjw when you force it onto other people

No you can't. At best you can get simplified approximations of that because no manga artist is going to be able to fully capture all of the little nuances in real-life cooking within their still drawings.

>Which has been animated in the anime version of Food Wars
I thought we were talking about comics and manga here.

>The Bride Was a Boy
Has pedo acceptance gone too far?

I would rather it just be cancelled than have some fucking fan fiction writing by someone else
and that super rare
Whereas writers changing in comics is very common and leads to shit

Why is it when Japan does it its a lot less hamfisted and interesting than the way the Big Two do it?

I aso swear there are some right-wing/alt-right/fascist Jap comics to balance with their LGBTQ ones

first day on Yea Forums? Yea Forums is the board that understand its own subject the least.

>>implying Frieza's conquest and genocide of the saiyans can't be interpreted as an analogy for world war II and the holocaust
Yeah you can make massive leaps if you try hard enough

everything gets an anime in japan, it's almost required by law, no matter how worthless the source material is.

Attached: 1545322428493.png (1200x675, 1.41M)

Ah yes, freeza, the villain who stole the dragon balls so he could wish to be 5 cm taller.

There is difference though
Those political themes were never intended by the author. Hell we could go on about how Goku turns into an aryan to defeat the space jew.

>you just don't know! my fantasy is REAL! Yea Forums agreed last time whe hated my hero academia together!
grow up, and more importatnly, wake up.

Nah that's still Yea Forums. Those guys don't even understand tax breaks or merchandising and think all the money a movie makes comes from the Box Office

Because Japan doesn't do it to push an agenda. The way the Big Two do it is equivalent to propaganda.

Because your hyper aware of everything you believe to be forced in western media.

That was in Super. His original wish is for immortality

>He thinks Akira “makes shit up as he goes along” Toriyama had any deeper meaning than the surface level in his manga

Can you show me a comic or cartoon Eggs Benedict that is beyond this level?

Attached: Eggs Benedict.jpg (421x519, 43K)

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It's because whenever anything in the west is created not giving a shit about sjws, sjws start screeching and screming like subhuman monkeys.

>Because Japan doesn't do it to push an agenda.
They do it to push an agenda constantly. You're just excusing it because it's okay when slant-eyes do it.

>To understand what’s going on you need to read like 8 different comics at a minimum

Then just buy trades, retard.


>having the same writer throughout is a bad thing
it is. look at HunterXHunter.

a classic story being told in a different way is how those stories remain relevant in the present day, we've seen it with comics, cartoons and now the fucking MCU making billions and enjoying worldwide popularity.

Beware the titty hentai agenda folks, they want you to masturbate and feel good about it

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>Why bother telling a story about food in comic format when you can deliver a much better experience through pretty much any other visual medium?
Better question is, why not? If you answer "because its shit but I cant explain why its shit", it encapsulates the main reason why comics aren't popular in the US perfectly. You don't give the medium a chance at all. Remember in France comics are treated as a serious high art form, in Japan its a medium often more important than tv.

food doesn't sparkle.

>how those stories remain relevant in the present day,
wake the fuck up this fantasy world of yours holy shit.

How are they moving on their own? Are they possessed?


how is that social justice?

Fair enough

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Yeah by the titty hentai agenda

>makes shit up as he goes along
isn't that every long running so-called-by-the-weebs-of-this-thread clear endgame manga ever?

when is Luffy going to find One Piece? fucking not 800 chapters ago.

How is that an agenda?

if you are saying hunterxhunter would be better if some random person took over you are literally retarded and have no taste or care for stories
you are a brand loyal tard

>a classic story
how about new and different stories

Having a clear endgame doesn't mean having everything between the beginning and the end planned out. You just know where you want to end up with your story.

"intended" and "interpreted" are two different things, faggot user-kun

>How the fuck is comic book movies so popular but comics aren’t?
Comic movies have all of the recognizable characters but are basically oneshots while long-running comic series are harder for a more casual audience to get into. In addition, it's a question of accessibility -- you can go to just about any grocery store or supermarket to get the latest movies, a lot of those places don't even carry regular comics.

I just told you in my post why not you dumb cunt. Just look at the image in and see how much detail and information in that drawing is lost compared to real life. If the comic/manga revolves around food and cooking then I think trying to adequately capture the experience of cooking in comic format is a fool's errand.

Odds are if your reading anything about Sports or Food you aren't reading them for the food/sports and instead the characters. Or in food wars case, the smut.
People who choose to watch food documentries or sports want just that. Food and Sports.
People mostly didn't go watch Ratatouille because they want to see fine french cruisine, they wanted to see the story of a rat who learns how to cook.

How about you take classic tropes and you make a completely new story with completely new characters? Is that really so hard?

The real one looks kind of disgusting. The drawn one is definitely superior.

People who make dumb questions like that should be shot on sight.

Most people read them because of both. You get the characters and you get to learn all sorts of facts about the subject of the manga.

Soul. The manga artists are writing about things they care about. The Big Two are just after cash.

Nigga that's the point I was making

>Odds are if you
stop telling people how you want them to be, fucking fascist. Life doesn't work that way, you are not an authority anywhere. Keep that ego trip for your parents.

Yep. That never happens in reverse. Not at all.

>If the comic/manga revolves around food and cooking then I think trying to adequately capture the experience of cooking in comic format is a fool's errand.
Which is the main reason why its because of people like you that comics will always remain small in US. Advertising itself uses unrealistic visual tricks like pinning toothpicks in the middle of hamburgers to make them look larger and comic as a medium itself does not prevent any creator from making hyperrealistic oil paintings about food and then make a comic about it.

And odds are in Japan they do both. The comic is not seen as an inferior source of media but a complementary for the shows and educational books about the hobby they love.

