Wait a minute... I'm white

Wait a minute... I'm white.

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It feels great being white


Best day of the year is White Day. You know when that is? Every day

Hey is Boondocks getting rebooted?

For shizzle, my nizzle
>A complete re-imagining” of TheBoondocks“for the modern era” is in development from original series creator Aaron McGruder, the studio announced Wednesday morning at the 2019 Annecy International Animated Film Festival.

Hope it's not as dismal as the final season(s).

Also March 14th

>reimagining for the modern era
Seems unnecessary. Boondocks is more current than ever if anything.

thanks matt

so then just push a bunch of sjw shit



It's way more likely they'll making fun of a bunch of SJW stuff.

Wonder what he will say about stuff like BLM.

LOL white people.

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fuckin top lel

boondocks truly was golden

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If anyone but McGruder was in charge you would be right.

You just won't give up won't you?

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The exact kind of thing they'd make fun of.

This more offends me as a weeb.

Best moment

Funny, someone mentioned weebs.

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>call it a thin bath robe
>shame disappears
Wow like magic.

I kinda want to get one of these to be lazy and nude for the summertime but the prints are usually too tacky.
Are they actually “fo wipeepo only” klansman robes?

But “bathrobe” is painfully unsexy

Don't Japanese people love it when people take inspiration from their culture? From what I've heard, cultural appropriation isn't really a concern to them.

> blares part rockers in the house tonight by LMAO

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>part rockers

> insert lenny face

Uh oh, stealing the clothing of samurai!

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>Boondocks is more current than ever if anything.

Old Boondocks is very rooted on the culture of the mid 00s. Plenty has changed since then.

As an adult white male, I feel oppressed! Oppressed, I say!

It better not replace Regina as the boys. Also, got to wonder if it'll be a full on reboot and completely ignore the original show, or just "update" the setting and selectively keep certain events from when McGruder was still in charge.

It could be worse. They could be like that one restaurant in England whose promotional stunt was shut down by students for disrespecting the ancient and sacred sombreros of the Mexican people.

Last year my university cancelled a Mafia themed party because pastaniggers complained.

I don't get how so many places cave to these people when they're literally like 7% of the population and dwindling. At least now people are starting to ignore or fight back against those fucking babies.

Don't know if it's still in development but Aaron was working on a mobile game a while ago that was basically the latter. Newly stylized designs and a slightly updated setting but otherwise a continuation. This will probably be about the same.

I can imagine he'll at least ignore what season 4 did, given how god awful it was.

This is when I knew this show was kino

Are you from Argentine?

>Hey Mr. McGruder, can you create a piece of media that isn't about black people or racial issues?
>Uh... um... WHAT'S GOOD, NYUKKA?

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>"A complete re-imagining” of The Boondocks “for the modern era”
Oh boy... so a bunch of shitty BLM nonsense and the same four or five Trump jokes that every network's played on a loop for the last three years. I can hardly wait.

Writing about things you know and care about is hack now.

McGruder's not like that though. He calls out everyone who is stupid, blacks included.

you mean completely censored ideas and running boilerplate outrage issues to pander to a delusional political fringe group, of which will watch this cartoon and interpret it as validation of their beliefs?

Get back here. This a perfectly good moment to throw your life away.

>He calls out everyone who is stupid,
So the 6-7 overused Trump jokes per episode?

This is Sony pictures, not their gaming division. That's the one that is presently on a huge censorship kick.

Seething orangeboi.

What Trump jokes? Trump wasn't even a thing in the world of politics when the show was originally around.

I used to say the same thing about South Park... then we got three seasons back-to-back-to-back that was 90% "grrrr orange man bad!!1!"

And yet they still call out the likes of SJWs and PC folk as well. South Park doesn't make any exceptions.

Trump is saving this country. He doesn't fucking deserve to be taking shit from niggers that are actively destroying it. Honestly, it's fucking treason at this point the amount of resistance that Trump gets for trying to improve the country, if I was a betting man, I would almost say that the deep state is spreading propaganda against him.

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He's far from perfect, bub. He might not be anywhere as bad as most media make him out to be, but he's got his flaws. And if you can't even acknowledge that fact, then I don't know what else to say to you.

What fucking flaws. Post 3. And don't post anything about his looks or physical you fucking NPC

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You're a fucking retard for replying to bait.

>Trump wasn't even a thing in the world of politics when the show was originally around.
That's not entirely true. Might be beside the point though.

