So Jenny from Teenage robot is the villain from the movie, also we're shippuden now?

So Jenny from Teenage robot is the villain from the movie, also we're shippuden now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

at the end steven befriends her and her gem is going to flip right side up, im just gonna call it now

during the final fight her gem will break right in the middle and she'll befriend with Steven after he decides to repair her gem with his powers

I'll only care when the born barody comes out

>villain looks like a knockoff Jenny and is gonna act like a knockoff Dominator


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Too bad she isn't as hot as either of them

>Steven was allowed to kinda look like 15 year old
Thank god, does this mean the series final season is going to be time skip ?

Sky is blue
Water is wet

Seems that way, although the old Yea Forums rumor puts it at nine seasons overall. First half is Naruto, second would be Shippuden.

What if Steven kills her by breaking her gem in two, only for it to create two new versions of her who fuse together right side up?

She looks like a Sonic OC.

How many times are you going to make this thread?

>and is gonna act like a knockoff Dominator
up until Steven sings a song on his ukelele and she cries about her dad would not hug her or some shit.

i mean maybe accidentally, whatever asspull sugar will do to have everyone love everyone, no doubt it will be entertaining at the very least

can we get a situation where steven gets hammered with "no, you CANNOT make fucking friends with everyone or see eye to eye, sometimes you just have to beat the shit out of them and stop them because some people just want to watch the world burn"?

How many times are you going to make this comment?


What do you think Mindful Education was about? He was fucking bawling because Jasper, Eyeball and Bismuth wouldn't let him help them

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Except when you get down to it most people really don't and of the few that do, only an even a tinier fraction will always feel that way no matter what.

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>*muh dick*

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>I want my tits to be THIS big!

cope and seethe harder, banjofag

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Every once in awhile I find an image I want everyone on the internet to see.

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the fuck is up with her huge arms. sensory-homunculus-lookin ass bitch

How do they keep getting away with it?

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>tfw you gem is a pair of testicles

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Why is this trash still being made when Japan already did a superior job in only 12 episodes with Land of the Lustrous
Also where is my season 2 of Land of the Lustrous

Lord, it's like they're trying to make every design looks as generic and unappealing as possible now.

Where exactly does red diamond fall in the diamond authority? And why didn’t blue or yellow give a shit she’s gone?

Looks like a mixture of XJ9, Mickey Mouse, and Cackletta.

Getting some Circus Baby vibes from that design for some reason.

Based retard Stevefag can't even respond to the right guy

I thought it was going to be set some time before the finale.

You shouldn't be on Yea Forums, let alone on Yea Forums.
Get the fuck outta here Stevefag, or we callin the Endermen

I want to show Rob Renzetti this

>I want to show Rob Renzetti this
I promise you he's seen it already.
Show it to Alex Kirwan instead.

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But nothing changed

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Why do you all want this very specific morale for the story?

kek!!!!! based and redpilled!!!!!

Black people being black people

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Shut up weeb

Yep cant wait to see our villain commit horrible atrocities but then everything will just be forgiven and she will be best friends with Steven. Because everyone everywhere loves Steven and hes the best and has no faults and can fix everything by just being himself and never changing because hes Steven.

But what if
Steven's penis
gets in the way

So what bullshit will they pull to depower the Diamonds to allow this movie to exist?

To justify their own inability to make amends with society.
>See I HAVE to become a Nazi because the JEWS will ALWAYS be against me, we'll never EVER see eye to eye EVER!
>what if you stopped hating jews

>inb4 they straight up shatter one of them

why do you bring the jews and nazis to this conversa-...
Oh, i get it

>Steven has no faults
Ah-ha, classic banter. It really is.


And Steven will still cry a lot

Could someone please explain these shippuden references
What does it mean?

>Final fight
You never watched SU, did you ?

Have you? Steven pretty much always fights someone before he befriends them

Based angry nigga telling it like it is. TELLING IT LIKE IT IS.

Because American'ts think it's okay to steal from non American stuff because deep down they consider it "lesser" and can "improve it", or in this case just something American too, basically no fucking shame

If only.

I still don't get how this went unnoticed for 3 years that shit was too blatant.

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What if there's no timeskip and this just takes place a few days after Change Your Mind. Steven just physically grew because he "feels" older after all the shit he went through.

I hope this isn't the case as I want to see older Connie, Onion, Cool Kids, Greg etc. but that would be a funny way to subvert expectations, which is kinda SU's thing

I'd like it. especially if it begins with Steven coming back into town after being away, with everyone commenting on how they've missed him and how he's grown, to then reveal he was only gone for a weekend of camping

If the show ended with Jenny taking over the world, it'd be worth it

Basically "Part 2" or "second half" of a show.

Rebeca herself is a stolen design from Sailor Moon


God this gave me a hearty kek.

>we want an antagonist in steven universe who is actually evil for the sake of being evil!
>pshh what is this knock off dominator shit
the lot of you

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so she transforms into a MTF..
explains a lot about the show


bad news guys
Im XJ9

hey guys what
What if her facet literally is XJ9

But what if

>The USB completes the round head.

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for me it's the botorcycle

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>The poster also dropped on her birthday
Based angry black prophet

No, she's gonna get poofed and reform with her gem upside down so now it's just a normal heart and everyone is friends with her. The end.

>some people just want to watch the world burn

That’s called mental illness buddy.

Or do you actually just want a moustache twirling cartoon villain?

I don’t thinkyou know what is generic and unappealing.

>wanting Steven to fight
Why? He has 999 CHA

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>white people

>White people
>Having any clue what constitutes a white person when they change the definition every five years

Rebecca Sugar doesn’t share the mentality of the Americans though.

>usb removed the sharpness on her head
>Loading bar is the cal arts smile
God drew this

She looks more like Reflekta.

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Based AND redpilled?

The entire premise of "talking things out" relies on the assumption that you and your opponent share a fundamentally similar value system and your objectives aren't mutually exclusive at the moment. The idea that most people's values/objectives are similar enough to quell most, or even half, or even a tenth of conflicts is the most sheltered idea on earth. They're not. For every truth you take for granted, there's millions upon millions of completely sane, intelligent people who will disagree with you in a way that cannot be reconciled. That's the reasons conflict exists in the first place. All the modern reinterpretations of conflict, and masculinity, and psychology, and fucking everything are all aimed toward glorifying the path of least resistance and masking complacency as self-love, and it's pathetic. Gee, how convenient that is for cowards, idiots, and the lazy. You'll get trampled to death by literally the first person with the inclination to do so, but at least you got to ride the high horse around the playground for a while.

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But, Americans are the ones on this board bitching about the theft plus most likely you are American user

I feel sad for you

I just don't understand the appeal of this show. There's no stakes, all the characters are boring vaginas, and everything is resolved the exact same fucking way on top of boring ass episodes being the norm that suddenly become relevant at the end if each season because a throw away line becomes a super-duper psychological clue to analyze these neurotic cunts with.