>stop telling people how you want them to be
No. Now go to bed, user. You've got a big day ahead of you.

if some random person took over HxH maybe it would actually shit out content instead of shitting out hiatuses.

Of course it will not be able to capture every detail - its not a still life painting. It is not some still life portrait that you hang in your living room. But that is beside the point and literally not what I'm talking about.

The point is that Japan can still do not one, but have an entire genre of anime and manga devoted to cooking. Even if it doesn't match the detail, its a lot better than any depiction of food I've seen in US comics or cartoons. And their success have gotten otaku to be interested in cooking. So let me repeat my question - can you show me a better Eggs Benedict in an American cartoon or comic?

Attached: eggs benedict 2.jpg (600x439, 41K)

> shit out content
you are disgusting and dont even care about stories

The issue is that the SJWs are in control so if they start complaining about something then that something usually gets changed to fit their politics. They decide what is ok for everyone else to see or not.

I don't care for your feelings, user. HxH is a waste of time thanks to its author and them's the facts.

The manga is the main source of income. The anime acts as an ad to increase manga sales.
That’s why jump normally doesn’t cut a series until it gets an anime, it’s hoping the anime brings in manga sales.

How is someone’s life story propaganda, user?

It's an animated gif you dumb retard. What's a dumb cretin like you doing here? How are you still alive when you are so stupid?

holy fucking shit this post.
can you get even more sheltered?

So the points raised so far
>Bang for your buck. You get a lot more content in manga
>Consistency. Characterization remains mostly consistent throughout a manga because the creator remains the writer
>Propaganda. If manga has political messages, they are so subtle and irrelevant that they go over our heads
I'd like to add
>Format. Instead of events, manga have arcs
>Epicness. Manga doesn't shy away from violence and doesn't portray it in a negative light like modern western cultures do. Characters are allowed to show off their powers in cool fights while capes spend most of their time with interpersonal stuff and quips

even if that were true that doesnt mean some fan fiction would be good, at least there is still a chance for an official ending
If you want a fan fiction continuation just go on a fan fiction site

>Advertising itself uses unrealistic visual tricks like pinning toothpicks in the middle of hamburgers to make them look larger
That you're comparing manga/comics to advertising which you admit is unrealistic just proves my point. If the goal of the comic is to convey the process of cooking accurately then you can't do it a comic format because it's still images, you can't see the intricate movements and techniques or the details that are extremely important when it comes to preparing food. Manga is even worse for this than comics since they don't even use colour, like how is a manga going to show how rare or cooked a piece of steak is without using colour? That's something pretty basic and already the manga format is limiting the story's efficacy.

>So let me repeat my question - can you show me a better Eggs Benedict in an American cartoon or comic?
I'm not going to do that because my entire point before you even replied to me is that comics and manga aren't a suitable format to tell that kind of story or convey that kind of information. The very best a comic can do is a simplified imitation of reality, so telling a story which revolves around a subject where all the little details matter like cooking is a stupid idea and would be much better suited by other kinds of media.

>Manga doesn't shy away from violence and doesn't portray it in a negative light like modern western cultures do.
I'm sorry, what?

I have yet to see something getting "un-sjw'd" after complaints of the original core audience.

>I'm sorry, what?
are you an adult? Can you read? Then you should understand.

>If the goal of the comic is to convey the process of cooking accurately then you can't do it a comic format because it's still images, you can't see the intricate movements and techniques or the details that are extremely important
With this logic every single cooking book and chef educational book is garbage. Once again you're not giving the medium a chance and that is the primary reason why comics are not and never will be a big thing in the US. You're ready to buy books about cooking which is mostly just texts and still photos, you're willing to watch a tv show about them, but theres a disconnect when talking about the medium which is a little bit of both.

What does that even mean? What property has been forever sjwized?

>aren't a suitable format to tell that kind of story or convey that kind of information.
I disagree and think your point is wrong

>to telling a story which revolves around a subject where all the little details matter like cooking is a stupid idea and would be much better suited by other kinds of media.

Japanese manga and anime still do cooking even if they cannot show the supposed little details, and they still do very well. Your point would actually work if there were few cooking anime and manga, but its an entire genre in Japan, and it does influence people to cook. Its not a stupid idea if it inspires people. If anything, i think it is stupid to downplay a medium just because it does not reach the level of realism you want.

The fuck are you faggots even arguing about? Food Wars is a manga about cooking with super powers. It's not some realistic portrayal of cooking because that would be fucking boring. It's abut the smut and about seeing all sorts of foods and thinking
>hey' that looks kind of tasty. Maybe I should try to make something like that myself.

gratitious violence. truly a mark of high brow literature.

also how many modern manga characters die from gun wounds? did you knoe japan doesn't like guns?

You think western media has an issue with gratiutous violence. Seriously?

If you tried reading a comicbook lately you would understand.

Its not really superpowers. The orgasms are just an exaggeration of how good the food tastes. If you wanted a manga with really exaggerated cooking there is Yakitate Japan and Cooking Master Boy.

Also, the most popular manga about food is Oishinbo, which has lasted for 30 years, and doesn't really have that much fanservice.

Attached: oishi1.jpg (1280x938, 371K)

>You think western media has an issue with gratiutous violence. Seriously?
>Manga doesn't shy away from violence and doesn't portray it in a negative light like modern western cultures do.
How the fuck do you get the opposite of what he said?

>With this logic every single cooking book and chef educational book is garbage.
They're objectively inferior to watching someone actually doing the cooking yes.

>Once again you're not giving the medium a chance and that is the primary reason why comics are not and never will be a big thing in the US.
I'm not willing to give the medium a chance at telling this kind of story because it's unsuitable to deliver it. I would be more than willing to read a story in comic format if it wasn't so focused on a subject that is dependent on realism.

