
>It's a Polly episode

Amphibia S01E15 - A Night at the Inn; Wally and Anne

>The Plantars stay at a bed-and-breakfast for the night, but Polly discovers the caretakers aren't what they seem.
>Everyone calls Anne crazy when she claims to have seen the mythical Moss Man.

MEGA link (temp):

Zippyshare link:

Attached: Amphibia S01E15 - A Night at the Inn; Wally and Anne.mp4_snapshot_05.26_[2019.07.09_21.39.58].jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks user

Based and f-annepilled

based, thanks user

Hopefully we get more retarded Anne this episode.

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youre great user

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Thanks user.

Thnx bruh

Thank you.

>thread goes quiet
>this can only mean one thing
>Mega user is here
>search amphibia
>I was right!

Thank god

Frog time anons

Quick question, how many of you watch the MEGA? I usually watch it in the morning.

Just reposting

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Can we just take this time to say Hop-Pop is basically discount Stan?
>Hides secret about the show’s mcguffin from the kids
>Has an election episode where he has to run against a character voiced by Stephen Root
>Both characters have nicknames based on their parentage

Not saying that Amphibia is Gravity Falls, just that Hop-Pop is definitely reminiscent of Stan.

god dang that episode with the bed and breakfast was dark.
Also, did Anne just murder a bunch of people? granted they had it coming but damn

Matt, please. That was too much wholesome goodness and cuteness.
Also, not to be racist, but I knew it.

I don't watch it but I assume this is a reference to big city greens

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Isn’t from BCG?

Yeah, it is.
Good on them.

thank you mega user

Yep. As we all know, baking soda and vinegar make mustard gas.

I think that ice wall is telling us that we're not getting out of the valley until the end of season one.

>Lucky for you you're not back home
>Anne, the way I see it you got a great opportunity in front of you, whole new world, new people, free to be whatever you want
Holy shit, are they sowing the seeds of a "Anne stays in Amphibia" ending?
Also, this was an absolutely top-tier episode

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But the library Episode said that they had a week.

Yes, and Hop Pop said they still have a few weeks in today's episode. Funny how that works out.

I normally watch the Episodes in the morning so I didn't know that. What the fuck is up with the continuity?!

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So this episode was dark. And this makes two episodes with cannibals.

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It's not a breach of continuity though this show has been doing that quite a bit, but moreso the show stalling the plot. They're trying to hold it until the rest of Season 1 while reminding us that there's plot happening later.

Jesus, the fucking quality of these two episodes.
I'm going catatonic once this well dries up for the next season, or whatever.

This episode might be my favorite so far. Yes that includes prison break

It's not continuity error. The ice wall just needs more time to thaw. Hop Pop said as much. Sometimes the weather just does not accommodate our expectations.

Cannibalism is extremely common among frogs, so it actually makes sense that we're getting so many.

God you people are dumb. They thought there was one, went to check the pass. Looks more like 3. How is this hard

This year we got snow storms in May where I live, the weather can indeed get pretty fucky.

>Can we just take this time to say Hop-Pop is basically discount Stan?
Why would we take time on some weak bullshit, user?

Based Wally is Based. Excellent Anne moments on both episodes.

These were pretty good, wally is really nice and i hope we see more of him

also i was half expecting mossman was actually a frog in disguise, glad they didn't go that route.

Makes me wonder if they'll make it seem that the three girls are like considered dead in the human world?

It probably is a frog (or some kind of amphibian) based on the footprints. I think the show's probably going to reveal his true identity at some point but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't.

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Real sweet moment. I wish she warmed up to him earlier and share some of her life with him.

Anne celebrating Chemistry, the little that she knows, was great, and her mischievous laugh was the cherry on top.

I'd expect this from Sprig but Anne seems a little too happy about killing a bunch of frogs.

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I wonder if that user that loves Bessie had a rough time with some moments there.

They were going to kill and eat her, and her family. Fuck 'em.

She's excited at the prospect of seeing bloated corpses at the start of the episode, she really has been there too long.

i mean i'd be happy as fuck if i kill some cannibals just like that with no consequences too...

>thought this would be one of those epsiodes where things were one big misunderstanding
>lol nope they kill and eat visitors

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Wanne or Anlly best ship

I was kinda expecting that at first, but then I remembered every other time I didn't expect this show to "go there."
I'm slowly learning, every horrible thing that can happen will happen.

That's bad Fartma, mate.

Cartoon media has played the misunderstanding plot twist so much i'm glad they didn't play it this time

After yesterday's episode with a literal gun I've let all my expectations of cliches go. Makes me wonder how the friends will react to one another once they finally reunite. Sasha seemed surprisingly caring while also being manipulative.

>reveal his true identity at some point but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't.
I was halfway expecting it to turn out to be Marcy under all the moss, as a teaser for the audience.
I'm still wondering if they're gonna fake us out by having Marcy be the friend she meets in the finale instead of Sasha.

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I'm still holding out on that she's a bully that doesn't know she's a bully, and has messed up understanding on what friendship is, and how friends are made.
Who the fuck knows what's up with Marcy, though.

Just imagine what some savvy business minded toad would do if they found out Anne could produce milk. They'd do everything they could to try and breed her for an easy source of lactose

Not a Yea Forums regular, but I've been coming here for these threads. This is a really comfy show and the Wally episode tonight was top notch. Gonna be sad once they end for a year.
Also, really liked the setting for the Wally episode. Maybe I've come to expect everything to be DEEPEST LORE, but the ruins are pretty interesting.

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we may have underestimated Anne

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>but the ruins are pretty interesting
I honestly would not give two shits if they never ever touch upon shit like that. I like these visual treats, or whatever.

Sneaky salamander passing by

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Don't you have your own thread to sperg out with shit like that? What's the matter, too shitpost-y?

>Becomes good friends with the town crackpot and takes his advice to heart, not caring if people think she's a weirdo
It really is gonna be interesting when she reunites with Sasha after she's devolved some self acceptance and has gotten some real friends who aren't just trying to manipulate her.

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>The SECOND episode featuring murderous cannibals

They really don't fuck around in Amphibia

Such beauty.
Such mystery.

I stay up to watch the MEGA when it first gets posted, then I watch it again in the morning.

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We may need a gif of when she leans back against the log.

>that moon
Pretty weird if you consider the whole nights in the show have had red moons.

Something something about the village background. There are some hints about its past

>Some frogs have warriors in their linage
>Frogs many years ago used to dress properly today they only wear dirty formal clothes with patches
I bet there were a war between frogs and toads, as a result wartwood and other frog villages ended as toad vassals. That also would explain why their mayor is a toad, not a frog. As far we've seen, they live in separated places.

Those hormones on the frog food, fren.

I just realized something, Wally is going out singing about Anne, and since Sasha already have a way to find her I think wally gonna cross paths with Marcy

Don't forget that Sasha and Marcy have powers of their own. I'd expect a clash, when the two realise that Anne values wartwood over doing whatever it takes to get back home.

Anne killed 4 people

That shit looks right out of Hilda

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It isn’t weak BS, it’s the truth.

I know I do.

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Normally, you can expound upon the truth. All you did was make loose connections based on surface-level observations.

Back to your own thread, with your friend Misha and that other attention-whore which name escapes me at the moment.

lets not get ahead of ourselves, we dont know if going home involve sacrificing frong town, and Anne does want to get home. if comes down to it I think Sasha likes Anne more than she likes the toads so she would double cross them

Calling it now, Sasha is gonna try to manipulate Anne into joining the toads while they re-establish dominance, and Anne is gonna do a big "no" that completely takes the wind out of Sasha

And the frog world is better without them.

Sometimes I forget these frogs can have full heads of hair.

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it's pretty refreshing when most male frogs are bald

>it’s the truth.
>Grunkle Stan's whole mindset is based in being greedy and selfish
>Hop Pop's whole mindset is based in being honest and helpful

Yeah they're the very same archetype, dude.

