Could they have stopped Thanos?
Could they have stopped Thanos?
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Alien X could just undo the snap and then snap Thanos out of existence.
Failure X can’t do shit
hahahah sure thing buddy
Can you not.
Could they get more then a single user to finish their story?
the answer is no
He recreated the universe so he could just make a perfect copy of everything
His copy was not perfect at all
If they operated heavily on cartoon strength they might stand a chance but Thanos really would just wreck their shit
Movie thanos alien x would have no trouble instantly removing from existance, even if he had the gauntlet
Comic thanos maybe
His cosmic awareness is op as fuck, but Alien X seems to be the better reality warper, as he was able to easily create a universe while it took some effort for thanos to destroy aspects of the universe
>Missing the obvious Fail-ien X
Come on dude, it rolls of the tongue so much easier
Did people really watch Ben 10?
Beyond the original series only Kuro did
Ofc. Jenny has the strength of 1,000,070 men, Thanos is probably only around 200
the man is at least continental
Does he have any feats to prove that
In the movies i mean
Outside of him using the gauntlet, not really, he managed to kick Hulk’ass and take on Cap, Tony and Thor at once
>beat thor and hulk in a fight
>not strong
What value does Kim Possible add to this team? Danny can literally turn invisible and intangible; she's not even the best spy on the team/
We could get the LMAC guy to draw it!
Not continental
Why must we always go straight to Alien X? That’s no fun at alll.
Anyway, Atomix, Waybig, and maybe even Gravitack could take him on. And Jenny too. Danny, he’d struggle but will pull through. Kim and Jake don’t stand a chance.
fine, large country level
Let’s be honest and say tri-state area
The only ones out of that lineup who are useful Ben and arguably Danny everyone else is useless and redundant
Thor and hulk are cosmic level powerhouses.
What do Kim, Jake, maybe Jenny bring to the team that Ben and Danny don't?
Not the MCU versions
Girl power and a racial minority.
Thor took the force of a neutron star
Thor took that sun blast, and hulk and him are pretty close
So we can assume thanos is similarly durable
Jenny is more versatile desu. Ben at age 16 is only ever one alien at a time where as Jenny can combine stretchy arms and extendofingers. Jake has a bunch of presumed magical fuckery, so he could feasibly be at least as useful as Gwen. Kim adds nothing. Danny is better with Stealth and she doesn't have enough raw technique or fitness, and she doesn't make up for it in book smarts
Took an infinitely small fraction of the force of a star
Ben got master control in OV, has magic, and by being as useful as Gwen, you mean useless?
>using VSbattles
Step up your game
It's a basic calculation, a chimpanzee could do it. So even the people who count ever light source as a star can't mess that up.
tantric sex master, idiot
Yeah, considering they have Superman at Solar System level, I wouldn’t even trust them with that.
>Danny possesses Thanos
>Jenny merges the gauntlet into her circuitry
>Kim gets him in a headlock
>Jake uses magic to weaken him further
>Ben goes Humongousaur and yeets him into deep space
Yeah, I'd say they could probably scrap Thanos
I understand, they low ball things into oblivion. Still, this is a calculation, a trained tucan can do it.
you spelled waybig wrong
This thread and subject whomps.
Better question, could they without alien X?
thanos is a purple faggot. why do I hear about him everywhere.
yeah, atomix and waybig
Feedback absorbs the energy from the snap.
I think they'd fare about as well as the actual Avengers
The question should be can Ben stop Thanos, The rest of them wouldn't stand a chance even if they fought at once, If you would need a team to stop him I'd make
>Ben Tennyson(With master control)
>Generator Rex(With all the Alpha Nanites activated)
>Zak Saturday(IF he has a cryptid army like in the series finale)
The rest of the team would ass slapped in seconds. The only one worth his salt is Ben, And that depends, Are they gonna fight Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet?, If so they'd be fucked unless Ben was already in Alien X form, If they had to stop him from assembling it then Ben would have no issue, Jetray could move across the Galaxy in seconds aim for Thanos then turn into Way Big as he crashed lands
Reminder that Artemis Fowl is the big bad
Fpbp. So can feedback, Clockwork, and (probably) Cromastone.
Why is everyone looking at Ben giving Jenny that weird ass look? Even Jenny knows something is up.
Ben wants to CLANG CLANG with Jenny and everyone else is weirded out by it.
Depends on which Thanos. If MCU Thanos then yes, they could stop him from getting the stones since Jetray can travel the galaxy super fast. If he has most of the stones like the fight on Titan, I would still say yes. Feedback can absorb the energy from the stones, Danny could try to possess Thanos causing him to focus on getting him out while the others get the gauntlet off, Jenny has the strength of 1,000,070 men so she could probably knock out Thanos not to mention her arsenal of weapons making her very versatile especially if Upgrade is used to make her x10 more powerful, Jake is a Dragon so he has magic on his side which would give Thanos some trouble based on his fight with Doctor Strange, Kim brings nothing except maybe Leadership skills since the suit only makes her as strong as Captain America.
Comic Thanos is a different story since he has cosmic power and the whole Eternal/Deviant origin. Unlike MCU Thanos, he is pure villain. He would not kill as a last resort, he would do it from the get go. So Kim would be taken out fast. Jake would be tougher thanks to his magical origins, but he would get taken out too. Ben is the best bet with aliens like Alien X, Atomix, Gravattack, Waybig and Feedback. Danny has intangibility but cosmic energy would probably still affect him in that state, Possession also wouldn't be as useful against Comic Thanos thanks to the above origin giving very strong resistance. Jenny would still be good in a fight but cosmic energy would probably overload if not disintegrate her sorry to say.
>Jenny would still be good in a fight but cosmic energy would probably overload if not disintegrate her sorry to say.
the show is inconsistent but at different points spraying fucking water on Jenny disabled her
This, benfags are delusional.
Nah, they're dead bruh.
>ywn see Upgrade infuse with Jenny
>ywn see Kim put on the Omnitrix
>ywn see every character from each respective series in a "portals" scene
They couldn't even stop a children's card game.
what is this unusually crisp Jenny image from?
Maybe Randy could put up a fight? He's op as fuck.
Never say never user.
>Secret Trio
Cringe and bluepilled
now that is nice
I thought it was 70 million man
With her special suit she's already miles ahead of black widow, I somehow they pushed BW in every avenger movie
He remade the entire universe and stopped the omniverse from being destroyed
I prefer this better.
So they're cosmic level because they are really good and being beaten up?
Who is stronger between alien x and alpha nanite rex? Because they seem to have the same powerset.
>Kim gets him in a headlock
>Thanos possessed by Danny
Ouch ooww, you have bested me.. uh.. yeah ouch..
old and crude, but here