>but theres a disconnect when talking about the medium which is a little bit of both.
It's not "a little bit of both", in fact it's worse than both for conveying the subject matter in this case.

> but its an entire genre in Japan, and it does influence people to cook.
Prove it. If people are only interested in cooking because of a cooking manga then I doubt they ever stick with it long term, if they were truly interested in cooking they would move on to something else that can more effectively help them increase their cooking skills.

They do get superpowers later in the manga. It's more or less the point where everyone lost interest in it and it's why it got canceled.

How in detail do they go about explaining the cooking process for each dish they create in the manga.
A cook book while stationary can still describe to you what to do in a detail manner. Right down to what ingriedents you need. Oven temperature. What kind of texture the food should have, time, ect.
Post a pages of the average food preparing process in the manga instead of just pictures of food next to the real thing.

nobody watches or reads shokukegi no soma for the food, whoever says otherwise is fucking lying.

to further back up my argument, I ike reading the Nobunaga no Chef manga because I like period pieces and time travel, but the fucking food? hell nah. the "chef" part of the story always comes off as convoluted and worse, as a poor plot device.

And don't forget that one of the best cooking manga isn't even about cooking food that could exist in reality.

Attached: cover-image.jpg (458x652, 92K)

you are pathetic

>food doesn't sparkle
That's because you didn't add in enough glass shards to reflect that shitty lighting you have in your kitchen

Not discussing the manga itself but the comic format. Please detail how its impossible to make a comic book about cooking. How the medium itself prevents it. If you can write about cooking, make poems about cooking, paint about cooking, make movies about cooking, you can make comics about cooking. Its retarded burger logic to think otherwise.
>They're objectively inferior to watching someone actually doing the cooking yes.
Tv is also inferior to having a teacher in front of you showing how its done. Thats not an argument, we're still talking about entertainment here where the subject matter is stories catering to hobbyists.
>I'm not willing to give the medium a chance at telling this kind of story because it's unsuitable to deliver it.
"I'm not willing to give the medium a chance because I'm not willing to give it a chance." Thats a non-answer.
>It's not "a little bit of both", in fact it's worse than both for conveying the subject matter in this case.
No explanation given as to how, opinion ignored.

>How the fuck do you get the opposite of what he said?
No I got exactly what he said. It's just funny is all.

>nobody watches or reads shokukegi no soma for the food, whoever says otherwise is fucking lying.
Nobody watched Game of Thrones to see the intricate mechanics of swordfighting but those classes got a whole bunch of newcomers when the show hit tv.

Food war is just a battle shonen manga, except the fighting is replaced with cooking

Are you talking about Oishinbo, or Food Wars? I know that happened in Yakitate Japan

Food Wars

I used to, until they started introducing superpowers. I also got sick of the Soma x Erina ship baiting

Thats common in a lot of hobby-mangas aimed at young teens. The same goes with soccer- or hockey mangas. The same speed lines and "5% of my power"-lines delivered, except they do sports.

>You think western comics have to much violence?
>He literally says the west doesn’t have enough violence

but that's an unimportant fact. they don't eleveate SnS or GoT to a so-called upper echelon. meanwhile GoT has a sprawling plot and interesting characters to follow, which is far more than what Food Wars can claim for itself.

So how did the manga end anyway?

I like how the guy you're responding to doesn't realize that by making a comic about food you can safely drench it in sex, which is a connection that is as old as time. You can't make a documentary about a woman enjoying a steak so much she has an orgasm, but you can do it with a comic.

This video may interest you.

That was my jumping off point for Venom. At least Carnage was related to Venom. This is a bloody Thor event. Fuck that. Thor sucks cock. I don't care about Thor or his shitty Realms.

this. Food Wars user is getting too sanctimonious about another run-of-the-mill shonen manga.

Least I heard they were finally going to have Soma and Erina compete head to head

I have no fucking idea - I quit when they introduced superpowers.

simply epic

>Tv is also inferior to having a teacher in front of you showing how its done.
In some way yes. But TV has the benefit of being able to be consumed whenever you want, allows you to pause and come back later, is much cheaper and doesn't rely on another person being available. I'm sure that people really interested in getting into cooking would be tempted to go take a cooking class.
>we're still talking about entertainment here where the subject matter is stories catering to hobbyists.
But it doesn't cater to hobbyists because by its very nature comics can't capture all the details that a hobbyist would be interested in. It caters to people who just want to see anime people doing relatable things, with any focus on food being secondary.
>No explanation given as to how, opinion ignored.
Read my previous posts then if you're confused. Cook books give precise instructions on how to cook things, down to the volumes/amounts and kinds of ingredients, their properties, what to use and how to cook them. Just looking at gives a vague overview of how the food is cooked. Compared to TV a lot of the important details like the colour, the feel, the motions involved are all missing. It's a poor imitation of the reality of cooking such a meal.

>I quit when they introduced superpowers.
You and everyone else who was reading it apparently.

I feel like the subject is being bounced every which way, from post to post that I'm not sure what is being argued anymore. I don't think any one ever said you can't make a comic about cooking.

Sure, but whether the plot is shit or not doesn't determine if a show about cooking gets people interested in cooking, or whether or not it wouldnt have a successful run in some kind of hobbyist magazine about cooking.

Tank Girl wasn't a standalone comic either, it was a comic that ran in a punk-themed music- and counterculture magazine. Usually comics that specialize more than usual on one thing tend to get their publishers and audience from groups that share similar interests.

Attached: TankGirl.jpg (970x545, 224K)

maybe it is a good idea to have new writers continue the story instead of letting it get stupid with the original writer.

a little late for Soma, lol

What cooking related superpowers do they have? Super taste? Super smell? The ability to tell exactly when milk is about to expire?

