lets have a webcomic thread post some you like and some that your reading pic related is both for me
Lets have a webcomic thread post some you like and some that your reading pic related is both for me
I like The Belzebubs. Though updates are slow due to the band being busy with their record
I shi-, I mean, I recommend Devil's Candy. It's a comfy SoL with lots of cute monster boys (and girls).
Looks awesome, you make it?
No. I'm just an unpaid shill who wants more art of this cute boy.
Scoob and Shag was better when they weren't trying to emulate Jojo's.
So is Beezlebubs just cartoons of real people or a legit virtual band like Gorillaz?
The emulation of Jojo and Bleach is part of a larger meta joke.
Being meta doesn't mean worse nor better. At least to me is lame as fuck.
You can have bad taste. I don't care about you enough as a person to stop you.
I agree with the user, it was way better when the entire joke wasn't "hey it's jojo with random cartoon characters lmafo"
I recognize this character from porn deliveries on /d/.
You mean there's MORE Kazu porn out there?
Gone with the blastwave is good. read it if you have like an hour to kill.
Different user but yeah. Its good considering where it started but at this point you could replace the name and look and nothing about them being cartoon characters would really stick.
updates are almost slower than prequel though
at least lemetti admits that he simply doesn't have time/is not interested in working on it though
Depends on if you've seen any of these before.
I love this one
LMAC is a similar concept (kind of) done so much better. Fuck this slow to update one joke trash.
From my understanding a real band that likes to do animated music videos and a comic
I really feel that the comic relies too hard on the newly added ballyhoo gimmick. The gimmick in question feels highly derivative of My Hero Academia and Jojo, and keeps explaining everything (again pretty much exactly like MHA).
The Ballyhoo gimmick also has a habit of overriding the characters' powers. Yosmite Sam's guns now shoot energy balls for some fucking reason, Felix (both of em) has about a thousand ways he could have dodge those bullets but instead we get a funny "9 lives" joke.
i must be the only jackass still reading this
The 16 year anniversary is coming up real soon too, might be a good idea to do a story time
Do you guys like Kids suffering?
With some cute moments here and there?
why is one of them shirtless?
Fashion Monster. Just started like a month ago and I love the style.
To be fair, it's not like it was anything other than every strip having the punchline being Scoob says fuck or has a gun
>everyone having a unique named superpower is now considered a Jojo's ripoff
So has he finally said "fuck it" and draw a loli getting graphically raped yet or what?
Bear Nuts.
oh wow that Erma
The composition of this chick's comics makes me think I'm having a stroke.
Killed 3 "Main" characters already, gave hints that he's working on ANOTHER fucking comic like he did with "You know wich one" and said he's not even halfway done with the story, so that means another 16+years of this
And not so much rape as it's just Tender loving between brothers
I've been reading it since I was 9, so don't feel too bad.
Given how LMAC has over 300 pages and spans 11 issues + an annual, I guess that counts as a webcomic even if the only place to read it is here.
The webcomic that I like the most right now is Out-of-Placers, but we can't talk about it on Yea Forums for whatever reason.
I don't know what it is about it, but the character interactions just click for me and the setting has a bunch of lore that isn't overwhelming or obtrusive to the plot.
Any other webcomics out there were the person making it is doing it for the sake of improving their art? I always find it fascinating to see an artist develop page by page without them falling into that madness of constantly looking back and fretting over the past.
It's Yea Forums's homegrown webcomic
and last I checked it was over 400
It turned into tails gets trolled, but blander.
Ehh; not so much blander as it is just concreately shonen-battlin' now.
Hellper was cool.
Probably one of the only Webtoon that wasn't complete shit.
Idk if they continued it or not.
looks cool
what's it about?
Because he's an amphibian (or something similar to an amphibian) with genes of invisible man (hence why half of his skin is transparent). according to the comic he doesn't wear shirts because clothes make it difficult for him to breathe.
Pic related is how he looks when he's wet.
Do you know what tails gets trolled is?
half of the ability are ripped straight from Jojo.
Kids suffering seems to be the main appeal from Cube Watermelon...
bruh, it's literally a Jojo's ripoff, it's too obvious you must be an idiot to don't see it.
I’m seconding sleepless domain. It started out a little slow but I love where it’s been going
've only read Kiwiblitz and LsE from Mary-sensei, what's this one about?
IIRC Leader of a biker gang gets send to the afterlife after getting run over by a truck, wants to reincarnate as his girlfriends baby. There's a conspiracy around his death as the story unfolds.
There are two stories one in real life where his gang is slowly corrupted/breaks down and one in the afterlife where he gets crazy power-ups via sheer luck (Other characters always say something like "There's only a 0.05% chance this treatment would work" and he just succeeds regardless) to get enough tickets to reincarnate.
The conspiracy involves him being a sort of ballot box that determines universal order and I think with him being the messiah (Idk I haven't read it in a while).
The end of season 1 was a set up for a war between heaven and an evil Frankenstein/Angel/Demon.
Really good story but I don't season 2 is out yet.
It's honestly a tragedy he's given up on it.
Romantically Apocalyptic is another post-apocalyptic sci-fi webcomic. I enjoyed it at a time. The humor may be a bit of a swing and a miss but the artwork is quite nice.
I want to start a webcomic, but I don't know how to build the website. I want to have my own domain name and stuff so it looks professional, but that precludes using any existing webcomic hosting service that simplifies the job for you.
if you cant name 3 its a coincidence
Magical girls. Madoka level of fucked up yet still having its own tone and setting. Also, it's a Mary sensei comic, you know the kind of comedy and punchs in your face it's gonna have. Also, expect the worst can happen to any character in this comic, so yeah, beware about that.
Copy-pasted from a yt comment, since i'm not that expert about Jojo's:
"Frame by Frame is Epitaph, Infared is The Emperor, Dead Air is The Hand, Jump Cut seems to be King Crimson, Simulcast has aspects of Gold Experience and Direct to Video is similar to Hermit Purple."
I think how it's made is really interesting but I could do without the memes
what the fuck i JUST went back and read this last night
i really like the slenderman/undertale crossover
ol' bleed hasn't changed a bit
Vattu, from the same dude that did Rice Boy and Order of Tales.
Dude does drama like no one else.
oh yeah THAT's why he doesn't wear shirts huh
doe of deadwood
maybe next time don't go to youtube comments because all these are either wrong or powers that didn't originate in jojos
Epitaph and King Crimson are the same stand