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Talking things out works in person to person social situations. not so much intergalactic war. which is why the show's premise that you can talk literally space hitler out of nuking the planet is fucking ridiculous.
it just reeks of "sheltered city kid".

>No stakes
The diamonds wanted to activate a cluster that would destroy the entire world

It's for kids who won't be meeting any intergalactic tyrants but will be meeting other kids with whom they should try talking things out

the silhouette really is way too fucking similar jesus christ

>The diamonds wanted to activate a cluster that would destroy the entire world
That gets resolved by hugging and crying in one single episode waaaaayyyy before the diamonds become a thing IIRC.
Im definitely being an autistic cunt but my mild historical readings and understanding of the world just... fundamentally disagrees.
everyone acts like a fucking moron especially for beings that are supposed be hardened warriors rampaging across the goddamn galaxy.
Reminds me of how jap businessmen read bushido and try to appropriate the lessons within for business. seems like a lot of aggrandizing of really, really stupid shit.

Well adults probably aren't going to be encountering any intergalactic tyrants either

You know many children under 12? How could you possibly be able to confirm that.

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Because the show got away with too much bullshit because DURRRR WERE FRIENDS NOW and people want to see actual fight scenes for once

>"Got away"
Interesting choice of words.

Am I the only one who sees the full picture?

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Rebecca was the right age when MLAATR came out and has said she loves Undertale, so it fits.

It's gonna be a musical. Musicals rarely have interesting plots because all focus and attention is turned to the songs.
The point of the movie is to set up the rest of the show, the whole thing is gonna turn into a musical as they're done with the big gem conflict and most plot points. Every episode is just gonna be songs abour various crap, mostly social shit like bullying and whatever else they want to "teach" kids and tumblrites with mental illnesses and social issues

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I'm sure you are. I'm sure it helps you.

>It's for kids who won't be meeting any intergalactic tyrants but will be meeting other kids with whom they should try talking things out
And very often "talking things out" is not going to be the solution. If some other kid wants to steal your kid's bike because he simply doesn't value his right to it, then there's no conversation to have there. He's taking your kid's bike. It's necessary to make kids understand that negotiation is always the first option, but to put them under the impression that it's virtuous to be a toothless cowards who relies solely on avoiding conflict will stunt them for the rest of their lives. Any show kid's show trying to teach a "moral" about nonviolence better goddamn show the consequences of it, or it's straight-up lying to them. A truly determined pacifist always suffers greatly for their choices, their friends suffer for it, and they almost always lose. If you aren't willing to use violence ever, you'll automatically lose the first time a resolution can't be found.

>And very often "talking things out" is not going to be the solution.
Yes it will.

Wait, are you under the impression there's no violence in SU? There's always a fight before the talking happens. Several people didn't even listen AFTER a fight.

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>It's for kids who won't be meeting any intergalactic tyrants but will be meeting other kids with whom they should try talking things out
That will grow up into people the people that you see today that think you can just talk things out with cartels and sandniggers, that believe they deserve a place in modern countries and fight for open borders, only to end up raped and sliced up into pieces

Thank you Breitbart for your valuable contribution to this children's cartoon conversation , crazy cunt

Right back at you

Believe it or not, the lessons we teach children at a young age will carry over into adulthood. Make sure it's the right lessons.

No it's not. And now I'm going to punch you. How do you intend on stopping me?

>I watched Steven make friends with the Diamonds when I was a kid, therefore I'm going to go try and open a dialogue with the cartel!
There's a lot to not like about the show but...seriously?

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The cartel example is a bit extreme, but the basic idea, that children will grow up to become too trusting and eager to redeem bad people, still stands. Not everyone is going to be capable of redemption, and some may even take advantage of your wishful thinking to put you in a bad spot by pretending to be redeemed.

This was literally Lily Orchard's argument. How the tables turn.


>absolute state of Yea Forumsmblr

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As always...user delivers

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Yea Forumsmblr would say there's absolutely nothing wrong with this idea of redeeming everyone (except in the case of people they judge to be racists, sexists, etc) and it's that line of thinking that encourages the idea of black criminals as an oppressed minority who dindu nuffin, among other things.

Good post, and the truth. But I still believe that some way, somehow, there will always be a possibility in every situation to meet the shared root truth of every human being - the desire to live and be happy (inb4 some chuckle goes hurr durr not everyone wants to live, that's the point, they're not happy) - without it coming to violence and death. Compromises can always be made, people can always change. These possibilities are so remote it may as well be seen as impossible, and the call to do what you need to do nearly always comes before you find the best possibility. But finding the best possibility is the hardest thing, that we must always strive for first and foremost, and continue to try to do even after being forced to make other decisions.

A children's show like this celebrating the ideal fantasy outcomes - where the peaceful solutions work - is encouraging. We need hope. We need to keep looking up to ideals. And the more people who look up to good ideals, the more people that can be reasoned with.

No this is the same Yea Forumsmblr, outrage faggotry over literally nothing. No SU will not have real life consequences like that, it's just a shitting cartoon, plenty of cartoon and anime redeem their villains.

shit show

It's just basic idealistic shit at the end of the day. No harm in letting kids believe in hope and who doesn't wish people who hurt them and others could be won over abd made to change for the better. World would be a lot nicer place if that was the case.

>it's just a shitting cartoon, plenty of cartoon and anime redeem their villains
You disingenuous little shit. The issue isn't that villains get redeemed, it's the way redemption is depicted and overused. Nobody's saying that.

>It's basic idealistic shit at the end of the day
I can agree with that.
>No harm in letting kids believe in hope
Hope is great. You just have to be ready for when the ideal solution doesn't always work out.
>World would be a lot nicer place if that was the case.
And it'll be a lot worse of a place goodhearted people get tricked into thinking violence is never the answer and allow assholes inherent the earth.

>A children's show like this celebrating the ideal fantasy outcomes - where the peaceful solutions work - is encouraging. We need hope. We need to keep looking up to ideals. And the more people who look up to good ideals, the more people that can be reasoned with.
True, but the problem relies in how they get to those moments of peaceful resolution.The villains are just too evil to be redeemed, and when it happens it feels awful. Like, a genocidal tyrant just got away with it because the protagonist was able to sympathize with her.
If the villains where less horrible then I can see the job they do working. If the fusion experiments where never a thing, if all gems where inmortal and couldn´t be shattered, then it would work. But that´s not how it is and that´s why it´s tough to swallow the positivity in Steven Universe.

She’s a Jew so she views everyone else as cattle, good point.

What's that thing in the background?
Is beach city building a resort hotel?

