Wasnt me, chief
Wasnt me, chief
But she caught me on the counter
Stop spamming Yea Forums just because your having a meltdown
Well they shouldnt be false flagging
This is literally the most autistic person on the board. There is no doubt about it anymore.
Yea Forums maybe a trashcan but it's not your toilet
Theres a 10 minute cooldown between posting threads my man. Had to make this thread to prove the false flagger was a faggot.
This experience has been better than the recent black Ariel threads. I am proud of you Yea Forums.
No you didn't have to. Just say it wasnt you and move on. You are taking everything this so far above where it needs to be that it borders on insanity. Nobody cares about the falseflag, the fact that you had to make ANOTHER thread over how mad it made you makes you a fucking sperg.
Six threads in, where the fuck are the mods?
Ugh.... phone posting.
I wonder if he's the same dude ruining drawthreads?
Man i aint mad, this shit is hilarious.
Watching the OP of that thread go full meltdown making false lag threads and wojak threads and spamming my one reply every where is fucking incredible.
I aint that spastic.
Who's ruining drawthreads? Gimme a quick rundown.
>he still thinks its all one person
Even if it started that way, you've made so many threads the entire board is looking at you and laughing by now. Not everyone who is agaisnt you is the same person.
What about Tommy?
Some guy obsessed with crossovers and Sailor Moon really. He even posts commissions he paid for like anyone cares. Shit like "Courage getting petted by Starfire" or "Scooby Doo playing Nintendo" or whatever the hell floats into his head. He's the same dude who wanted a shit ton of Disney Princesses with power ranger morphers.
You ask me? It's the infamous Murrlogic
What if most of our shitposting problems ARE Tommy?
user i made one thread, this one: Some other guy made another redesign thread, then the OP from the first one got buttshit mad and started freaking out.
Nah Tommy has a specific form of autism.
Weird. Is Murr still here?
Well see this is all just speculation because the culprit isn't asking for Wonder Bread and deforestation. Though when you see over a dozen requests with nonsensical shit and the same posting patterns you begin to wonder
Who is Tommy? Never heard of him.
I wouldn't be surprised if Tommy makes east vs west, Death battle, regular show Eileen , and help me I'm down on my luck threads.
Wasn't me.
Welp I'm retarded. Going to preform sudoku after this post.
Saw me bangin' on the sofa
-Posts asking why Batman is criticized for being overpowered but Doom isn’t
-Posts asking how Marvel heroes can be relatable if they don’t have jobs
-Posts complaining about how Thor is never criticized for being too powerful but Superman is
-Posts complaining about Iron Man’s personality as a hero
-Some posts about the Reed-Sue-Namor dynamic
-Posts about Namor cucking Reed
-Posts asking why Marvel toddlers are smarter than DC's smartests
-Posts about Fraction's Hawkeye being a masterpiece
-Some posts about WCA/Kate Bishop
-Posts about Donny Cates being the best writer ever
- posts about Namor and Punisher not suffering any consequences
- Why Val lived with Doom that one time
- Omnipotent Doom being a lazy plot point
- Posts complaining about everyone loving Doom during Bendis run
This guy has been doing this for a year now.
Tommy Ladderbro. When he takes shots at Doom, he's "Tommy", and when he posts that DC is dying, he's "Ladderbro". It's the same person.
No it’s not the same person. He is Tommy Lindo and he exclusively shit on Marvel and never DC on both his CBR and Reddit accounts.
So that wasnt you who made the "it wasnt me" thread? Highly doubtful.
Well i wasnt really counting that considering we're currently in that thread. and was referring to the other 6 threads.
Okay, really, where are the mods?
I mean, we already had the 15 hour porn event today. Anything else not being cleaned up swiftly just makes them look worse.
So we get new mods?
God I wish I was a mod....
you'd do a much better job.