Kill Six Billion Demons /ksbd/

Thanks for the patience. I got married!

Attached: KOS73[1].jpg (980x1515, 1.34M)

Other urls found in this thread:

still dunno how to feel about beefcake Allison

I do

Attached: das it mayne.png (672x434, 143K)

It's gonna be like OPM where she just bombs the written component and end up in the lower tier rankings.

>Remember that overconfidence is a slow, insidious killer

Come on Allison, why are you like this.

Uhh, pass

are every one of these dude's Solomon David's son?

Pretty much yea. Dude is hell bent on creating a successor through brute force.

then why are they all nerds with glasses

Pffft, someone got fucked up on the far right of the bottom panel

Sons and grandsons, yeah.

Cause Solomon is a fucking nerd

>Thanks for the patience. I got married!

I understand Abby, but damn get better at estimating how long you're gonna be gone. I don't think anyone would bat an eye if you said you'll be out until today versus 7/5 but when you say you'll be back on 7/5 and then take another 4 days with little communication that's a bit more bothersome. Be conservative with how long you'll be gone as opposed to optimistic. Feels better for me at least.

because solomon is a goku.
and they are all gohans.

he said he'd return to working on the comic on that date, not that there'd be a new page then.

>I’m getting married next week and have a ton of family coming into town, so our next update will be Tuesday 6/25, then we’ll take about a week off the comic and return around 7/3-7/5.

While I can see your interpretation it very much also sounds like a new page will be coming out that day. Additionally, most of the previous notifications in such fashion say when the next page will come out. Regardless it's not very clear and he's done the same thing in the past.

it doesn't really matter anyway. So what if he's late? It's not as if we'd die if he's posting late, and he posts more frequently than some other webcomics I know of.

I'll start complaining if his content drops become bi-weekly

So, this is giving me One Punch Man flashbacks.

After this and Paranatural I'm never getting excited for the potential of an English webcomic again.

Be nice, but knowing this comics they'd still put her up top, because the story needs her to be there.

This fits way to well

>not liking the classic tournament setup of the protagonist humorously dealing with weak, outclassed mooks before qualifying for the higher tiers
Plebian taste.

what disappointed you about ksbd?

The ones that want power keep joining his ever expansive bueracray to gain POLITICAL power, when what Solomon wants is for them to be good at god kung fu.

He does need administrators, so the former are useful, but they are ultimately a disappointment to him.

I like to think that there is a cult somewhere on Rayuba made up of descendants of former sons who train exclusively to produce one fighter that may land a blow. Every tourney they send a fighter who loses, but the rest take notes for future strategies for next time.

There's totally going to be a son in the fight, and he'll get annihilated first.

I like the two bowing to each other in the background in the last panel.

>thread has been up for 2 hours
>only 25 replies

Seems that I wasn't the only one to lose interest

the short break started on a low point in terms of plot development and story hype. The threads will pick up again when the Tourney actually starts.

White Chain is gonna have to beat some sense into her disciple isn't she? The question is, is it going to stick or not?

Probably because a woman is the main character.

>gog on screen
>many replies
>gog not on screen
> replies few and far in-between
there's only one logical conclusion to this

Yeah there's not much to discuss now.

>Not an entire chapter dedicated to Allison doing tedious paperwork

Attached: 1537933259099.jpg (177x278, 37K)


>that one goblin mook failing at weights and them dead last at the racing test
He's going to win and defeat Allison, isn't he? Just by believing hard enough.

That was my first thought too.

Big congrats to Abby on getting married

I hope a beetle who knowingly knows Pankrash Circle-fighting kicks her ass

>I REQUIRE the bug pussy

Attached: need it.png (184x371, 77K)

We're lucky that we're reading this for free to begin with. I have been impatient and rechecking every day like a stalker, but I know that this isn't something to take for granted. Abby is not our servant.

no point checking every day. He posts tuesdays and fridays, even if there's a delay.

Threads are usually dead unless the latest comic is about the Demiurges.

Fuck me the music started playing in my head reading those panels

>an entire civilisation of Gohans
>they’re all nebbish bookworm failures

Jesus fucking christ, I finally realise why the Celestial Empire is a shithole that needs to be burned to ash like the other Demiurge domains

Attached: 2F341A82-FAC8-4469-B70F-92C93C4D0667.jpg (1920x2402, 2.95M)

Reminder that bugs were doing Royalty battle royales before KSBD even existed as a proper independant webcomic

Sad but true desu, and I’m one of the few sad fucks who comes to comment in the ded threads. I sometimes wonder how much more lively these threads would be if the Demiurges were the main characters of the comic instead.

Abaddon's a fan of OPM i see

but of course. Saitama is clearly Royalty.

So is it because Cio doesn't want to get dragged into another conflict, or that she doesn't want to watch Allison get killed?

The second part. I think once she saw Gog was involved and how big a deal it was all gonna be she was like "fuuuuuck no" and wanted Allison leave it be.

Cio is in denial. Allison has the Key of Kings in her head, she is destiny maniftest. Cio thinking they could live a peaceful happy life is pure fantasy, and she is only going to be hurt if she keeps denying reality.

>she is a creature of the pit, and in time she will return to it.

Is that a rando Priest of the Count in the first panel?

