

They better do something with her. But Marvel probably won’t...

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Wow, a knockoff of a knockoff.

>shitty knock off spiderman get the shitty knock off venom
Its kinda fitting in a way

She’s not that bad, though

Her fake Symbiote is unrelated to the Knull bullshit right?


why is she called ghost spider again? seems completely forced

It's created in a laboratory, by a human scientist, so presumably her symbiote is mostly just cosmetically similar to Knull's creations. This said, with Gwen hanging out on Earth 616 a lot these days, it would be interesting to see an interaction between her symbiotes and the local ones. She's expressed an interest in meeting Eddie Brock to talk about symbiote-related issues. It's bound to happen sooner or later.

She was calling herself Spider-Woman, but since that name is already in use by Jessica Drew on Earth 616 and she's decided to spend more time on that Earth, she decided to pick another name so as not to infringe upon Jessica's shtick.

This said, the name itself, "Ghost Spider," is the kind of nonsense that it plainly editorially mandated and which the writer of the book obviously wasn't happy with. He literally only ever had her call herself that in the very final issue of the recently-completed "Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider" series.


why is she called ghost spider in her universe?

It's not a great explanation at all and I'm not making excuses for it.

After the Spider-Geddon event, she takes the deaths of a bunch of her fellow spider-totems very hard, and basically decides to carry on in the name of the dead, taking on the name Ghost Spider as a way to honour the fallen.

For what it's worth, the issue immediately after Spider-Geddon is actually really, really well-written, with her traveling to the homeworlds of each of the characters who died so as to inform their loved ones of what's happened. I like everything about it aside from the actual name that came from it.

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God I hate that Knull bullshit so much...

Oh, wait, I misunderstood your question. Let me try that again.

On Earth 65, she was calling herself Spider-Woman, but once she got outed and her secret identity got blown, everyone just started calling her "Spider-Gwen," which she absolutely detested. Since nobody would call her Spider-Woman and she didn't want to just accept "Spider-Gwen" as an actual moniker, she wanted some third name, and upon deciding to start spending time on Earth 616 regularly, she settled upon Ghost Spider as a solution to both issues.

Don't expect anything from it, just more retarded crossovers

Running out of ideas huh? Honestly this character's only appeal is her designs but she's pretty bland outside of that.

I actually decided to give her most recent series a shot earlier this week just out of curiosity, and wound up reading the whole run in one night. It's actually pretty decent stuff.

I won't lie: Her personality is mostly just a gender-flipped Peter Parker; the same quippiness, the same moodiness, the same overweaning sense of moral responsibility. What makes her distinct is mostly just her circumstances in life, being a college-aged girl who's in a band rather than a grown man bouncing from job to job. But she manages to be entertaining for basically the same reasons and in the same way as Peter does, so that's not all that bad a thing overall.


IMO "Spectral Spider" would be a better name. Still keeping the ghost theme, while sounding better then "Ghost Spider"



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>Happy ending

the entire genre is built upon suffering very few Noir stories go for a proper happy ending.

You know you're out of ideas when you give the main character you're writing a symbiote

She's cute.

I'd just have liked Noir to have actual Noir comics again. Him being brought into the fold of all of this crossover stuff and not being allowed to simply have his own series has been annoying, especially since he ended up getting killed off in one such crossover.

Edge of the Spiderverse had mostly isolated stories that didn't go into the crossover nature of the main event that much, except for Noir's where his face-off against the freshly introduced Noir version of Mysterio got interrupted by dimensional shenanigans. I just want regular Noir stories again, damn it.

This is a Carnage-ized variant, idiots.

makes sense.

Keep telling yourself that Gwen, if it helps you sleep at night.

Whatever it takes.

Gwenage looks cool.

Yep. Better than Gwenom.

So it's just Ultimate Carnage?

>It's schwarbage.

Man, Crime Master really fucked her up. When did she get over being mad at Peter, though?