soo, they are basically a street gang
Soo, they are basically a street gang
They are middle schoolers in America
I think it's private school since they're wearing school uniforms.
What are three young girls doing out on alone in a city at night
I'm not caught up. Has anything interesting regarding plot, lore or Maddie happened recently?
Sasha needs money
Uh... You do know that public American schools have dress codes right?
yes, but no Maddie just Sasha
So... when’s the next lore episode?
Best sticc?
The extent of American dress codes is "don't be a slut and don't wear offensive imagery". You don't have to wear a uniform.
Mine were loose.
1. No solid red or blue
2. No hats
3. No gang related clothing, shirts with gang numbers ect.
But that's mostly for guys, I'm sure girls had a skirt requirement but I wouldn't know. I do remember
4. No spaghetti straps (most girls got away putting a jacket on)
5?I want to say they sent girls home if they had thongs, but I'm not 100%
What kind of fucking school did you go to? They wouldn't even let me through the door if I didn't have my uniform. And the crests were mandatory.
Anne is officially the defender of Wartwood, may or may not be a lesbian, and has started to find Frogs attractive.
True but each has a crest on their outfit in some manner. Usually indicates a prep school or something.
Lol anne.
Can you do one with Anne w a normal face, I non ironically love this
Dats nice user. 10/10
we are not going here again user, just know you're wrong
Not uniforms. The dress code is "don't look like a whore."
>No solid red or blue
I see you went to school near Los Angeles
I went to a public school and they also had crests on their uniforms.
A regular school, preppy.
Well I did go to a magnet school.
I see it's time to drop.
Bloodborne references.
I have never see that outside of insanely rich kid private schools and catholic schools and I've seen the insides of schools in over 20 states.
I want Anne to be my wife
>Looks like you wound up in the wrong neighborhood, whiteboi!
just watch the show user, only 14 episodes out
>Take it off. Now!
Im surprised no one made a pulp fiction parody yet
>Saw cleaver and threaded cane
Fuck, that's awesome! I love this show.
Well I guess I'm a special case then.
Good hunter...
Basically the same here, except without the crests.
In my town, from preschool to high school we had to wear our uniforms and they made your parents come and bring you a change of clothes if you were out of dress code.
That or you'd get an infraction which would lead to detention if you got enough of them.
Does she mean your shoes?
>Anne being pressured into sucking user’s cock
>It's the initiation into the gang
>For her
Anne does seem like one of the bad kids at least. Most episodes involve her trying to do something underhanded or tempting Sprig into doing something bad.
I like this show. It's really growing on me
though it still has a few little niggles here and there. The continuity seems odd. Like Anne's been here how long, and she's only just finding out Sprig is apparently super popular and everyone in town likes him and greets him? Which we've never seen before somehow..
or Anne has to explain to him what cops are, even though they met that constable guy (the one positive male character in the show)
I can't believe Anne didn't get cold with one fucking shoe in the snow
>. No solid red or blue
jesus tapdancing christ. i literally only wear solid blue. what the fuck are gang numbers? How many numbers have they taken? why are we letting gangs make the rules?
>Anne, just suck this loser’s cock already, stop being a bitch about this. Don’t you want to hang out with us?
I'm 100% sure that Anne has lost all sensation of her foot
>Dissing Hop Pop
>(the one positive male character in the show)
You don't consider Hop Pop a positive male character?
That and her general amorality. and she's shown several times she can be pressured into anything.
Look, you and I know Hop Pop is great, but he's not meant for the audience to admire.. and he gets no respect.
Alright, maybe he counts.
I ship him and Anne. Does that count?
>Toads all over the shop...
He ran for mayor and the townsfolk respect him. Of course he fucking counts.
>tfw catholic high school in my city
>mfw every time I go there all the girls wearing plaid skirts with their legs exposed
Yeah you know what happened is I forgot to update my view of him as the show continued.
It's just it's been like 2 weeks and there's so many episodes, it's hard to keep my head wrapped around it.
isnt going near there against your restraining orded?
>Not admirable
What do you mean? Yes, he's an old fuck who sticks to the "old ways", but he's willing to learn and adapt, stands up for what is right despite adversity, and he ran for Mayor and impressed the town so hard that they bought them a new stand.
>But it's too big! I'm not a snake, I can't unhinge it wide enough
sounds like you need to go back to grade school with that grammar bub
Holy shit, there's something I'd never thought I'd see
No really. More like Sasha's harem
>Shut up and put those lips of yours to good use and just suck it!
No, they were just delinquents
I remember growing up in Florida my public elementary school and weirdo charter middle school required boys to wear polos and slacks, I doubt they even do that now
yeah you're right
and I wasn't trying to go all MRA on ya or anything. It's Gravity Frogs. there's only like a total of three likeable ladies too.
