What's the most obviously mental illness driven comic you've ever seen?
For me, it's Targ the Target. Reads like a parody at first but then you realize the writer has schizophrenia and sincerely believes they're being "gangstalked."
What's the most obviously mental illness driven comic you've ever seen?
Literally /x/ the comic
Jack comes to mind
Wow, this is terrifying.
But not in the way he intended
Assigned Male
>t. Targ's neighbour
Want to know what's terrifying? Having a girls after-pillow-talk be an admission that she thinks she's being gangstalked.
I'm just wondering then Godot will show up.
Hey look its the "Stop Bullying" comic generator.
Post them if you've got them.
Boston and Shaun
Say what you will about transexualism, but Assigned Male is a picture of somebody who is NOT coping well with their surgery.
>people around me do things
>they must be stalking me
Clearly regretting mutilating themselves and seeing every interaction, no matter how benign, as a personal attack against their gender identity?
Stonetoss.The author suffer from persecution complex and paranoia, a distrust of everyone that doesnt look like him and just repeat pre existing jokes like someone with echolalia.Suffer from memory loss as he regularly forgot to include jokes in his cartoons
Stonetoss comes across as spiteful more than paranoid.
>memory loss since he forgets to include jokes
oh, you were making a joke, sorry
I'm not familiar with this comic, but this kind of behavior does happen in real life. It actually happened to my father in law and went ridiculously far before the police finally stepped in, simply because they refused to take the situation seriously. And by ridiculously far I mean the guy (a 60 year old man) literally getting assaulted in the street and having both of his arms broken. In the end it turned out it was all the result of some ridiculous stealth hate campaign run by his neighbour whohad been spreading the most sickening lies to "punish" them, like being the child of a Nazi officer who escaped Germany after WW2, or hiding spy cameras around the neightbourhood to look into childrens' bedroom). It turned a lot of the people in the neighborhood against the guy and those that didn't believe it themselves chose to just look the other way instead of stopping it.
Campbell's "Pictures for Sad Children".
Very obvious when you're older.
What kind of petty nonsense does a person have to be upset about to do this shit to a 60 year old man?
Assigned Male
What makes you say that?
Yeah, the comic has nothing to do with sexuality or transexuality even, its just a victim complex comic about how surgery didnt help the author's dysphoria
>because there's no way to tell
I suppose you couild potentially confuse them with horribly ugly women, but why would you be pursuing horribly ugly women in the first place.
>Don't tell me what to do with my body, because it's MY choice!
>Here's how your dick should feel in my presence Shitlord!
This, sadly. Was a huge fan growing up, but then as an adult you find out he took everyone's money on a kickstarter project, then has a raging meltdown screaming at the fans, making demands for respect, and declaring he has a right to take their money for no profit, just because he had trouble putting real preserved hornets in his tiny kickstarter book, and idea he made up and nobody asked for.
Honestly too many stories with Cambell, he was a toxic peer and starbucks coworker with KC Grewn as well.
It should be noted that Sophie LaBelle, the author of that comic there, has had one of the worst most botched transitions, and its no surprise every comic is a demand for sex
Its like she's really close to being lucid about this stuff, but because of her surgery she cant look at it all clearly
>he's gotten into the roller derby
Imagine the poor shattered girls splattered all over the rink by this beast of a Canadian bruiser.
>implying kids aren't naturally little shits that crave to enforce conformity
likely someone with a mental problem themselves. My grandmother lived next to someone who would wake up ridiculously early just to go throw used coffee filters in her front lawn. Now take that mentality and turn it up to 11.
This author needs to decide whether they use their characters purely as a mouthpiece, or purely as a representation of a child.
Im firmly convinced there is no POSSIVLE way to be an ally to Sophie LaBelle, of Assigned Male. Even with maximum good faith and honest liberalism, her point of view really is quite mentally ill and doesnt actually accept support. Go ahead, try and agree with an Assigned Male, it just doesnt work even when you lie to yourself
The author is incompetent and has too much going on mentally to focus on even a small script. Sophie does not really have the spare energy or mental health to be making these comics, and it shows
>you’re not allowed to feel emotion for this thing because this thing also happened
wew, I should not have started going through these comics again.
Details please.
>when what might've just been a phase with proper counseling has turned into a lifelong obsession because you rushed into surgery and got fucked up
I honestly feel bad for him. May the future judge us as we judge lobotomies.
What a fucking retarded quote. Nine year olds will call anybody gay.
Now that I look lately she has been doing A LOT better, you can google for it, I'm not gonna repost because its basically doxxing a transsexual for not passing
They just lost a little weight and wear 5 pounds of makeup.
Dobson is one of the most anti-social blowhards out there, probably qualifies for illness
Her gymnastics aren't like what anyone else even suggests, I'm pretty sure Sophie's take on transgenderism isn't canon to the treatment, she may be some sort of transgender heretic
I don't get it. What makes you say it's driven by mental illness?
I don’t dress like a girl but I have long hair and am wearing the colors pink and purple
Lol fag
John Campbell asserts antisocial depression as a way of life and thinks needlessly ill of everything, in a webcomic career that eventually culminated in self-harm, fraud, and the writing of several manifestos threatening death on the world for watching him waste money and miss all his deadlines
Then you haven't read it.
