Well /co?
Is she the worst best friend character ever?
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That’s just how some female friends are if you’re a girl. They’ll cozy up and act nice when you’re around but when you’re not they’ll spread rumors about how you’re a creep who watches irl horse on human porn. If you’re a doormat girl like ginger who doesn’t want confrontation they’ll latch onto you and you just deal with it.
She is literal garbage
why bother being their friend at all? Is it because if you aren't their "friend" they will be your enemy and you will have to bend over and take their shit even worse?
Why do girls always act as bitches towards each other? They are either spreading rumors or taking bullying and getting taken advantage of.
Do actual beneficial girl friendships actually exist? Why do girls bother pretending to be friends with each other when they all hate each other?
she sounds like a textbook narcissist and social climber
It's not all female friends, just some. Just like some guy friends are assholes, some girl friends are bitches.
For every Dodie, you get someone like Ginger or later-season Courtney, who would go to great lengths to back you up and be there for you.
Shy girls with out backbones like attract leeches because they know they won’t fight back.
She is. She's the unfortunate by-product of her self-absorbed, narcissistic mother. At least her brother turned out all right.
Apparently so.
She always seems to "win" this argument whenever who has the shittiest BFF is brought up.
It's high school, user. What is a friend anyway?
Dijonay from The Proud Family was pretty shitty too, but I think the ongoing timeline of As Told by Ginger makes it easier to pinpoint Dodie as a shitty friend because everyone else grows up around her but she remains as toxic as she ever was.
How did Hoodsie not get sucked in to their narc cycle?
All of Penny's friends were bitches in that show. Sticky always ditched her when he was needed most, Zoe always followed Dijonay and Lacienega, Dijonay betrayed Penny at every opportunity. People say Zoe was nice but really she was spineless and had zero loyalty to Penny.
Penny possibly had worst friends than Ginger did now that I think about it.
Narcissistic mothers like that usually project their behavior onto their their first child and/or daughters as a way of living vicariously through them. Dodie was the eldest and a girl, so she's the designated target of Mrs. Bishop's narcissism. Dodie wants so badly to win her mother's approval and the only way to do that is to achieve the popularity that Mrs. Bishop always wanted... and up until Dodie's dad was like 'honey no, your mom was a loser in school,' Mrs. Bishop was all too willing to trick Dodie into believing she had been popular in school, fueling Dodie's obsession with becoming popular "like her mom."
Hoodsie was a boy and therefore useless to Mrs. Bishop in that regard, so Hoodsie got his father's laid back attitude.
What shows/comics accurately show female behaviour
The only one I can think of is this one
I could never watch the show because it legit felt like most of the cast were borderline racist caricatures, but I will agree that Penny had *more* shitty friends than Ginger, but Dodie's shittiness was leagues beyond any one character could match.
Female behavior in high school or female behavior as adults. Aggretsuko is the latter but it’s not technically Yea Forums.
Also if you like As Told By Ginger check out pic related, it’s pretty good.
I think Dodie comes off worse because one could easily see Dodie, and the finale kinda supports this, actually being a somewhat successful person despite being a garbage person while the most logical end for Dijonay is popping out a kid or two by the time she leaves high school. The real issue is that Dijonay seems like the type of person who'd drag Penny down with her.
Les Nombrils is great, but it also leans way too unrealistic because of its focus on slapstick, sadistic humor, and melodrama.
Dijonay and Dodie are dead even in terms of betrayal and lack of loyalty. Dijonay may be even more of a bitch than Dodie if that's possible.
Eh, Dijonay has no problems abandoning her friends, but I don't remember her actively trying to stab them in the back as much as Dodie. I could be wrong though.
Dodie would attack Gingers confidence to keep her friendship. Macie would use guilt to keep her around.
Ginger was in a very bad state friendship wise.
I remember also some shit about Dijonay lying to Penny about going to a concert but then actually going or something but I memoryholed most of the show.
The joke is that Courney, a walking caricature of the upper class, is her most sincere friend.
Macie was such a loser, that bitch really needed to fix her sinuses. Ginger was held back by her friends. Courtney was the only good person but her toxic crabs in a bucket friends did all they could to keep Ginger away from Courtney's positive influence.
You're probably not gonna top Dodie.
I never finished the series. Is it true that Courtney finishes the series destitute and friendless? Because that's kind of fucked up.
Yes and it is kind of fucked up. In the last episode her family loses all their money because it turned out their Dad was doing shady shit. I don't know why the writers made that decision since it comes off as really mean-spirited.
Just remember one day Ginger will marry Courtney and be wealthy and never have to deal with their bullshit again.
She can play with Courtney's going away present in the meantime: the blow up doll of herself.
Macie turned out fine like wine.
This fat fucking bitch
This is why I hated TPF.
Dodie was shitty but a lot of her shittiness was insecurity and fear of abandonment. Insecure people can be toxic, don’t get me wrong, but a lot of people grow out of it. Dijonay was just a bad person all around.
Whatever she did to her hubby, it's got to be pretty soul-crushing with that fucking stare he has.