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Other urls found in this thread:


Unf bump

More like "reboot" thread.

Attached: this_old_house_1_by_vanheist_ddba3m2-pre.jpg (727x1099, 197K)

More like Deviantart fetish OC thread


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>tfw no big sister

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I forgot the comics name so sauce plz

>tfw no big sister
It hurts bros. I want a pervy older sister to assist my burgeoning sexual awakening with love and reassurance.

Attached: superthumb.gif (300x250, 30K)

Don't complain or it will get worse.

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Terminatoranon here. Welcome fellow /tlhg/ poster

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I don't go on /trash/ I just know how to push people's buttons.

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Lmao me too, i love triggering them

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Unf my dick

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Attached: Wendy loves ss.png (1322x688, 489K)

>I saw a beautiful muscle woman at the grocery store the other day
>if I see her again 100% asking her out

It's cute!

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Yuck, youre gay

Trust me you don't, the doujins and fan art almost always lie.

I speak from experience

You guys think either Harley or Ivy had a go with at least one underage Robin?

Attached: 10.jpg (1280x1853, 929K)

Attached: e4edaa6410d0ed9349b343d1941abff12e00e403.png (1200x930, 492K)

Both. Different times.
Then they both try to kidnap him at the same time and it ends with a threesome with only two consenting parties

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>Trust me you don't

Batman's plan of getting female villains off-guard with an underaged boy kinda worked. He just didn't expect so much sex

When you teach your little dude how to swim when nobody is around.

Poor nightwing
guys probably been raped dozens of times

Attached: carrying.png (1920x1920, 587K)

>Strong guy
>Much buffer woman

Epic marriage.

Attached: carrying2.png (800x1000, 233K)

Attached: thirst.png (927x880, 278K)

Strong because she trains him. She knows she needs a shota powerful enough to survive the /ss/nu-/ss/nu.

Attached: 93 06 a_season_in_hell_by_vanheist-d42fnia-.png (2250x1114, 2.27M)

Her relationship with that boy was questionable in the comic.

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I thought Tim Drake was for Batgirl?

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>The boy is grabbing her "there"
>Even the girl is holding her leg with a rather inappropriate look

Nothing suggestive about it. She's been teaching them things they're not supposed to know anytime soon.

Attached: canyon.png (750x1252, 254K)

How would the Gotham mommies behave around Boy Blunder?

Don't forget that time Batman teamed up with Wonder Woman, and Robin found out he was a furry after a long stint as Cheetah's captive

wheres the joke buckley

Basically combine a harem swarm with a hailstorm of milk-filled boobs.

He's for Batgirls.

I mean if you want more interesting stories by people who can actually write there's dozens of them somewhere. All I can say is that my sister and I used to have light sexual behaviors between us but I didn't want to continue. She did and being 8 years older than me (me being scrawny even for a 9 year old) she could basically do whatever she wanted to me.
Tried to tell my parents/teachers and they didn't believe me.
She stopped after a few years and our parents let her actually date people but I still can't be around her without flinching.

They say that, but all Robins are public property

>and our parents
After our parents let her date. Hard to type when shaking apparently.

It's okay though, it's normal for her people. Nothing inappropriate about it. Different cultures and all.

Attached: bluebeetle-009-07.jpg (1280x1968, 785K)

>Thinking there needed to be a joke.

Attached: bluebeetle-009-09.jpg (1280x1968, 752K)

Batgirl seemed like the /ss/ type (mainly "B:TAS" version).

Tim Drake was such a dashing hero type that Barbara couldn't help but notice him.

Attached: batman-beyond-return-of-the-joker-robin-tim-drake-review.jpg (600x333, 68K)

You kidding? B:TAS batgirl went after Bruce Wayne.

Attached: bluebeetle-009-10.jpg (1280x1968, 850K)

And then they dated a year later, lol.

Attached: patnu102older.png (780x521, 475K)

Meh. Batgirl should be the one in charge.

>Poison Ivy
>Often sedates/get the Robins high
>Always on top
>Often makes remarks saying that she's gonna destroy the city if they don't do it properly
>Often don't take the Robins seriously, goes as far as offering tea to them

>Double teams with Ivy
>Easily cock drunk
>Tsundere by saying she loves only Mister J and that the sex isn't that good
>Big sister-type

What did she do, can you give us details? It sounds like she was taking advantage of you for her own selfish desires, not leading you on a loving journey of self-discovery.

This happens between heroes and supervillains way more than they care to admit. It's baffling they don't inevitably pursue relationships in spite of their better judgement.

Could you not get the rape victim to relive his worst nightmare on what is supposed to be a fun thread? Dickhead.

I feel like that's gotta be an edit.


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reminder that Connor is technically only 3

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Fuck off. He shouldn't have volunteered that info if he didn't want people asking.

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Or someone just said, "Nah, let's not go for subtext this time. Let's just make it obvious as all get out Starfire doesn't understand the whole age of consent thing in the slightest."

Better ship than Wendy/Dipper.

Teenage chicks are the true /ss/.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I give you blue balls?

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Nah nah its fine. If I didn't wanna talk about it I would've just kept my mouth shut.

Though I really don't wanna go into too much detail it started off with hand and blow jobs and eventually progressed into penetration. She never pegged me or anything but I knew after the first time this wasn't something we should be doing and asked her too stop.
Honestly it might be exaggerating a little bit when it comes to my "trauma". I can still hold normal conversations with women and only have a muscle girl/tomboy fetish thanks to her. I just can't be around her without freaking out.

How is this thread still up?

(I'm not complaining)

Attached: beach.png (1280x1097, 1.59M)

This is why shotadom is secretly kino
The role reversal is what makes it magic

On Yea Forums there's only one moderator that gives a shit. Meaning that, when he's asleep, you can get away with a lot.


Aren't they related?

(Not complaining again)

Attached: Join us.png (2596x1681, 707K)

Not gonna lie, it definitely felt good and I could've put up a bigger resistance in my later years or confronted her about it. But I just knew it was wrong and felt so fucking terrible after the fact that I just wanted it to end.

