How come there isn't hugh amounts of cyborg and genome soldiers in the US military, in both DC and Marvel, unlike MGS/R? They clearly have the money, tech, and resources to do it.
How come there isn't hugh amounts of cyborg and genome soldiers in the US military, in both DC and Marvel, unlike MGS/R...
Cyborgs are lame
Too many super villains that could subvert and take control of said army whenever they want. It’s an enormous problem waiting to happen, and any time that someone attempts it, the above happens, without fail.
Because after the supersoldier cyborg war whos going to do maintenance? Either the cybernetics are simple enough that an idiot can repair them, which is gonna cost you for the rest of your life hope that was worth it, in which case why bother?
Or theyre so advanced that the vets have to live with a fucking engineer because they might fucking malfunction and oops you cant walk or move your arms, hope you dont live alone jackass
Sound more plots to use, and comics are looking for more stories to tell.
But it ok for heroes and villains to have all the toys?
Sound like a new story angle to use. Run it.
Well if some guy has the ability to uplift every human on the planet to the peak to what our biology can be, body and brain, then, yeah, they should do that. But giving every one powerarmor causes chaos because we might be tough enough to duke it out in robot suits but our homes ain't. And you know some assholes would go around blowing peoples houses up
Their comics get cancelled a lot so they don't stick around. DC had two state sponsored JLs, a proto-Superman, a team of GI Joes, and god knows what else back in the New 52 era. Plus all the entities that resurface only to be forgotten about again, like the Blackhawks and the Losers.
They would exist solely to job and occasionally do exist for that exact purpose
It’s already been done a lot of times; like, that’s literally Metallo’s back story.
this is a popular sentiment but why?
That shouldn't stop heroes. Look at Snake. He is a hero, and he did good on such a world. Superheroes will not become obsolete, and there is nothing wrong with a little completion. Engineered or cybernetic humans would help the Gotham PD a lot.
Oh and power source. Good luck finding a small enough power source that both A, doesn't melt your insides with super cancer/the heat of two suns, and B, lasts long enough that you dont need to replace it every month because if it can power super strength, speed, and other bullshit for a month then its not cheap.
Though this veers into the whole "comics are realistic" area
They are afraid of the future. You could give a child that was born without arms, arms. I doubt Superman would be against that.
Robots and humans don’t mix. Only when fucking eachother
What about genome soldiers?
No, did not care for the Proud Family Movie
Doesn't the department of meta-humans in the DC universe have some super beings on call?
I think the marvel government has alot of them-- they had an entire training ground during civil war where they were pumping them out left and right.