Anne and Sprig
Sasha and Grime
Marcy and Wally

and in case you mentioned the fact Hop Pop hasn't tell about the Calamity Box to Anne, it's implied there is a reason for that, and he's not happy about being forced to do that

Why would Marcy and Wally team up if Wally is already friends with Anne?
Hell, she might be his only friend in the town

he had a qt gf in the winter episode

just a long shot idea I had

Or don't reply? Because it's true that we're getting remnants from that other thread here. And why not? Since that other thread is shit, it's only obvious that they would want to try their material on a fresh thread.

pics or didnt happen

>wally telling anne to not care what other people think about her and that being in this new world is a chance to start over
Wally just took a step up in my book.
Good guy.
And man, I bet Anne's gonna be almost completely different and more of her own person by the time she sees Sasha.
Sasha won't know what to do with new and improved Anne.

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Every time I think this show can't get any more graphic, it fucking goes there. Can you believe the shit Disney is letting past the censors?

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Im not sure, at very least she will fall back on her old habits for awhile when they meet again

Where's Anne?

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smug tiddy monster

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Think there'll be a plot point about it with Sprig calling Anne on her bullshit?

don't know where user got gf out of that, since the whole town was saying warm goodbyes, but there was a frog being friendly with him
she's the one that said she was going to burn her will

>when your adoptive family just casually accepts your gone
Probably thought she was dragged off by a monster in the night and were already moving on.

>Has plenty of actual friends now
>Some of these friends are ostracized by the town but so long as she likes them that's all that counts
>Learns that reputation isn't everything and to just be happy being yourself
>Despite everything the whole town respects her to an extent, even if she's an eccentric inamphibian monster
It was pretty obvious that the main thing that made Anne so easy to manipulate was her low self esteem and fear of losing friends, with every episode Sasha is slowly losing all power she had over Anne.

>Thank God for Anne's breasts

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more likely Sasha schemes will screw him and maybe the rest of the family, Anne will see herself on them and she'll snap out of it
>I guess she died
just another day in frogland

That or Anne finally realizes herself just how much she's being used and takes a stand for herself

At least we now know how Anne got stuck in the hole.

Aayy, bruddah.
Got any room in that bed for me?

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This but unironically. Sasha may be best girl but Anne has her beat in at least one category

>Hey, Scarecrow! Move your giant air bladders!


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Here you go user

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>talk about your drumsticks
those frogs were almost Anne size, she has no excuses anymore. Stop being lazy, do some squats girl

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Legit spooky.


>also i was half expecting mossman was actually a frog in disguise, glad they didn't go that route.
What if it's the third girl what'sherface. She landed in Amphibia got a concussion and been wandering to swamp collecting moss on her.

Anne works as a farmer and eats insects. If she ended up living in Wartwood, she'd be pretty muscular.

>those frogs were almost Anne size
Can't stall the tall.

>Muscle built from months of farm work

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>If she ended up living in Wartwood, she'd be pretty muscular
Fuck all that, has a point. Just how tall could she get?

>Just how tall could she get?

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Ah, yes. I'll be saving that to a very special folder.

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If that's the ending that Anne gets, this will might end up being my favourite cartoon show.

>The series follows three eighth-grade girls who find themselves transported from modern-day Japan into a magical world, where they are tasked with rescuing a princess.


I just noticed both Anne and Wally lack proper footwear on their right foot

>you will never spitroast Anne

So at this point it's pretty much confirmed that Amphibia is set in a post apocalyptic war torn world. Neat.

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>post apocalyptic
or that is just an old statue and they just gone through some wars

doubt it's post apocaliptic, probably just suffered a big war that ended with toads in power.

At least now we can guess that Marcy is probably with what remains of the Salamanders.

>post apocalyptic
Oh yeah 'cause we're living in a post-apocalyptic dystopia after WWII...

How are they cannibal? I thought they were toads, not frogs, they are different species.

Do toads eat frogs IRL?

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They mentioned they were bullfrogs when introducing themselves.

Of all the outcomes Marcy could get, i'm hoping it's survivor Marcy.

Would be cool to see her become a hunter in the wilds, riding giant bugs and shit.

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>Anne: Frogs
>Sasha: Toads
>Marcy: Salamanders?
That could be a possibility

>We're horned bullfrogs
>horned bullfrog

Well, if the Salamanders got the worst of the war, they're probably nomadic survivors. Which will be how Marcy hears Wally's song of Anne.

it would kinda break the picture if she did so well on her own while the other girls slept in caves or were captured

Still, they are clearely a different specie of frog. They are bigger and have sharped teeth. Wartwood frogs are smaller and looks like herbivorous.

Saying they are cannibal for eating other frogs it's like calling brazilians cannibals for eating monkey

People tend to use "cannibal" when referring to any intelligent species that devours any other intelligent species

Besides Toads are just a type of Frog, the distinction is purely unscientific

why does no one comment on the fact Ann, acts like a nigger and only wears one shoe, and has twigs and leaves in her hair?

>any intelligent species that devours any other intelligent species
Pretty sure cannibal is a word for an animal that eats those of its same species, user.

>Marcy: Salamanders?

why not sapient otters?

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Bitch, It's 1:30 AM, right here, I'm kinda tired, don't judge me.

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Frogs eating a different species of frog is the human equivalent of eating someone from another race. Is that not still cannibalism?

I know that, I'm saying that a lot of people use it (incorrectly) to refer to any intelligent species that devours any other intelligent species

lrn 2 read

It's been months. I'm pretty sure Marci would have learned to survive by now. Anne learned the basics within the first week.

are newts salamanders?

Calling it

>People tend to use "cannibal" when referring to any intelligent species that devours any other intelligent species
That's... not what it means at all and people never use it in that instance unless they are being completely wrong.

theres a difference between survive and thrive

is anyone else hoping domino 2 appears in an episode to save anne and the others if they get attacked in the woods?

I'm a sucker for "wild animal that was set free before helps in a moment of need" trope.

she would eat the toads at least, not sure if saving Anne would have anything to do with it


>Anne learned the basics within the first week
She was starving in a cave. Anne would be monster chow by now if the Plantars hadn't taken her in.

another set of great episodes. I liked the gloomy atmosphere of the first episode. i'm glad that they actually had the innkeepers be actual cannibals instead of having it be a misunderstanding. and i really loved the interactions that Anne and Wally had in the second episode. I also really liked the Mossman, very mysterious and majestic.

Ehmm, nope. I'm a bit rusty in biology, but as far I remember, "frogs" are a group of amphibians, bullfrogs and arboearl frogs are from the same group, but they are different species. they can't reproduce among themselves, a chinese and an Irish do can reproduce so they belong to the same specie.

Bullfrogs are not being cannibal, but that doesn't make this less disturbing.

>By the end of the series we get a flash forward to adult Anne who decided to stay in Amphibia
>She's like twice as tall as your average toad and completely ripped

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Series finalr will have Anne riding Domino 2 into an army of toads wreaking havoc while Domino 2 eats any toad that gets close.

>Wally is disgusted at the fact of a frog and a woods monsters getting along in the first few episodes
>Eventually Anne becomes Wally's only friend

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Soooo is it bad that I wanna see Anne naked and spitroast until she's golden

>I also really liked the Mossman, very mysterious and majestic
I hope we never see the Mossman again, otherwise it would ruin his mistic aura, or maybe he can show up again, give Anne something and them fuck off without explanation


She's already the right shade of brown though.

But she's already perfectly brown.

>Cannibal episode made me interested with what Anne would taste like

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Sugar, spice and all things nice.

Like pork, human flesh is fundamentally the exact same as pig flesh

Anne jumps him, Wally
>Wait did you jump me before?
God I love that call back. I'm glad Anne got some time to bond with the first frog that found her.