Yeah. Word of advice, it is best not to ask questions about Loud House Fanart.

Chronologically, but biological age is also a thing.

And no, you can't use it as an excuse to fuck children, user.

"Loud House" is basically one of those shows designed to have a /ss/ incest fandom.

One brother, one mom, MANY sisters.


Attached: ivy_batgirl_and_robin_commission_by_lufidelis_d4p8si4-fullview.jpg (600x849, 89K)

Sorry she did that to you user.

Trying to make this shit up is just cringey. You gotta stop.

yeah, but the entire "sex isn't legal until you're 18" thing has nothing to do with biological age. Humans are sexually mature between 13 and 16 years old.
The restriction is about psychological and sociological maturity, as people below this limit would be far easier to be manipulated, and bad/exploitative sexual situations could have a much more damaging effect on their psyche.

So the question is: Is connor mentally mature enough.

Billy has the best girlfriend!

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Beetle and Bleez? What run? Or is it Kyle and Bleez? What run as well please if you know.

Which isn't surprising in hindsight. Knowing that Savino made this.

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You gotta get your proper rest, user. Or mistakes happen.

Of course it's an edit, dumbass.

Have a source for this?

i demand source

Bikini Cowboy

Attached: RCO299.jpg (1325x2048, 691K)

Bikini Cowboy. Was drawn by a resident of Yea Forums.

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>my old ass art being posted around
I guess my taste never changed though

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It's cute and naughty

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Stay true, Yea Forumsmrade.

Never forget.

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Attached: she-hulk hey kid wanna ss.jpg (640x551, 183K)

Attached: Puppet Master Halloween Special.jpg (2014x3056, 769K)

You do sound like you were traumatized, legitimately sorry that it happened to you.

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Nigga u gay

Bisexual actually, so you weren't that far off Satan.

Not Yea Forums but...

About a female warrior that has to protect a young prince.

And basis for one of my all time favorite /ss/ pics. NSFW seen here

Attached: df0f8f0faaa0a4e04609b872b7198f75bfc01786.png (769x557, 153K)

probably a correlation between the 2

lest you forget, tim drake remains in that exact body for like a decade of continuity. he's perma-shota.

You should die for being a degenerate sodomite either way

Ya got a twitter mate?

Probably, but i don't see my bisexuality as a symptom of my situation. Honestly if I had to choose I'd go pussy before dicks everytime, but I enjoy both genders so It don't particularly matter to me.

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commons_tan for my nsfw art

Attached: Powergirl has a date.png (477x849, 751K)

why would she? her culture is clearly about just having fun and never doing anything that would hurt anyone ever, and then not being hurt by things because nobody taught you to be hurt by things.

anyone remember those creative /trash/ threads?

Loved the kinda reverse of that in Lupin III part 5

How would this look if you reverse the genders? What if some little girl got Superman to pretend he's her boyfriend in front of her mean girl classmates or something?

Attached: superman-reeve.jpg (445x363, 28K)

Attached: harley-quinn-stalks-billy-batson-4.jpg (1795x1447, 279K)

>superman “pretending”
If superman wants to have sex with a small child, there’s nothing anyone can do to stop him

We need to turn this into a meme.
Call in the drawfags.

She wants dat /ss/.

Batgirl doesn't remotely mind.

That would be fucking adorable
Out of character for Clark, but definitely something I could see Superboy doing. Giving some girl the eyes in front of all her classmates so they think she's cool.

Has there ever been an edit or at least a redraw with Harley pressing her bare tits against the glass?

Everyone knows Harley is super for /ss/, especially during carnivals and circus things.

She's been "the first" for many.

>that episode where Joker has a kid sidekick

Clearly he got the clown apprentice for her.

>Tim Drake prepares to stop Harley Quinn
>Harley unzips two spots in her costume
>Tim Drake stops in his tracks
>Harley grins
>Tim Drake staggers away a few hours later, clearly exhausted

with whom?

B:TAS Harley/Tim Drake.

Wendy/Dipper (Mystery Shack, window upstairs while Dipper studies?)
Starfire/Cliff (Cliff's school)
PowerGirl/Tim Drake (School/mansion/batmobile)
Cheetara/Wilykat (Thundertank cockpit? original or 2011 series)

Or someone else. Options are plentiful

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Batman will turn all children into kryptonite!

That's the wrong fetish. You've made a wrong turn and you need to stop.

Attached: No.jpg (1024x736, 42K)

This an edit? Because of it is, it's a damn perfect edit.

Seconding Cheetara and Wilykat, preferably 2011 version

How does she keep those cuffs from sliding around on her arms anyway?

I dunno it's not that interesting a scene.
I'm surprised the ben with pregnant gwen sticker never became a meme. I always intended to redraw that with other wincest couples

>mfw I'm so starved for emotional and physical affection that suggestive and lewd comics are the only way I can satisfy my need for human contact
/ss/ displays confident women pursuing males, and that really scratches that itch for me
I'm going to give my number to the receptionist at the gym tomorrow.
mfw Slypon hasn't updated in months

Attached: pinocchio.png (2426x1726, 3.12M)

That good quality story you know it.
>Not Savino artist
I wonder who did that

Exactly. It's generic enough that you can easily use it for any show and characters.

yes its an edit you fucking braincel don't be fucking stupid you mongoloid troglodyte.


Carol/Spider-Man (Hovering against the school window on 2nd floor)
Mania/Flash (Like it even if not /ss/)
Medusa/Franklin (THE 4 building duh)
Korra and Asami/Kai (Made up school?)
Toph/Zuko or Sokka (Again why not)

Attached: 1556495510374.jpg (500x500, 57K)

Hey, it's a convincing edit. Keep your panties on, chief.

