Would you agree to putting on the helmet Yea Forums?
Now before you answer, I don't mean getting Doctor Fate's powers and using them as you want or having Nabu on your shoulder offering advice, I mean the whole nine-yard, no control of your body, no say in what happens, Nabu's spirit skull-fucking your mind into being a meat-puppet for his purposes
Would you agree to putting on the helmet Yea Forums?
yeah totally
id be like that guy from hellblazer who gets possessed for kicks
What are the circumstances? Because if like the world is at stake, I have to. If not, I’d rather pick something cooler and not as possessive.
Fuck no. Nabu is only mildly better than actually outright trading your soul to some cosmic demon.
>You're doing fucking whatever
>Suddenly BOOM FLASH
>The helmet's in front of you
>Nabu basically says you have dormant magic and he wants to use your body to preserve order
No shit's actually going down in the world but you never know
Probably not.
I'd ask if I'd still be conscious during this or if it'd be like going to sleep and waking up at a later time.
Well, if I’m the only one, I guess I should. Order is usually good.
in S1 of Young Justice at least it's shown that the people who put it on are conscious of what's going on but Nabu could probably put you to deep sleep if you asked him to
People are usually conscious with the helmet, but Nabu is the one pulling all the reigns. Once you put it on, it is entirely up to him whether or not you ever go back again.
Not the guy you're quoting, but that's a hard pass for me. Nabu is an asshole. I mean, wasn't he about to murder a bunch of people just because they didn't want to lose their magic in justice league dark?
That sounds ideal, being possessed and out of control would probably be jarring as shit. and kinda boring.
The idea of being that "second" personality that's asleep 99% of the time while i'm fucking around in a mental magical landscape sounds fun.
I'm overly trusting, so unless he outright told me he's a dick I'd trust him to let me go after a few years. I mean, he IS a hero right?
He'd already killed fucktons of them before that when they erased the entire plane. He just gave the survivors the 'choice' because he wanted to establish how 'kind' and 'just' he was.
Yeah. Fuck Nabu.
>I mean, he IS a hero right?
That's debatable.
>I mean, he IS a hero right?
He's a cosmic god hyperfocused on Order and has PTSD because of all the ungodly nightmares and evils he's faced over the eons. He's dangerously unstable at even the best of times, and there's a good chance he simply locks you inside the Helmet and never ever lets you out again.
Nabu isn't a terrible being wholly by his own choice, but he's horrendously mentally ill in a genuine sense, and can fly off the handle with frightening ease.
Sure. I'm not doing much with it, so he can borrow my body for a while so long as I get bragging rights and some basic magic after.
No? I get nothing out of this
There's one guy who tries to argue that Nabu being crazy isn't consistent characterization for him by clinging to one really dated run or another, but compared to all the times he HAS gone batshit for one reason or another, it's utterly irrelevant.
More often than not, Nabu is shown to be highly deranged and borders a psychotic break the longer and longer a situation goes on and escalates. Double for Events or Crisises.
Atleast i'm reasonbly safe right?
From hearsay Doctor fate sounds like superman in how unbeatable he sounds.
Fate/Nabu makes all but the most ludicrous versions of Superman seem like toothless infants. In the latest JLD run, he and his fellow Lords literally start erasing reality with really fucking casual movements.
only if i got to be this guy from the suicide squad animated movie who used the helmet to get hoes and fucked them in the tower of fate
wasn't Doctor Fat one of the people who survived the recent crisis that started the New 52 of DC comics?
As in Nabu LITERALLY was strong enough to keep his host body alive to watch the death of the ENTIRE MULTIVERSE and the birth of the new one
so yeah, I'd say under the Helmet of Fate is literally the safest place to be in any given situation
>Doctor Fat
i put the helmet on my dick
So basically
>High chance you're possessed forever, just chilling as a spectator of this super mage
>Dying is pretty much not a thing that'll happen to you, your body is 99.9% safe.
It's basically a chance to time travel basically, leave the current situation I live in and spend a long time spectating?
That'd be a good deal if my life wasn't so good now.
Do you think Nabu would be up to chat, or to play a game of mental chess?
I mean he's a Lord of Order but he must have some downtime right?
I’d say I’d rather learn it, instead of being a meat suit.
>Let me tell you about Order (tm), user.
>when Chaos is always afoot
Dr Fate really was some 9 to 5 for this guy
He was a jerk during JSA but this JLD arc is another level. Complete villainy.
I dunno, what's the healthcare plan for being a possessed meat puppet for a Lord of Order? Do you get dental?
Yeah my life sucks, nabu can go nuts
I would honestly found being taught order by the guy (or one of the guys he's often referred to as A lord of order, rather than THE lord of order, are there others?) who keeps order throughout the universe to be a really interesting change in perspective
From Nabu's perspective, everything he does is for the good of all existence. He intends to starve out the Otherkind by erasing all Magic, and doesn't see why literally everyone else is telling him and his fellow Lords that this is an awful idea.
This is probably best exemplified when they finally stuff him back in the helm and he's pretty much pleading with them.
see you get protection up to multiverse level extinction events
the only downside is you don't get paid and you don't get vacation days
but you'll be taught magic if you have the potential which you can then do when (if) you're released from your employment
I'd do it
My life is fucking garbage, and I'm disillusioned with the overall state of the world
if letting my body be a meatpuppet for some god of order will make things better, I'd be all for it.
I'd probably wear the helmet. My life is shit, even being Nabu's puppet would still be better than what I have right now. At least I'd still get to go on cool magic adventures across multiple universes and dimensions.
>Save countless.
>Live freely when helm is off
>Get all the perks, free house, free food, ect
You literally would just be having a job. But instead of a 9-5 you wear a hat and pass out. Honestly you should just argue with Naboo he should use a death row inmate. Plop the helm on his head and then Naboo never lets him take it off.
This guy gets it. I'm with him.
If Fate is that powerful, where the fuck was he when Superman needed help with Doomsday?
Fate deals in the kind of shit that wants to eat the entire Multiverse like a klondike bar. He aint got time for Supes getting smashed around by some pansy ass degenerated monstrosity.