Considering she haven't bath for like several months from now and have eaten bugs and lived with dirty sticky frogs I bet it's not really good flavor.

Alright let's get this over.

Which part of Anne would you eat?

yeah, we know mate

no shut up that only makes me harder

Someone has an active deviantart account still, haven't they?

I was thinking that the innkeepers were just gathering the Plantars to make a meal specially catered to them and that it was going to be a cop out "big misunderstanding" deal with a happy ending for everyone but nope, those folks were straight up gonna eat them and they paid the price in the end.
I gotta stop underestimating this show.

Actually the lack of chemicals from soaps and stuff would make her more delicious.

Bugs have tons of protein, which would add more meat and taste like pork

Why do I want to say that color pencils are their medium?

Anne bathes in the lake thou, she said it in the game

If Anne met a bad end, I would seriously eat her feet

She has soap tho

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>Her skin is callus and hard from all that adventuring
>She rarely bathes
>She's full of hormones

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>that only makes me harder
Neck yourself

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Polly grew up on me once she went less towards the whole "annoying little sister" trope and more towards the "ultraviolent berserker in training".


You said it, user.
>In the lake
That fucking lake is filled with debris and bacteria. That's why her hair is always filled with leaves.

her butt and feet while her head is facing me with an apple in her mouth

you guys think we gonna see Marcy before we run out of episodes?

Pretty much this. The honeymoon period of Anne and Sasha's reunion will be short lived now that Anne has a reference for what friendship actually is. It's gonna be fun to watch.

I wonder if she's gonna stay a tadpole the whole show or if she's eventually going to grow into a frog at some point.

Why the fuck would you eat her feet? Why not her chest?

This show is so fucking good

The hiatus is going to hurt isn’t it

Considering her diet is mostly bugs, she'd taste terrible.

or the bums

because her breast would be just FAT, dumb dumb. Her big feet would have tons of meat

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I don't think so. I think Anne with find Marcy first. But that will be next season.

Have you seen what pigs eat?

That's some good shit. I prefer this shot though, spooky glowing eyes in the dark have lost a bit of their luster after you see it used as a horror device so many times.

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When is that happening, again?

That shit is pretty much all skin and ligaments, the real choice cuts are around the calves and thighs, even on the lankiest lanklet there's some good lean meat to be had there.

My mind was already trying to figure out what amphibian that was supposed to be.

I have. I've also seen what they do to the babies.

Either way, she'd still taste terrible. Hormones, constantly surrounded in dirt, diet.

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Wait a minute, why is Polly seeing a male humanoid zombie? Hasn't she only seen a tiny handful of those thanks to Anne's shows and movies?

Feet doesn't have much meat, dude. You would get more meat from her legs. I'm just saying.

I've just realized, that's a human being, and considering Polly don't know any other human besides Anne, she was dreaming on Anne death body.

humans are like aliens to her

>Hormones, constantly surrounded in dirt, diet
Just like a pig user, face it, if you cooked her up and put some of her meat on a plate next to some pork the taste would be indistinguishable.

maybe Marcy is protecting a salamander princess


I'm not ready to going back to watching nothing and waiting months for programming I'm interested in again

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An stupid idea i had. It's looks messy 'cause it's 3 A.M. and i wanna die sleep rn

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She has seen other humans though, Anne shows the town human shows and movies all the time.

It's that new pokemon trainer right

I don't blame you, I did thought of her when I saw it

They neuter animals before they're raised. They neuter animals because the hormones that arise from reaching maturity ruins the taste of the meat.

Oh, that would make sense that her subconscious would fuck with her like that, now that she's known Anne for so long.

>polly grows legs

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How old are you?

Yeah, I forgot about that. Maybe her little tadpole mind was raped with all that juveline drama movies and series.

It's simultaneously cursed and cute.

We have our first cursed image.

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I'm ready for Owl House to disappoint us. Which will be pretty delicious, considering that's where everybody's focus was. Instead of Amphibia.

Does it matter? Anyways. Old enough to have a time consuming work and dying internally everyday.

What if it's actually a hat?

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I wont bother, the shitstorm was fun in Star vs but it was enought for me, I rather not go throught that again

Now we are talking about Polly, I remember tadpoles always get their back legs first.

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>Not liking dainty legged Polly

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what if she has an even more beautiful/cute look under that hat?

I'll admit that's where mine was before Amphibia premiered

Now that we've seen it and seen the shitty teaser of Owl House I have no faith in that show, honestly I had reservations of it even when we only had promo posters

>Polly has actually just been using her feet as hands this whole time

those are her legs, though
technically, they've always been her legs

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I dont think thats a hat

It's funny because in the trio Amphibia-Owl House-Infinity train I've always gave three fuck for amphibia and now it's my favorite show from the 2019.

And yes, the hiatus gotta hurt.

She will grow more into a frog every season.

Don't say that. The /ll/ will save it, I'm certain.

>Bugs have tons of protein,
it's a lie, bugs are 60% water and then half of the rest is either shell or feces.

>it's a lie
No it's not. And older boy told me it was true,

I'm still gonna give it a try but nothing bodes well for Owl House, just about everyone with their name attached is a complete fuckup, the production from what we've heard seems to be an utter shitshow, and the teaser just looked kinda dull outside of laughing at how much of a blatant self insert that green haired character was.

I'm still going to look out for The Owl House. I don't really expect anything grand, but it does look interesting to me. It really bothers me that we're half a year away and there's fuck all information about the show.

For me, it was knowing that Owl House was Dana's show that put me off. I honestly don't expect much from a woman who flipped a middle finger at some girl's toys and had a hand in Nu-Ducktales.

Me too. I had a gut feeling that Amphibia would be good when I saw the poster and it was right. Didn't have the same thing for Owl House or Infinity Train though.

I can see why the townfolk were afraid of this titty monster.

Just watch, Amphibia and Owl House are going to be case studies in how to and how not to handle female leads in fiction, doubly so for minority leads

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I feel like the infinite train pilot was better than the teaser they released, Im affraid it will have the same fate than Bee and Puppycat

I feel like unless you have some glandular powers like that Hulk-frog, Anne is still taller than all the people of Amphibia.
Wait, how tall are newts not named Loggle?

The new ducktales is a great show so what's the problem?

>Bee and Puppycat
Man thanks for remember me that shitshow, damn such a good pilot for a shitty mess B&P was at the end...

And about IT, the god damn background is so detailed it makes look the characters even more dull. It's so bad.

Owl house is still Yea Forums's darling and the everyone is going to cream themselves when it finally comes out. If it ends up being shit, Yea Forums will just full the catalog complaining about it.

It is literally Yea Forums's upcoming obsession.

You wonder if someone like Sprig just blatantly asked her "hey Anne, what are those things on your chest?" completely oblivious to how much of an awkward question that was.

Attached: BLLBLLBLLLBLL.webm (1280x720, 153K)

Man I really loved the Wally episode
Shows usually make fun of conspiracyfags


Ignore that, people is still crying about the new Ducktales 'cause they think having nostalgia for a show gives them power over any reboot, good or bad.

not bad but i like my idea better

Attached: pollylegs.png (300x643, 19K)

I'm honestly okay with this, better that Owl House turn out to be a shit show that everyone gravitates towards and bitches about while Amphibia is just kinda on the sidelines.
No one wants to become the next Steven Universe.

That would save it, but Disney would without a doubt not allow that. Rumor as it, it's the reason the show is taking so long to come out.

He's more than just someone spouting conspiracies, though. Actually, specifically, what conspiracies would he be spouting about? Doesn't seem to fit with someone living in the Valley.

Basically this.

I'm still sure it's just going to be another She-Ra scenario.

Shit threads, meh show

Attached: 1556762823166.jpg (430x430, 37K)

There is definitely going to be some ferocious Amphibia vs. Owl House shit-flinging on this board.

but why can't not we like both cartoons

>Liking two different shows

Attached: 1558818296915.jpg (440x440, 15K)

I remember when the frog threads started the OH fags flooding them and shitting on amphibia, and the owl house was not even out
you can, but owl house already has a shit fanbase who cant accept people not liking their show and liking another

Dana's influence on the show is the black spot.