Wilhelmina and KO

This guy gets it
It's not that we want to be weak little boys, it's that we want to be pursued by women. That's the natural order. But women today are terrified of any male they couldn't beat up.
What do you mean not savino artist? Are you talking about the non-savino-drawn eddie puss fancomics?
I guess I can see that appeal. but personally i'd rather see that bizarre starfire and kids edit be the new hotness

don't tell me what to do with my panties

Never did find enough Cheetara and Wilykat stuff.
Always going to think about that one this kind of thing is brought up.

>still wearing underwear

Kill yourself.

TOO LATE children turning into kryptonite statues because of batman is what I'm drawing and you WILL be aroused by it.

>It's not that we want to be weak little boys, it's that we want to be pursued by women.
Nah, it's different for everyone. Every fetish has multiple angles and reasons for being enjoyed by people.

I just want to see cute/naughty shenanigans and women being insatiable perverts that can't help themselves, with them dwelling on their thoughts how wrong it is but how badly they want it despite that. The lusts/fears they harbor and what it puts them through.

He's a known troll that posts that shit all the time in these threads.

Attached: we are forsaken.jpg (352x50, 12K)


That's part of it.

pumyrakat is where it's at

Please don't.

>Being gullible and believing every cockamamie story on here
You can do better, I believe in you.

I wish the 2011 Thundercats show had actually been good. Man, what a waste...

Why not both?

My fave /ss/ dynamic is two ladies competing to own the boy

lion-o's just like dammit, but then wilykit jumps on him
tygra's just like 'well, fuck. guess it's time to try faggotry' and he looks over and panthro is fucking a berbil

Attached: 1473175029481.png (975x1366, 1.98M)

fuck now i just want Panthro to marry Wilymom and become the kittens' new daddy.
Big Daddy Panthro would be a great provider, but he would insist they raise livestock and not just fucking grain.


Dr. Girlfriend is such a mensch

I realize that's out of nowhere, but wouldn't it be sweet?

It's the 2011 blue beetle run

Death by 'Snu-Snu'!

this looks like the beginning of an SVU episode

That seems like it was lifted from a true story lol
' Like girls, puberty hitting? buckle up boy'


It's shit, though.
See? Super easy.

oh so it's already a thing. that makes sense, it's pretty random otherwise.

I really can't like Matthew Broderick anymore after knowing he killed 2 women and walked.

>3 hot images the whole thread
You fucks wouldn't know good /ss/ if it bounced on your pelvis. What a letdown of a thread.

That's big talk from someone with no upload.

Not worth it. You don't deserve it.


So you agree with me, the thread sucks. Damn that was easy.

Peace out nerds, there is a cute new gym leader and oodles of good porn featuring him getting /ss/'d. Thats the best you're getting from me, I'm off to pixiv.

Im sorry

Attached: Secret0.jpg (719x1111, 81K)

Swain couldn't be bothered to finish the Marceline comic but does this? Fine, whatever, I'll take it.
Stay mad.

As you should be

we don't wanna get banned. Otherwise I'd be like let's get some OC going here. Get that timetraveling story about the lady going back in time to fuck her husband as a kid. Get the sweaty powered armor exploration duo.

some of us haven't seen it, dude. thank god I caught this before reading the spoilery bits.
it takes a long-ass time for me to see movies. I wish they let you just pay at release and watch at home.

One fucking job

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to be fair, it wouldn't pomf in that situation

why is dodoria trying to 12yo nathan explosion

Yeah but he didn’t date her during that run, OP said they dated an year later

fuckin sides
I'm curious what comic has what is apparently a time-traveling shota, but also that nasty woman is so familiar, didn't family guy or american dad do that basic concept once? gross fatty rapist lady?

A reminder that this was a life changing moment for Broderick. Not only did he have to go through the trauma of killing people but the incident was so life shaping he never drove a vehicle again, hence his want to live in NYC and travel by foot, subway, and taxi. The other new activity he developed was his love of horseback riding which he focused on after this incident to film the Oscar winning movie Glory. It was this new love of horseback riding that helped him move forward past the events in Ireland and into his new relationship and marriage with horse Sarah Jessica Parker.

What’s this from

/gs/ is superior

loud house comic called 'the secret'
instead of being really fun though it goes all dark and makes him not like it. not my cup of pee. I don't restrict any artistic expression, but I go to media to feel happy.
Maybe if my life is ever perfect, I can go watch some dark shit and feel some other feelings vicariously, then revel in my ability to close the window and have the sadness end. Like I get that, but I'm sure as fuck not there now.

Satan speaking the truth.

But she was an old soul!

Hey guys

Attached: vicous cycle.jpg (521x776, 112K)

I like dark things but when it comes to kid-fucking I always want it to be fun and consensual.

though a lot of the time when I do dd/lg RP it's like "daughter's middle school volleyball coach flirted with her: fuck her in the ass as punishment"

brains are weird

Double sided tape

honestly brains are pretty simple, what's weird is LIFE. The shit we go through, the shit we HAVE to go through, it's amazing we don't pick up more fucked up hangups and/or fetishes.
I mean we actually have to curtail behavior of kids at a time when they're the most free and creative and spirited, to keep them safe from the basic harm everywhere. We actually have to instill paranoia because this is a world where if you don't watch where you're going, you'll get hit by cars.. or eaten by lions if you live where they don't have cars.

I fucking knew an SJP joke was going to be in there the moment you mentioned Broderick and horses

Attached: ff5.gif (251x238, 1.76M)

>instead of being really fun though it goes all dark and makes him not like it. not my cup of pee. I don't restrict any artistic expression, but I go to media to feel happy.

Wait so you're saying you weren't furiously beating your dick while reading it like I was? Oh.

Attached: sonic no.png (268x211, 108K)

eh, I was at first. it's hot art.

>always headcanon that Clarissa's dad didn't really do anything, she's just another victim of modern brainwashing making you think you've been molested, and also that you need to feel 10 kinds of fucked up about it despite that being one of the lighter things life can fuck you up with, all things considered
>realize that doesn't change this image one fucking bit, because whether real or made up by shyster therapists, that shit WILL affect your other relationships and is often passed down. And that goes for nonsexual abuse even moreso.

