Is it cancelled?
Is it cancelled?
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you mean is god merciful?
god i hope
you can keep saying it and hopeing but as long as the crew is still working it's in production, this isn't yo dabba dabba dinosaurs where the pilot leaked and if they don't give it the green light they don't lose money, they already made the investment by the time the first sneak peak came out. so buckle in because reality is a cruel bitch.
the problem for me isnt that its a comedy, its that the art style looks like all the bad aspects of the calarts style but into a blender then nutted on
Think about it though user...
if this gets made and its a flop, it'll at least remain fresh in the public mind enough that someone might try again later in 4-5 years.
But if it NEVER gets made then thundercats will probably die forever as its permanently forgotten.
No it isn't cancelled, you idiots seriously have zero grasp of how long animation takes to make...
Not sure which is worse. Probably would've been better for She-Ra to die than for Noelle Stevenson to spew out that disgusting abortion.
wasn't the teaser thing supposedly made with in a couple of days? Maybe it actually was made in a few days and was something to test the waters. Rather than an excuse to hide behind the bad animation.
holy shit i completely forgot about this
Yes, why didn't you saved Saint Seiya too bros?
Well, look at this image and judge.
She direct something that no one will see, at least for a couple more years. Stupid bitch
A season of a cartoon is already finished before it's announced. It's been damn over a year since the first trailer came out, which is unusual for TV.
Is this the infamous"millennial attention span" you think something doesn't exist anymore because you havent had a constant stream of updates cramed into you gobhole, so you can pretend you suddenly care about a show from a decade before you were even born or a reboot noone watched.
>direct something that no one will see
if kids aren't drawn to Thundercats in TTG style then its pretty much dead.
>It's been a year
>Not a single noise b those faggots
I bet is pretty dead
fun fact: one of the show's other directors is former Motorcity animator Jeremy Polgar
Why can't they draw it like She-ra?
That teaser didnt have anything but an opening. All shots were of story boards. Its fine, it will be out in spring
There was no trailer. The short was "look what we're making" and thats it. Show me an actual trailer and then we can talk.
She-ra is trying to emulate Avatar and Steven Universe
Thundercats is trying to be Teen Titans Go but with cats.
How would Calarts eclipse work?
i'm sure a bunch of episodes exist at this point, they just have no idea how to release it. you don't announce a show with finished footage only for it go AWOL for 14 months.
I almost feel bad about hating her guts for making this abomination. I hope she won't take it personally. Being a cog in the machine still makes you part of the problem.
>yo dabba dabba dinosaurs
Tickle torture
it was a fresh hell called a boomerang original where Dino dabs in the leaked pilot.
I hope so
I hope your game it's good nigga
There was footage from an episode in a cartoon network trailer for 2019 back around christmas time.
>being a cog in the machine make you part of the problems
Good to know channers finally admit their responsability in the radicalisation of the mosques shooters
You have to feed yourself sometimes.
>and I really like Wario
That’s definitely not always true.
Did it really leak? When?
yes, last fall-winter
Is it online anywhere? Looks like all the uploads of the leak were taken down, I’m curious to see this mess.
Anyone got the SATURN NOM! one?
I don't know anymore. Some say it is, others that it's still produced but it will be net-exclusive. At this point I don't know at all.
I wish she was making a Wario cartoon. I've wanted one for years.
Would a Wario cartoon should be about Ware or Land?
Yes to both
Thanks, nigga. Still feels good to be back.
>some episodes have Wario investigating some temple or mystery spot in the hopes of treasure
>some episodes have him try some moneymaking scheme that involve his warioware pals
>some episodes have him accidentally wind up as the hero ala Shake It!
>at the end of the day he just wants to go home, eat some garlic and count his money
>not righteous but not malicious either, he's just ambitious and a little nuts
Fuck, why isn't the Wario movie a thing?
animation devolution needs to be a term
The God Hand come down and force everyone into traditional gender roles.
Femto then tells Casca she should smile more.
>Femto tells Casca to smile more
That Casca and Pippin cute though.
I love it!
>Fuck, why isn't the Wario movie a thing?
If the Mario movie pans out we might get some more Nintendo properties media.
Personally I think animated shorts like they did for Sonic would work best for Wario.
I'd rather it look like OK K.O. than be full on gay
>tells Casca she should smile more
Stop keeping these threads alive faggots. you're only giving it attention
Anyways no news in like a year so basically yeah