It's like asking why you can't enjoy both Nintendo and Sony.

It's like asking why you can't enjoy both My Hero Academia and Black Clover.

It's always a competition. People like that. Battles for supremacy.


They fucked off when they realized they have no material to compare the two shows.

GFfags can also be a annoying, since they accuses every cartoon with lore being a ripoff of Gravity Falls.

>has a shit fanbase
Where are you posting right now? Look at this very thread, user. Look at it closely. Then kiss it.


user, you seen nothing yet. Hang around the owl threads when it come out and you will see

These threads are pretty autistic, but nobody so far has gone to threads of other shows and shit on them.

Honestly Amphibia seems to be something of a forgotten show, there's still threads about it sure but everyone in them generally speaking actually likes the show, everyone who wants to just complain about shows and make dozens of threads complaining about the same show are all still obsessed with Steven Universe, will probably migrate to the Owl House if they migrate at all.

not to mention OH already has the Star vs fanbase

You know. I think I might just take a break from Yea Forums, when Owl House finally comes out.

I think it's better to have your show be a silent hit on Yea Forums than gaining autistic obsessors who despise its popularity and watch every single episode just to analyze and complain about it.

>Star vs. fandom and SU hatedom end up merging into one absolutely unholy abomination
The world will never be ready for such autism

Attached: [righteous fury intensifies].png (1600x1200, 2.77M)

I thought it had parts of the Gravity Falls fanbase. Unless the show is just going to be a mishmash of different fanbases expecting something spectacular.

Star vs. fans are the fucking worst. The threads are going to suck hard aren't they?

Attached: 1546523822863.jpg (1280x808, 316K)

The people involved in Owl House are already targets of hate and rumors. If the show gains popularity and does something Yea Forums doesn't like, it's all going to flood like a clogged toilet left for alone for a week.

>I think it's better to have your show be a silent hit
Im with you there user, for as autistic as we are, compared to other shows this threads are pretty chill

Attached: chillanne.webm (1280x720, 338K)

If there is no shipping being the main focus, it should be somewhat fine.

>going to
The threads are already a complete shitstorm user, they borderland unusable if you don't go in with an autism suit.

Attached: 12341324123.png (539x710, 561K)

>targets of hate
You need help

There's not much to chew on there but if you throw those into a pot and boil for ~8 hours you could make a decent head cheese, I guess. The skull would be a more conventional ingredient, obviously.

can you elborate?

The only way I can see it not becoming the next big hatedom is, ironcally enough, being extremely mediocre.
It's like the She-ra reboot, shitpost for months until the big air date, after which we had a few threads before all talk about it died completely because the show was so "okay" that even the shitposters couldn't bring themselves to give a fuck.

your tinfoil hat won.

>embiggen her breast

Attached: msmarvel18brunorollcall.jpg (708x785, 209K)

Remember when the biggest discussion point about The Owl House was cuck Luke? Something has gone wrong of I long for those days now.
Trust me dude. That did not happen for She-Ra. The show was okay, but that did not stop the shitposting.

Can you really blame her? She's Asian, having big tits is an accomplishment worth celebrating for her people.

based no-pay intern unintentionally creating fetish fuel

Attached: 1560415788499.png (152x254, 52K)

It did after season 1, the threads were kinda of a shitshow for a week or so but after that no one was talking about it at all. Not sure what it was like after Season 2 aired, I spent most that time on /k/

>She-Ra. The show was okay
general threads keep spamming this as a defense, but in practice you have like 4 good episodes and the rest is garbage you just refuse to aknowledge.

Have we gotten any Gravity Falls Easter eggs yet?

i know user
I know
I just imagined what would happen if Kamala learned from Anne

Attached: RCO008 (1).jpg (593x624, 203K)

Season 1 was pure fucking hell. Discussion was nearly impossible. Nearly every thread turned to political bickering and nostalgiafags bitching about their beloved. Season 2 fared much better, but it was still mostly the same. The only viable threads were just shitposting threads.
Out of curiosity, what are those 4 Episodes. We do also acknowledge that the first half of season 1 was not good.

I saw Ford's journal in a shot

Attached: myb.png (395x249, 215K)

Same. I was expecting an ending more akin to the “Heads of Beef” episode of Courage.

Attached: DDD6BEF6-C886-4211-AE1C-80A94D7AB9F4.jpg (979x746, 173K)

It may already be shortlived by the fact that Anne may be conflicted of seeing her friend side with the toads.

Lets hope we get at least some good dom Sasha greens out of it.

Wow, some'bitch they did it

>the first half of season 1
the only good part of that show is catra, and entrapta as a villain. that doesn't leave much good epsodes. S1 ending was a disaster too, and nothing after that was memorable. You are trying to pull an ATLA where people forget that it's unwatchable outside of those 2-3 set of 3 episodes that had good ideas but were eventually ruined later anyway.

>Do toads eat frogs IRL?

>Yes goy, you can leave in a week
>Oy vey today was slightly colder on average, we will let you go in two weeks goyim
>AAHHH POLICE HELP my indentured servant is trying weasel their way out of their three week contract!!
Etc etc etc
Anne won't get to the fireworks factory until season 3 earliest

I love you thanks for making me laugh, saved

I'm going to enjoy both shows and then I'm going to stop enjoying both at roughly the same time and do my best to make all relevant threads as miserable as i will be at that particular and inevitable time.

That's how I've historically handled watching cartoons. See no reason to change.

Darn gravity-defying skirt.

good for you
except for the threads part

If I found a genie I would waste one of my three wishes to retroactively force realistic skirt physics onto all drawn skirts and dresses.

I agree that the majority of She-ra is shit. However, I get the feeling you don't really like cartoons all that much.

can someone post that shot of the fishes eating anne's feet?


Can't wait for the series finale where the girls have their own signature weapons with decked out armor

Attached: 10072019171253.jpg (1280x1877, 293K)

me too, user

Attached: Magic Knight Rayearth Amphibia.jpg (3200x2400, 693K)

>this is YOU I still have the morale high ground!
Fuck off, fanatic

When are we going to see Anne do some Muay Thai?

>Making a desperate strawman
I know I expected little. But somehow I got even less from you.

There's apparently going to be a flashback in an upcoming episode where her mom speaks to her in Thai

how is that a strawman, you concluded your argument telling me that "I don't really like cartoons" to claim a morale victory on stupid shit you made up. It's de facto a fanatical behaviour when you don't care about the world anymore outside of fidels/infidels tribal shit.

The entire OP.

There's no actual way of knowing that I was trying to make a moral victory. You're not a mind reader, But you jumped on that, because you felt confident that that was an argument you could win. Even though this isn't an argument. I just made an observation and you over-reacted.
If I were to make another observation. I'd say that my original observation hit a little too close to home. Which is why you're being aggressive as a form of defence.

tfw you end up finding the people who drew requests in these threads on twitter but no one likes your amphibia art there

Attached: anne tears.png (634x668, 238K)

that depends
where is your art?

>There's no actual way of knowing that I was trying to make a moral victory.
dude, you said word for word "you don't like cartoons", it de facto implies "you do and thus are better". Just go fuck yourself now. You had you chances to save face, now it's over. Fanatic piece of shit.

>tfw haven't posted anything I drew in these threads on twitter

Attached: 1514155286359.jpg (880x880, 72K)

>tfw ywn hear her tell you: where is the baby?
Why stay alive?