Did you guys see the gravity falls ref in trip to the archives
How many of you went to a magnet school?
>And don't forget to stare straight at his eyes
>magnet school
Is that where you learn to be attractive or something?
jesus, knit shirts and inelastic full length pants in fucking FLORIDA. That must have been agony.
Also does anyone have a gif of shake man from cracking mrs croaker?
I hope this becomes a comic like the last one
Only magnet school in my city was down by the river where everyone went to get shot.
It's basically a public school but it's better funded because of specialize courses.
Wait, one of those comments is mine, can I have a link to said comic?
so it was a magnet for lead
Being born there I was used to it, but yes when I go back there now even wearing pants of any kind makes me want to die
Me too
>That was a big one huh? Chew it and swallow. Now let's see how much you got... good job Anne.
I said comic but is more of an one page think, you can find it on paheal. if I post a link it will be deleted
oh right I forgot, florida's mostly full of cubans, the elderly, reptilians, and other thermophiles.
>tfw watching Croak and Punishment
>tfw Anne is gay
>tfw SashAnne is endgame
I had a uniform at my public middle school. It was:
1. Black, grey, or navy polo shirt
2. Black or khaki pants. Must go below the knee
3. Closed toe shoes
Public school uniforms usually don't have stuff like school logos on the clothes, that's reserved for rich kid schools
As much as I like /ss/ I'd also accept /ll/ with the frogs
Anything else is stupid and honestly I trust Matt to not even bring up romance for Anne, the show has done a decent job of not pandering to retards so far
they have a dom/sub relationship. that doesn't make them lovers, it makes them unhealthy.
Maddie/Anne is an acceptable alternative.
That's understandable.
is thre a character sheet for Sasha yet?
Only because there are no human boys in Amphibia
Not yet, the crew haven't updated their site since episode 3.
>fuck are gang numbers
But also the Roman numeral Xlll or XlV you might have seen those spray painted on walls.
could someone repost this somewhere else? i don't want to have to give my e-mail to sign up for this.
Just do it
Mega user where are you? I need to watch before I go to bed into the shitty tomorrow.
is on paheal
>check paheal
>the koreans are already posting abuse porn
Why do they do this?
This no longer accurately represents Anne's INT stat.
There really needs to be a
In the same vein as
I think they do one a week user...
Koreans gonna Korean
It's retribution for making them animate our cartoons for us.
Get out more. Please. I implore you to get out more.
mega user delivers
I wonder how hard they beat Anne when she was "initiated".
Every episode:
>Thai girl: Let's do stupid thing
>Old frog: Back in my day we did other stupid thing
>Frog kid: I like her idea better
>idea was stupid as fuck
>chaos ensues
>random ass monster of the week
>monster is defeated in 30-60s
>somehow this solves the problem
How can you unironically watch this?
based koreans
Because that's not every single episode.
I almost did but I'm retarded and my test scores showed it.
That’ episode you idiot
>check paheal
>polly porn
It's awwwright.
Wait, why is Anne supposed to be gay?
A throwaway line. In the last episode, Sprig finds pictures of Ms. Croaker in her youth and Anne and Polly said that she was hot.
Still posting, snitch?
>throw away line
And how do explain Jamie?
>a character isn't "positive" unless they're 110% perfect with absolutely no flaws
Oh brother. Thirsty people these days.
Public school dress code is khaki pants and a solid color polo shirt. I've never seen anyone actually where a uniform skirt except for the Christian highschool girls.
What's the story here?
Just gonna leave this here. Pay no mind.
That answer would be really really long. So here's a cliff note
>The Mexican Mafia was formed in 1957 by 13 Hispanic street gang members from different Los Angeles neighborhoods who were all incarcerated at the Deuel Vocational Institution, a California Youth Authority facility, which is now an adult state prison in Tracy, California.
Literally none of the episodes I recall follow this structure. bad bait
She did specify that she wanted to stay there and look at more pictures of "hot Croaker" while Sprig went off to do his shenanigans
>>random ass monster of the week
Man, half episodes so far has no monster of the week. At least try to make a better bait next time.
>Old frog: Back in my day we did
This actually makes me appreciate how good Hop-pop is.
you only described one episode and yet it wasn't even the very first one so you had enough investment to watch multiple despite clearly not enjoying it. I'm fucking perplexed.
Hi Yakiti
Are you going to make the other images full body or are they just sketches?
btw next time put the photo in better quality please
if you could put it from your own files
I went to public high school outside chicago and graduated in 2010. At my school and all the other ones I know about there was no dress code other than "you have to wear a shirt," "you can't only wear a wifebeater," "no offensive or religious stuff," and maybe some other small rules. As far as I know people just wore whatever they wanted.
I don't doubt this at all, given anne's definition of friendship