Either that, or I am nuts and just never realized.
The Crow. My man was coping with some heavy stuff.
Except she clearly understands what dressing like a girl means considering she wears women's clothing and hates all reminders of when she presented as male.
Is any book, movie, comic, tv show or whatever with an extremely violent subject the product of a deranged person?
only cunts do roller derby, I'd pay to see them break upon the wheel of Sophie LaBelle.
That was just him working through grief, not mental illness. He was coming from a very dark place, but he wasn't living there for long.
I'm not sure how skull barking tech is even a concept someone can come up with. This comics are disconcerting
He said that writing it just made him more self-destructive, so I think he was in a bad enough place to be called ill at the time.
Is the author a ghetto-born black or white trailer park trash?
I didn't knew that IRL stuff, but reading some of his strips makes me feel tired.
I like how a completely valid takeaway from this comic is that Pride events shouldn't have police monitoring or protecting them, LGBT cops deserve exclusion, and wearing hearing protection entitles you to demand a sign language interpreter.
Probably just after those BLM intersectionality patreon bux.
The only part that's remotely sensible is not pushing gender roles, if this person happens to mean things like
>men should be aggressive and domineering
>women should be meek and have children
There's absolutely nothing wrong with assuming that a child is hetcis, since the absolute best estimates show that more than 90% of the global population is hetcis.
is that some kind of tranny abbreviation?
This is a Notre dame comment isnt it? I mean its a pretty historic building plus billionaires can spend their money however they like.
Yes, but they should be donating money to the genital mutilation fund instead of some stupid white cishet symbol of white supremacy.
Strictly speaking it's entirely on the Canadian government to provide those communities with clean drinking water, rather than blaming a bunch of billionaires for donating money to restore a famous landmark.
They're also not actually donating to rebuild Notre Dame, they're pledging to donate but none of them have actually disbursed any funds and most of them are attaching strict earmarks to their pledges or are demanding approval rights to work performed and designs used.
I'm not going to lie with you folks. I've been blocking out a story that uses Assigned Male as the inspiration.
Wheelchair ramps and unisex bathrooms for events especially featuring transexuals are fair, but the being against police support and loud music is completely unworkable. What a psychotic hill to die on
Her comics are REALLY fucking hard to read because both characters are always sarcastic, until they're not. The constant role flips and flip-flopping on the sarcasm make it such a difficult read
.9 is a fairly low p-value, but for sociology, I guess it'll slide.
>I've been blocking out a story that uses Assigned Male as the inspiration.
Tell us more, user.
>not serving your husband
What a bitch.
Jesse is a good guy.
Basically, the story presents Assigned Male as an in-universe biographical comic written by Stephie's mom about Stephie's experiences growing up trans along with a heavy mixture of the mother's personal political opinions and the fallout it had on Stephie's personal life and relationship with her mother.
I can imagine lot of Nigerian men do think like that though. Good on Jesse for trying to educate his countrymen.
They associate the small hypocrisies of everyday life with the failures of society at large. For instance, the small (but wasteful) luxuries of tech consumerism (caused by forced obsolescence and the fashions of yearly upgrades) being presented as an unforgivable sin of decadence.
Such an attitude is multiplicative and results in you being unable to handle everyday life due to the grander scale beating away with you. Your every breath takes away from someone else. Everyone else hurts everything, and so do you, but you are the only one who notices, and why should it be this way, and there should be some higher ideal that everyone should be striving for, but why DON'T they...
It is a harmful attitude that results in your soul being shriven by pins and needles. In the end it is a self-indulgence as well.
the population of africa is increasing unusually fast
me on the right, declining hair white guy getting chubbier with age
So what's the deal with gangstalking? Is it a person having 2 or more stalkers at once (working together to do the stalking) like I assume, or is it gangs that stalk you to steal your organs, or is it paranoia around tiny everyday misunderstandings like this comic implies?
Jesus fucking christ. Was your father in law cleared completely after it all, or get any apologies?
You mean China's Property?
Schizos think that gangs of people are working together to stalk and fuck with them to drive them crazy.
current sinfest
The creator went off the rails seemingly over night without warning
Wasn't gradual in the slightest, just one day his puts out his normal comic and then the next strip is where he went crazy
dogisaga is utterly based and the ultimate normalfag filter
But now he's based, so it's okay.
Gangstalking sounds like great fun to do with a bunch of pals.
Like IRL trolling or some shit.
Still gets me that one star wars comic he did blew up more than anything else he's done, and just a few days later he was super mad when he realized he got no long-lasting attention or money or anything.
>not just shitting on cops, but well meaning and even lgbtqwop cops
why would someone do this?
Oh, it's "TERF" but with "Z" instead of "T" for Zombie.
Somehow every transphobic person manages to be extremely unfunny.
Still makes everyone who disagrees with him a mindless zombie.
This awakens a degenerate part of me I didn't think would ever awaken: is raping traps still gay?
.9 is a stupidly huge p value
What the fuck are you talking about?