Attached: cute.png (1280x589, 433K)

>However, I get the feeling you don't really like cartoons all that much.
This is the exact quote. It's a remark. Not a statement presented as fact. It's possible, if you think that I'm implying that I'm better than you, that you suffer from an inferiority complex. Of which you may be sensitive about. This would explain why you would engage me as an opponent, strawman me and lie about what I said.
All this, just because I said you may not like cartoons that much. I feel as though my second observation, that the first observation hit a little too close to home, was correct. Which is why you are reacting so poorly.

Looks kinda like that bunny girl from gumball
I expect only bad things from life but if you got artist tips I'd be more than glad to hear them. inb4 "stop"

on hindsight I should just draw more

Attached: spranne.png (2500x1900, 1.82M)

>It's a remark.
It's a direct insult after a comment you couldn't counter, to move the argument to ad hominems that help you "winning" by taking a morale high ground.

I'll say one thing. This observation is true. I believe now that you are upset that someone made a correct observation, based on an assumption, and now you're trying to save face by changing the narrative to one that you feel you can win. You've been doing this since the start and you've only exaggerated your claims further, as this conversation has gone on. I promise you this. This was never about a moral high ground for me. If you believe that, you may have an inferiority complex. I would even say that anyone reading would, at no point, believe this post was meant as an insult.

Tomorrow's episodes to finish the week off.
>"Family Fishing Trip" - Sprig wants to spend time with Hop Pop on their family fishing trip, but Hop Pop’s friend Sylvia gets in the way.
>"Bizarre Bazaar" - Anne’s music box goes missing at the mysterious and exclusive Bizarre Bazaar.

Attached: DEAL WITH IT.jpg (1920x1080, 402K)

>I'll say one thing. This observation is true. I believe
do you even read yourself? You don't even argument anymore, you state things like a fanatic, praying your god for it to be true, only fuelling it with faith and anger. You are lost in your rage, you can only write fanfics over fanfics to win at this point

Well, this was never an argument to begin with, for me. So, I'm glad we're on the same page. However, you're telling me that I'm writing fanfic? Whilst also stating that I'm praying to a god and fulling something with faith and anger? I think you might be writing fanfic about me at this point.
But, if you finish your fanfic, could you let me read it?

>I expect only bad things from life
why? you have talent
> but if you got artist tips I'd be more than glad to hear them
welp, I'm """learning to draw""" too but if I had to give you some advice I think it would be
>on hindsight I should just draw more
this but It would be better if, since you are here, look if an user has an idea that looks good to you, in my case I started only because someone wanted something related to my country and then I finished wanting more.
in a nutshell if you do not know what to draw, try to see what ideas are here, don't say:hey, Requesting here, because they will begin to flood you with orders and you will block yourself
I think that's all I can say
btw dont stop your art is nice and cute :3

Attached: [Globox vibes Intensifies].jpg (1200x1600, 328K)


Attached: thanks.png (1067x619, 843K)

Attached:[ (1920x1080, 138K)

The horror

And who dafaq is this fucker that she hugging up

Double cursed image

If Anne was an orphan yeah.

Or if she was like 3 years older. Young Americans leave their home around that age, don't they.

>Bessy, things are getting messy!
How the fuck this got me to care about a snail?

The Plantars have a have a bathtub, ya mook.

Attached: bathtub anne.png (1280x720, 730K)

Anne looks so happy to be there, it's cute.

HOW are these madmen pushing out episodes so fast? Cartoons never have schedules like this these days.

Obviously those episodes were finished approximately a year or so ago.

Disney doesn't trust this show and is basically flushing it on TV before it becomes a filler content for the upcoming streaming site.

Why does Polly always sound like she has a cold?

Ford visited Amphibia. I bet Rick made the calamity box

Hannibal Lectur informs me that the cheeks on the face taste the best but I wouldn't mind some of that breast though

Of course. It's the scheduling that tends to drag animated series out, not production.

Wait, we don't?

Like I was saying, boiling the whole head until you can scrape the meat off the bones gets you a nice portion of head cheese. Cheeks and tongues are actually among the tastiest cuts of meat.

Why do I get the feeling that when Sasha and Anne eventually meet, the entire thing will in bits play out like the Tax Toad episode?
I can at least actually imagine that down the line Anne, more or less blind to the fact that Sasha sides with Grime, will be tricked into doing some bad stuff to the other frogs, at least for the idea of "fun".
That is until Sasha suggests something perhaps along the line of "lets just run away and leave the others in their mess" that will snap Anne out of it. Personal ideas:
1. Grime willing to do something to the Plantars and Anne not standing for it

2. Sasha hurting Sprig in a way that makes the later turn.

3. Some accusations falling how everything was one party's fault with the entire box thing.

Snow Day was supposed to be a Christmas episode wasn't it? If they'd aired one a week since the start it would have been out in December.

That's how I see it. Sasha sees the toad tower just as if it was another school to her, with Grime as a teacher and toads as random dorky classmates. She cares only about her squad (which seems to include Anne, oddly enough) while treating the world, both worlds really, as her personal playground.

Good, let's keep these threads small and out of sight.

I do however think that there may be perhaps more good in Sasha than we give her credit for currently.
Like, I do not think she is a goody two shoes and we have to wait how the show progresses with her overall, but I hope that it will be shown that she has at least some standards.
After all, she seems to be "selfish", manipulative and was a bad influence on Anne...
but at the same time, if the Toad Tower episode showed anything, she is a) not willing to rattle out those she cares about and b) she actually didn't just run off. Sure, her teachng Grime how to manipulate/motivate his troops was obviously not selfless (she wanted to survive too) but I think it says something she actually tried to save Grime.

I would personally prefer it if it turns out that Sasha, despite seeing the world as her personal playground, gets some perspective and changes for the better. Perhaps still selfish and manipulative at some point, but at the same time empathic enough to do something for selfless reasons down the line.

I am also heavily interested how the relationship between her and Anne is going to be further portrayed. Cause on one hand, she obviously had a hand in manipulating Anne in doing some stupid things in the name of "friendship".
On the other hand, I think Sasha may not even be fully aware how her actions may have screwed Anne up in bits. Like, perhaps she does think her turning Anne into a deliquent is really not all that bad. That in her own twisted way she thinks she is doing Anne a favor by making her "strong" as she is.

Attached: bbe1da3a-4aeb-47ef-bfe6-006875271747.png (1187x667, 904K)

>Be Sasha
>You became the second in command to some toad commander who tries to keep order in a valley in the name of who knows who
>All so you may find your friends and hopefully get away from this weird yet pretty brutal fantasy world out of a kids book.
>By the time you heard of a place called Wartwood and that Anne may be there, you were ready to go.
>But first you had to spend more than a month helping Grime rebuild Toad Tower.
>Finally you got the chance to travel to Wartwood as part of some celebration.
>You met Anne.
>Hugs were exchanged, both of you were so glad to see each other...
>And then things turned south.
>First, much to your chagrin, Anne started to question your ideas for fun.
>Sure, she did so already back in the human world at times, but you had managed to make her get along pretty well with your suggestions.
>But this time, when you for example suggested she should spice the food of a guy named Wally up, she hesitated.
>Not just hesitated but helped him with enough milk and water to calm down, after he started to breath fire.
>Then she opposed your idea of taking a snail out for a joy ride and told you to cut it out when you kicked the snail to move faster.
>And of course, the moment she opposed your idea to just run away.
>that the two of you should grab some of the weapons Grim gave you, some food and the Plantar snail, to find Marcy.
>And from there on, things just escalated.
>To the point now you find yourself in a swamp, standing on top of a lily pad, ready to wrestle Anne.
>While wearing essentially only a diaper (or whatever you may call these sumo wrestling jock straps) and nothing else.

>Inns And Outs
>Inn Big Trouble
>Inn Dependence Day (cause Polly wants her freedom)
Guys, you had the whole development and Night At The Inn was the best you could come up with?

Middle one in the second group sure looked like baby Kermit.

It's all protein. What do you think free-range chickens eat in addition to feed?

Well it depends. People in shitholes like Venezuela are having a near Mad Max lifestyle these days...