Dark like exploring the psychological ramifications of fucking a sibling and the consequences of that in your life and in your family, or dark as in people start killing each other out of jealousy?

either. I get enough reality from real life. Actually I get too much fiction in real life too, but the kind that's not honest about being made up.
I want to read about cute twins just being perfect for each other, and people killing people because it saves other people and it's really awesome and cool and fun to watch

Attached: 854792b6b9b84e9fb329555ae8184948.jpg (650x202, 34K)

But what about the actual story “Secrets”? Which one of these does it tackle to make it dark?

I haven't read the whole thing, I just know it has linc crying and brown hair sister getting all psycho slasher about it, which I've never been into at all.
like at LEAST look aroused. Then I get it. People do weird shit when theyre aroused and inhibitions are down, I can get into that in a porn. but not when it looks like she just reacts to pain and sadness as if they were heroin

Attached: 10 goodest.jpg (960x720, 73K)

who is this lewd librarian, and what's she going to do with boys that are about 5-7 years too young to do the fun stuff?

This pretty much sums it up.
She's super jealous of her sister, who's prettier and doesn't have super mental shit. Guy she was dating was dating her to get to the sister, then she found out Tristam was jerking it to them cuz they walk around half naked and she flat out said "You're a sick pervert but so am I"

Attached: Secret7.jpg (719x1111, 199K)

If you don't mind me asking, do you know where I can find stories like this?

>Its real
>tfw Dominique is probably groping Tristaam's ass like in netorare-hentai
Can't wait.

Attached: 1524299720447.png (1366x768, 755K)

Attached: Secret47.png (1320x2040, 1.45M)

Jesus Christ I actually was abused by an older woman in my youth and this comic was really fucking triggering, just read through it all Jesus Christ, this was so fucking Raw I felt like a five year old again, I’ve literally never felt like this even reading stories with the same themes. This artist/writer has some real fucking talent Jesus Christ. Wow man, I’m sweating cold this is insane, I couldn’t even imagine a fucking porn parody of a cartoon could make me have such a reaction, I really wasn’t perturbed by just this page but reading the whole thing it’s really astounding.

Swain, the guy who made it, said it's based on what happened to him when he was younger

It's the empty, but not pupil-less eyes that drive me wild, for some reason.

Yeah, but not by much.

>threatening me with abomination
he don't know me too well, do he
bring it on

Not Robin, but relevant.
I don't get enough chances to post this.

Attached: 1517205195752.png (1324x1645, 405K)

Red Data.
It's the only episode of any show I can recall the name of from memory at any time.
Purely so I could avoid watching it when it came on AS and I wouldn't spend the rest of the night fuming with anger.

I was going to say that it's a mission accomplished, and crime has been prevented.
But no, that's just not true. Still mark it down as a win though.

I remember this show, well mostly the opening. It came on adult swim on Saturday.

>Batman gives all children cancer
We need to get rid of that menace

It disappoints me that no one here knows Carrey's parodying Midnight Express

hey, lets not okay

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It begins.

Attached: 1518450088894.jpg (500x220, 14K)

I thought his comic was a redraw of a different one.

>abused by an older woman
Tell us more.

Attached: 1469809908719.jpg (427x427, 21K)

That secret comic was hot in a disturbed way but i could only find the first 15 pages.

>implying that's too young
>and not too old

Attached: daddy isnt home rn.jpg (480x580, 21K)

it is, it's a redraw of an on-model comic where all the characters have their actual names but he may have extended the story further

>implying you have anything other than the cover

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don't threaten me with a good time

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Attached: sweating profusely.gif (1920x1076, 2.17M)

>"Sorry, we're fresh out."

Attached: 1541430390865.jpg (2478x1961, 1.21M)

That shota is for abusive /ss/ ONLY

Attached: 1558437023567.jpg (850x637, 77K)

>it was never completed
After seeing jlullaby's other works maybe it's for the best

Time to upset someone enough to end this

Attached: sin_kids_chart__updated__by_patanu_dccr322-pre.jpg (1364x586, 84K)

Who drew this? GBC?

>have /ss/ fetish
>too old to be cute shota

Attached: 14676282325601.png (548x708, 714K)

I like the oldest one best, though I get why people like Luna more.
The 4th from the right seems nice, I never bothered to remember any names.

Imagine the smell.

>this thread

Attached: waffen ss.jpg (960x585, 76K)

Sucks this was never completed. Seems that Jlullaby got a case of shadman syndrome.

>this thread
>my dick

Attached: 1486761003991.jpg (377x282, 67K)


Also, why did he feel the need to make a worse version of a classic image?
And I lack the original, god damn it


Because Shad has no artistic talent and lacks a critical eye.

Those eyes are need. Pure uninhibited need for Dipper's cock.

Reminds me of when I first read all of the Clarissa comics. I felt legitimately sick in my stomach that I willingly no fapped for a week. I'm lucky enough to not be abused, but they way Yungbluth wrote and drew it just felt so real.

Well it’s not a hot story imo but sure.
I’m not from the US, but my mother is a teacher, when I was 5 she had the opportunity to work for a year in the US and she took me with her, we lived in an apartment, our neighbors were a Mexican couple.
Mom had to work all day so she left me with the wife next door who was a stay at home mother. At first I’d stay in the house watching cartoons while she tended to the house and the baby. We had a language barrier since she spoke broken English and Spanish, I didn’t know Spanish and while I was good at English it was the level of a child
Eventually she started watching cartoons with me and getting increasingly physical, like caressing my head or I’d rest on her lap.
One day I think she just slid her hand into my trousers and started stroking me. I remember having erections but I don’t remember feeling any pleasure from it, so I don’t think she had me ejaculate, or if that’s even possible
We never did penetration as far as I remember, she’d talk in Spanglish while touching me so I didn’t understand much, when she wanted me to go down on her she’d point and say “lick” and whisper “Bueno”
In my head I remember the taste of her pussy as similar to coins.
She’d get hostile when I resisted and slap me.
As time went on her English became better and she’d tell me stuff like “you are naughty little boy” “you love this” “I love you so much my little boy” “Smile to me my little baby” etc
I told my mother but she berated me and didn’t believe, she’s bipolar and was going through a maniac episode I believe, she denies this ever happening nowadays. Afterwards my abuser got really mad and hit me with her shoe, I have a scar next to my eye because of that
After that I kinda just accepted that this would go on for the year we were supposed to stay in the US, thankfully after five months the couple was apparently deported according to what my mother told me the landlord told her.

