Why is she so perfect?

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Why isn't she completely naked?

Why dosen't Spidey use his webs to pull her shirt, bra, pants and underwear off?

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Why isn't she naked with her converse shoes and black socks on?

Yes naked with only her shoes and socks on

She should join a nudist colony

She should've been naked throughout the film

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nobody thinks that

>Posters: 1

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Spidey take off MJ's clothes. Get MJ naked. Take off MJ's shirt, take off MJ's bra, take off MJ's pants, take off MJ's underwear. Leave MJ's converse shoes and black socks on though

Shes pretty and smart, but obtainable to anyone who puts in a a little bit of effort.
She's basically your 6/10 nextdoor neighbor that you grew up with and is a 9/10 to you.

i wasn't sure how i'd like this re-invention of the character. but i do enjoy how she's quirky, kind of stalkerish, and vulnerable/insecure (which she hides with snarkiness & indifference).

Because you haven't left your house in so long that you think Hollywood pretty is still reality pretty instead of reality average
Or you live in such an uggo area that the current hollywood pretty is actually reality pretty to you

>No tits
>No ass
>Shitty ugly haircut
>Annoying Tumblr tier personality of a shut in neet that never talked to any boys
>Shit ass fashion
>Tries to be goth and pink but just comes off autistic

0/10 Kamala is 10x the woman Nu-mj will ever be

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Gross ass goblin.

Doesn't look the same, doesn't act the same, doesn't even have the same dynamic. The characters have absolutely NOTHING in common with each other, and for some reason everyone is expected to quietly accept that she is the same.

Agendas have never been so transparent.

You're right, the real MJ would've lead Peter along while dating Harry then ditch both of them to go partying and fuck around, lol.

>and for some reason everyone is expected to quietly accept that she is the same.
The same as what?
I think everyone (maybe not you?) has accepted that she's not Mary Jane Watson. And that's fine.

10 x 0 is still 0, you nitwit.

Why name her MJ, then?

Why did they have to go out of America for the plot line?

Her feet!

She should be wearing nothing but her shoes and socks

Same reason Iron Man's AI is named Jarvis, despite being a completely different character that eventually becomes Vision. It's a nod.

She's sexy

The point is Mary Jane will never appear in the MCU. They're not gonna give him 2 love interests named MJ. Also, consider Joseph-Gordon Levitt in the Dark Knight Rises. His name was Robin John Blake, not Dick Grayson. He was a cop, not a trapeze artist. He was never adopted by Bruce Wayne. He really had little to nothing in common with Robin. But he was clearly the Nolanverse's version of Robin, just as Zendaya is the MCU's version of MJ.

This. It's like how Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character in TDKR had a middle name Robin, it was just a reference to the character, at no point was he literally presented as being literally Robin.

She should have no clothing on her body or feet

>The point is Mary Jane will never appear in the MCU.
That's fine. Every version of Spider-Man doesn't need to have Mary Jane Watson.
In a decade or two Mary Jane Watson will probably come around again and it might actually seem fresh again.

well that's presumably your opinion for no other reason than she's colored

Neither Jarvis nor Robin were replaced with #WOKE loudmouth progressives.

How insincere can you be?

She should be a nudist. She should walk around shirtless, braless, pantsless, underwear-less and bare foot. In other words naked as the day she was born. Her nipples, breasts, skinny body, belly button, skinny arms, shoulders, back, vagina, skinny legs, knees, asscheeks, feet, ankles, shins and toes should be bare

Oh, so it's just /pol/ bitching, I thought maybe you cared about the character of Mary Jane.

>it's different this time because it's an actress I don't like!
I mean you're allowed to hate her, but it's pretty disingenuous to dismiss other examples of this happening because those actors didn't trigger you. Just say "I hate Zendaya" instead of this weird charade about how the purity of the Spider-man mythos is being destroyed.

I understand characters being sacrificed to the point that they benefit a story, not that they benefit an agenda.

What fucking agenda? I always hear you faggots talking about an 'agenda'.

>#WOKE loudmouth progressives

what did she even do in the movie to earn that, aside from the time she tried to make peter uncomfortable when he called her pretty

Which even the trailer showed us she was just fucking with him

the non-white agenda trying to indoctrinate and convert children

Not everything is an agenda, man. It's just a creative decision.

>if I don't like it, it must be part of the zionist sjw feminist liberal communist tumblr patreon antifa nike agenda!

I'm not that impressed. She surely isn't perfect for having children, wrong phenotype. But good enough to fool around if she is willing and puts some effort into it.

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>implying natural redheads will be allowed to appear in movies a decade from now
they've already been systematically removed from almost everything.

She should take off all her clothes and walk around naked and bare foot

>time she tried to make peter uncomfortable when he called her pretty
/pol/ can't handle a little banter, you should see what happens when you post that comic of a white guy in a mexican restaurant asking for spicy food and the cook puts mild sauce on it and the guy that ordered it still talks about how hot the food is

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Convert children into being black?

>be me
>tell dad I want to be a black dude when I grow up
>"son, you can't"
why do you have to remind me of how my dreams were crushed

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She should only have her converse shoes and black socks on. No shirt, no bra, no pants, no underwear

she was cute. I wonder what she's going to do now that Peter's secret identity was revealed by Mysterio

Hard to argue against this to be honest

She'd be perfect with her clothes off

Guys I think she needs more clothes

She should be my gf

Zendaya is so hot

black Olive Oyl

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She should strip naked

>in a decade
Spider-Verse had a generic MJ just last year.

Nothing to see.

She's pretty, but she has no ass, no hips, no tits and no curves.

Why is she not a white red head

Why isn't she standing there au naturel?

She's a nerdy Gen Z chick that wore a battle angle shirt, a movie that people found to be better than Captain Marvel.

I don't know about perfect but they mostly fixed her compared to the first movie.

They did it in the first movie to test how people would react
They reacted badly so they made sure not to use the full name until they found a chance to give her real name.

They retconed her wokeness though, she is a conspiracy theorist now.

She should be in the nude

She was very cute in FFH.

Zendaya's chest, belly button, vagina, legs, asscheeks and feet should be bare

Not a retcon, she did that stuff the first time around too

Carol hasn't got to her yet.


Wait, she wears clothes throughout the movie?!?