I found those similar to your usual jungle ruins, not unlike those in, say, Thailand. Abandoned temples, demolished Buddha statues, that kinda stuff.

Used to before the housing market got absolutely stupid expensive

no problemo

The show generally encourages you to look past the outward appearance. The hosts at the inn were nice but not good, Wally was silly but proved quite wise. Sasha seems pretty nasty but it also looks like she has redeeming qualities which will come to play at the right time.

Attached: more-death-here-too.png (1920x1090, 2.03M)


Wrong thread?

I didn't have my PC for a few days so I couldn't make webms. Any requests?

Attached: firefly-lamp.webm (430x530, 176K)


from what?
a draw?
a gif?
a wemb?

why does a frog have a blanket on its bed? frogs dont generate body heat so it would do nothing

Webms. Some people want to have particular clips, e.g. reactions.

Attached: snowy-ending.webm (532x360, 2.01M)

Attached: Anne_Angry.png (1499x969, 1.88M)

Magic knight rayearth?

Attached: magic-knight-rayearth[1].png (1500x1500, 24K)

Can you make a gif of that scene where Polly makes a snow-angel out of a bath robe? It's from A Night at the Inn.

So the next episode is going to be lore, right?

Attached: image.jpg (294x256, 15K)

What do we know about Marcy so far? Why do people hereact like Sasha and Anne weren't real friends? They have that bff photo and Sasha refused to say who's the shoe was.

What do you mean they have powers?

Her friends manipulated Anne so they certainly aren't as good as they could be.

>Sprig wants to spend time with Hop Pop on their family fishing trip, but Hop Pop’s friend Sylvia gets in the way.
>Anne’s music box goes missing at the mysterious and exclusive Bizarre Bazaar.

>Sylvia ruins the fishing trip by holding hands with HP the whole time
>Music box?

Why di I love Polly so much? I usually hat that kind of character, I think the VA is really good at making her charming and likeable.

first: from that minute until he starts talking
second:the whole part where she describes her
third:that part where she screams while watching the bread burn
I hope this is what you mean
Thanks in advance

Attached: tke i guess.png (1280x2950, 3.29M)

What do you mean they manipulated Anne? Have I missed an episode?

Attached: fishy-fishy.webm (1068x600, 191K)

They got her to steal the box remember?

No, I don't. Didn't the first episode start with Anne in the forest and Sprig finding her?

Attached: 1549762881723.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

OK, since when hop pop cared that much for Polly safety?

in previous episode its seems Hops see Polly as the most trustworthy one, letting her go in any adventure or work, but now she is the little fragile especial one?

It's the beginning sequence of the second half of the first episode. How did you miss that?

Attached: 1562127513599.jpg (200x146, 6K)

I have no clue. Guess I'll rewatch it

>Yea Forums-/pol/

Wow, I didn't notice that shit at all.

You're a big guy

Attached: 439.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Hop Pop's shown shades of this now and again, like when he and Anne were on the stakeout for the "corn thief" and him lecturing Sprig about he needs to be a good big brother and look out for his little sister.

>Music box?
The Calamity Box (the thing that isekai'd Anne, Sasha and Marie into Amphibia) is a music box in case you missed that...

I watched the mega a couple of times but the quality loss bugged me too much so I've been watching it on the app after work, so I'm usually like 15 hours behind everyone else

Usually watch it in the afternoon.

Oh Exploitable!

has there ever been a childrens cartoon with this much murdering and death in it?

Yeah, Animals of the Farthing Wood, for instance. It sure made it dramatic and captivating for me as a kid.

Nice to see Amphibia carry on that same spirit

It's kinda funny Polly was almost eaten twice in one week
I don't think it means anything, but I'd just like to mention it

Here's another:
And one more:

Attached: hot-buns.webm (1068x600, 496K)

go ahead user(sorry I'm not very good filling in the background)
I expected them to have audio or at least subtitles
but anyway
domo arigato mr user-kun

Attached: ohb.png (1280x720, 677K)

we all have to pay a price for impatience

The frogs have so much respect towards death that it's a part of their culture and I find that kind of wholesome, actually. They live their lives knowing the end might come at any time but they're not quitters. They're also affectionate towards the people they care about since they know they won't be around forever.

Attached: possible-goodbye.webm (712x400, 1.37M)

i don't hear it playing no goddamn music

Dat hug for Polly
Polly was actually chosen
If Anne never came to Wortwood. Polly would've been ate.

Except they're not. Stop watching Fox News and actually visit Venezuela, you'll might broaden your horizons.

Not that user, but I have. Good summer memories as a kid, but when I went it was to visit family.

Sure, I'll head over there right after I'm done hiking through Morocco.

Hop in, Yea Forums.
As far as vehicles go, slugs may not be a thing anymore, though.

Attached: ride or die.jpg (2692x1516, 875K)

I was waiting for it to be a wacky misunderstanding until this part. Props to Anne for starting a body count with them.

I like the ladybug. I hope we see more beetle cars

Spider seems like some edgey mad Max car.

Wait for it to be Planet of the Frogs, where Anne finds the broken remnants of the Statue of Liberty just beyond the valley's edge.

wait until you see the female model

>beetle cars
Mother fucker, I just got the pun

>Just Hitched
That's a super depressing detail.

Attached: 1562672369624.png (850x850, 157K)


I feel dark hearted for saying this, but shouldn't the Bull Frogs try and flip the snails for resale? Seems kinda like a waste to just have them there

What's more depressing is knowing that everyone who came before surely wouldn't have slept through what happened to them

It'd look pretty suspicious if snails of missing people started turning up, and once they're sold, they could probably easily be traced back to the bullfrogs.

Excuse me shitty Gif, but I couldn't help but think of pic related.

Attached: X0gJVJ.gif (320x213, 603K)

wish i was eating maddie's buns RIGHT NOW

I've been looking forward to that episode. It looks like it could shed a some light on what the box actually is.

Could just be saving them for the winter. Escargot and all that.

So if Wally never believed in the moss beast in the first place is half of his craziness just a front? I can't tell if he was initially lying just to humor Anne and be nice, or if he was just being an oddball for the sake of it. Or both.

Attached: giphy.gif (316x259, 1.54M)

Seems to be broken.

He's kind of fucked in the head, yeah.

Probably doesn't help. He got pre-emptive there out this year

ok, this scene is really fucking with my head because when she turns, her "front-view" mouth turns into a "side-view" mouth, making it look like she turns her head 90 degrees while in reality she only turns a little bit

>Moss Man
Wait what now?

Attached: 59B526D5-9225-4074-ACD8-069AF45E66B4.jpg (533x657, 191K)

Considering how wide a real frog's mouth is, this may be the one time where that could be forgiven

in the first few eps i thought anne was too much of a jerk and poly and hoppop were lame. that really turned around.

Seriously this was fucking DARK. The 'Just Hitched' sign is just...

Sasha having even bigger reasons to find Anne

top 3 darkest moments:
1. the pile of dead baby buckets
2. toad getting swallowed alive
3. barn full of snails
4. the town waiting for someone to get eaten every frost day

Anne being a jerk had more to do with her concept of friendship thanks to Sasha than her true character. While she's still selfish at times, she is growing into a respectable person thanks to being surrounded by respectable people

>Listing 4

Noticing a pattern

Everyone gets eated!

it makes sense in a world with dangerous monsters everywhere but i still have the uneasy feeling there's a secret vorefag creep calling the shots.

I see it as taking things back to basics. Where the story very much for kids, but it takes away that safety net. Where characters can very much die, and death is very much present during the story.

Man I'm having an off day. Keep forgetting pic

Attached: 9780141343075.jpg (1858x2846, 2.57M)

>Everyone gets vored!

Isn't it kind of ironic that most of the fariy tales we know of come from people trying to deconstruct fairy tales and turn them dark and gruesome?

