X-Men thread

Jonathan Hickman: "Okay, so, for the most part, I don't believe incrementalism works in fictional universes, and that, I think, is why almost every big franchise change that occurs has a delineated starting point...We wanted to be clear to the fans, to the stores, and just as importantly, to the creators who are going to be staffing these books in the future. We wanted the message to be very clear: This is a whole new era for the X-Men. This is what we're doing now."

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>We have to act like we care about X-Men now that we got the movie rights back

Fuck off with this incessant inside-baseball pessimistic memery, this is a good thing

I'm trying to figure out what's he doing.

He did said X-Men is the first marvel book he loves growing up, while the rest he worked on were just jobs.

The only things I've gathered so far is it involves plants and Moira fucked Apocalypse.

Moira is deadass cute in the promo art of course Acockalypse would be horny

this run is gonna have tons of waifus

Big jump he means.

But it's still in universe for Marvel.

post it?

I hope the Age of X-Man Apocalypse sticks around and breeds her

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When does age of Xman ends?

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most of the characters who are going to be featured in the run.
They said everything in this teaser matters, from positioning of characters to the environment

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These replies made me uncomfortable

>X-Baby Havok


Oh shit that's Professor X. I thought it was Reed Richards.

No. He's right and he's calling it for what it is. You can call a spade a spade and still like it, user.

one more week

I dig this. Who's the chick with the big ass sword next to wolverine? I wanna know more about her. Her design reminds me of Magik, who I know dick about.

Cant wait to have 3 wolverines and two storms.

will they make iceman not gay now?

hickman donut steel

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The mash up characters take place in the future

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no he must be gayer

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who's blond rock girl?


Characters can wear their other costumes if they are in a another book like say um Xforce or another Xmen team.

I love all the swashbuckling Nightcrawler

one thing Hickman wants to do is mutant fashion like characters wearing different outfits everyday but it's all mutant-designed clothes

I like the flowing Cyke's laser

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>"how does this make u feel flatscan boi?"

Sunspot in the back. But he died rosenberg book.


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I think they're using this costume.

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>We JoJo now

why doesn't every character get a sword

cause then Magneto gets to auto cast Dancing Scimitar

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Yeah, I hope we get actual adult Alex.

he should carry around a half dozen swords at all times

regardless, the X-Men franchise has long been overdue for a rejuvenation

Not really sold on the idea that Hickman's going to do it in his own books at least.

I did just remember that Hickman was one of the only ones to oppose Xavier’s death in AbX.

He was also against Benis with the Bullshit Wolverine Hair Beast and breaking off Emma and Scott
Benis made a compromise and that’s why we got Ape Beast

god I forgot how Dope 90's Havok looked.

Does the fact that Cable is holding a tiny gun also matter?

That small gun is Hickman's subtle fuck you to Liefeld era Cable.

But he's wearing his liefeld-era suit. Mixed messages is all I'm saying.

So is Red Nightcrawler Kurts Son or do you think Hickmans reintroducing secondary mutations?

I like I think the late 90s when he had those big circles and its minimal styled

This will also be the first readable Marvel comic in a long time.

Immortal Hulk
Today's X-Statix Giant


Holy shit, I'm HYPE boys


So is the Hickman donut steel going to be Colossus and Kitty's love child?

Based Hickman saving the franchise

I want to marry Hank

Too little too late.

Betsy back to ninja goddess?
>Red Pilled?

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I need my charts and Hickman graphic design fetish

X-Tremely Horny Energy

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>regardless, the X-Men franchise has long been overdue for a rejuvenation

Except you know Hickman isn't the sort of transformative writer than can rejuvenate a franchise. The mainline books he has taken on like Fantastic Four and Avengers weren't exactly in the sort of trouble the X-Men have been for the last decade and a half.

Marvel really should have a backup plan if Hickman fails somehow. Because so far their current plan to let Rosenberg kill everyone to buy time for Hickman is only making things worse.

I need this cover. Anyone know what issue this variant is for?

So he says but all the art of Jean has her in the go-go girl outfit.

All the art of Scott has him in his Bendis suit mixed with his condom head, probably because all the released art occurs in a small timeframe

Who did this one? So good

did you know that you can make posts here without telling everybody you're a dumb black? that's the beauty of it really

I dunno mate I saw it in another thread so just saved it.

Nigga you're the one incapable of using proper grammar

Yasmine Putri according to sources.

That's exactly how he looked in TAS.

I'm finding it difficult to believe that anyone will ever acknowledge Rosenberg's run

>Yasmine Putri
Lo and behold! Proving once again it was only insufferable ackhully white libshit sjwMarvel reeeing about Psylocke muh cultural appropriation.

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Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me?
FF was and still is in the fucking gutter. Hickman's era resulted for the first time since 90s not only with a success / win for FF, but also branching out with a legit spin-off.

His Avengers run was more succesfull than Bendis one without relying on constant events, gimmicks, or wolverine and also resulted in a massive branching out of the avengers, much more than ever before or after.

You know shit.

>Hickman's era resulted for the first time since 90s

Nah that is just you exaggerating. Waid had a good run and there were serviceable runs by Claremont, JMS and McDuffie. FF was never in the sort of trouble that X-Men are in right now.

>His Avengers run was more succesfull

It was the exact same thing as Bendis's run in using the main book to build up to events. Instead of Civil War and Secret Invasion, Hickman had Infinity and Secret War.

Good run =/= Succesfull run. And Future Foundation was a proof of that. And yeah, FF is a big fucking trouble, because other than kirby's era, everything else was a forgettable rehash. After Hickman left, Fraction ruined all of the work and made FF a single book again, which was later cancelled, albeit due to politics.

>b-b-b-b-b-but it was like Bendis
look at yourself. look how pitiful you are
>New Avengers
>Avengers World
>Secret Avengers
>Squadron Supreme
and every reader opted-out along with Hickman, because after Secret Wars the avengers became a massive failure again

Meanwhile, X-Men had
>Gillen's X-Men
>Uncanny X-Force
>X-Men Legacy
>PAD's X-Factor
to only name a few

Basically Dune and X-men crossover

>because other than kirby's era

Nope. If you seriously think all there is to FF is Hickman and Kirby's Fantastic Four. I can seriously say that you either have not read anything outside of these two or you are the equivalent of Yea Forums's speedwatchers. Because Simonson, Byrne and Waid are all just as good.

>every reader opted-out along with Hickman, because after Secret Wars the avengers became a massive failure again

Absolutely incorrect. Marvel just stopped using the sales model they developed during the Bendis era and continued with Hickman to make the Avengers/New Avengers book the tentpoles to everything. That has more to do Axel Alonso being a terrible administrator than anything else. And less to do with Hickman's fans walking away. He simply doesn't have that many in the first place.

>Meanwhile, X-Men had

And none of the runs you listed were able to change the status quo that Bendis and Quesada created with HoM or develop a model of how the x-line should be that could appeal to the fandom and advance the franchise and its narrative. If anything they are just the long march to the current morass the x-books are in.

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>years and years of shitting on the x-men for inhumans
>suddenly they love them more than any other property gushing about every incarnation of each decade

I believe Hickman love for the X-Men is real, I dont believe others writers or members of the Marvel staff tho.

Hickman is one person against a tide of bad decisions Marvel has made on the X-Men stretching across a decade and a half from letting Rosenberg and Guggenheim write their shitty fanfics and goreporn, sabotaging them because of Lord Perlmutter, House of M and fucking Chuck Austen.

His chances of fixing them are not good.

I have faith in the hackman, user.

We'd better get some pirate Kurt or I'm gonna riot.

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What did Guggenheim?