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He wasn't even considered racist or as having anything to do with race till he started his campaign

Foreign Policy is lacking
Tweets just a bit too much (though that's nearly everyone)
And he does tend to make grand statements and then has to walk back some of his ideas like the wall which was originally meant to be something almost monolithic in scale, but now he's said he's fine with just making the shitty patchwork we have look more complete and properly maintained.

Christ, are you really this fucking autistic that you're this unaware of a person's shortcomings? Literally all politicians have those.

>huur, it's bait
Prove, retard.

That was more of him just considering the idea to run, it wasn't until much later he actually decided to do it for real. Even then, he wasn't even a factor in the Boondocks.
Which is odd that people still keep fixating on that as nothing he ever said was even remotely bigoted or insulting beyond calling some other places shitholes.

>winning the trade war with China
>finally tamed North Korea
>building the war
>lowered taxes for most Americans
>Improved relationships with Russia
>bitch slapped the EU so hard that Britain wants to leave and be our bitch instead
>stopped illegal immigration by more then 80%
>making the SJWs/libcucks mad as shit
>drained the swamp
>going to go back to the moon by 2024
>Economy has never been better
Trump can't stop WINNING you fucking butthurt SJWs trannies. He has no fucking flaws. And about the tweet thing, you want another soulless politician that says whatever his Jew overlords want him to, Trump actually speaks like a average Joe, a real person, not like a NPC. And his forrgin policy is perfect idiot. America is top dog and the world should treat us like one. Not like obanana that bowed and licked the boot of any nation that disrespected us

>point out fair flaws
Whaever you fucking newfag. If you can't acknowledge that nobody is perfect, then you clearly aren't ready for life and probably haven't left the basement.

Satire is the worst type of comedy when you can't make anything funny.

Firstly, most of this don't exist. His tweets are a way of connecting himself to the people, his foreign policy is working wonders and he is getting the wall build. Sounds like you're just a butthurt libcuck that is nitpicking shit about Trump and has to find tiny little flaws and make them into mountains cuz there's nothing else to nitpick

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>winning the trade war with China
They still own most of our debt and only really agreed to not escalate tariffs
>finally tamed North Korea
You mean the newest nuclear power, let me know when they give that up
>building the war
-with Iran? probably.

And that's just what I bothered to read.

No, they're not saying you shouldn't be allowed to wear japanese clothing.
They're saying you shouldn't call lazy prints by that name.

It's a more reasonable position, but it shouldn't be considered a social issue, just one of pedantry.

No trade war is pretty much already won. Expect to see a surrender from China in a few months. Their economy is hurting badly from the Trade war and they can't keep it up for long.
North Koera already agreed to stop their nuclear tests retard
And I meant building the wall.

Yet he blocks people for silly reasons and has now learned he can't because it's a public forum, his foreign policy isn't perfect, and the wall is still being held back by the Democrats dragging their feet. But hey, keep being a fucking retard newfag who just screeches the NPC meme at somebody despite literally not saying anything that negative about Trump.

Newfag retard.

So what if he blocks a few SJWs, he's the fucking president. And again you keep spourting the whole "foreign policy isn't perfect" and give no reason why it's bad and then get mad when I call you a NPC. How much of a NPC can you get. And the wall... it's being fucking build, it's just delayed and it's not Trump's fault that the demorats are fucking traitors. Keep seething you fucking discord tranny. And I'm not a newfag, I've been here for 3 years

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>They'll surrender, you see!
Probably not, not even sure what surrender means in this context. If you're going to say "fix the trade imbalance" I will know to safely ignore anything else you have to say.

>North Koera already agreed to stop their nuclear tests retard

I know what you meant, and that's probably not going to happen either. Which sucks because it would be funny to see some of his voters lose their homes to imminent domain while they blow billions on a doomed infrastructure project.

Yes, they will fix the trade imbalance, What's wrong with that? They buy more shit from us, instead of fucking stealing all our money and jobs. And yes, NK already has a nuke, Trump has already made them agree not to build new ones. And the wall will get build and it will work. But of course it's going to take a few years. The great wall of China was build over a few decades and it worked well. You can't expect such a large project to be build overnight

If you can't see the flaws in his foreign policy, that's on you. Calling someone an NPC for making a fair point just shows how much of a fucking newfag you are if you really can't accept the reality that no politician is 100% perfect. Have one last (You) since you're clearly incapable of any actual discussion, retard.

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Think of it this way, you literally have a 100% trade imbalance with McDonalds, they never have or will have bought anything from you.