Even the goddamn corrupt piece of shit mayor likes his assistant. Everyone is so likable in this show.

>when that hiatus hits
Possible goodbye, Yea Forums...


Attached: liberty3.jpg (875x683, 61K)

lmao, i never thought that someone would use this draw i made and don't be deleted almost at same time he post it here

What I really want yo know is Anne's phone made made of? This things gets put through the sewer on a daily basis and comes out pristine and new. How does it even still work?
How does she even keep it charged? Has it been mentioned and I just don't recall that part?

She has 10,000% charge on her phone.

she... cleans it?

Attached: D_HMsXMU8AAYST3.png (560x440, 8K)

cartoon logic

>How does she even keep it charged?
Magic lightning bugs

Perhaps that's the reason why Disney wants to air all episodes as soon and as quickly as possible, because the show keeps mentioning dead people all the time to a degree that the Disney company is not comfortable with anymore for a show targeted towards older children and younger teenagers.

You guys, I'm beginning to think that Yea Forums doesn't really watch this show, you guys.


You Maniacs! You Frogged it up! God Darn You!

Attached: sasha_valour4eva.jpg (1280x1280, 166K)

every wrong show-related post made by neanderthal smoothbrains will be corrected by wise 180IQ f-annes, no exceptions

Did you watch the show?

Attached: 1562224678151.gif (640x360, 1.25M)

>How does she even keep it charged? Has it been mentioned and I just don't recall that part
There's literally an entire episode dedicated to this.

I guess that's the reason she doesn't smell like shit and rancid milk. Living in a swampy environment would really make you into a living mossy, sludge heap without bathing for weeks or months. I guess Anne's safe to touch with proper hygiene. For those who like mucky, smelly, dirty girls are really weird fetishist to love that stuff.

I like this show way more than I expected to. Don't usually browse Yea Forums, was there a lot of hype about it?

The main creator is a dude so Yea Forums ignored it instead of creating hundreds of threads about how's it going to be shit all while creating conspiracy theories about stuff going on behind the scenes.

This show is too good, comfy and pure that I don't want to become popular even in Yea Forums.

It's already popular on Yea Forums.

Nothing wrong with becoming popular, as long as the discussion is mostly ontopic.

Anybody else with Xfinity gonna watch the new episode when it’s put up around midnight?

gosh, next week is season finale already.
and a season 2 is only coming at some point beyond 2020.

I've seen relatively regular discussion, but not a huge explosion of bait, drama, and controversy yet.

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I'm actually surprised the snails are even still alive. When Sprig was looking shocked I thought the barn would reveal a bunch of empty shells scattered about. Snails are even part of the main diet for horned bullfrogs so I'm doubly confused by the decision to eat passerbys but not their snails.

In that case, better start watching other shows as well. Or do some other activity in the meantime.

Either the horned bullfrogs were saving them up for later, or they intended to sell them to sponsor their lavish lifestyle.

It got a few threads here and there, and when the creator mentioned the Anne was Thai we got a couple shitpost threads, but other than that it really is kind of an overlooked gem.
All the shitposters and obsessive fans seem to be flocking to The Owl House right now.

You can thank Netflix for introducing the vastly inferior binge/bomb format, aka the format that promotes quantity of shows over quality and doesn't allow time for communities/fandoms to grow.

Didn't they already renew for a second season?

I think most of us wait for meganon to share a link

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It's good for some formats of shows, mostly short seasons that are structured more like a long movie (like BoJack or Stranger Things).
But yeah, a 20 episode long episodic season could have so much more time to thrive and find an audience if there was some anticipation involved for people to hype it up.
These threads have done pretty well though, consistently getting close to or at the bump limit every episode. Having an ep nearly every day to look forward to has also just generally been a nice way to pass the time this summer, certainly prefer the consistent dependability of a hiatus-free daily bomb of the season over random infrequent ones or an all-at-once season drop (in which everyone watches at a different pace and makes a lot of discussion aimless because episodes are more glossed over and anons' knowledge of the story and reveals differ).
I was really digging that Disney did actual weekly half-hours for Big City Greens the first few months of this year, it feels so rare nowadays that it's almost a bit nostalgic.


I think a smaller intervaw between episodes is a good compromise, we got a lot of discussion because episodes were released everyday. I cant imagine Amphibia threads if this was a weekly show

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Sasha seemed like the leader of the group to me so chances are that she takes advantage of Marcy too, in friendships like this you can't just have 2 leaders.

What are we going to do on the bed Anne?

I just binged the show and I gotta ask where the fuck are Sprig and Polly's parents?

Pic unrelated.

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Still an unknown, hasn't been mentioned at all. Considering all the casual deaths you can probably make some assumptions though

>"Possible goodbye kids..."

I still like pretty much every single thing about this show and I will be sad when it ends soon :(

I mean, I can totally buy that they just got snatched up while frozen two consecutive years but what I can't buy is that with all the talk about the Plantar family at no point their parents have even been referenced in any way, literally nothing that would even imply them having parents at some point.

>Sasha and Marcy have powers of their own
wait what

You already know the answer to that question

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see There's some prophecy shit going down.

Why would they bring it up? And Anne might be a bit thick, but I think she can put two and two together and wouldn't ask out of the blue

can anybody draw ]Wally x Anne?

I imagine they're saving that for something special, this doesn't seem like the type of show to avoid it because it might dampen the mood, which was the reasoning given by the creators for why the whereabouts of Phineas and Ferb's biological dad and mom respectively was never dived into.
It took over half a season for Big City Greens to talk about where their mom went with a couple of implications that she might be dead she was actually just in prison and now regularly appears on the show since she got released

I heartily endorse this event or product.

of course not

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Oooooh okay then, I'm new to this show and threads so I wouldn't know

Can anyone draw Anne as beefy as fuck and twice as tall as any toad adult?

Based STICC Anne

ngl I would draw it myself but I'm busy moping

Can someone stream it for us like what used to happen with SvtFoE? That could be fun.

What happened to some of those BEEF Anne posts? That Noi image was based.

Meant to reply to

Amphibia is a bit more comedic and carefree about it.
>We got the short end of the food chain, but we can still enjoy life and have fun!

A whole bunch of posts got deleted at some point, including those.

Basically, the chest that transported them to the frog world has three gems in them. In the intro, back when they were in the world, the gems still had colours. Now that the three friends are in the frog world, those gems are dim. Additionally, in the first episode, Anne's pupils glowed blue, when she was fighting a giant praying mantis.
Lorefags believe that Anne gained the power of the blue gem, which was super strength, and the other two gained the powers of their own. Supposedly, this all relates to a in-universe prophecy.

In the election episode, Sprig mentioned that Hop Pop used to feed him and Polly when they were babies by chewing their food for them. Maybe they never knew their parents.

No need to ask what happened to them either. Amphibians can't go sunrise to sunset without brushing with death at least three times.

I mean, if you told me Hop Pop just one day found Sprig and Polly I'd believe it.

>Maybe they never knew their parents.
Sprig is 10 and Polly's a baby. He at least had to have known them.

>Anne gained the power of the blue gem, which was super strength, and the other two gained the powers of their own.
Okay, I feel like this one's a bit of a stretch

reeee Marcy when

between soon and never

It might be. But it's pretty cliche and that's how you connect the dots when there's so little to go on.

She definitely had glowing eyes when she was holding that praying mantis back and it doesn't come across like an animation error. I think all the girls gained super strength. Even Sasha was able to powerbomb a heron.

Attached: Anne has glowing eyes.webm (1280x720, 157K)

My bet would be on the first episode of season 2 as a hook for the rest of the season. We'll have to wait a year for Marcy.

MAYBE a cliffhanger at the end of the last episode this season hinting at her situation.

Otherwise, yeah, think Marcie is being saved for next season at this point.

Okay, I see it now, it's very subtle, maybe a bit too subtle but it is there.
>I think all the girls gained super strength
That said, I still believe this to be kinda bullshit, I just don't see enough evidence myself.

