Obviously being chosen to work on a mega hit is a pipe dream even back then, but is the pay for making the typical run of the mill comic worth all the time/effort investment?
Is being a comic artist a viable career choice in this era?
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Absolutely not.
There are vocations and avocations.
The first pays the bills and is real work.
The second should only be a hobby;
If it goes somewhere, fine, you hit the jackpot.
You probably won't hit the jackpot.
>It's a big club, and you're not in it
So I meet up with a few artists at a convention. Most of them said sell out and be a commercial artist so you can do what you really want. Comic books are nice but they don't usually pay the bills.
post the comic already
only if its shitty gay porn
>when even your pulp sifi resorts to traps to get sales
What the fuck is this Dune/Moorcock bullshit?
Those aren't traps. They're twinks
Honestly? It depends on where you live. For instance, if I paid you a 1,000 dollars for two months worth of work in the US you wouldn't be able to live off that. However if you lived in certain Asian, Eastern European, Central/South American countries this is far more than you'd get paid doing a regular job.
being an artist is never a viable choice in any era user
artists are the lowest of the low they are even lower than pedophiles and zoophiliacs in some cases
There's a reason for the eternal archetype of the starving artist, user. The overwhelming majority of artists are unable to monetize their work to the level of a livable wage.
That said, you also don't know unless you try.
>being chosen
It's probably best to think of Marvel (comics, obviously) as a rotting corpse, and DC has the same disease that killed Marvel. The people who's job it is to clean out the garbage are a part of the garbage heap that needs to be cleaned out. I wouldn't bet on the big two. I'd throw my hat into the indie arena.
Onta's art has gone real weird since he started focusing on straight stuff.
If you run your own patreon/sell shit yea, otherwise unless you climb to top 1% and get movie deals then no you're gonna be a starving poorfag. Better get a real job and do this on the side till you "make it" big.
Just to clarify to any commies here, this is absolutely how it should be. How exactly is it moral that I be violently coerced by the state or a pitchfork mob into breaking my back for anyone who dumps melted copper on the ground and calls it art?
>You can be an artist!
Why would anyone ever plow a field or pack a box, then?
>Then you need a committee to determine who gets to be an artist!
Artists funded by forced wealth redistribution have been a thing for a long time. Show me all of the great works that come out of those programs.
>The government subsidizes this major studi-
Now this time without deliberately twisting my words so that you can grasp at straws. The commie model for artists has been tried extensively. Its cultural impact has been a punchline.
>Everyone should have a chance to try, and everyone should subsequently get to decide who does and does not get to have a career as an artist!
Great, the free market it is, then. Glad we agree.
I actually want a series about by the artist about the three friend adventurers who ended up raping the MC. Just without the MC getting raped and doing cool adventures with his big butt.
One wonders why Americans think that culture should make money. - Bruce Sterling
explains all of the loli apologists on /ic/
Not necessarily an American thing. Artists have been receiving money for their work since the Renaissance, probably even before that.
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
I'd argue it's better now because while odds of getting picked up by a major company are just as slim, tith internet and patreon you can run it as a sucessful side hustle and/or actual career if you get enough followers that way.
You can even move from that to the "big leagues" while keeping your side hustle.
It was probably way more of a marketable skill back in the days before photos and cameras when that was the only way to get any pictures of anything and every rich jackass wanted a portrait drawn.
All markets are managed, and private bureaucracy isn't any better than public. But this isn't the thread for this, you sperg.
>Bureau of Labor Statistics does not have any specific information regarding comic book art careers, but it is estimated that these types of artists were paid roughly $100 per page in 2010. Also, comic book art careers generally fall under the broad category of illustration careers. In 2010, illustrators, along with other fine artists, had an average annual salary of around $53,080.
Seems like a livable wage, though I imagine there's a lot more work involved than a regular 9-5, + no health insurance, retirement etc. if you freelance.
I want to sperg about art all day long but I don't want to come off as too spergy so I just wanna say that yeah, you're right. And now a lot of art being sold to rich people are more towards decorative and brand (the artist) value.
If I could pull in 1k a week from art I would be able to do it exclusively and live fairly comfortably.
Any professionals, or freelancers, know how realistic this is? How many years would it take to get to that point?
>Passive aggressive sperg starts argument with himself over communism
The short answer is NO. Absolutely not. To just survive, get a Computer Science, engineering, or medical/healthcare degree and do it on the side if you just want to survive. Otherwise, you're fucked. Maybe "dead" fucked. This is just in the U.S. Other countries may be different.
Play the lotto with your hobby on the side and if you win the lottery, great! It happens, it just probably won't for you specifically.
In the United States, the only exception is if you're from a wealthy, very well-connected, old money aristocratic family in LA or NYC. Anything else is just gambling, and the odds are very much against you. Yeah it absolutely happens on rate occasions, but so does getting struck by lightning.
Also, if you really want to be a commercial artist, learn front-end shit, UI/UX design, software, computer programming, etc. as your main skill and get marketing, advertising, corporate jobs. That's all that's left with some reliability instead of rolling the dice.
How good are you at art? What is your publishing base? What are you putting out to make people give to you 1k a week? If you do what a Managaka does and put out 14 pages every week you could make a lot more than 1k, but it'll be fucking hell especially without assistants/editor.
Why does it have to be shitty?
Serious questions?
Pic related is about the measure of my drawing skill.
Not sure what publishing base means in this context, how large my following is?
14 pages a week would be hellish, I feelike I'd have to work up to a pro's speed as far as page count. Again though, I'm measuring this project in years.
>Not sure what publishing base means
Where do you distribute your content and how do you get yourself out there.
>Again though, I'm measuring this project in years.
And it'll probably take you like 5 to 7 years years minimum. If you want quick money do porn like a whore.
Marry rich. Otherwise do it as a side gig. You might well get lucky and make Patreon bank but it's pretty much impossible to be talented enough to make this a given or a long-term strategy. Best case you do popular porn and make Patreon six figures for a few years but that revenue can dry up to nothing fast as fuck. Save everything you make if you get lucky.
Ah I see, probably online, maybe conventions and LCS' if it becomes lucrative.
>5 to 7 years
Not too bad, would still be in my early 30s. Thanks!
H-how do I apply for a job at Marvel comics
At first glance I assumed this was shortened to Papa John's.
Why did he draw their faces like that?