Starting a Kurt thread with the only new picture you'll see in it.
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July 10, 2019 - 03:13
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July 10, 2019 - 03:15
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July 10, 2019 - 03:16
>fag containment thread thanks user
July 10, 2019 - 03:24
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July 10, 2019 - 03:35
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July 10, 2019 - 03:46
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July 10, 2019 - 03:47
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July 10, 2019 - 04:36
come on gaylords we only ever post the same god damn ten images or so
Attached: KURTTAILWAGGLE.gif (1280x1208, 1.89M)
July 10, 2019 - 04:41
I'll have you know that your image is part of the same gay images posted every thread. So much so, that it's literally my appchan mascot.
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July 10, 2019 - 04:46
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July 10, 2019 - 04:49
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July 10, 2019 - 04:50
>that little BAMF patch hng
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July 10, 2019 - 04:56
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July 10, 2019 - 05:02
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July 10, 2019 - 05:03
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July 10, 2019 - 05:05
The Lord's work, user
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July 10, 2019 - 05:06
Just doing my part.
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July 10, 2019 - 05:21
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July 10, 2019 - 06:50
A Bible thumper like Kurt wouldn't say this.
July 10, 2019 - 11:50
1. Kurt isn't a bible thumper, he is a good Christian boy. 2. It makes sense in context.
July 10, 2019 - 11:51
That’s Nate Grey’s altered version of Kurt, not the regular 616 one. He’s apparently a huge celebrity in X-manverse.
July 10, 2019 - 15:01
I wouldn't really say alternate, X-Man sucked them all into his head. And like I said, it makes sense in context, I read Amazing Nightcrawler, every issue, looking for spank.
Attached: nightcrawler regret.jpg (1987x3056, 1.14M)
July 10, 2019 - 15:17
Is their baby gonna go bamf after AoXM ends?
July 10, 2019 - 17:27
>baby gonna go bamf bruh... lmao And yeah, probably. Age of X-Man was a failure, so it'll probably get the soft kind of retcon where it is just ignored.
July 10, 2019 - 17:28
forgot pic
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July 10, 2019 - 17:29