Im curious as to what the animation quality of the movie going to be.

Will it actually be movie quality animation or the same shit we get in the tv series...?

Goddammit, I want a new Jenny series.

There's gem structures there so it's probably for the healed gems.

Look at the best animated episodes of the show. It'll be that plus +1 which is still pretty good. It's done by SMIP which is the good SU animation studio and it has new boarders working on it too, one of which (I forget the name) did a lot of Gravity Fall episodes.

Maybe a lot of people have never seen the original and so don't know the design is stolen?
I have no idea who that is in your pic and never would've guessed Lapis' design was a ripoff until now.

She looks like Cackletta.

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Vegeta murdered people and actively enjoyed doing it. White Diamond ruled the empire out of misguided duty. Why is one allowed and condoned while the other is frowned upon? Why aren't the Diamonds given a chance to properly redeem themselves like Vegeta did? It won't bring back the shattered gems, but the gem empire working for the universe instead of against it can't be anything other than a good thing. Redemption starts with changing your mind (ba dum tish) which is what White did. Where we go from here is anyone's guess.

You can't "stole" a design.

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Just because they're kuudere doesn't mean they have the same design, you absolute fucking retard.

DBZ isn't trumpeting the same moral as SU. That's a terrible comparison.

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you proved otherwise though.


vegeta never "redeemed" himself and is still a murderer for the rest of the universe. the core of dragon ball z cast are all murderer and they stick around because they like to fight. There's a reason dbz is so popular with terrorists

I need it

Vegeta's redemption arc was a pretty long period of him being beaten down, humiliated and forced to rely on and relate to beings he thought were his inferiors. Over several arcs he struggles with his assumptions about himself and the universe and comes away from that changed into a pretty good dad and husband. In contrast White Diamond is barely introduced before Steven resolves the inner conflict that made her act like a bitch and everything's fine. It's not earned.

Pale skin, blue short hair, unsmilling.
There's ton of other examples, Rei actually started a fad back then, but sure, keep convincing yourself that's a thing

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In the back to the left, is that new barn?


He's still a murderer and was previously a sadist (the latter of which never applied to the Diamonds as they're basically robots following a checklist) If he's allowed to change, why can't anyone else? I'm not saying the Diamond's got the amount of episodes they needed and I'm not arguing the quality of it as Vegeta clearly had more time put into his arc, but why is the concept bad beyond just wanting another reason to shit on SU?

I don’t get why some want “evil for the sake of evil” villains. People are more complicated than that.

Looks more like a series of condominiums. Probably a home base for the healed gems.


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>implying you can't humanize and develop a person that's just an asshole for the sake of it

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>If he's allowed to change, why can't anyone else?
What don't you understand about DBZ not having the same moral and tone as SU? Or his arch spanning a very long time and having several different stages? And the very concept of an anti-hero?

Did noone of the design-team realize it?

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The tone of SU is that everyone can be redeemed and is inherently capable of doing. It's not trying to be straight up good vs evil as even the main theme changes and removes the word "evil" by Change Your Mind.

Half the girls in that picture don't even have blue hair LMAO

*capable of doing good

Also Vegeta is lawful good nowadays. He's nowhere near as edgy as he used to be.

>Jenny is going to be associated with SUshit now

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This would be amazing

>I'm not saying the Diamond's got the amount of episodes they needed
This IS the reason. The more evil and set in their ways the villains are, the more time is required before they can believably change their worldview like the diamonds did. There's a reason people bitch about Freiza turning good, but nobody complains about Vegeta.

The Diamonds aren't evil though. They're not sadistic, they never took joy in shattering subjects or wasting resources. If anything Jasper is more of a villain than they are because she enjoyed taking things out on Amethyst.

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>You are to leave the Cluster to grow. It will tear apart the Earth, and I will take immense satisfaction in erasing that hideous rock off of our star maps.
-Yellow Diamond, shortly before Periodot pointed out that blowing up the Earth would be a waste of resources

are the diamonds involved?
this could just be a self-contained story on earth

That was a rare act of personal involvement, due to the death of her sister. Like wanting a factory tore down because your sibling died in an accident there

Whoa, it's like it reminded her of her dead sister whom she felt responsible for being shattered or something.


It was a fun episode/arc. Shame about the art in Crack the Whip though.

reminds me more of fnafs baby

And that justifies her trying to blow up the Earth for entertainment?

>You can't steal designs
>As evidence here are pictures of people stealing designs

really makes you think

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What entertainment? It's so she doesn't have to think about it. She had a whole song about this and everything.

I mean if you're going to have fight scenes in your show with characters who have specialized weapons for fighting, then I cant see why we cant expect them to make some good action.

Not entertainment, an attempt at closure. She’s blowing up a planet full of animals that she’s not even biologically similar to because her sister died. At best, she’s apathetic to humans because they’re frankly quite below her

I think the only one that's really close to Rei's design is Yuki, but that was an intentional joke on the author's part (they both have very similar names in Japanese, too).

According to Peridot, Homeworld is REALLY hurting for resources right now and Earth is full of what they need. Even disregarding the animals on the planet, hurting her colony for her own petty desires is pretty evil.

IIRC Peridot never specified what kind of resource Homeworld is lacking of, only that they can't make the gems like they used to. That resource could be Pink Diamond's used bath water.

>Homeworld literally rushes their own surprise nuke when almost no one on Earth could have defended themselves against an attack like that
Honestly Homeworld was and still is run by some stupid fucks, so a resource crisis that's based on immortal beings who don't need food, water, or anything to live normally is unsurprising.

These are making may night.
Thank you anons

When I used to be a tumblr shit stain someone pointed this out but they played it off like a homage. twf I couldn't find any porn of her tho

Go to bed, Uncle Mike. You’ve had enough.

Where can i buy a shirt like his?

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The resource is more gems. If you lose the ability to make more gems (and your soldiers can be shattered by targeting the very obvious stone and no one besides Pink Diamond can heal cracks) then you're gonna run out of resources pretty quickly. Gems are hard but they're also brittle, as Yellow pointed out.

It's cute to some people. Some folks don't need everything to be a masterpiece to fill a void in their lives.

your uncle Mike is a smart dude

That's pretty fair user.
My only complaint is that you'd have to be going through a lot of your pretty hard to kill species to somehow put yourself into a resource crisis.
Worry being: They honestly better not be fucking shattering gems on the daily as some form of punishment.

So you like numbers fighting and flashy colors. More power to you

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Oh I think shattering was more to keep them in line more than anything. They'd more likely just bubble them somewhere safe like Yellow did with the clusters in her room on Homeworld. I'm sure Ruby would've been shattered since there's "tons of her" but a high ranking gem like Emerald etc? No one they'd risk that.