I'm glad abby is doing good

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Seems his seed is not as strong as his brains and brawn.

Why the fuck is tournament arc in everything? I want to kill Toriyama for popularizing that fucking bullshit.

Be prepared for weeks of just one match

>Allison get killed

Seeing her near death again is wishful thinking.

Unless she comes down with serious PTSD during a match or gets one shot early in.

She'll win the entire thing without outside interference.

>comic that's based on cosmic kung fu fighters

of course there's going to be a tournament.

Some of his sons are soldiers too.

even if that's true, his twitter posts said he didn't start working on the page until sunday this week which was like the 7th.

She's going to get bodied by Solomon while Gog does some shenanigans to help her win, or at least kill Solomon. Unless of course he intentionally loses to retire.

When is the goku contest going to happen?

>Unless of course he intentionally loses to retire.
He is the epitome of pride. He will never willingly give over a battle to a weaker foe.

Hasn't officially started I don't think, but you're free to start working in the meantime. It'll be soon.

Seems awfully close to starting the contest. You sure Abby didn't just scrap it?

>Beefcake Allison will never belittle you for your shit fighting skill while standing over you with her massive thighs and tits

Gog I wish that were me

Attached: GOG I wish that were me.jpg (137x110, 5K)

>even the weights are purple
solomon you giganigga so fucking extra

>tfw Allison won't lose the tournament, go back to Cio in a depressed funk, and live a peaceful domestic life while [spoilers]She balloons out from Cio's doting cooking[/spoiler]

Abby please don't become a feeder and make your new wife fat.

>NOT wanting Allison to turn into fat buddha kungfu God

The setting and characters don't have the weird fiction element they had early on. There's been a clear shift towards an almost urban fantasy atmosphere where magic is aiding an otherwise fairly ordinary world. The early part of the comic where Allison was growing horns and surrounded by dozens of bizarre guilds and characters, at one point even being presumed as a slave, is gone. Characters talk and act like normal Earth humans, sitting in bars and lifting weights and using vending machines and griping about mundane problems.

I mean the early part of the comic was primarily in the slums. Now we're near the top of society.

I really dislike her new look. Compared to her previous one she just looks ugly (I'm more bothered by her clothing style than the mucles. The scars also look shit). I'm also not a fan of her personality. It's like she's gotten too comfortable being this super-powered badass.
It was a lot more fun when everything was foreign and weird to her.

>Those digits
It's only natural that the arquitect would be perusing these threads. After all, this comic IS being made by Abbadon.

>digits confirm my digits
Than (you), user.

Endgame Allison is basically Maya but white.


The shift happens to 90% of all webcomics it's why webcomics pretty much suck. It takes years to put the comic out and so it shifts as the writers takes too long to go through the story.

This doesn't happen in a few comics like unsounded but that's because cope has a clear cut vision.

You nailed it. I really hope we get more weird shit and this is just temporary

It's true that there isn't much mystery left anymore. Well... no immediate mystery at least. Lore shit and big plot shit is still unclear but we know all the basics of the setting now.

This. We've gone from Mirrodin to Ravnica.

Made this for you

Attached: SHE'S FAST.gif (184x371, 51K)

Would you like
[ ] deeper lore and plot
[ ] even cooler art?

I like it

Digging deeper into the lore and getting more intricate with plot points seems unnecessary, there's already plenty of backstory written so far, and plenty of regular ol' story stuff brewing in the background right now.

If I could magically make it happen with the push of a button, I would definitely choose to make Abby's art a bit more solid, to get things a little more solid, less wiggly-wobbly, and avoid sloppy stuff like Solomon's displaced nipples.


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arent we in a set up/training/clam before the storm arc? its allways the same in this inbetween arcs, take it easy, we should come back to the crazy shit oneces the tournament fails

>can create lots of interesting one-off side characters
>lots of fighting
The only problem with tournament arcs is when they outstay their welcomes which a lot of anime does.

We just exited the bank heist and they have been living a 'relatively' normal life. And the bank heist was all about crazy shit happening. From rooms where everything was mimics, crashing an entire town into the infinite bank, a BDSM nun in flames, etc.
Oh, and motherfucking Oscar.

>Oh, and motherfucking Oscar.
I hope he's ok and causing mischief somewhere.

Too much anime not enough quality media. I read that in the narrators voice.

Can't argue with that. It's still good but not nearly as unique as it was.

Well this is a test. She's just acing the test because she knows she can. No use trying to work up through the lower ranks she has to move to the top ranks or else it will be a waste of time.


Absolutely based

Attached: Handsomesolomon.png (680x489, 73K)

>be worker in holy r\Ryuba
>slave all day to build a fighting temple so your badass god can give up divinity to anyone worthy enough to rule
>your god shows up for a pizza party

Attached: Pizza Time.jpg (504x767, 101K)

what a guy

This seems really in character to me even though it's definitely not

I think abbadon mentioned that Solomon waits a few generations to have new sons since the new ones would have an advantage over the old ones. Given that we saw all his sons were old already at the beginning of the book these might be his grandchildren or descendants

>That guy wiping blood at the bottom right

I'm pretty sure they're all his sons in the administrative positions. Hence that guard calling him father.
