Would you?

Would you?

Attached: Taffyta_muttonfudge.png (293x552, 634K)

is she of legal age?

She sexier than that bitch Vanellope
Her crying in the first movie was so damn sexy. I have a think for runny makeup

Wow dude that's disgusting. I mean, wanting to have sex with a CARTOON CHARACTER?!?!?!?! I give up, my normie brain just can't even.

Isn't she a video game character? I don't think they have those laws addressing them.

Yes, I would absolutely slap her. Bitch doesn't deserve betraying Vanellope like that.

You can never be too safe user



I'm sticking with my girl Vanellope

Attached: Optimized-vanellope___sit_still_look_pretty_by_artistsncoffeeshops.jpg (745x900, 223K)

I prefer her over Vanellope, bitch girls are more fun

do you like rich filly?

>none of the Sugar Rush girls go barefoot in WiR2


Hell yah'

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Does teal still post here?

I thought this game was rated E. Must have gotten the slavic version.

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Taffyta/Vanellope threesome and or Sugar Rush orgy is best option for me at least

Lets King Candy to decide it .

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Based modem resetter

No, her stats are shit tbph, I usually main Crumbellina

I would trap it inside a Cube


you know it she was the best girl anyway

Candlehead is best girl.

Attached: candlehead.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

Kinda yeah, they just seem more interesting

>tfw you want to lick her makeup runs from her tear filled cheeks just to know what they taste like.

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Actually I deleted it myself because I forgot the spoiler the firs time. Probably promoted anyway?

I'd rather take her to a dentist and then put her on a no sugar diet.

Would I hug her? Yes.

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