So how'd they fund these things again?

The US can't even agree to funds for a border wall, one of these things alone should have cost the same as 10 tanks, let alone a legion of them.

How the hell did they get 10s/100s of billions upon billions for genocide machines?

Attached: sentinelll.jpg (400x600, 38K)

Secret Donator named Sony TTark. Also Americans will fund literally anything in the name of fear and safety

Sentinels were privately developed by the Trask family.

If migrants started showing up with pyrokinesis and mind control powers the wall would be funded overnight. Muties like to play the oppression card but a lot of them are actually pretty dangerous when you think about it

I fail to see the practical application of Sentinels if they were designed for urban use. This is like building a next generation tank to defend a preschool

Best Sentinels

Attached: SentinelXmenEvolution.jpg (320x240, 19K)

>The US can't even agree to funds for a border wall, one of these things alone should have cost the same as 10 tanks, let alone a legion of them.
But the US loves paying for tanks, not walls

>mind control powers
This would cause me to have trouble sleeping, but
>pyrokinetic powers
isn't as bad as you'd think, as long as they have reasonable weaknesses, and aren't IRL mary sues.

It'd make more sense for the sentinels to be robotic tanks and air ships, but it wouldn't be as attractive to comic readers.

Still would cause hella collateral damage. You send in a sentinel, the second it does so much as dent a car to kill the mutant and you're going to have a public outcry.

I'd imagine that those developing the sentinels would attempt to deal with this by programming the sentinels to attempt to lure its targets away from towns/cities prior to firing, and giving up on that if the target does not leave after a certain amount of time.

>"attempt" being the key word

Gee, it's almost like military funding in America is an entirely different thing. I don't think you understand just how much money America spends on its military. You say they cost the same as 10 tanks? America has 7000 main battle tanks right now. America has 41 aircraft carriers. Building a new one would be headline news for a week and then nothing to write home about. One aircraft carrier costs 13 billion dollars. It would be nothing to build even a legion of sentinels over a few years.

It's not genocide if it's muties.

99 percent of mutants are less dangerous than a guy with a gun.

But what if one of those mutants also had a gun

this. i don't know why they kept plugging the original design for so long, especially since it was trash and meanwhile literally everything else is open to be constantly reworked. it really wasn't good or iconic or a matter of being recognizable - if you see a bunch of giant robot in x-men 10/10 it's sentinels.

The mutants are gonna pay for it

and 1% of mutants are more dangerous than a million guys with guns.
.1% are more dangerous than a billion with guns.

lol he did the thing!

Sounds like it's far more cost effective to prosecute and go after the one percent than all mutants, then. And the .1 percent wouldn't be stopped even by the entire military, so it seems silly to create laws based on them.

The explanation originally was they were not government funded by a privatized company that hated mutants so damn much. It didn't get government support till much later and iirc it was after Onslaught that the government went all in for killer robots

With secondary mutations, even creative uses of mundane abilities, any mutie could become a walking, Starbucks drinking death machine. It's simply better to isolate them in camps far away from population centers.

>And the .1 percent wouldn't be stopped even by the entire military
Well note without sentinels they wouldn't be!

plus you can kill them when they're kids with sentinels before they get to be adults and be dangerous.

You only need to make one and the it makes more. It's foolproof

Since we can't tell what kind of powers they'll have, we'll just have to kill them all. It's the only way to be safe.

Its why they invented the "Scan for mutant DNA" beam they have!
And why China in the marvel universe aborts all mutants before birth by pre-birth testing!

And then we'll have to make absolutely sure no more mutants can be born. It's absolutely brilliant!

No there wouldn't. Marvel civilians are retarded and would gladly send a thousand children to the gas chamber if there was a chance that one mutant would get mildly irritated sinuses from the experience.

Use some of the trillion dollars we spend on military tech.
Not that hard to shift some of that over to these.

They were developed by a millionaire anthropologist and were never portrayed as government backed in 616 canon. They were a hated and feared threat by Marvel civilians and non-mutant heroes alike for the vast majority of Marvel history and have never been government supported for long.

>muh 1992 cartoon!

Attached: Avengers_Vol_1_103.jpg (705x1080, 391K)

So... mutants just have to not leave the cities where they live?

This. Without even getting into how the sentinel project got funded in the first fuck place (or even where they'd be built. Outsourcing and shipping giant robots back and forth from outside the US into the states would be a pain in the ass, and could you even turn an auto-plant into a serviceable factory?)

The moment a couple of streets worth of property get trashed trying to capture half a dozen mutants at most, the public outcry will come down hard. The fury will be ten fold if some Joe Normal (or their *kids*) get squashed by a robot in the name of trying to catch less than ten mutants who were out grocery shopping or something.

Also, assuming they're made of magnetizing metal, the moment they go after that one particular mutant, an entire assembly line worth of worth will be trashed. In minutes. By one mutant.

Face it. Unless you make nanomachine monsters, self-repairing robots, or lure the X-men into an open field, the Sentinel Program would be tried exactly once, fail spectacularly and cost someone millions if not billions, and then be scrapped for something that has a better chance of yielding SOME results.

They're apparently made of plastics and non-magnetic ceramics.

You would first try to scare the mutant into fleeing, and if so, give chase and start firing once the risk of collateral damage is minimized, if they decide to fight instead, have the sentinel retreat into an area where damage to property and harm to bystanders is minimized. If the mutant fights, but does not pursue the sentinel, alert the police to have the area evacuated, and then start firing on the mutant.

A real life sentinel would look like thjs

Attached: B9A0C4DB-3C1C-4C55-A87B-D467D117DCF1.jpg (459x320, 22K)

>Not Capcom Sent

It's been established that multiple countries keep Sentinels as part of their armory.

Plus Aaron's rendition of the Hellfire Club openly sold all kinds of models with no legal repercussions whatsoever. I don't think the government has any hangups about using Sentinels anymore

This was covered in the 90s cartoon when some thugs beat up a guy who was just covered in fur.

Dems, Pubs and independents all agree that they fucking hate the X-men and the Brotherhood.

Fear of mutants.
Agree to build each part in the US making it easy pork barrel spending.
America fuck yea.

Considering how much we've thrown at a certain plane that still hasn't paid off, sentinels are starting to become more reasonable.

This is the real problem right here. There are certain computer algorithms, tech, and cryto technology you can't even sell to certain countries or export (for example Iran based IPs can't take EDX computer classes).

How the fuck did the US have no problems with private citizens exporting giant death machines world wide?

So sentinels should be like transformers.

You know what. I think I have a right idea for transformers / X-Men crossover.

Wow. Never thought I'd find myself agreeing with the chinese...

interesting ....can i see it mango?

>How the fuck did the US have no problems with private citizens exporting giant death machines world wide?
Oh shit a giant death machine has become mass produced and is inciting conflict globally in the name of some nebulous and vague security mandate??

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