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Alright hol up there chief, I was banking on you not taking it this far

reminds me of Jiji-sama

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Either a major american publisher printed a woman being fingered by a kid or someone made an edit on the internet. Which one could it be...

Amazed this thread is still alive


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>>sweet little boy in a skirt
>>bad mom reaches under to go for the glory


Does 8 have an /ss/ board? I’m tired of the censorship here.

Now imagine the sexes reversed.

I believe so

Attached: 1522550757815.png (1516x4000, 3.9M)

Never test a Yea Forumsmmunist.

if the sexes were reversed she would be tied up in the closet

You know what you have to do, son. It's time to take back your life and take back the night.

Attached: BTAS_Gordon.jpg (640x480, 35K)

What's that French comic with the big tittied milk maid and the kid?

>Temporal selfcest

On an unrelated note, I’m not normally too keen on /ll/, but something about breast/ass envy /ll/ is perfect

Someone needs to make more art of it

8 actually. Timeskips, remember?

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy going through /ss/ withdraw syndrome. It's been a dry spell during the winter.

Attached: Harley Poison Ivy.webm (720x480, 2.86M)

>What's that French comic with the big tittied milk maid and the kid?
The Melons of Wrath (pic related, which has one scene of /ss/ incest between the two) and Petit Paul (where the kid is the focus and is 100% hardcore /ss/).

Attached: IMG_4371.jpg (1510x2186, 716K)

(Basically Harley is whining about lack of action and Poison Ivy is trying desperately to reassure Harley she has a plan, while trying not to lose her own cool)

Attached: tumblr_mu5njeD8xO1qk1n3io4_640.jpg (620x910, 111K)

Did kerwin ever post this anywhere? Or did it also fall in the tumblr purge. Hate to think there could have been more and it’s gone

And rape the Joker

So how many Gotham and such chicks have gone for that?

Harley, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Maven, Poison Ivy, Catwoman?

>after five months the couple was apparently deported
god bless ICE

Attached: 7548.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

I'd love an English translation of this.


Attached: IMG_4372.jpg (650x949, 89K)

Petit Paul excerpt


>302 replies
>102 images

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If Reeves Supes did it, it would be totally harmless and sweet

If Cavill did I someone would call the cops

shit son, it's almost like people post more than one reply per thread.

Attached: 1634753 - Adventure_Time Finn_the_Human Princess_Bubblegum.jpg (451x831, 50K)

Why autists always do this? Like it proves something?

Attached: 17RLk48.jpg (321x268, 13K)

>TFW you spy on Harley Quinn and you realize she caught you looking. She's got a grin on her face.

Attached: ShermanGrant.png (304x277, 119K)

>tfw never will be a boy hero who sincerely tries his best to stop villains, until he begins to work against a powerful woman who finds herself falling head over heels completely in love with the kid, abandoning her former plans to focus her attentions entirely on becoming his wife

Attached: 1557682339458.png (1021x322, 206K)

Resulting in the inevitable secret marriage.

>TFW you realize you married a supervillain

Attached: ShermanGrant2.jpg (640x464, 25K)

I don't get it, they are supposed to be other characters ? Why would someone get triggered ?

>asking a rape victim where to find rape porn
This is why support groups for male rape victims have to be strictly moderated

Also i remember a story of a male victims forum that turned out to be full of women secretly shlicking to it, but i cant find it.

source on this m8

Its true i was one of them
Im shlicking to this whole thread rn

>Im shlicking to this whole thread rn
You disgust me

Attached: large.jpg (500x281, 25K)


I miss when these threads didn't used to inject ugly reality into my idealistic dreams.

Have Batgirl dreaming of /ss/, guys.

Attached: Batgirl Face.jpg (750x568, 50K)

Kek. Underrated

Also, Batgirl revealing to Catwoman she's into /ss/.

Attached: Batgirl-4.jpg (560x385, 29K)

>90 page full color extra gloss ultra detailed comic devoted to the secret wedding and the villain's intense weeping sincerity when she says "I do"

Attached: coffee_break_by_sftoon_d3bklap-fullview.jpg (900x1171, 97K)

He seems like the kind of /ss/ Harley would be into.

Smart, cute, passive.

Oh cool thanks for your excellent sketches, I loved this one and some others of yours enough to use for captions

Attached: 52948c8437aa3a2942c5b72c4f733922.jpg (750x965, 415K)

> abused by an older woman
> goes into an ss thread

Attached: 1561674291750.jpg (720x463, 33K)

post the next pages, are hilarious

I wish there was more art of this pairing.

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I wish I had a giantess gf.

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As a victim to similar situations it's wild. Honestly I find it difficult because at the time I personally was a hormonal pre-teen who had already discover sex through shit like newgrounds.

I suppose everyone ends up differently from their own experiences. What's weird to me is that I find myself drawing things that lean more to the side of /ss/ because of it, so I'm probably fucked in the head.

Thats the trauma I suppose!

Attached: 1465987125315.png (470x467, 142K)

Someone post the comics were Luna rapes Lincoln and schlicks it to him in the shower.

Holy Shit I fucking love this doujin.

Attached: themaskfalls.jpg (1101x661, 285K)

I dont know what this is from but I like the feel of it.

uh did something happen to you?

Did you read just the first issue or all three?

is that a Cable Guy reference?

Thread on /trash/ called /TLVG/ "Sinkids" AU where Lincoln fucks all his sister and makes children.

so why did he change this from the Loud House characters to OC donut steels again?