It's worth noting, nothing like this really hasn't happened since this episode.
And it's not like Anne hasn't had plenty of opportunities to tackle monsters with her bare hands.

The only thing I would say that kinda supports this theory is when Anne found the frozen frogs to be surprisingly light, and even then, they did seem to be just light in general and it wasn't just Anne being super strong since they could be used as bowling pins and could be moved by Sprig too.

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Maybe they just seem really stronk because they're like twice the size of every sentient inhabitant of the world.
Just a case of
>Hey Scarecrow, move your huge hard abs
>My abs aren't big, I'm big! My abs are normal sized for me.

This is more her being clever with her surroundings than any kind of strength feat

delet this

Man, 99% of phones today can be thrown in a swimming pool just fine, plus it's in a case, and like the other anons said, her phone got biomagicsciencey overcharged on episode 4 or 5 or so.

>Anne holds back the stoat
*with a frozen bone.
Anne holds back the stoat with a frozen bone.
Now, if Anne had used her actual hands to hold it back then I would believe you a bit more, but that's not exactly what's happening here.

so after this thread do we have to die or end up in /trash/ or will more threads be allowed? so far these threads have been a bit of warmth through extremely tought times, also I wanna post art but can't rn

Wait to next episode's thread.

What about when Sasha took on the heron with her bare hands?
Never /trash/ or it will never be allowed back on Yea Forums again

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Yeah, Sasha seems like a legit badass, but I kind of like the idea of humans just being above-average strength compared to this world's usual inhabitants.

Compensation for not being able to keep up in terms of jumping and swimming.

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So what do you guys think the season/finale will be? One thing keeping me hooked on the show is wondering how the plot will escalate.

For some reason I have the looming sensation that Wally dies

I like how even after pulling a sword on her, he freely admits that she would wreck his shit.

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I just want a clear-cut answer, Yea Forums-chan.
How many motherfucking episodes do we have left until the "hiatus"?

>The human body can get extra adrenaline for life-threatening situations, fight or flight, in this case, Sasha chose fight.
>She's a human in a world of weird creatures, could be right about humans just being naturally stronger.
>This is a fucking cartoon so of course she has a chance against those birds you retard.

Pick your favorite.


I was skeptical, but having re-watched the first episode, that's definitely an intentional blue shift.
Gems did something, I wonder if Marcy will be the one to steal the chest tonight.

I re-watched prison break, buy I didn't find any eye moments for Sasha.

>he freely admits that she would wreck his shit.
Plus acknowledging her ability to manipulate people makes her dangerous.

Tonight's episode, then four more next week. Last one is on the 18th.
17th 9:40pm or so if you're in these threads on the west coast. If our luck holds.

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The ice wall melts and, after a brief bit of faffing about, they leave wartwood.

>Last one is on the 18th.

I think the gems, as of right now, only work on a case of absolute need. Sasha didn't need to use her power, whatever it was, in the prison break episode.
As for my guess, as to what her power is, I'm going with something defensive. Sasha's going to have to learn to actually put herself out there for her friends, if she wants to keep them.

I doubt we wont have at least a few threads before season 2 drops

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Who's going to watch over the farm?

Good question. Hop Pop seemed ready to go, last episode, but he's super reliant on the farm. I hope they address that, at some point.

they'll burn the house before leaving, so they will never look back

Isn't Reunion the season finale?

They'll burn the house so millipedes don't take residence in it and prey on the rest of the town.

"Reunion" - During a banquet hosted by the toads, Anne is reunited with a friend from home.
>big ol banquet is thrown
>Anne, Plantars (and maybe a bunch of other Wartwood guests) attend the banquet
>fancy party, but there's a lot of tension between frogs and toads
>at the party Anne reunites with Sasha
>the two catch up, sharing experiences and stuff
>Sasha invites Anne to Toad Tower, says she can be treated like a queen if she ditches the lame frog hicks
>Anne isnt sure, Sasha starts manipulating and guilt tripping Anne into joining with her
>Anne reaches her boiling point and explodes on Sasha for being a shitty friend
>Sprig pisses in the punch bowl and all hell breaks loose between the frogs and toads at the banquet
>everyone fighting, chaos ensues
>Anne reaches out to Sasha but Sasha ditches her and escapes
>episode ends with a heartbroken Anne comforted by the Plantars, relations between the frogs and toad as messy as ever
That's my shitty season finale prediction. Also, thrown in a Marcy tease somewhere in there.

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I'm not ready for the hiatus, man.
I feel like this show just premiered yesterday.

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>Don't Forget, 3.Oct.10

1) She has a water proof phone or phone case
2) There's this electric bug that charged the phone to 100000%

Nope. It was only when it came out and was good that people started making threads. Shame because it’s a lot of fun.

This show is just amazing. The last three half hours were funny and didn't even feel like a Disney show. I also love the slow burn worldbuilding going on. The hiatus for season 2 gonna suck tho.

>its a Texas Chainsaw Massacre tribute episode

This show is kicking maomaos ass in terms of popularity btw

Me too. I like how Anne is evolving. Planters moments. The world. Death. Anne. Don't like Sasha. Curious about Marcy but still i will prefer Anne.
I pray the quality of this show will increase in the next season. I have faith in Matt.

I thought modern cartoons were about lore and story arcs?

They tend to follow the structure that avatar laid out. One first season following an episodic structure, linked by a ultimate goal and future seasons then drop the episodic approach and focus on the lore and the ultimate goal.

Okay, this is epic.

>Polly: "I don't know about this, brother..."
>Sprig: "It'll be fine, there was all that research down in the tunnels."

Naw, that family seemed like they actually loved each other compared to leatherface's

>Now you may speak

Someone has probably already guessed this but I bet Amphibia isn't actually another world but rather just some secret island on Earth.

Maybe. But Earth is too cold for insects of that size. Plus, this show is inspired by an isekai anime. So, I think they'll go full hog with it.

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>Earth is too cold for insects of that size
okay but this is a cartoon so who cares about that nerd stuff

You do. Because you really want show to take place on Earth for some reason?

I mean this is a cartoon and the bugs' existence could be explained with it being literally just magic or something, again, it's not like they have to be scientifically accurate.

Post limit reached just in the nick. Shan't be long now.

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So does Anne wear boxers because she likes the breezy feeling or because tight-fitting panties were too much for the Disney censors?

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Sure, it's a cartoon and things don't have to be scientifically accurate. However, with the fact that this show is inspired by Magic Knight Rayearth, the fact that frogs freeze in the cold and the fact that the whole island is hot and humid swamp. It seems that the creators are going for a world that is different from our own. Sorry if you wanted this to be a Skull Island thing. Maybe another cartoon will use that idea.

Sorry, I had to....

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I want to see live footage of Brenda Song doing that dumb laugh Anne does.

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ahem, I beg you pardon I watched both Pokemon AND Digimon as a kid and liked them and Owl house and Amphibia are not like those they are more like Donkey Kong and Banjo Kazooie because they are made by same company but different men.

I don't care either way, I just thought it seemed like a possible twist.

>you're talking frogs!
I would be a little insulted at that.
Because, as opposed to what, Anne? As opposed to what?

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>I just thought it seemed like a possible twist.
You're shitty twist is up there with the St. Elsewhere twist, chump.

any minute now and we'll have a new episode

>this thread

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>sasha bigger than polly
>in a thread just after an episode about polly

well, she is the main character

what is this and how you do one?

Next episode spoiler ahead:
Hop Pop buries the magic box away from Anne when she's sleeping.
The thing he says is: "Sorry Anne, but I can't have you showing this thing around. Too dangerous for all of us. Now it's where it belongs, where no one can find it.

that was a nice touch though, the frogs thinking Anne was a hypocrite saying that while having in her hands a magic memory box

gimme that there new ep thread, then