*no way

Yeah that's where i'd draw the bullshit line on not seeing their own faults if they went that far.
Hopefully the resource crisis does get a bit of it's own spotlight, could be a nice episode honestly.

Attached: stop yer shit.jpg (750x716, 60K)

>Freiza turning good
that never happened

>Genral design is very Jenny like
>add in lines on the cheeks
>big shoulder pads
>overly long arms
>heart emblem on torso

It's a Mettaton and Jenny fusion for sure

Attached: MettatonEX.gif (204x203, 17K)

truly the worst timeline

To be fair, you only have a silhouette and a community of people calling it Jenny off the bat to blame.

>Gee, how convenient that is for cowards, idiots, and the lazy.
I dunno, man. Seems far more convenient for the first asshole to come along kicking everyone sandcastles over to me...

>There's a reason people bitch about Freiza turning good

Wasn't Freiza's whole deal in that regard just "every time I'm a dick i get murdered, so this time I'll try not being a dick?"

Sadly true but good post.

We can also infer from the gems' military that planets they try to conquer are able to put up a fight against them. The show never really felt the need to go into detail on that matter, so maybe gems are pretty regularly getting shattered in war?

Yeah, but people still bitch that he turned "slightly less evil".

Fuck, the last movie was him literally trying to get a soldier on his side that could murder goku so he could go right back to running the galaxy.

Which begs the question of how many planets he currently has a space nazi rule over that goku just lets happen because "Lol he helped us win the tournament, so its cool"

It's a pretty solid inference that I feel the show really underplayed, since aside from the low count of references from Peridot about the resource crisis, it'd be hard to actually see there was an underlying problem aside from the diamonds.

I actually thought that was Xj9's silhouette in the thumbnail before I even read what you posted.

>Did none of the design-team realize it?

Attached: Robots2.jpg (443x392, 56K)

Jenny already has an evil version.

Attached: Jennyasmonster.jpg (640x508, 60K)

now we have another

Wonder if this means she'll have those tight pants and boots

Reminds me of Circus baby from FNAF

There are no similarities beyond the color palette.

They better address all the horrible shit the diamonds did. If Steven wasn't family, everyone would be dead. If they wanted to show that the diamonds could be redeemed, they should have done it outside the family connection

Love the show, but god damn, this.
Not a single one of the four diamonds did anything that could be counted towards being 'redeemed' three of them just didn't fucking kill our main protag when given the chance because he was technically part of their dysfunctional mess of diamonds.

And the fourth one is honestly the worst fucking long term planner EVER.

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They did address it which is why the Diamonds stopped doing it. They went to Homeworld in the first place to fix the biggest thing they did to Earth which was the corrupted gems (the cluster is docile and placated now). The story wouldn't work without the family connection and it was the point in the first place. Steven vs Yellow Diamond on the Beach or Blue would have no meaning or weight if it was just bad guy 5262-x2 or whatever.

>Steven vs Yellow Diamond on the Beach or Blue would have no meaning or weight if it was just bad guy 5262-x2 or whatever.
Even if Steven wasn't related to the Diamonds it would have had a lot of weight considering what the Diamonds represent to gemkind. And honestly I don't really know if the Diamonds really have changed, will they just stuck colonizing planets? Will they stop using gems like their own personal toys? Do Yellow and Blue even know Pink is dead dead? White knows...but does she care?

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They know Pink is gone, but the planet thing is still up in the air.

I don't know why I thought the Diamonds learning Pink is actually dead and they've been interacting with basically a meat suit with her corpse embedded into it this whole time would be a big deal

i never expected jenny to gain more attention though steven universe this way. then again, i unironically saw a thread about pewdiepie's thoughts on the MCU so i shouldn't be surprised.

My dude I'm talking about fight scenes in general, doesn't have to be a shonen or whatever dragon ball fuck. If the show does something shit then I'll call it out for shit.
I'm not asking for this show to turn into meaningless fight scenes, asking for it to improve what it has or plans to do.

Originally Rodney used to be a girl.

>When I used to be a tumblr shit stain
well at least there was a 'when' there

Attached: that one pup.png (302x271, 88K)

I guess Jimei went evil.

Attached: hqdefault (1).jpg (480x360, 17K)

But user, she already has a boyfriend.

Attached: rbotboy and jenny.png (1006x1096, 157K)

At least they have balls to call out bullshit.

I don't know if they're done with that yet honestly. They treated Steven as Steven and addressed him by that name, but I imagine a lot of the fallout was what made them change sides in the first place.

Yellow literally just thought Steven was Pink
>Hmm… I'm sure your memories are in there somewhere, Pink.
Blue thought she was still Pink
>You were right to leave.
but is now identifying herself as Steven
>She prefers to be called "Steven."

White was the only one who witnessed What He Really Is and she seemed more concerned about her own self-image than the confirmation that her sister daughter is dead. I don't know if we're just suppose to assume White clued in Yellow and Blue and they were OK with it.



That's what I mean, I'm not sure if White clued them in or not. Unfortunately with these things being 11 minutes long usually some stuff has to take precedence over others so if we are going to see from angst from that it'll be season 6.

>the Diamonds learning Pink is actually dead
As opposed to when she wasn't "actually dead" but they thought she was anyway for the past 5,000 years?

Yes that sent them in a spiral of depression for literally thousands of years, Blue couldn't even do her job, learning she was alive was a big moment for them and it would/should? sting quite a bit to learn yeah actually she's 100% dead

White must have told them then. Yellow's logical, she could take it but I'm sure Blue cried for a bit before realizing she still has "nephew" and getting over it.

>Violence must be your last resource, but it must be a resource
This kinda works on Steven Universe the same way it works on Superman, since in both scenarios the main protagonist is the equivalent of a god. They could go and "fix" everything by force, but that would be Ozymandias "give them a common enemy" levels of retardation: we live afraid of what our fellow men could do to us if they had the power because we know what we could do to them if the roles were reversed. But Steven is basically one of the strongest beings in his universe and yet he understand subjugation is not the way to go. Destroying life is so easy for a being like superman, for a being like him that they both prefer to try to understand it and let it be.

That's not a real evil Jenny, it's just Cluster Prime propaganda

>jmoyns alternative
if only

steven got older?
whats the thing behind garnet?

Because it'd be interesting? Fucking Wander was WAY more of a pacifist then Steven ever was and the show was more than willing to have that.

and domninator was a walking trope. its like half assed game of animated telephone


>The Diamonds aren't evil though. They're not sadistic, they never took joy in shattering subjects or wasting resources.
Literally nothing you said was right, holy shit.

Attached: 1562743683119.png (212x218, 53K)

It's gonna be a reference to Chibiusa/Black Lady

>and domninator was a walking trope.
Name it then.

isnt this the same fucker who got like cucked by 20k rocks?