Are you being "cheated"? NO. You're paying for goods that your are consuming. Trade deficits aren't some ledger you need to balance in order to have china "surrender", it's simple in/out.

You're not making any sense here. This isn't Mcdonalds, this is China and the US. China had been stealing our money and jobs for too long, the trade war is to fix that

>and give no reason why it's bad
Supports Israel.

>And I'm not a newfag, I've been here for 3 years

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Is Trump the most overhyped president of all time? And I don't mean by just his supporters, leftcucks have been hyping him up as some Hitler 2.0 or something

>And I'm not a newfag, I've been here for 3 years

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3 years is a long time retards

>3 years is a long time

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>t. butthurt libtard that can't counter any of my points so he just focuses on calling me a newfag

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b-b-b-black face
we the black face boyz

>And I'm not a newfag, I've been here for 3 years
user I've been here for 12 years and I'm still a newfag.

Sounds like you're just a fucking nigger

Got me there

Better a nigger than an electionigger mister "been here 3 years"

Social media creates an echo chamber, people will believe anything they read as long as it agrees with their views, and when reality goes against that they kinda melt down, 2016 is a good example of that, the Hillary camp was 100% sure she was gonna win only for that not to happen so they had to rationalize it.

The "America is sliding into fascism" meme isn't new but the guy does know how to play it for effect.

Oh I'm not calling you a newfag, I'm calling you a tourist.

>finally tamed North Korea
>lowered taxes for most Americans
>bitch slapped the EU so hard that Britain wants to leave and be our bitch instead
>stopped illegal immigration by more then 80%
>drained the swamp
>Economy has never been better
None of that's true...

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He's just a big standard neocon, he just says what conservatives have been saying for years so he gets huge amounts of flak and praise.

Shut the fuck up. Trump is a disappointment and only has the economy to back him up. He's an incompetent shill. I didn't even want him back in 2016, but Hillary was worse to me anyway, so I didn't even bother voting.

The scary part about this shipost is that theres a massive demographic which includes many people outside of the united states that believe this is 100% true.

Considering your idea of an intelligent response is to shitpost a reaction image, I think we can safely call you whatever we want.

>the same four or five Trump jokes that every network's played on a loop for the last three years
To be fair that's a good summary of his presidency so far. Going in circles, never achieving anything

Only writing about one thing has always been hack.

>3 years is a long time

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>trying to tell Yea Forumsmblr why they're full of shit

It's easier to just let them jerk off to cartoons

Noone is safe

I love how facts made liberals mad
The only bad thing about Trump presidency is how comics sales dropped to the ground

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Wow, good Jack cosplay

Is that blond Guy Gardner?

t. Anerimutt

>Delete a couple of /pol/ posts from the thread
>Rather than the whole thread

Just enough to make the jannies seem like they're doing their jobs.

The wall was actually kind of a let down desu - I didn't vote for the guy, but I was actually kind of okay with the idea of a big ol Great Wall of America along the border. Even if it was only moderately successful at stemming illegal immigration it would have at the very least been a solid public works project... but he's pretty much had every attempt to do so blocked either by Congress taking actions to restrict already authorized spending or legal injunctions by lower courts to stop funding from being used to construct border walls, etc which I'll admit is definitely starting to turn into an abuse of power. It's one thing to oppose a bill during its creation, it's another to actively impede it after it's been passed.


He’s entitled to make art about anything he wants

I thought they were expanding, not dwindling

Still a majority white country with millions of spics on their way to being deported and a self culling black population

seething with no facts. Sad!


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Why does /pol/ hurt your feelings?

>Why does off-topic shitposting annoy me

>I have a small white penis

Extremely accurate, minus the part where they realize what they're doing is stupid.

>racial discourse in a thread about a show that talked about racial discourse

So are you stupid or only pretending?

At this point I kind of wish he would get up to some Hitlerish shenanigans if only so the constant crying about him would feel less obnoxious.

Is he going to hire a writing staff this time or is this going to fizzle out in one season instead of three this time?

Projection on your part and why are you interested in other men's fucks fag?

The thing is that the left wing in our country are becoming increasingly loud and obnoxious to anyone not a retarded lefty like them

3 years is not a long time unless you're a child. You're barely even scratching the surface right now

teenie weenie

Just to show everyone you're a retard without an argument, I'm not even white

Post proof
Hand and a timestamp

Have niggas become nigga-a?

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Why do you think I said to delete the entire thread, you actual retard.