No it's not. Those new writers could be creating their own setting and characters.

>I'm sure that people really interested in getting into cooking would be tempted to go take a cooking class.
And if they really get into it, they might find a comic book about cooking quite interesting because it resonates with their hobbies and lifestyles.
>But it doesn't cater to hobbyists because by its very nature comics can't capture all the details that a hobbyist would be interested in.
How does the comic format exactly prevent this? If a hobbyist comic creator creates 2-page instruction on how to do a certain recipe, but instead of writing he does it in a comic format, how exactly would that format not work in some cooking magazine?

>Read my previous posts then if you're confused. Cook books give precise instructions on how to cook things,
How does the comic format prevent listing these exact same things?
>Compared to TV a lot of the important details like the colour, the feel, the motions involved are all missing.
Same with cooking books and books for professional chefs.

This user thinks you cant:

Yep, I spend $15 to get 20 pages of a western comic, same price gets me at least 80 of jap.

Let's be honest with each other here folks. The reason manga is still alive for comics are dying is because of SEX. Manga has sex and sexuality in every form and flavor to be found, while no one in the Marvel or DC universe has gotten their dick wet or their pussy pounded in decades.

Western comics (at least in the US) have become a creepy old folks home where no one behaves like a human anymore. That's edgy no one wants to read them.

The highest selling manga of all time has no sex or romance in it.

>It caters to people who just want to see anime people doing relatable things, with any focus on food being secondary.

Fair enough. But the point remains that Japan would at least do an educational story that would get people interested in cooking. Even if its a "run-of-the-mill" shonen manga, they till take real cooking techniques and spin it in an interesting way.

It does have hot girls with big boobs though.

Before J.P Ahonen made Beelzebubz strips, he made a slice of life comic about a crappy underground band trying to get by, with fantasy elements mixed in (their drummer is a bear and music has hidden eldritch powers). The comic was a success and got printed in other euro countries as well.

But I guess according to a few burger capeshit retards here, no music enthusiast ever picked the book because you cant actually hear what they're playing and comics should therefore never be about music or bands for that matter.

Attached: Perkeros.jpg (1280x1772, 573K)

One Piece has no sex? I find that hard to believe. And I think it had some minor romance at some point

But that's not seeeeex.

Attached: I had sex.jpg (640x480, 69K)

>One Piece
>No sexuality

Are you retarded? Did you somehow miss all the giant tits and characters openly lusting for one another? Sexuality doesn't have to be the primary theme of a story for it to be present.

It doesn't have any sex, but it does have a ton of sex appeal.

>sex turned into sexuality
Whoa I can barely see the goalposts anymore!

Sex exists as a concept in One Piece though. People desire and fuck each other, even if it happens offscreen.

Compare that to the apocalyptic tantrum that was thrown last time Harley Quinn showed Dick a bit of ass in that animated movie recently.

>Manga has sex and sexuality in every form and flavor to be found

Nice buzzword retard

Western comics used to have sex...

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were the process and nuances of composing music actually a theme in those comics or was it mostly about the shitty band members and superpowers? just because the main characters are part of a band doesn't mean the comic is actually about music, user.

he's right though.

She had two ass cracks, user.

>Implying literally every fetish doesn’t get pandering in japan

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Hmm, anime seems to be a bit to supportive of world government and United Nations sometimes, at least older stuff.

(picture unreleated)

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>the highest selling manga of all time is about fighting the unequivocally evil world government

Yes they did. It's been something that hs been progressively chipped away over time.

Guess Murricans will never be able to shake off their puritanical ways.

The comic was about a band and the characters trying to get through normal life and its expenses while trying to have gigs booked. The entire project was originally an idea for a band the comic creator and his friends had but didnt have the money and the time for it, so he made a comic about it instead.

With the success of Beelzebubz strips, he went the Gorillaz route instead:

Attached: Perkerosspreadpage.jpg (1000x705, 281K)

Sorry, I never ever saw that in anime (just getting started with manga). So its hard to believe. There are simply so many genres, that different people reading or watching different stuff. Metaphors don't count, since monsters, aliens and robots are not humans. Anime characters look mostly like pretty white people.

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>Stuff like Inuyasha or Fullmetal Alchemist have definite endings.

Who the fuck gives a shit about Inuyasha's ending when the manga spent like a whole decade basically regurgitating the same goddamn story beat of good guys getting a new power up to finally defeat the bad guy only for the bad guy nullifying said power up with his own power up, rinse and repeat? There's some much shitty mangas where they have one gimmick that gets repeated to infinitum without any real story progression.

I've literally lost count how many manga series I've just quit reading because I got sick of the series and never bothered to find out how it ended because I moved on years ago.

Normies need to be taught how to get into comics, i.e; that it's not like getting into a book series or a manga series, it's more like getting into WWE or a sport. You just start at a point, accept the fact you'll never quite know everything about it and you'll fairly quickly pick shit up along the way once you get the hang of it.

God, fuck this faggot. He knows how to pander to non-reader /pol/shits for brief internet clout and that's it.

>only capeshit exists

there's a half a century explanation
its not as simple as
>no easy start point

Name ONE (1) non-capeshit comic. You can't.

embarassing defeat

Why it's so ugly
Why can't western comics make sex sexy like manga

I don't know.

Calvin & Hobbes
The Far Side

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This is total capeshit

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So this is just getting spammed now?

Those are one-off panels. Its not like Calvin fought crime everyday

Excuses. Capeshit is capeshit. Take the L. Sit down, be humble.