The Cable Guy bit is a Midnight Express reference.

How do you think plucky boy sidekicks would handle Ladrona Encuerada? A villiainess who likes to strip.

Attached: detenme_esto__by_polo_jasso-d2aklb2.jpg (1280x448, 288K)

what? what happens?

I probably cant post whole comic due to thread being deleted but here is the page you are looking for.

Attached: Shlicked.png (1280x989, 605K)

"Loud House" is massively for incest.

Primarily because having a dark incest story based on a children’s cartoon is super weird.

Plus, don’t have to worry about why 3/4 of the cast is missing.

It's cute!

Attached: 1562189529070.jpg (850x638, 82K)

The creator knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

Attached: cestisbest.png (2640x2040, 2.13M)

Bunch of sisters and just one brother? It's a harem crossed with incest in terms of motifs.

why is this thread still up
where are the mods

>Mods are coming

Only one thing to do then.


>Let's stop being two people if we're meant to be one.
This is going to end in murder, won't it?

Tell me more Both the premise, and that doujin

There is, but this is a Blue Board

Do they fuck?

Without question. Few hours later.

Huh, so the loud house shit was just recolors? I thought that's what this was
In any case, bleh. I wish I could get this art and 60% of this plot without the dark shit, but if that's what the artist wants to write..

Yes. There's two /ss/ ones & 2 shota ones.

Post pics or didn't happen.

just gonna point out that if shit wasn't so overrestricted and demonized, the good would outnumber the bad tremendously
Instead, only the worst people do it.

when the vast majority of the discussion of sexuality is negative, because only negativity is allowed (lest someone get AROUSED by it!!), you start to get turned on by negative shit. My first couple years of faps were just scandalous stories in old reader's digests about molestations and kidnappings. Because there was no access to any kind of positive sexuality, all of that is banned.

a damn
and it probably never will
Cute taciturn jailbait is like 'are you going to have sex with me?'
Lupin plays it cool as you expect. 'would you like to?'
'...i'd like to try.' 'sorry, I only have sex with adults'
fucking frenchman knew exactly what he was doing.

what the jailbait character name

I miss you Pandora.

Attached: pbx iron giant.jpg (1270x1750, 260K)

and the fan service >:)

Attached: 50636709_481719925690739_5735918825124134912_n.png (960x960, 717K)

Blue board, user.

Emi or Ami or something. they keep arguing over it.
Just watch Lupin III part 5. It's only had like 4 episodes so far and she's basically the focus of the story this time. She's the Melfina of this plot.

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>seasoning bread
That's an awful come on.

Attached: 2f642c05f3cc520c78360d1d7cd98bc06472ed8e.png (762x822, 148K)

Artists tend to be shitty writers.

Attached: 73824382_p0_master1200.jpg (661x1200, 387K)

Maybe it's the kind of bread eaten with soup.

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Garlic bread

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Ebony chicks are best for him.

as a writer in this genre I feel that way too strongly and it spoils most of the material for me

I guess the premise would be that the villain has to deal with the initial shock of realizing she's genuinely in love, followed by a slow insatiable obsession with the idea of their marriage, and her new life as his secret and loving wife, and how she can vanish from villain life and allow him to be happy and successful without risking the both of them or her love. She'd also be spending a lot of time putting her incredible planning ability all instead into contriving ways to spy on and encounter the hero boy, to build to a climactic moment of her making a slow open promise to give up her villainous ways forever... if she can propose to him.

I know it's not popular, but I'm super into a certain flavor of the genre that's way more dramatic and sincere romance over the usual dominance or incest kinds.

Attached: 1512446405063.jpg (1280x720, 431K)

Two /ss/ for the price of one.

Attached: 72073003_p15_Feb_2018_Art.jpg (1280x1341, 178K)

Attached: muffled screams.jpg (1280x1549, 158K)

That's just an act. He's delighted he's now the toy of two girls.

Attached: 2073137_p12_Mar_2018_Art.jpg (1280x1196, 124K)

I want this but with Lincoln as the one who's seated

Attached: 2073137_p13_Mar_2018_Art.jpg (1280x1172, 125K)

That'd be if she was italian
she should have said put some nutella on that toast

some link ?

can I share a link to some OC without accusations of shilling? people liked it before

>Dat wry look

She knows she got him.

What, drawings or writings? For christ's sake yes. It's never shilling with this stuff.

and one more at pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=75386269

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Sauce nigga

Attached: 03716d8905ff9e915912ceb135ea1d7295ac806b.png (900x687, 250K)

Shitty webcomic #64011709

Attached: bba9ca391737e661349c8dc63aad9e25bbd8d9f7.png (731x789, 210K)

in its fourth or fifth reboot.

The first is from the original strips he'd post on his DA account, the continuity was loose at first and mostly characterization with a punchline.
The second is the most recent page of his reboot version, after he decided a more standard comic structure and a plotline would do well.
It's decent so far, but he's learning pacing on the fly, never having had to deal with it before.

Attached: 04e2cecb62b8186d83e1815b9acb74c9ea8b25ad.png (3000x3300, 853K)

Post the kissing gif

This one?

Attached: 34e0b1b30f459bd8e01c12641eedbd2ec83f4281.gif (640x360, 2.26M)

Yes. Fuck that was cute.

jesus NICK

knowing the original scene i can tell this won't end well for him at all.

Attached: 1548994249420.png (400x400, 5K)

>This is what "Scooby-Doo Guess who" could have been
We are in the worst timeline

This was my second guess as to what was being requested.

It's a kid icarus doujin

>that cover of the book Luna was holding

Attached: sippyloli.jpg (280x280, 27K)


This ship needs to seriously take off.

There was also this. But I didn't think that anyone would request something with this many watermarks.