>the villain is female and has an evil grin
$20 say it's the same wanderfag that said White is a knockoff Dominator too

>what if cackletta looked like a teenage girl

five finger jenny just looks wrong

>The story wouldn't work without the family connection and it was the point in the first place.
That just means the show is inherently flawed then.

For me it's this comic

Attached: Heathcliff.gif (450x524, 80K)

Everyone is calling her Jenny or teenage Cackletta, but the first thing I thought of was an older Jinmay from Super Robot Monkey Team. Maybe it's the chest heart

Attached: Char_44287.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

Based Diantè.

>spacenazi's get off scott free

>>what if you stopped hating jews
>hand rubbing intensifies


>destroyed countless planets
>killed even more lives
>shatters their own kind without even a second thought
>forces gems into magic items like living batteries
>hell not even that, sometimes they'll stick them onto the wall for decoration
>directly created horrible experiments like the Cluster out of sheer spite
>literally brainwashes or influences other people's emotions
>"B-but they're not evil though!"

Attached: 1558271982450.jpg (640x640, 37K)

please proceed to promptly and swiftly without hesitation, kys

The thing about Superman, however, is that while has the responsibility of using nearly supreme power wisely, he also has the privilege of being invulnerable. Of course he can use violence as a last resort, he's fucking Superman. If you aren't supremely powerful, then the world is a much more dangerous place where patience and pacifism comes at a big cost. Mercy and nonviolence is a much harder to make work when you aren't made out of steel.

>this out but they played it off like a homage.
Yeah, just like The Lion King is a "homage" to Kimba the White Lion.

oh no, my boner!


its literally in her name.

when I saw the thumbnail, I honestly thought it was jenny. shouldn't be surprised considering sucrose straight up jacked a character from an anime already.

Attached: Penny_shades.jpg (600x337, 20K)

If they make her able to be defeated by just talking and convincing her to be good, they'll just be repeating the same shit over and over

If they make her truly evil, and only able to be beaten with brute force, they'll betray what the message of the show was supposed to be: That no matter what, even the most evil person can be redeemed unless they are kevin

Made the baddie better

Attached: SU movie baddie.png (1086x999, 491K)

Gay alien rocks

user, user, user. It's post-modern times, we can't make something stylized AND appealing, that's just not original enough

i like it tho

>goofy ass serial killer that acts like a hardass in public because it's fun
>walking trope

Get a grip

>Robots vs Gems


Attached: 1560011747728.png (642x554, 300K)

That is the blackest fucking name in existence

Because that might be interesting to someone who isn't part of some 'culture' or whatever they've decided to call it this week?

Remember when broad appeal was a thing? God damn I swear the internet was created to teach the young how to feel old in advance.

Too overdesigned and clashes with every other gem.

I think there is a reason she wasn't designed to look outright evil like your pic

It's the same design in a different style you calarts apologist

I disagree.

Attached: darealyst.jpg (400x303, 29K)

The farm.

Um, no.

You replaced her ponytails with giant spikey villian hair and gave her huge intimidating nails ala white diamond. Not to mention completely reshaping the heart to clearly look more villainous.

I hate this stupid mindset of "the fan made one is always better than the original! It's impossible to prefer the official anything because cynisism!"
It's okay for them to both be shit

Ah, it's nice to be here in time on Yea Forums to see all be happy over a facebook black man talking shit about Rebecca Sugar. ( And rightfully so.)

Attached: 1560896096645.gif (421x217, 1.39M)

This, they'll be too busy with Homeworld shit.

>Entire segment is Steven jumping around telling people to believe in themselves

That's how it started that's how it should have ended.
What are you gonna do? Cry at me?

Fuck you. MLAATR's style was reminiscent of older animation and it was great.

I don't absolutely hate the Cal Arts style but it's overused and shouldn't be the style they push people to use.

Attached: FUCK YOU.jpg (480x515, 47K)

>tfw her VA ends up being Janice Kawaye

Attached: laughing griffon.gif (309x374, 1.11M)

>”Dude it’s Jenny!”
Dead meme.

I don't see a problem with making something more villainy but you do have a point, you can prefer how the original is and that's fine

So like, Rise of TMNT and Loud House are not things?

people bitch about stevem doing this but literally every jojo chapter does this same bullshit you all eat it up.

>commit mass genocide over a civil war started on false pretenses get away with it because some monkey man called me a child
>everyone is okay with this
And in the end there was no god, there was steven

>B-B-but it's okay when THEY do it!!
No, it's not, and the fact that you can't come up with a decent argument besides deflecting blame is very telling.

>steven is actually God living out fantasies
>steven is just tenchi

I hate how much sense this makes.

Attached: tenchi god.jpg (266x190, 5K)

Literally every villain gets crippled, killed, or joins the cast in a few instances. Saying that happens in every chapter is dumb. I don't think you've read Jojo.

I am not looking forward to the most inconsistently drawn movie of the century.

Attached: 1468551_10202766476268780_930393614_n.jpg (479x350, 21K)

I think an actually good animation studio is handling it.

It really does look like Jenny

At this point I would be disappointed if it didn't happen like this. If you're going full power of friendship you should own it.

I guess I'll have to wait and see when a trailer drops then.

huh i like it, an ACTUAL villain.

Attached: overtheuniversewall.png (1070x1178, 1.02M)

Nice of them to give JonTron a movie

It looks like something from an edgy Sonic reboot

>her VA ends up being Janice Kawaye
I've never heard Kawaye sing before.

You know what a good lesson for this show to teach kids with this villain? Some people don't change. Like in the episode of Recess when that rando kid hates TJ for literally no fucking reason? Yeah, just like that. No matter how kind you are to them they never change. Steven learning to accept that and showing kids to accept it would be great. But everybody knows he'll be best friends with her by the end of the movie so whatever.

Attached: 11e8zh.jpg (500x327, 19K)

>Robots vs Gems
That would be pretty cool but why tho?
Any there writers here that can come up with a good reason?

>it's a storyboarders think they're writers show

How bad is this gonna suck because Rebecca won't step up and hire a decent writing staff?

Thought it was Cynthia at first glance

robo /ss/ ?


Where's Jacque?

>we want an antagonist in steven universe who is actually evil for the sake of being evil!
we don't want an antagonist who's evil for the sake of evil, we want an antagonist who isn't magically and instantly defeated by the fucking power of friendship

that's not the same thing

why the fuck do you care so much about it being a musical it's fucking SU of course there are gonna be songs

Cringe and bluepilled

>some people are just niggers and they'll never change

White Diamond wasn't magically and instantly defeated by the power of friendship. Her entire worldview was dismantled.

Well, his last name IS 'Universe'.

But it's true. Except for the 'niggers' part.

>Some people are just niggers
>>That's not true! That's impossible!!
>Search your feelings, you know it to be true!