You can't escape the truth, even if it hurts.

you CAN jump at any point in Marvel and DC (latter not so much because of crisis) comics and start from there. both old and new.

the first Fantastic Four comics I ever read were the Ultimate F4 and I went back to read the Lee and Kirby issues not because I had to know that UF4 was a reboot but because I wanted to. continuity is not a problem, it's their biggest selling point.

it's the same with the movies: you don't have to watch Iron Man or Thor to understand the Avengers, it only makes you feel like you have to and once you do watch those movies, you're invested.
of course movies are more accessible than comics so it's no wonder the MCU is a success story. I'd like to know how many DCfags here got into DC thanks to the cartoons. I'd wager it's the majority of them.

Violence is cool. This is why marketing puts all the fight scenes in movie trailers and this is what people remember fondly. The fights. People liked and remember the High Elves doing the circular swing against the charging Orcs, not Galdalf riding on his cart or Merry and Pipin running into Frodo and Sam. People liked and remember Hulk smashing, not Hulk curling into a ball after running away in the Quinjet. People liked Megas ripping arms off sockets, Jack fighting the Ninja in black and white, Lightsaber duels.
People liked Gurren Lagann growing a huge drill and drilling things dead, not townie episodes in SU.

The selling point of superhero comics is that they have superpowers. This is what people want to see, not the interpersonal relationships of everyday folks in weird clothes. This isn't the Young and the Restless. Nobody thinks Logan liking Jean makes him interesting or unique. It's his claws and bones and regeneration that do. Manga dedicate entire pages in graphic fights where the characters' powers or equipment are put on display. Western comics instead waste an entire page with the repeating panels gag.

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>it's the same with the movies: you don't have to watch Iron Man or Thor to understand the Avengers
Yes you do, Avengers makes zero sense if you don't know who these people are.

Now do one for the Far Side

I don't know what that is.

Accessibility and sheer multitude/genre diversity. Also cost as a lot of other anons are saying.

A lot of weebs think manga's baseline quality is better but the japs are simply more willing to shit out more stuff of any genre, same with Euro comics, plus if you had comics available outside of specialty stores and put them back in grocery stores and gas stations then I bet you'd have a massive uptake in buyers. Part of why I personally am more likely to just read storytimes on here instead of go and buy comics is because going all the way to the one comic book store I know in the city is a fucking nuisance and an event compared to just stumbling to any random mall bookstore and picking up some manga volumes instead of $40 X Men event graphic novels.

Also maybe the industry as a whole should emphasize cape comics less or at least certain mainstay cape comics less as audiences will usually have stereotypes in their head as to how things will pan out and won't want to spend money on shit that's just "another super hero story". The only comic characters I've seen really blow up in my lifetime from their comic book content alone were Deadpool in 2012-ish and Harley Quinn around the same time, which are both "unconventional" cape characters, and Deadpool writers at the time were capitalizing heavily from then current internet trends. Maybe it's time to ditch leaning on capes so hard and focus on trying to make break-out graphic novels like TWD, V is for Vendetta or Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, fuck, even Vertigo type stuff or edgier cape one-off graphic novels like TDKR. Use fucking cheaper paper too so we can crank that shit like mangakas do.

>I aso swear there are some right-wing/alt-right/fascist Jap comics
You mean, titles that are like explicitly pro-military and ultranationalist?

Would be astounding if we actually see one of those that got popular...

is that why the first half hour is spent on a crash course introducing all the super heroes?

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Say no more bro. Got you covered.

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High school of the Dead. You just didn't notice it between all the jiggling tits and ultra violence

>the entire issue is just preparing for Absolute Carnage next month
Remember when they added an extra issue to Civil War II and it ended up being an ass-pull ending that only took a few pages after most of the issue was advertisements for future events?

good fucking lord.
the sameface, the excess, the contrast between the soldier guy and the anime girls.
it's fucking disgusting.

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>Because Japan doesn't do it to push an agenda

You just fail to see the agenda because of the vastly different social-economical situation and cultural context.

Yeah, it's pretty fun.

Shows how much you know Yea Forums.

Take the L. Sit down, be humble.

Well it is a story about two different realities.

Shounen goes up to high school. Death Note isn't for kids.

MOST manga art is absolute trash. It’s one the lowest and easiest forms of art you can do.

lol how is it even a comic if it isn't real fuck off kid

I consider everyone up to 21 a kid. Damn kids get off my lawn.
This, I rarely see anything as bad as manga.

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It's geared towards teenagers so something like 12+. That's not really that young anymore.

>>Really enjoyed super sons and all the characterization it gave Jon
I really liked Nobody. She was cute CUTE!

But she basically disappears after they gave the kids their own book and at this point I doubt anyone in DC editorial even remembers she exists ( which is ironic given her powerset ).

We Never Learn and Attack on Titan are both shounen, but what is supposed to make them part of the same genre?

Anime adaptations aren't always initiated by the publisher, and there are more than manga publishers on production committees.

There's more to drawing manga than just the faces.

>I consider everyone up to 21 a kid.
Damage control.

Of course a fat sjw cunt hates cute girls. No, it's not disturbing. It's cute and fun.

How come kids in the 60s could pick up random comics but teens/adults today can't?
Are people dumber nowadays even with the internet ?

>>If you take kids comics out of the mix (Dog Boy, etc.), then manga = 50% of graphic novels sold in US.
So if you ignore most of the actual sales you can massage the numbers to say what you want them to say?


Attached: bookscan graphic novel sales by qty.png (740x334, 15K)

They pick up manga.

If superhero comics would stop excessive pandering that would be great. Look at popular MCU is when it didn’t have excessive pandering until recently with CM.

We have higher standards.

In the 60's Marvel had just gotten started and there weren't decades of continuity.

Dude, do you have the page from the secong Wake book where Navis is lying next to a pond? I really want the euro version.