Attached: 38c61c56997391ede1a64b4968e0a7d486fd9d73.gif (640x360, 2.67M)

Attached: 1523811561528.jpg (848x1200, 224K)

>Me on you means you gonna nut hella good.

that's a lot of mouth flaps for a fan animation. surely they didnt actually have real live girls to do voices

Ss is for disphits and sailors who have an unhealthy obsession with dolphins

even nick knows lynncoln is the best

Attached: tumblr_ogv6myET9R1vapw2ro2_1280.png (720x1280, 306K)

Do you think they knew?

/names/ plz? k thx

Nah, whoever did it rotoscoped Star VS.
Nah, they backpedalled the moment that they realised the artist also drew porn.

Attached: 64198182_p1_OK_KO_Enid.jpg (765x990, 162K)

Attached: 70372191_p0_OK_shotaKOn_15.jpg (765x990, 199K)

Attached: 1423890437116.png (850x505, 635K)

so they ran the star vs audio over that?

Attached: 70391567_p0_OK_shotaKOn_16.jpg (765x990, 202K)

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Attached: what are we going to do on the nest marahute.jpg (1808x1080, 551K)

Rotoscope means they traced the original visuals.

No. It's a soundless gif on deviantart.

Attached: 70169751_p0_OK_shotaKOn_04.jpg (765x990, 203K)

I'm 100% certain I recognize this. Sauce?

Its from the french animation about the boy getting a toy he didn't want and it ends up turning into a woman.

there was a youtube video but i never got to see it as it was taken down before i could, but it was redrawn scene of star vs with the spanish dub audio

Then the toy gets thrown away. Because the French are cruel.

Yeah, well, that is the one thing we know for certain DIDN'T happen. For a number of reasons. I was just trying to interpret what I thought you meant.

yeah... that doesn't sound like a porn doujin at all.

Attached: 2864026 - Enid K.O. OK_K.O.!_Let's_Be_Heroes TeeCee.png (1900x3000, 3.25M)

Okay now THAT makes sense.

Attached: 1c5d1e4c02db447725f4d03cf229fc04763e5237.png (853x480, 402K)

do you have the full version of this comic? I know the artist had to delete his pixiv after getting into trouble with false allegations

It's on Rule34. Just type in Enid and K.O and it's on the first page.

Attached: af6c0a65d4caddf3584f48c81d10a89dc0557dcf.jpg (638x826, 80K)

literally look up "Bikini Cowboy". People have already spoonfed you enough, faggot.

Overload of THICK.

>had to
there's no way

Attached: 84cc07cd49eac4489a65493b488bcdced20132ad.png (680x890, 651K)

iirc that comic is pretty hard to find. i think it's paywalled.
And I mean good for him, but I don't like how he did a really vague funding effort for what we assumed was a sequel, and turned out to be just ... the same one again, slightly improved I guess?

thanks bro i found it, thank the perverted lord for Rule34

I found it from just googling it. Its on ReadComicOnline. Also I don't blame paywalls, somehow these guys gotta eat. Most sites that let them get ad revenue are shit anyways. Not really much of a choice if they want to make a job out of it.

Every nut you nut to a cartoon girl is one you don't do inside a girl you aren't married to and don't belong with. I think the big guy is stoked.

Attached: e2864034 - Enid K.O. OK_K.O.!_Let's_Be_Heroes TeeCee.png (1440x1256, 335K)

Attached: thundercats101-03.jpg (319x247, 20K)

yeah, cause he drew shota some SJW narc accused him of owning kiddie porn so he had to delete his old pixiv and twitter to sort the issue. Luckily he got through it pretty quickly with little to no issue though he will have slow down with the shota/loli for awhile.

Hard to believe they got away with that.


Knowing storyboaders. They probably made dozens of moments like this and this is the only one that was sent while the censor board were on holiday or in a really good mood.

t'was the 80s. innocence actually justified you back then. It's amazing looking at how much nudity we almost got in a lot of american productions at the time. Star Trek TNG was going to have way more, just slightly covered up here and there. Hell there was nudity in daytime TV specials sometimes. Then there was some kind of janet jackson equivalent that got everyone riled up, I think it was a movie about a girl being abused in a group home, and instead of doing something about real life abuse, they decided to crack down on fictional depiction of anything remotely sexual.

Slypon does /ss/? Where?

the two have nothing to do with each other. If anything, deleting his pixiv should look more guilty.
Unless he's from UK or Canada or something
That is not how cartoons were back then. This was just the first episode.

where can I find the new comic? Only the first issue is available on sadpanda

Wait he really swore off of driving vehicles?

He got away with killing two human beings by only paying like 175 dollars...this isn't even a slight bit of atonement, really.

As long as it was an accident
Only a tiny percentage of the populace has any business driving cars.

I want more art of it so bad

They're perfect counterparts to each other.

>this isn't even a slight bit of atonement, realy
I know, but I was surprised that the event traumatized him that much. I guess I'm only surprised because I'm 31 and don't drive because of an accident. I was only 20 at the time and it was a few days after the death of a close friend. I was only a passenger but I haven't been able to be in a vehicle without fidgeting ever since.

Attached: cougar_and_kitten_by_weremole-d5pnto1 (1).jpg (710x984, 349K)

Did he die or quit drawing?

Does the hero accept?


It's John Byrne, man. Who knows.

John Byrne isn't this degenerate. Right? I did gush all over his comics, ngl

I know this is a meme answer, but realistically how many mods could there be Yea Forums anyway...

I follow this artist on twitter but I keep forgetting their damn name.

>her ex-husband reincarnated as a teenage boy

Attached: Salem and Oscar.png (1280x1600, 1.41M)

Assuming this isn't trolling, I feel for mate. A friend of mine was molested by older chicks, he tried reaching out to others and they either brushed it off or laughed at him...

Just as long as you understand that MORE forced sensitivity in an already-oversensitive time isn't the solution to this problem. People will take it more seriously when they aren't desensitized by hearing about it constantly by triggered little whiners. Then we can actually address the people who genuinely need help.

I have no idea.

>People will become desensitized to sexual crimes if they have to keep hearing people whine

The fuck is wrong with you?

Is this a webcomic? Do you have a link?