Murdercock jr. at work, nothing more

That's because her worldview was made of straw.

Even if you want to argue that, it doesn't change that she still wasn't immediately defeated with friendship. She wouldn't relent until she literally saw Steven's soul and found that Pink Diamond was truly dead.

I really liked Rebecca's explanation of where White Diamond's worldview came from in the podcast. I wish I could find the video she was talking about

I stopped noticing Jenny when somebody pointed that Steven have neck now

Holy FUCK I just made this connection
>Ages before the end of the series, People kept mentioning the idea of Greg driving his van into the Big Bad at the end
>"Let me drive my van into your heart!"
>This thing has a visible heart
Chances are someone already mentioned this.

>SU writers are so creatively bankrupt they're going to resort to using greentexts off of Yea Forums to supplement their screenwriting
I believe it.

You could also try to find a specific timestamp. The summary is written in order, so if you jump around a bit, you should be able to find what you're looking for

Yep, that's gonna be a based from me

What gem is that’s supposed to be?

Oh thanks I forgot that she actually named it. Her discussion starts at 17:16. And here's the film white diamond is based on (the voiceover, specifically):

The scene Rebecca mentions starts at 7:25 and the way it's presented with the mirror is indeed really disturbing

>That is the blackest fucking name in existence
I had a student in one of my remedial courses named Delequarius King.


I see some circus baby in there too

Attached: Circus_Baby.png (426x534, 305K)

>happy birthday you xj9 looking ass bitch
comparing xj9 to this jew is beyond an insult. i get if this was some mistake or something, but that line of text is not gonna be a based from me, chief.

Attached: p5etu.jpg (613x381, 30K)

Sucrose is hot but I don't get the XJ9 comparison either. I can't think of a single feature they share

do you think we're gonna get some great frames like this in the musical?

Attached: 2ab03eea48b182250d768358e443bdfd10161b67_hq.jpg (559x307, 29K)

stop not understanding how animation works


Then how does it work?

Attached: smearing.png (693x615, 488K)

Why does this tweet sound so patronizing to me?

isnt this show dead already
just let this sjw shit die
life is good when it was dead and buried

Because Harry is grandpa memes


Attached: 1543211405075.jpg (658x827, 343K)


Probably slowpoke but the Steven Universe FB just posted something confirming that the movie takes place 2 years after Change Your Mind.

No way

What? No it isn't, there's still going to be a 6th season AT LEAST

Brad: Cool
Dr.Wakeman NNNnnnNnnnn
Sheldon: I'm XJ9



So Steven is 16 now, and everyone's excited about the neck.

Attached: steven neck.png (850x676, 677K)

Attached: steven age.png (896x720, 895K)

Sugar has such a soothing voice.

in your dreams, queer

>The diamonds wanted to activate a cluster that would destroy the entire world
>That conflict that lasted for like 3 episodes and was resolved in the most anti-climactic way possible
>The characters weren't even acting like it was a conflict either, why would the viewer?

>You can see in Steven's eyes that now that he's 16 he wants to fuck

I swear, something about the way older Steven is drawn remind me of Lupin III for some reason.

Attached: lupin.jpg (236x306, 13K)

neck Steven feels wrong

That's Sugar's art style. If you look at any of her sketches, you'll see the resemblance.

Attached: 2f676322e11d995f1751acae7f48f59d.jpg (599x436, 51K)

It's the jacket, the wink, and the toothy smile. Also the storyboarder who's been drawing most of the teen Steven stuff is a Lupin fan

It feels absolutely right to me but I've always wanted Steven to get older because being stuck at 9 physically seemed unfair. Plus it's just a bad scene with Zach having to do the voice

you should get checked for brain tumors immediately


>Inb4 this is Greg's final heroic sacrifice

So is that a hyper barn in the back ground?

Show's not exactly subtle with its anime references, so its not too farfetched if its not at least partially inspired by Lupin. Fuck now I wanna see fanart of the CGs as Jingen, Goemon, and Fujiko

Attached: D_L35o7UEAEZE9F.png (731x840, 248K)

he could just drive his van into big bad's heart and jump out at the last moment and survive, sacrificing not himself but his beloved van

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Black or white, reactiontards gonna reactiontard.

You can see the villain more or less clearly

Attached: Screenshot_20190711-173438.png (960x540, 309K)

fixed the perspective a bit

Attached: heartgem.png (802x1201, 404K)

I'm guessing by now Greg has taught him the ways of the murderdick?

Attached: tumblr_puhurz5N2m1vmuj5so1_1280.jpg (1280x802, 136K)

no need, with Rose memories he saw it firsr hand


>Steven's having quality time with his dad and having a Rose flashback to getting inseminated

Jesus Christ...

Attached: 1548119836549.jpg (1079x1048, 148K)

It's that undertale pokemon.

He does look like a pussy slayer imo

Making fun of people who think pausing during a smear is peak comedy, and he's completely in the right for doing so

>makes fun of people thinking smears are funny
>by making a funny smear image
i don't get it

How did they get the rights?

Oo here so it does take place in the future, Steven is 16 now.
How old is connie now?

Attached: Screenshot_20190711-192006_Tumblr.jpg (1080x901, 433K)

15 ish.

Also all of the previous show took place over what a year and a half?

I could barely keep my suspension of disbelief in a 14 year old boy wanting to make out and fuck they're cute little best friend, but now it is unacceptable for Connie and Steven being virgins anymore

Well physically he was like 9

Steven was simply too innocent to think about lewd stuff. Post timeskip will probably change that

We are shippuden noe

Attached: 0d0327a5-20b0-4dd6-8d6b-cb774648d454.png (1080x1247, 311K)

Baba is you

I am now utterly confused how they're going to handle Jasper. I guess it'll depend on if the 6th season is going to cover stuff that happened during the time skip, but if it doesn't then either the resolution to her character will be brushed off at the beginning of the movie or she'll have fucked off for 2 years to get a proper arc in the show. Neither seems all that appealing.

Attached: Joseph Discovers The Truth.jpg (500x500, 29K)

fuck you la la land was good

nice recolor. bitch.

Attached: 9ee1e7e011fcef919cdb9903191e360e.jpg (768x434, 52K)

>gem genocides entire planets
>Steven befriends it and they forget everything at the end of the movie

>ass-blasted intern gets caught lying

Considering how this show has been lately, I fully expect Jasper to be bff with Amethyst now. But I do think that if they wanted to give her an arc, it could work.
Make it so that Jasper has been either in Homeworld or in a corrupted gem program made to adjust her into her new life. That way, Jasper has been separated from the CGS, and when they meet again, she´s "better" but still not fully recovered from the revelations she was given.
Remember that gems have a different conception of time than humans. Pearl still grieved Rose like she died yesterday after 10 years of her being gone.
But after the horrible mess they did with White Diamond, we´ll be lucky if her trauma gets even mentioned at all.