>How come kids in the 60s could pick up random comics but teens/adults today can't?
Because prior to the direct market kids would pick up a comic off a spinner rack in the grocery store or 7-11 or whatever.

When I was very very little and I was waiting for my turn to get a haircut I'd sit and flip through capeshit that the barber left sitting on a table just to keep us tykes amused ( because they were cheap back then and he'd just grab a few when he was getting gas or buying some milk or whatever for a few bucks ).

These days no one would do that because the fucking things go for like $5 EACH and even if they DID they're almost never self contained stories and even if they WERE unless you lived near a LCS you'd never see another one to buy ANYWAY.

>read this manga that has 5 volumes
>read this comic but nothing really matters since we just fucking retcon most of our shit also we pretend we're doing some big changes but it's mostly red herrings
I wonder why

So Yea Forums now gives a shit about Scholastic?

>if you ignore most of the actual sales you can massage the numbers to say what you want them to
To be clear: those are the BOOKSCAN numbers ( things like Amazon, Scholastic Bookfaire, B+N ); where image related is what's selling at the LCS according to Diamond.

Attached: 2019 Graphic Novel Sales to Comics Shops.jpg (726x864, 79K)

Laziness, and unwillingness to jump into something if it's not conveniently easy to go to #1.

A friend of mine is looking to get a comic about a bakery published

Omelette de fromage

kids in 60 didn't have that many alternatives.

>not know The Far Side by Gary Larson

Excuses, excuses. You're not taking your L well. Be humble.

what happens if the LCS doesn't have that run anymore?

Cringe as fuck desu

Yeah, but that was more that it was horribly written and animated.

In the 60s the plot lines, characterizations, and themes were rarely consistent from issue-to-issue, never mind having long running stories that you need lots of history and background to understand, and contextualize them. Its the same problem others have mentioned. Back then you could pick up a random comic and chances are it would be a self-contained story. Now there is little chance of that. You have an equal or greater chance of picking up something you need 8+ other issues of background to even understand what's going on. And some require far greater than that.

Pretty much this. I just download everything from comics to manga. I tried starting over at New 52 and bought a few issues but there's no way I'm going to my LCS all the time.

Also this. I went the autistic route and started reading Batman from the very first Detective Comics issue and branched out into related characters as I went on until now I'm reading pretty much everything put out that month.

>So Yea Forums now gives a shit about Scholastic?
I'd imaging it'll just get folded into Muh SJW Boogieman.

Scholastic sales are why things like Ms Marvel, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, and Squirrel Girl keep trucking along even though they have shit floppy sales ( if they had shitty TPB sales they'd get shitcanned like Mockingbird, Hellcat, or Iceman did ).

DC's got a whole line of things like Super Hero Girls ( aimed at little girls ) and another whole series of graphic novels that are aimed at tweens that skip the floppies altogether like image related.

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Still not disproving the point

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There is sports Yea Forums, but a LOT of it? Doesn't seem that way to me.

>Back then you could pick up a random comic and chances are it would be a self-contained story. Now there is little chance of that.
Not only that: in these days of Massive Decompression it's more likely that that single issue's worth of plot will now be crammed into 6 - 12 issues with shitty 'written for the trade' pacing issues and almost certainly end up being derailed by Editorial Shenanigans due to the next Big Event or a writer change or whatever.

>My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness
Said experience goes terribly and she admits that she did it because yaoi porn fantasies. She uses this as a wake up call to get her shit together and finally succeed in life as a manga artist.

>My Brother’s Husband
Story of a gay guy trying to cope with his husband’s death, meets his brother who helps him and becomes good friends with his daughter.

SJW agenda pushing my ass. Yea Forums doesn’t know what agenda pushing is despite being a constant victim of it. Is it Stockholm Syndrome?

>manga never wastes a page on a joke

Attached: OK_thumb.jpg (600x600, 32K)

This. 90% of content being talking heads and rest 10% being a two page spread of "fighting" where they talk 10+ speech bubbles is not exactly very exciting to read.

So those manga portray LGBT characters as real people with actual problems and faults instead of perfect little angels who can do no wrong? Yep, definitely pushing an agenda.

>aid experience goes terribly and she admits that she did it because yaoi porn fantasies. She uses this as a wake up call to get her shit together and finally succeed in life as a manga artist.
I think you are misremembering it.

>the Heart

>intentionally missing the point
0/10 You're not even trying.

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Is there anything in manga as thoughtful or interesting as Cow Tools?

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Yep. they don’t push any political message. They focus on the character and story instead like straight characters.

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HxH and the GILFcycle

Attached: Gilfcycle.png (1920x1080, 1.09M)

>they don’t push any political message
Other than making sodomites into sympathetic characters that you might mistake for actual human beans and thus normalizing their deviancy, did you mean?


>snowflake gets triggered
Exactly as expected.

user you're getting made fun of because you're 14, go fly a kite kid.

>obvious zoomer is obvious
You're not fooling anyone, senpai.

Attached: projecting.jpg (378x467, 34K)

You're gay, user.

Post more Beetle

Captain Marvel
There that was easy what do i win.
Yes you fucking do, What the fuck is the infinity gauntlet where does it come from? How did the Illuminati lost the gems again?

I blame DC and Marvel monopolization followed by subsequent rise in continuity. While western comics require you to not only purchase the comics but also all the other comics for all the other characters it becomes alienating to newcomers and expensive. Manga however rarely has continuity with other manga, and it's even rarer for that continuity to require reading an entire other manga to understand. I can get into Vinland Saga without giving a shit about Danganronpa, but getting into Daredevil is kinda hard without having to keep up with many other Marvel properties.
Reminds me of a conversation I had in high school where my friend asked me "where to start" to get into comics, and I just had to tell him "just start wherever, no one ever fully understands everything" which I imagine wouldn't be a good for convincing people who just wants to read Batman punch dudes.