Attached: Videogames.jpg (257x185, 16K)

not will, have.
Part of the problem is people are being told to feel worse when they already feel fine. that and how many crimes are being manufactured. But no matter how many times we catch that happening, nothing's being done about it.

This, it is hard to get off to a child being abused
I'm not really into full domination stuff but I like the boy to make the first move

I think women should always make all the moves and decisions, that's just nature. But one of those decisions should be deciding to give him control / carte blanche to do X Y Z

It's called rwby.


Attached: no.gif (315x174, 1.39M)

>No response at all
I think that might actually be worse than getting shit for it.


Attached: 1560223619856.jpg (877x695, 156K)

it's not natural for the smallest, weakest, least intelligent half of a dimorphic species to be deciding anything, ever. Anything other than complete female subjugation is a social construct.

I've never seen him do /ss/, but he really nails the sexual slice of life/comedy for me. Characters that have goals and personalities, but are still obviously sexual.
kind of wish he wasn't doing furry, but whatever

Where's your completely subjugated woman, user? Are you letting mankind down? Do you need to be forced feminised, because you can't subjugate a woman so you might as well be one?

I think that's how a lot of trannys think, honestly. Autogynes are pretty common.
I also think the reason so many chicks like /ss/ is they like the idea of a male they are bigger, stronger, and smarter than. But cute manlets are rare IRL, most are weird froggy looking mutts.

Attached: 73Pw8KQ-ZsUA0ILtGrYomCa_nJ6YyiwGHmLMqRtOoyg.png (640x906, 581K)

Uh, you do realize in a lot of species, the female is bigger and stronger than the male right?

Take spiders. Almost always the female is the one in charge and nearly always larger. The male's expendable.

In nature, males usually have one purpose then they're useless. In hives, males are the first ones pushed out of the hive to die.

user, our job is to show off how attractive and strong we are, specifically so we can be selected. by them.
Anyone can take, the victory is BEING taken, and being placed in a role of leadership and dominance after earning their trust. God knows they can't lead themselves, but they can sure as hell run shit from the back seat.

We're talking about humans not spiders or anglerfish you moron. And if anglerfish or spiders were smart enough to make a society and use tools then yes, it would be weird and unnatural for the tiny males to boss around the huge females.

Attached: 1555485821981.jpg (1024x1316, 98K)

Fuck off post SS

Attached: fission2.png (678x954, 804K)

My point is, human males are an aberration in nature.

For some reason our females weren't built to be bigger and stronger than us.

>Turning into the /ss/ lady

I approve of this.

>males being bigger is uniformly true throughout all the great apes
yeah, no, you're just into femdom. Which, like most unnatural things, is considered a kink.

Attached: 1561869830277.png (2400x3300, 1.98M)

>I was a child back then, ergo everybody was as stupid as I was
You are the kind of people who thinks any past time was better, artist have always been huge perverts who think outside the box.

uh.. no, that's common enough for mammals.
Most of the time if the female is bigger, it's because most of the body is devoted to carrying eggs.
It's like you didn't even read the post.

Ah, I see. You've worked backwards from your conclusion.

They also showed Wilykit and Wilykat sleeping in the same bed. I always thought it was weird that a brother and sister would willingly share a bed. Wonder what they were implying...

>I always thought it was weird that a brother and sister would willingly share a bed.
What planet are you from? I mean these are literally aliens we're talking about, but that's normal for... everything on earth. Every kind of animal you can name.

children getting a bed to themselves is something that rich people started doing in like the 1800s and that suburbanites started to do after world war 2 i guess

He said willingly. But I guess the counterargument to that is that most children don't like sudden change and some would hate change more than having to sleep with their sibling.

All children hate sleeping alone, and have to be forced, which usually involves a lot of crying. Usually a crib feels cozy enough, but the transition to a proper bed is just... something even a kid is smart enough to realize is unnatural, and they would rather sleep with family around.

Kids sharing when they HAVE to is normal. There's obviously enough space in Cat's Lair for them to have their own rooms but they choose to sleep together. Just a tad weird.

They might be in separate beds here, but still, a bit weird...

Attached: Snip-it_1562809529882.jpg (906x568, 56K)

Of course he does. She's a complete bombshell of a woman, on her knees, tears in her eyes despite being as stoic as possible, begging the hero with all of her heart and soul to absolve her of past sins so she can give it all up to be his supportive wife.

Attached: 1512449248135.jpg (674x999, 216K)

It would be way weirder if they didn't choose to. It's ludicrous to imagine their culture would parallel one of the least-likely and most-recent things ever to happen. It was never about space.

500 (and 1).

Attached: lewdman.jpg (766x271, 90K)

Good stuff guys. Good thread. glad to see we can still have fun sometimes.

Seirei no moribito is a masterpiece. Balsa's and the prince's relationship is pure, though. Mother and child. No innuendo there, no ss, just fuzzy feels.

Attached: 1528820604825.jpg (1280x727, 136K)

Why i didnt have a giant robot gf when i was a kid? life is so unfair.

>My first couple years of faps were just scandalous stories in old reader's digests about molestations and kidnappings.
Jesus... I just... wow. Just wow.

Attached: S4E2_Star_Butterfly_starts_to_cry.png (1920x1080, 701K)

It's Ultrahand

Prety sure most mammal males are larger than females.

Well, I mean, that and my imagination. which was always a lot nicer.

There’s a specific ratio below which species with larger females are more common and above which larger males are more common. So shut up.

I’m old enough to have done that too, but my main thing was naked native shotas in the National Geographic. Queensland article in the January 86 issue represent.

Besides, Lupin only has eyes on one person..keep chasing that Fujiko tail..

>no access to any kind of positive sexuality,
>all of that is banned.
This is why I'm gonna try to produce more stuff for the 'consenticle' genre.
I admire Vives for having the stones to publish stuff publicly, but I'm not sure I could ever take that risk.

Attached: skirtRef.jpg (898x684, 126K)

Billy was made for /ss/