Attached: 1518061988707.png (2048x1536, 947K)

I thought that guy stopped doing SU fanart

It's been month i'm saying the vilain is a defected pink diamond 2, i better be right.

>A simple homage is ripping off.

Attached: 1553808726036.jpg (600x315, 27K)

Steven look old now... Can't wait to see Connie OHOHOH
I wonder if Steven thought about jerking off now,and if he was caught or not.

not this movie, but probably season 6, especially if the vilain is an human using gem artifact or/and guns, trying to kill gems because they are too many on earth.

Attached: Image_Bill.jpg (501x525, 129K)

That's what I want in my show about magic aliens, HUMANS! They can be part of the american government run by a trump stand in.

I hope a gem will die against someone, so that Steven have his "SS2 Gohan moment."
we already got the angry kid gohan at the end of S5.

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 68K)

Connie better not cuck him, also, fucking Connie will be illegal for him at 18 because he will be 2 years older than her.

she isn't hot and look like a non midget aquamarine.

Jasper will have gone rogue and start a revolution against humans. the diamonds probably ain't on earth. so she can do it.

Firstly is the hair what makes a character or you just the kind of dude which say they all look the same.

Bitch please. Not the style not the hair EVEN THE BASIC STORY IS NOT SIMILAR.

Steven is too feminine to ever have a moment like that. This is Rebecca's fantasy where nobody has to be killed.

Attached: no dignity.jpg (1600x900, 99K)

Steven VA did say the future of the serie is "very different" though, Reb still love Shonen when people dies.

I figure Jasper's going to be like how she was in that one self-esteem commercial: looking up to how laid back Amethyst is and treating her like a big sister.


i don't think the commercial is canon user, andJasper wouldn't be laid back unless she has an arc about her becoming "good".

can't wait to see a snake people in season 6 acting ruthless and not emotional at all, enjoying to be a cunt. an enemy that can't be talked.
also, here's the best su gem.

Attached: Hessonite_Weapon.png (800x800, 72K)

He is very sneaky about it, only garnet knows but hasn't said a think

Post cute Lapis x Steven pics/fics/greentexts. Especially Yandere Lapis

Yo steven can be part of the 6teen crew

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I'm not saying it's canon, I'm saying that I could see her acting that way after the timeskip. Besides, this show is in the Bismuth of glossing over character arcs.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

>tfw steven is now legal in my country

Attached: 1559864100885.jpg (207x185, 9K)

She can love it all she wants. She also obviously enjoys some shoujo as well. Doesn't mean that the show will stop being a fantasy world where all people have to do is talk to one other and have UNDERSTANDING to resolve any issues. I hope that show does something different now that all conflict between the Crystal Gems and Homeworld has essentially been resolved.

Attached: steven-universe-revolutionary-girl-utena_0.png (825x464, 133K)

Did you guys knew Save the light was on Steam? there's even some cards for badges, emoticons and backgrounds.
game also got a physical release back in may i think, on switch, PS4 and xbox.

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>tfw we have jump "Dragon ball -> dragon ball z" in term of changes

I ship him with Jen

What's left for this show? I thought it ended already but apparently this movie is happening.

>slitted pupils
>cat whiskers
>design looks like it came from a 30s cartoon
I wonder if she's going to be a zany crazy cat character that shakes up the boring feeling-sharing of the Gems. I'm gonna call her Cheshire.

Attached: s-l300.jpg (259x300, 17K)

It could be a mad scientist who has a bone to pick with Steven and the Gems for not only beating him in the race to uncover leftover gemtech but also for repeatedly endangering the planet.

Which convinces the guy the gems are the reason for the calamities and must be neutralized. Only reason he fails is because he's inept. But throughout the season, he slowly becomes more competent in his skill in making and commanding his robots until he becomes an actual threat. Steven has a harder time trying to talk no jutsu him due to the guy replaying scenes of devastation on the monitors and actually refuting Steven's points.

Attached: 1561953704719.png (400x400, 216K)

fuck can't wait to see old connie

Older Steven is giving off Osomatsu vibes

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That’s stupid as shit and pushes the human agenda.

Isn't the game full of glitches and kinda sucks?

Attached: save the light.jpg (958x496, 155K)

game is alright, most glitch were fixed. it's also canon in the su universe.

But the show as it stands lacks a credible threat. Or even a proper nemesis. You would think with the ocean being drained would be enough to get heavy government surveillance in beach city. But no. Slice of life and thr crystal gems can do no wrong.

Humans have been shown to be completely uninterested in gemtech and any human who doesn't agree with the Gems is forced to tolerate their degeneracy.

Attached: Gem_Harvest_152.png (1920x1090, 1.38M)

When Steven was just turning 14 she was 12 1/2

Humans suck. People always try to push that “humans are better than aliens” shit. So narrow minded.

>But the show as it stands lacks a credible threat
You do realize that the point of the movie is probably to introduce a new source of conflict?

Attached: Steven_Universe_The_Movie_teaser_1.png (1256x670, 621K)

Carl is best boy.

I hope so. And it better has presence and a credible threat. Otherwise, Steven and his silver tongue will neutralize it without so much as a hitch.

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>it's also canon in the su universe
Who cares? There's plenty of filler in the SU 'Verse that will never be acknowledged in the main show. That's how Expanded Universes work.

Attached: Gundam 00.jpg (1991x1920, 1.34M)

Steven doesn't need a sliver tongue. It's been established that he can use his powers of Being Asleep and literally enter the auras of other Gems to convert them to his cause. A credible threat to him would be someone who's mentally ill and can't be reasoned with.

Attached: Reunited_(956).png (1920x1080, 941K)

good joke

Attached: loljests.jpg (319x340, 83K)

>A credible threat to him would be someone who's mentally ill and can't be reasoned with.
or a robotic personality/machine coded response that simply doesnt stop once started. Negotiating with a car without its brakes going downhill wont stop it from running you over.

There are more people out there who just want shit Steven can't really give outside of an asspull.

A Gem or any being in general that is genuinely incapable of empathy or real emotion is the biggest threat to Steven, just look how he got fooled HARD by Navy


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She cute, that's why.

Because it's supposed to be patronizing. Congratulations user.

Now I see the resemblance.

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Ok so it is obvious she is a failed pink diamond clone, got it

Is it ever addressed how absurdly broken Gem Technology and Magic is?
Everyone seems to forget that there was a time travel orb and a wand that could make perfect duplicates as long as the wand remained intact? What other crazy tech and artifact bullshit are they hiding?