Attached: War Face.png (185x260, 37K)

Evangelion in a nutshell

>not being gay
>current year
Get a load of THIS faggot!

Attached: get_a_load_of_THIS_asshole.jpg (318x549, 53K)

>Both ended 24 years ago
This is bad bait

I wish I was gay but I'm just not attracted to dudes. Can you teach me how to become gay, user?

>Post more Beetle

Attached: beetle.png (179x152, 9K)

You win this round.

What the fuck are you on?

I think a big reason why manga is more popular among a lot of people is simply because mangas are much easier to keep track of. You start at chapter 1 and go from there most of the time. Comics constantly have different writers working on different stories with other stories crossing over. If you really want to understand what is going on in a given storyline it requires either reading a bunch of different stuff or looking up a bunch of different shit. Most manga it's just straight forward.

i will name the best one

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>Reigen's spin-off from Mob Psycho
Okay so there's not that many.

even manga in France you can found them nearly anywhere

Attached: Pierrette_2.jpg (878x666, 250K)

dragon ball
MHA Vigilante
A certain scientific railgun
Naruto/Boruto spinoff
Sailor Moon which was a spinoff of Codename: Sailor V
There what do i win.
Attack on titan with levi
Jojo with rohan
Cells at work spinoff
fairy tail spinoff

i dont know if its good but its drawn by Barbucci who make Ekhö

Attached: 9782723480680-T.jpg (600x827, 423K)

There are many possible reasons.

>American comics are way too much superhero focused, people are sick to death of those, people that are into that prefer just watching it in movies. Honestly, if you ask me, the concept of "superheroes" is a 1930s-1950s fad that should have died a long time ago, but remained because the USA has no real culture, and wants to pretend it does.

>American comics are also too much "universe" centered, a fuck load of different stories have to be placed in the same universe, with convenient "alternate realities" and retcons to keep things coherent. It leads to the industry releasing stuff about the same goddamn old characters over and over again, while occasionally trying to push literally who new characters that have little justification for being there.

>Crazy SJWism, turning white heroes black, covering all the females head to toe while keeping half-naked dudes around, insisting on adding gays, trannies and assorted freaks on every story no matter if it's relevant or not, preaching to the audience on why white men suck, insulting it when criticized.

there is only Foot 2 rue and Baskup

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To fully understand XxxHolic you have to read TRC, is the only example I got.

>more pages
you do know more pages doesn't necessarily mean it's better right.

you can stack 10 infinity gauntlet TPBs and that barely scratches stuff like Bleach's main story

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That was also their weakest work

cries in Vagabond

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Brainlet retard

While i agree with you, bleach had a terrible main story.

Holicwas better than tsubasa desu.

Evangelion is not as intelligent as Cow Tools

>France, 25% of all books published are graphic novels/BD/manga, of which 50% is manga. This indicates potential for growth in the overseas market.
France is a shit example as you'd nee really deep mentality and society changes to get on that level. comics are officially an art there. and it's not a slave job.

>Inoue comes back
>makes one chapter of REAL
>disappears again
Why are we here? Just to suffer?

next chapter when?

>comics are inaccessible because you have to read every issue since the 1940s
>this isn't even the entirety of bleach
i don't even want to know how big the box sets for naruto are.

Attached: Bleach-Box-Set-1Volumes-1-21-Complete-Box-Set-_1.jpg (400x312, 47K)

This obviously. We can talk around it like we've been for years but this is the elephant in the industry. Pay $10 to watch Netflix for hours a day, or pay $12 to read three (3) comic books for about 40 minutes.

Bleach lasted longer than Naruto, didn't it?

Bleach ran from 2001 to 2016 and I'm sure it's way easier to buy or pirate than comics stretching back to the 1940s.

That's not the point, the fact that they exist at all is offputting because it makes you feel like you're missing something
It's much more palatable to read something that starts at Chapter 1 and keeps going than to need to consult an expert or an online guide to know which of the several decades' worth of comics for a particular character matter or are worth reading

the funny thing is they never gave number, just useless percentage for exemple in France One Piece sold more than 1 million copy in 2018 and i bet its more than total manga sale in the US

Comics STILL have sex or moments after sex. Superman comics constantly have Supes and Lois in bed together. An entire issue of Green Arrow was nothing but Canary and GA teasing each other, fucking and being sexy with each other. Harley Quinn comics CONSTANTLY have ridiculous moments of sex appeal and sex in general. Where are you getting that comics no longer have sex presented? They do, just not like it’s porn.

dont compare France with US please

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>Bleach has 686 chapters
>Naruto has 700 chapters

They're almost close to the mainstream publishers.

Both Batman and Superman are over 700 issues at this point. That's not even covering the tie-ins.

Attached: batpoint.jpg (624x352, 28K)

it's an exaggeration. manga fans often cite comics are inaccessible because you have to read everything even if it's not the case (do you really have to read the actual WWII captain america comics to get the character?).

It's amazing what a bunch of unpaid slave-interns can produce on a weekly basis and no quality control.

You will when you need to understand who the fuck Doctor Faustus is.

How are people supposed to know what they do and do not need to read?

That thing will never be considered manga until it has a tag on sadpanda

didn't people lose their shit when savage dragon actually did out right porn? though it's more of bewilderment than excitement.

By having spent decades studying continuity like I have. There's no barrier of entry because I already passed it and I'm a sociopath who can't relate to other people.

People lost their shit when they showed Batman’s penis in a comic Kenya’s to be mature.

didn't people argue that it's not big enough?

