I know it's a longshot but I'm gonna try asking anyway. Only older user's would know this.
If you grew up in the 80s, you probably had a collection of VHS tapes of cartoons. If you were like my family, you would constantly rent from the video store and make copies from a bunch of them onto one tape. I just had a random memory of a cartoon that I cannot for the life of me remember what it was. I just remembered that I had 1 episode of it on a tape somewhere, and I'd love some help identifying it, if you'd be so kind.
I remember it involved some kind of cooking event, where there was one character who wasn't really sure of her cooking abilities or something of that sort. After the generic happenings of the episode, the judge/authority like character takes a spoonful of this golden-colored dish and says it's amazing. Soon, all the other judges/participants all want spoonfuls and say how amazing it is.
Hopefully, someone else knows, from this vague description, what the show is or maybe something to google to help zone in on it. 1) It is an older cartoon, circa 1970-1989. 2) It's not that one episode of Doug where he spills banana crap on a pizza. And 3) it might have been an anime, or just a western cartoon with Japanese animators involved, like pic related. If anyone can help, I'll do a requested sketch tonight (drawfag).
I mean, I don't think it was a shitty one-off episode of Transformers or GI Joe or something, and it definitely wasn't a She-Ra or Jem plot. I think it was only on a 2-episode VHS tape or something,
Jace Stewart
That actually sounds vaguely familiar; was the whole thing a moral lesson about believing in yourself?
Michael Hernandez
Just based on the description, my first guess is some incarnation of Strawberry Shortcake. We might need a little more info to go on, OP. Any idea what the characters looked like? Were they human? Adults? Children? Did they wear bright colors? What age group did the show appear to be aimed at? Every little scrap of info helps.
Zachary Thomas
Yeah, plus things like your own nation of origin and a rough timeframe when you saw it help as well when it comes to things like this.
Presumably it was in the US around 1990 but both of those could be wrong.
Lucas Kelly
I vaguely remember watching an anime where the main character is an yellow anthropomorphic bunny with black ears. His dad and sister homewer are cats with the same color scheme. One episode they say they like mayonnaise and get abducted to a planet with anthropomorphized mayonnaise bottles.
Around 2000s maybe? Not sure if I am conflating unrelated stuff or what.
Juan Hall
I just remember, for the anime with the mayonnaise episode, the main character ate a tomato to get powers
Like a fairy told him “this isn’t time to do x its time to eat the tomato”
Sebastian Perry
Holy crap, replies. Ok, USA, roughly between 1984-1990. I've been agonizing over this all night and I don't want to add too much because I'm afraid im conflating this with other things as well.
Not 2000s, way before that. It was humanoid characters, but not Disney or Warner Bros. I think it was a western cartoon but it was definitily possibly maybe animated from a japanese studio.
It may have been an anime from the 70s or 80s brought to America, but i dont think it was from something popular like voltron. It definitely wasn't from an action cartoon like thundercats or anything like that. My offer to drawfag still stands to anyone that can help.
Joshua Wood
Show was aimed at young children, possibly girls but probably both. I thought strawberry shortcake/rainbow brite too but i think the characters were young children to tweens. Because it was the pre-woke 80s and it involved cooking, i think the episode/show was centered around girls but im not 100 percent positive. Not S1 MLP.
Gavin Morris
Ok, maybe Punky Brewster? Pound Puppies (main human charater was a girl)? Beverley Hills Teens? Denver the Last Dinosaur?
Just throwing some suggestions out.
Thomas Kelly
No to any of those. Is there a comprehensive list of 70s and 80s cartoons that aired in the US? I checked wikipedia but I dont know if that's every single one. Im about to just check every single ones episode list at this rate.
Jordan Harris
It's probably not literally every single one, but it's a good place to start since it should have a lot of shows + their episode lists.
Evan Rivera
Now I'm second guessing myself, but maybe it wasnt a cooking contest...maybe it was a cooking class? But one thing was for sure, the dish was a golden yellow solid blob like mass, it was capable of being dug into with spoons, and everyone wanted to try it.
Possible conflation here, but im almost imagining a scenario now where a snooty character says "it cant be that good" and then is overwhelmed by the taste? Im not sure about that, might just be making stuff up now.
Ethan Robinson
I don't need help identifying this cartoon, but however I do need help finding a link with all the episodes in English or at the very least a dub of it.
Star Street: Adventures of the Star Kids? Unsure but I'm certain i saw an ep with this plotline on YT remembering the show years later. All the characters are named after star signs, if that rings a bell.
Cooper Clark
Post the drawing
Henry Butler
I seem to recall Beverly Hills Teens having an episode like that.
When I was a kid (around mid 90's) I saw a glimpse of some European cartoon that was made to help kids cope with death of a baby sibling I think, but it was terrifyingly morbid- the few seconds I saw before changing channel in discomfort consisted of describing how the baby's corpse became cold. It had this wobbly pencil drawing style, realistic and "artistic", white and dark blue. I want to find it so I know it wasn't some kind of weird dream.
Christian Murphy
Do you remember what the characters looked like? Was it a girly show?
Nicholas Garcia
I mispoke. I will draw a request for anyone who can help, not that I can draw out the scene...because quite frankly, I don't remember what the characters looked like or even what happened. I feel like a sketch like that would only confuse people further.
>Star Street: Adventures of the Star Kids Unfortunately no, these were humans characters.
I kept on thinking Beverly Hills Teens too but that's actually a show I only saw on YT years later, and not something I watched on VHS when I was a child.
I vaguely, VAGUELY, remember it being not quite anime-like but Japanese animated. You know, that 12Frames shot on 2s kinda look (Heathcliff, Dennis the Menace). I think it was a girly show, in that way that Popples is MEANT to be for boys and girls but let's face it, it was for girls. Cuz no boy would be caught dead with that shit.
Aaron Brown
Another avenue to maybe approach: Can anyone recall a scene, in a cartoon from the 80s, that had that sorta tropey moment where near the end of the show, a bunch of people swarm around trying a bit of food and marveling how good it tastes/how wonderful it is? Apart from the aforementioned episode of Doug, I can't remember a show doing that....and maybe that's the gap in the memory I'm looking for.