The time travel technology is basically non canon at this point, magic is almost gone too

Most states have what is known as Romeo and Juliet law. Stating that in teenage relationships in which one or both members are under the age of 18 they can have sex legally as long as they are both over the age of 14 and are no more than 3 years apart in age. This law is revoked however if one of them is 18 or over and are a sex offender, then the act becomes statutory rape. Also the parents of underage children can revoke their child's consent at anytime.
So Steven is free to bone Connie if three criteria are met
>Delmarva has this law, it may or may not.
>Doug and Priyanka either don't know or don't care that their daughter is being served up like a deep dick pizza by a boy 1 1/4 years her senior
>Steven has not been convicted of any sex related crimes

>>Steven has not been convicted of any sex related crimes
we all knows he tried to fuck at least ONE gem.

Out of three states that are part of Delmarva, only Maryland has such law. Though considering that it's an alternate universe, anything could go really.

Is that a crime? do they have earth laws for gems?

If a police man see Steven trying to rape an humanoid who look like a kid...he probably wouldn't care.

Convicted and arrested are two different things, it would be very easy to prove to a court that gems are not humans and therefore aren't effected by human law.

the gem could pretend to be human tho. they can create themselves actual organs if they want.

Well, literally the Main Plot has ended, and I don't think there are any dangling plot threads left.
So, I guess we're in the Post-Game section now.
To be fair, the show always juggled between being a "Continuous Story" show and a "Slice of Life" show, so even without the story, they can still just show Slice of Life now.
I'm sure there is still plenty to show with gem society in general, with the Diamonds and with the un-corrupted gems (those certainly have some stuff to work out)!

Steven Universe is pretty much a sandbox now.

It's more or less a given that amethyst fuck some humans, but did Garnet and Pearl did it before? (even if it was some hatefuck for pearl.)
and did other gems tried to do it now they are all on earth?

>Stealing the design of central character can be considered homage

Nah, Garnet is already Garnet and you know, "Three's a crowd".
(As for just trying it at least once, I'm sure she would just use her Future Vision to see how it would go and decided "nah")

And Pearl was always waaay to attached to Rose.
Though she might have at least tried it, especially if Rose encouraged that.
But then again, remembering her disgust for even just eating...

But i can totally see Amethyst maybe spying on Rose one day and seeing her fucking with some humans and just barging in like "WOAH WHAT IS THIS! LOOKS FUN, LEMME TRY DAT!"

And I wonder if Rose was already fucking people during the war?
In that case, I can also imagine Bismuth getting interested, trying it and accidentally breaking some dudes penis. And then goes "Woah, hold on, I can fix this" and forges him a Steel Dick AND MAKES IT SHOOT LAVA!!!

It took Pearl fourteen years to deal with Rose's death, and gems seem really bad at confronting each other about emotional issues until they have no other choice, so there could still be some drama that was just left laying around, like a minefield.

>tfw a giantess robo waifu will never take over the world

>tfw at the end Steven gets cancer and he becones Sans Undertale

From what I've heard, it's still broken. Not only that, but the Lapis DLC they considered two years ago never came out, despite the game having unused voiced lines related to Lapis as a party member.

Rebecca looks good with long hair

I miss him

Well it looks like Steven's penis finally got in the way

Steven had two birthdays, but yeah, seems about right.

You're wrong: She is the original. Pink Diamond is red diamond, but with a little White Diamond in her to tame her furious emotions. That's why Pinky was playful and passionate, but also a little aloof.

Except his mom.


Is Wander over Yonder good? I never watched it.

They all keep saying it's very different but I wouldn't keep my hopes up. That might as well mean the whole show turns into musicals with one or two songs each episode

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This predicted how Obsidian's mouth would work

>No SU will not have real life consequences like that, it's just a shitting cartoon
Kids are stupid and impressionable.

>plenty of cartoon and anime redeem their villains.
Stories where villains are redeemed are not uncommon, but those villains are typically shown to be redeemable very early in the story. Take Zuko in ATLA as an example, the seeds for his redemption arc are planted just a dozen episodes into the series and continuously expanded on from there. Even in SU with the redemption arc for Peridot - a great deal of time was spent on building up to that, showing the character gradually change their feelings and even faltering a few times before finally coming around. Doing villain redemptions without that kind of buildup is bad writing and constantly rewarding Steven's un-fucking-bearable naivety sets a bad example for younger viewers.

It's excellent. Most of the early episodes are very unconnected, especially in Season One, but most are still extremely funny and entertaining. Season Two has an entire season arc for all of the characters involved.

If you just want a random episode to watch as a good example of what you're in for, watch episode S01E18B "The Buddies"

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>Season 6 episode 12 "Ronaldo's Renegade Rebel Army"

i'm so happy there's no niggers in my country

I'd watch it

She's a fucking movie villain. She may be treated as the most badass motherfucker to have walked the planet for the 90 minutes she appears, but she's obviously not going to last past that.

You're an honorary nigger.

Looks like. I’d love that.


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>MLAATR being associated with a shitty show

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Late response but "Naruto Shippuden" was a sequel show to Naruto that took place after a time skip and led the series in a more serious direction.

Like Dragon Ball Z is to Dragon Ball.

I hate Garnet's star shaped glasses so much

>yfw greg ends up using his chadcock to take down the big bad once again
>yfw greg fucks the diamonds into submission
>yfw he's crowned king of the gems for reminding them of how powerful cocks are

turns out the whole moral of the show is just to be a heterosexual man and literally fuck your way into conquering a matriarchy

>her heart gem moves to her eyes

Not as bad as Peridot's

>b-side plot is Steven dealing with hormones
>aggressively tries to "fuse" with Connie
>"educational aside" from the gems and Greg about not letting your penis get in the way even though it's tempting
>Steven apologizes, Connie still ends up wanting the young Universe D
>Connie reveals she's pregananant by the end of the movie

There. That's your SU movie.

The following season will tackle the joys/struggles of being teenage parents.

This isn’t Star vs

You're right -- it's much, much worse

You don’t wanna compare Star to SU, it ain’t gonna go well for you.

>getting upset over which feminist cartoons are more toxic on the internet

i love Yea Forums so much

>>aggressively tries to "fuse" with Connie
>>"educational aside" from the gems and Greg about not letting your penis get in the way even though it's tempting
They already did an episode about this
but nice try at being edgy, realy pointy

Oh I don’t give a shit about toxic. Star vs just sucks.

Looks like one of the monsters from Gash Bell.

>they already did an episode

haven't been up to speed in SU since season 1, when/how did this get addressed?

Isn't Universe not his real last name?

Oh god this is probably going to be the case.


Legally it is, his father changed his last name to Universe. So Steven does get Universe as a last name

the only thing I can think of was when Pearl tricked Garnet into fusing with her

When is the trailer dropping?

I think at SDCC

god damn it you're right

oh hey [B[eridot

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I had heard it was today but I guess not