> a tag on sadpanda
then Wakfu is manga

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Not really. Savage Dragon stopped being relevant years before it did that. It’s mostly for the memes that it gets shared. Most people are bewildered and just find it hilarious or weird. Like, out of all comics, it’s Savage fucking Dragon that decides to have a scene where the hero cums so hard he launches his girlfriend in the air and ends with his cub dripping from her vag into her mouth. That’s fucking funny despite being fucking stupid and weird.

>Batman is a dicklet
Explains a lot.

Because no one wants to read superman story #84761738562343

If by lose their shit, you mean made fun of it on TV and the people at DC decides to censor it out of shame, then sure.

>Yea Forums is one person

Pretty much this, when you're talking about mainstream comics compared to mainstream manga the manga will always be more friendly to new readers. The only problem manga runs into in terms of accessibility is when it doesn't have official translations.

suck to live in a shithole


Read the manga version specifically Chapter 40
Rabbit pubes

>They're overpriced.
They are, but that has absolutely nothing to do with why people stopped buying comics.
You could give away any of Bendis' comics at DC on "free comic book day", for $0.00, and I still wouldn't pick them up.
People don't buy big two capeshit anymore because it's fucking awful, and yes, entirely due to SJWs. Whatever other excuse you could possibly come up with doesn't negate the fact that the big two are flooded with SJWs who write terrible stories that are not worth buying, not matter what else you change about literally everything.

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And this is why I barely read manga

Couldn't you just read stories that aren't about little girls? I mean it's not like you have to go out of your way to look for them.

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closest western comic about food I can think of, not entirely focused on the techniques, but still: Great by Minus. I think it's possible to tell an engaging story, maybe a dramedy similar to the film Tampopo.

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stop whining incel

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Daily reminder that to start reading superhero comics you need to go back at most 5 or 11 issues to understand the current arc.

This whole
>you need to read decades of comics to get caught up
Is a meme and is retarded. I started reading the current run of fantastic four at issue #651. I understand the story and dont need to go back 650 issues. With action comics it's at like issue 1012, the arc starts at like 1006 or 1007, you don't need to start at AC#1

Comic books are shit.

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Because Cape books ruined the whole western comic industry, along with shitty writters (like 90% of all cape shit writers are shit) and the sheer audacity of the prices makes it obvious why people don't want to buy western comics.

That and Manga generally has a "end" and you can easily catch up on stuff, just read previous volumes, with cape shit they pushed for shit like crossovers, one character having a billion books, reboots, retcons another shit casual readers will not touch with a mile pole.

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This is why TV shows and movies based on cape shit are always more famous and loved by fans, they have a clear vision, doesn't go on for an eternity, and when it reboots it's a proper reboot.

This is why as soon as MCU introduces more of this type of shit it will fail, heck IW started this and already people are getting tired of the MCU.

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X-Men meets One Piece, with a bit of Fairy Tail for atheistic.

I've seen worse

I think the problem is also that new readers want consistency, and like beginnings, middles, and ends, like said.
I don't think anyone would be as invested in the MCU if its characters didn't change over time and instead stayed as stagnant as they are in the comics.

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I have a friend who doesnt like superheroes because
>there's no charcater progression
Nigga these characters have been around for 60+ years. You dont need character progression.

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X-Ma'am you mean

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That's based on a LN illustration.

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This is very true, it all basically comes down to the fact in cape comics nothing changes ever.

If you look at all the American comics that do well they are actual narratives, Walking Dead for example, got HUGE and even got a TV show.

Cape comics has ruined the American comic industry beyond repair and the only real way to fix it is to tear it down completely.

One idea how we might somewhat fix this is to just abandon all ideas of continuity, from now on just let a writer write Batman, and their run will be it's own thing, and not kept in some larger continuity or some shit like that, and let the writer go fucking insane with it, just do SOMETHING that isn't "don't worry it'll get reset sooner or later"

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how to make a french burger

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comics market is dead unlike manga where they organize this type of competition to find new artist and help them be published and the good thing is its open internationally,73

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For me it's mostly a lack of variety I guess, sometimes I just want to read a cute romantic comedy and capes don't provide it in any meaningful way. Romance is huge in manga so it's easy to stumble on it even if you're not really looking.

How the fuck is nen working after death a retcon? It was mentioned on the manga years before that. This is actual proof that the retards spamming oh my rubber nen haven't even read the manga

>HxH sucks
>the author sucks
Ok. You're just fucking retarded

That's some serious '70s bush there

Marvel want China market with manga style, do you think that will work?

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If I wanna read One Punch Man I just pick up the first book in the series and go from there. If I wanna read about Captain America I get seven different AUs, two spinoffs, and several slightly different versions of the same story. Where the fuck do I even begin?

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>f I wanna read One Punch Man I just pick up the first book in the series
Which version?

Only one version has books silly.

The manga and the webcomic are exactly the same story wise, so it doesn't matter which one you pick up since you'll still be getting the same exact story with the same exact characters. The manga just has better artwork. Ask someone what version of Captain America they're reading and you've just entered the fucking lottery of AUs.

Read Gruenwald
Then Brubaker
There that wasn't so hard

Comics are just sjw and feminist trash these days
Mangas meanwhile still make good escapism

*Marvel and DC comics
There's still plenty of great indies and webcomics, but anything that isn't capecuckery or Questionable Content is banned from Yea Forums.
I'm pretty sure even Whomp! threads are getting deleted now.

GATE is complete trash, and the artstyle is the least of its issues.
It actually takes talent make a shitty manga despite having not only a perfect starting plot, but bunnygirls as well.

The only way it could be worse would be by having manwha-style vertical panneling.

Sao Satoru likes drawing girls with 'Squatch crotch